Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 244 Levitating Cloak VS Hulk (6 characters, please book in full!)

Chapter 244 Levitating Cloak VS Hulk ([-] words, please book in full!)
"Since the levitation cloak has recognized you, then you should treat it well and don't let its trust down."

Although Russell's way of obtaining the approval of the suspension cloak is not the same as he imagined, but the suspension cloak has already made a choice, and of course Ancient One will not continue to reject Russell.

She will not treat Russell badly on the magic weapon just because Russell is a student she has decided to accept temporarily.

Except for the Eye of Agamotto with the Time Gem, as long as Russell can obtain the approval of the magic weapon, she can hand over all the magic tools of Karma Taj to Russell for use.

However, magic weapons are different from intercontinental missiles, and it doesn't mean that the more the better.

Appropriate is the best.

"Don't worry, I will definitely not treat the levitation cloak badly."

Russell said with a smile.

Afterwards, he cast the magic that was in the magic book, but he had never been able to practice it.


After he recited the spell silently in his heart, and used his divine power to cast the transformation magic, the levitation cloak on his body changed in the blink of an eye.

With the golden light flashing, the ancient floating cloak turned into a modern style black windbreaker.

Although the levitation cloak is a very good magic cloak, it doesn't match his usual dressing style at all.

Without the Transfiguration magic on the levitation cloak, it would make him look a little nondescript and affect his current successful entrepreneurial streak.

After obtaining the approval of the suspension cloak, Russell has no plans to stay in the Supreme Sanctuary.

After saying goodbye to Gu Yi, he left the sanctuary with the levitation cloak and flew towards the office of the octopus monster headquarters.

This time, he didn't use the flying ability bestowed by his Kryptonian physique, but let the windbreaker-like levitation cloak take him into flight.

Although they are all flying, flying by relying on one's own extraordinary ability and being carried by a magic cloak are two completely different feelings.

Although these two flying methods are very flexible, and the speed and direction of the flight are controlled by oneself, Russell still prefers to rely on Kryptonian physique to fly.

Flying in a levitation cloak gave him the same feeling as flying in an endosymbiotic armor.

After returning to the office, he thought for a few seconds.

Afterwards, the deformation effect of the levitation cloak was removed, and the levitation cloak changed from the black windbreaker back to its original appearance.

After removing the deformation effect, he did not continue to wear the levitation cloak, but let the levitation cloak move freely.

Although he has not been in contact with the levitation cloak for a long time, he is very clear about the abilities of the levitation cloak.

First, and most obvious, is the ability to fly.

Secondly, it is a strong physical and magical defense ability.

Finally, there are abilities such as deformation, shrinkage, and extension that require the cooperation of the mage's spellcasting.

Except that it doesn't look like a normal life on the outside, the levitation cloak can be regarded as a living life.

This is why Gu Yi used Tsundere to describe the levitation cloak.

After realizing this, he immediately knew what to do with the levitation cloak.

To put it simply, it is enough to keep the levitation cloak as a pet.

Compared with real pets, the levitation cloak is not only more obedient, but also doesn't need to eat, drink, and scatter, and it doesn't even need to provide magic power. The levitation cloak can collect energy to maintain its own existence.

Although it is not very good to grab Dr. Strange's levitation cloak, Russell doesn't think there is any problem with it.

If there is no way to become the supreme mage without the levitation cloak, then it can only be said that Strange is not qualified to become the supreme mage.

Gu Yi can let him take away the suspension cloak, which shows that Gu Yi also has similar ideas.

After letting the levitation cloak move freely, he sat down at the desk, picked up the game controller, and played the game.

Because of the Assassin Brotherhood and the Knights Templar popping up, he's now playing Uncharted instead of Assassin's Creed.

Speaking of Assassin's Creed, after arranging private investigators to investigate the game maker, No. 3 really found something.

It is true that someone gave the game makers information about the Brotherhood of Assassins and the Knights Templar.

However, No. 3 is still investigating who this person is.

If he had just been interested in the Golden Apple, Russell might have asked No. 3 to investigate the results as soon as possible.

But right now, he doesn't particularly care about that.

Although he didn't know who the person who provided the information to the game maker was, now that Callum had reached an agreement with him, he didn't need to continue to care about these things.

It wasn't him who had to worry about these things now, but the Brotherhood of Assassins and the Knights Templar.

Like Assassin's Creed, Uncharted is a great action-adventure game.

After suppressing his own reaction ability and operation level to the standard of normal people, Russell began to enjoy the fun brought by the game.

However, he didn't expect that when he was playing the game, the levitating cloak would silently come to him and "look" at the picture on the screen curiously.

"What's the matter, do you want to play too?"

Russell paused the game and asked towards the levitation cloak.

The suspension cloak couldn't speak, but it gave its own answer. It nodded its head like a human.

"Do you have a way to operate a gamepad?"

Russell looked at the levitation cloak in surprise, and then asked.

The levitating cloak continued to nod its head.

"Here, let me see how you play!"

After speaking, Russell handed over the game controller to the levitation cloak.

Although the levitation cloak doesn't have hands like humans, it obviously can't help it.

I saw the corners of the clothes on the left and right flying up, holding the game controller like hands.

Then, operate the handle by manipulating the pressing and moving of the cloth.

After seeing the movement of the levitation cloak, Russell felt more and more that it was a wise decision for him to bring the levitation cloak over.

He got out of the way a little, so that the levitating cloak could better operate the handle and watch the game screen.

Although the levitation cloak has not played games before, it has to be said that it is a very clever magic cloak.

It only took two to three minutes to get familiar with the operation of the game, and its performance is getting better and better.

After seeing the operation of the levitation cloak, Russell frowned slightly.

This guy, he played a little too well!

When the levitating cloak cleared a mission, Russell temporarily interrupted the levitating cloak.

"Wait a minute and play other games."

After speaking, he took back the game controller from the levitation cloak, exited the secret sea, and opened the wolf that he had been playing with before.

"You try this!"

Russell found the game archive of the battle against the swordsman Yixin Wei, and handed the game controller to the levitating cloak.

Although the levitation cloak can't speak, it knows what Russell is thinking.

Don't underestimate the magic cloak!

After taking over the game controller, the levitating cloak started Sekiro's final boss battle.

Then, without any suspense, "seeing" that big, red death letter.


Russell said with a smile.

The levitation cloak shook unhappily, and then the second boss battle started.

In the end, there was no difference, and the levitating cloak "saw" the big, red death letter again.

"Do you want to continue?"

Russell asked with a smile.

Although this is a bit of a bully for the levitating cloak, I have to say that watching the levitating cloak fail to pass the level is quite enjoyable.

The levitation cloak nodded heavily!
"Then keep playing, I'm going to bask in the sun!"

After speaking, Russell stood up, patted the shoulder of the suspension cloak, went to the sofa in the reception area to lie down, and began to receive the nourishment and strengthening of the sun.

The warm sunlight and the comfortable feeling of strengthening the body made Russell, who had his eyes closed, fall asleep unconsciously.

I don't know how long I slept, but Russell who was sleeping was suddenly awakened by someone.

Opening his eyes, he saw the levitating cloak floating in front of him.

"what happened?"

Russell asked sleepily.

The levitating cloak couldn't speak, so he could only lift the corner of his clothes and point to the direction of the desk.

After seeing the movement of the levitating cloak, Russell immediately reacted.

No way!
The levitating cloak cleared the level of Juggernaut Wei Ming Yixin?

Russell got up and came to the desk, and saw the cutscene of the game clearance.

Did it really pass?
Russell looked at the levitation cloak in disbelief, and then looked at the current time.

half an hour!
It only took half an hour for the levitating cloak to pass the level of the swordsman Wei Ming Yixin!
If it hadn't been confirmed that the levitating cloak had never played a console game before, Russell would have wondered if the levitating cloak had secretly practiced in the Supreme Sanctuary.

how can that be!

Although he was able to pass the level of Sword Saint Wei Ming Yixin himself, at that time he had already played Sekiro for a long time, and he had challenged countless times before finally clearing Wei Ming Yixin with difficulty.

"You let me take it easy, I need a little time to digest this fact."

Russell frowned.

Although he was not very willing, he had to admit that compared with the levitation cloak without hands, he with hands was more like a handicap.

Looking at the levitating cloak with a complex expression, he said slowly, "Do you like playing these games?"

The levitation cloak nodded "head".

"I asked someone to prepare a new set of game consoles. You can buy whatever games you want to play."

Although preparing a game console for a magic cloak seemed a bit out of place, Russell decided to satisfy his little hobby of levitating cloaks.

Of course, in order to avoid being hit by the levitation cloak, he will not let the levitation cloak play with his account anymore.

After hearing his words, the levitation cloak happily flew around him a few times, and then stopped in front of him again.

After seeing the movement of the levitating cloak, Russell shook his head helplessly.

Then, he gave the levitating cloak a look.

In the next second, the levitation cloak was actively put on him.

After putting on the levitation cloak, Russell left the office and flew towards Zhenglian headquarters.

Whether it is the office of the Octopus Headquarters, or the apartment where he lives, it is not a good place to put the levitation cloak.

As for the system space, he didn't even think about it.

However, he was also a little curious.

The system space that cannot store living things, I don't know if the levitation cloak can be put in it.

Although a little curious, he has no intention of practicing it.

The ghost knows if this will cause any damage to the levitation cloak. If the levitation cloak is injured or destroyed, he has no way to repair the levitation cloak.

Not long after, he flew over the Zhenglian headquarters.

Just when he was planning to go directly to the residential area and ask No. 3 to arrange a room for the levitation cloak, he suddenly had an idea.

Although the levitation cloak doesn't have much attack means, the defense ability of the levitation cloak is outstanding.

Whether it is physical attack or magic attack, the levitation cloak has excellent resistance.

Even Thanos, who can beat Hulk to the ground with a set of military punches, can't tear the levitation cloak.

Although Thanos is not at Zhenglian headquarters now, Hulk is.

Anyway, idle is idle, why not let Hulk compete with the levitating cloak to see how strong the levitating cloak is.

Just do what he said, Russell flew directly to Hulk's bedroom and brought Hulk, who was drinking, to the training ground.

Hulk thought Russell was itching again, with a reluctant expression on his face.

However, after hearing that the person fighting him was not Russell, but the cloak on Russell, Hulk showed a look of foolishness on his face.

Hulk is not smart, but he is not stupid!

"Don't look at me that way."

Russell said to Hulk.

Then, with a thought, the levitating cloak floated in front of Hulk.

"It's called a levitating cloak. It's a cloak with magical powers. Not only can it fly, but it also has its own consciousness."

"You fight with it, I want to see if you can hurt it."

Russell said calmly.

Although his tone is calm, Hulk's expression now is very complicated.

Looking at the suspended cloak quietly floating in front of him, Hulk suddenly felt a little wronged.

When he first joined Zhenglian, his opponent was Russell.

At that time, Russell hadn't acquired the Kryptonian physique, so the discussion was barely fair.

When Russell obtained the Kryptonian physique, there was no fairness in the discussion between him and Russell.

After he couldn't compete with Russell, his opponents became Dabai and Xiaobai.

Although Dabai and Xiaobai are alien symbionts, but no matter what, Dabai and Xiaobai are also living beings.

And now, Russell actually let him compete with a cloak.

Even if the levitation cloak is a magic cloak, it still cannot change the fact that the levitation cloak is just a cloak.

I'm the superhero hulk!

The more Hulk thought about it, the more angry he became!

Although Hulk looked reluctant, he didn't have the right to refuse now.

After glaring at the levitating cloak viciously, Hulk roared.

Then, he swung a powerful fist towards the levitation cloak.

Perhaps because he knew that Russell wanted to see his defense and combat ability, the levitating cloak did not dodge, but directly faced Hulk, and used his "body" to catch Hulk's punch.

The fist, which was powerful enough to blow a heavy truck, hit the levitation cloak with astonishing force.

Then, nothing happens.

Not only that, the levitation cloak also took the opportunity to wrap around Hulk's fist and pull it hard.

Caught off guard, Hulk suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground.

However, the attack of the levitation cloak is obviously not limited to these.

At the moment Hulk fell towards the ground, the levitation cloak flew towards Hulk again, wrapping Hulk's big head.

Then, he smashed Hulk's head to the ground fiercely.

Hulk's head smashed a big hole in the floor.

Although the attack of the levitation cloak was unexpected and had already taken the initiative, Hulk is obviously not a person who will give up easily.

Hulk stretched out his hands, trying to pull the levitation cloak wrapped around his head.

Hulk frantically pulled the levitation cloak.

But the effect was not as good as he imagined.

Not only that, as the levitation cloak became tighter and tighter, Hulk began to feel short of breath.

This is obviously bad news for Hulk who can't see anything now.

Seeing this, Russell knew that the battle between Hulk and the levitation cloak had already been decided.

Although Hulk is still struggling desperately, now that he can't see anything and even his breathing has begun to be affected, the more he struggles, the faster he will consume the little oxygen left.

In terms of hard power, the levitation cloak is far inferior to Hulk.

But once the opportunity is found by the levitation cloak, even the strong Hulk cannot withstand the devastation of the levitation cloak.

Just when the levitation cloak was about to take Hulk up into the sky and let Hulk experience the ultimate bungee jumping, Russell stopped the levitation cloak.

It's just a sparring session, there's no need to overplay it.

More importantly, Russell discovered that the Hulk, who hadn't been really angry for a long time, began to show signs of going berserk.

If the levitation cloak continues to attack, there is a high probability that Hulk will enter a state of out-of-control rampage.

Although even if Hulk goes berserk, he can calm Hulk down again, but one more thing is worse than one less thing. Russell doesn't want to continue to destroy Hulk's confidence.

At his signal, the levitating cloak let go of Hulk and flew back to him.

Although the levitation cloak took the initiative to stop, Hulk is now a bit over the top.

After seeing the levitating cloak flying back to Russell, the angry Hulk was about to rush towards the levitating cloak when Russell's voice sounded.

"Okay, it's over, calm down."

Russell began to appease the Hulk.

"Hulk must continue!"

Hulk said in a low voice.

"No, it's just a cloak. Even if you win it, it's nothing to be happy about."

Russell continued.

"But Hulk is not happy now!"

Hulk obviously didn't intend to end it like this.

"Three bottles of Macallan Lalique 3."

Russell said calmly.

"Hulk wants 6 bottles!" Hulk began to increase the price.

"Up to 4 bottles!"

"No, Hulk needs at least 5 bottles!"

"There are only 4 bottles, if you don't want me to drink it myself."

"Deal, 4 bottles for 4 bottles!"

The anger on Hulk's face turned into a smile.

After seeing the smile on Hulk's face, Russell shook his head helplessly.

Although the 4 bottles of 62-year-old Macallan Lalique are worth a lot, what he cares about now is not how much the 4 bottles cost him, but that Hulk seems to have been cultivated by him to be happy without alcohol.

Is this still the Hulk known for his rage and rage?
Russell sighed helplessly.

After appeasing Hulk, he took the levitation cloak to the residential area and asked No. 3 to arrange a room for the levitation cloak.

Although the levitation cloak is not a real life, Russell still intends to treat the levitation cloak as a real life.

He wouldn't even mind Levitating Cloak joining the Alliance on his own if need be.

Anyway, the current Zhenglian is not a purely human hero team.

Since even alien symbiotes like Grendel and titans like Godzilla can join the Zhenglian, it is not particularly strange to let the levitation cloak join.

At worst, we can make up an identity for the levitating cloak. For example, the levitating cloak is a magical life that existed in ancient times.

After setting up the levitation cloak, Russell planned to leave Zhenglian headquarters directly.

However, just as he was about to fly towards the headquarters of the octopus monster, he suddenly remembered something.

The collective dormitory of the Baijue.

In other words, the Baijue barracks.

After letting Grendel split 215 second-generation symbionts, the number of Baijue proficiency in Zhenglian headquarters increased to [-].

Baijue No. 15 and No. 22, who were sent by him to the Atlantic Undersea Temple, have returned.

The only ones that are still outside are Baijue No. 20 attached to Bakshi, No. 16 attached to Peter, No. 9 attached to Perkins, and No. 10 attached to Kale. Baijue No. 13 to No. [-] on the four of Mu.

Except for these 7 white zealots at Zhenglian headquarters, the other white zealots have all appeared in front of Russell now.

Although the number of the Baijue Legion has increased to 215, there are not many with hosts, only about 30.

Seeing these Bai Jue possessed by animals and staying in a special glass box, Russell thought about it seriously.

He really likes animals, otherwise, he wouldn't have arranged for Bai Jue to possess animals in the first place.

But as the number of Bai Jue increased, he couldn't continue to let Bai Jue possess animals.

It's not that he can't afford these wild animals, but that Zhenglian headquarters has enough animals now.

Continue to let Bai Jue possess wild animals, and Zhenglian headquarters will look no different from a zoo.

Although the Baijue who possessed animals obeyed the rules and would not defecate indiscriminately or howl in the middle of the night, but having too many animals was always a problem.

After serious consideration, he made a decision.

Except for the white zealot possessed by the jaguar, North American gray wolf, North American grizzly bear, and the bald eagle, the national bird of the United States, which continued to possess animals, he decided to transfer all other white zealots to humans.

"On the 3rd, contact Bakshi and ask him to prepare a group of people as Bai Jue's hosts."

"Okay, sir!"

The voice of No. 3 sounded immediately.

Although Bakshi is currently busy attacking other members of the High Table, there are not many people following him, only a few special forces.

After ordering No. 3, Russell left Zhenglian headquarters and flew towards the Octopus Headquarters.

It didn't take long for him to return to his office at the Octopus Headquarters.

Just as he was about to find out how Kara's first film was going, his phone rang.

Tony's calling!
After seeing the name displayed on the phone screen, he pressed the connect button.

"Are you free now? I have researched the new element you mentioned last time!"

Tony's voice sounded immediately.

"Really, then congratulations!"

Howard had discovered Tony's ability to synthesize it a long time ago, but he was not surprised at all that he could not synthesize new elements due to the technological level.

"You'd better come over and congratulate me, I have a small gift for you."

Tony said again.

"Small gift? What gift?"

Russell asked back.

"You'll know when you come here, I'm in a house in the suburbs."

After speaking, Tony hung up the phone directly.

(End of this chapter)

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