Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 175 The Curtain Ends Perfectly

Chapter 175 The Curtain Ends Perfectly
After standing up from the impact crater, Godzilla couldn't understand what he saw for a moment.

It couldn't figure out why Grendel, who could push himself to the ground, was beaten by a tiny human being.

Although Godzilla has a big head, he can't understand these complicated twists and turns.

Although he couldn't figure it out, Godzilla was keenly aware that this was an opportunity, an opportunity to completely wipe out Grendel.

From a racial perspective, Godzilla doesn't really have much interest in Grendel.

Grendel is no muto, no old enemy of its kind.

Nor is Grendel the titan it needs to beat.

That doesn't mean Godzilla doesn't want to beat Grendel right now, though.

Not to mention that Grendel is an alien creature, just because he pushed himself to the ground and beat him just now, Godzilla couldn't swallow this breath.

The current Godzilla doesn't know that there is another alien monster frozen in the remote Antarctic continent, an alien monster trying to compete with it for the throne of the king of monsters.

Godzilla made a decision after seeing Grendel wailing as he was beaten by Russell.

It's going to kill Grendel and Russell at the same time.

Normally, Godzilla wouldn't have much interest in humans.

Even if the U.S. military conducts a nuclear explosion test in the Pacific Ocean, it will not be interested at all.

But now, it sensed an aura called danger in Russell.

Its wild intuition tells it that if it does not eliminate Russell at this time, Russell will become a more difficult opponent than his old enemy Muto.

After making up his mind, Godzilla started charging and accumulating energy again.

The strange buzzing sound of accumulating energy sounded again.

The dorsal fin behind Godzilla lights up one by one starting from the tail.

After hearing Godzilla's strange charging sound, Russell knew that the scene of beating Grendel violently was coming to an end.

After using the radio headset to inform Grendel of his next plan, he once again pretended to be repelled by Grendel.

This time, he deliberately flew backwards for a distance of thousands of meters, giving Grendel enough time to move.

When Russell was "repulsed" and flew out, Grendel turned over suddenly without any hesitation, manipulating the gushing black tentacles to repel Mister Fantastic Reed and others who were besieging him.

Then, he waved his wings vigorously, and flew out like a black hurricane,
He didn't fly to Russell's position, but flew to Godzilla who was accumulating energy and atomic breath.

Godzilla never expected that Grendel would get rid of Russell at this time and fly towards him at extreme speed.

Before Godzilla could finish accumulating energy, Grendel used the ability shared by the symbiote family.


After hitting Godzilla like a cannonball, Grendel's huge body began to dissipate rapidly, disappearing as quickly as a drop of water falling into the sea.

In just a second or two, the hilly Grendel disappeared and completely merged into Godzilla's body.

After seeing this weird picture, Mr. Fantastic Mr. Reed, who had never seen a symbiote, and others showed incredible expressions.

At this time, Coulson and others were much calmer.

They recognized Grendel early in the morning, knowing that Grendel was the symbiote dragon who escaped from the base and kidnapped Natasha.

Symbiotes can possess other flesh and blood creatures, they have long known.

If Russell and Hydra hadn't launched an attack on the base, S.H.I.E.L.D. would probably have created their symbiote army by now.

After possessing Godzilla, Grendel began to forcibly take over Godzilla's body without any hesitation.

This is the first time Grendel has possessed another creature since his birth.

Although he had the experience of possessing other creatures with tentacles before, he had never tried possessing himself with his body.

The reason is simple, because there are not many creatures that can withstand his possession.

Symbiotes can indeed possess other creatures, but this is also limited.

For example, for a symbiote the size of Grendel, the creature he possesses must not be too small.

If it is too small, even if the symbiont can perfectly integrate with the host, Grendel will not be able to squeeze in.

If you force it in, it will only explode the host alive.

Although it is the first time to possess the body, possession is the innate ability of the symbiosis after all.

With little effort, Grendel took over Godzilla's body.

After taking over Godzilla's body, he didn't stop accumulating energy.

When the energy storage was completed, he controlled Godzilla to emit a blue-white atomic breath.

Instead of attacking Coulson, Reed and others with the atomic breath, he aimed at Russell.

This is Russell's order.

Although Godzilla's atomic breath is powerful, it is not difficult to avoid it.

Especially when Russell has only normal body shape.

Just by flapping his wings casually, Russell avoided Godzilla's atomic breath.

He didn't completely stay away from the atomic breath, but flew towards Godzilla close to the atomic breath.

That's right!

He did it on purpose!
There is only one reason for doing this, and that is because it looks better to fly over like this.

Cling to Godzilla's atomic breath, fly in front of Godzilla, and defeat Godzilla with a thunderbolt.

This is the closing battle he planned for this show.

I saw Russell approaching Godzilla with his atomic breath as if showing off his skills.

Then, when Godzilla closed his mouth and stopped exhaling atomic breath, he released negative energy again.

Negative energy like a black and white flame gushes out from his right hand.

Unlike the negative energy sword against the male Muto, he created an even more amazing negative energy sword this time.

In the blink of an eye, a huge energy sword with a length of more than 50 meters and a width of more than one meter appeared in his hand.

At the moment when the negative energy sword was formed, without any hesitation, he held the huge hilt with both hands, and slashed towards Godzilla.

The moment the negative energy sword hit Godzilla's head, an astonishing explosion erupted.

The negative energy, like black and white flames, disperses towards the surroundings like waves.

The dark night was dispelled, and the strange black and white light illuminated the entire forest like sunlight.

Then, a terrifying explosion shock wave carried scattered negative energy, destroying the entire forest like a natural disaster.

This was the strongest blow that Russell unleashed after mastering the negative energy.

This sword almost consumed more than half of the negative energy in his body.

Although he has not actually tested the power of this sword, Russell is not worried that his sword will directly kill Godzilla.

Grendel is now in Godzilla's body, and it is not so easy for Godzilla to die.

In the terrifying negative energy storm, Godzilla fell to the ground.

The drama of superhero serum defeating two monsters in Oahu, Hawaii ended perfectly!
 PS: The end of the month is coming soon, and the double monthly pass is about to start...

  Well, if you have nothing to do, don't vote for the apprentice, vote for other books...

  Now there are more than 300 monthly tickets, and the monthly tickets of 200 and 300 tickets have not yet been issued. There are a total of two chapters, plus the reward of the hall master Xi Xianxian, now a total of three chapters are owed...

  The apprentice strives to return these three chapters before the end of the month...

(End of this chapter)

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