Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 174 Absolute Power

Chapter 174 Absolute Power
Like Kara, after seeing Russell flying towards Grendel and Godzilla, Mister Fantastic Reed, Coulson and others showed puzzled expressions.

In this situation, it is obviously a more appropriate choice to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Not long after Grendel appeared on the stage, Coulson, Rogers and others recognized him.

Although they couldn't figure out why Grendel fought Godzilla, it was easier to deal with one monster than two.

If Grendel is not his own subordinate, Russell will wait until Grendel and Godzilla decide the outcome before making a move.

But the problem is that this scene is led by him alone.

Of course he knew that it was easier to deal with one monster than two, but correspondingly, the reputation of dealing with two monsters was greater than that of dealing with one monster.

In the blink of an eye, Russell flew in front of Grendel and Godzilla.

He looks a little small in front of Grendel and Godzilla.

However, Grendel, who considers himself to be Russell's most sincere, reliable and trustworthy subordinate, began to perform in a very tacit understanding after seeing Russell's arrival.

Grendel, who was on top of Godzilla, flapped his wings and flew up in an unscientific way.

At the same time, Grendel opened his mouth full of fangs and bit Russell.

On the surface, Grendel was menacing, looking like he was going to bite Russell to death.

But no one except Russell and Grendel knew that this was actually a tactic they had negotiated over radio headsets.

Grendel's bloody mouth quickly came to Russell.

At this moment, white tentacles gushed out from Russell's right hand.

These octopus-like tentacles flew towards Grendel's head at high speed.

In the next second, the white tentacles were tied to Grendel's head like ropes.

When the white tentacles wrapped around Grendel's head, the white wings on Russell's back swung vigorously, and the whole person turned around suddenly, while pulling hard with his right hand.

Grendel, whose head was bound by the white tentacles, not only did not resist Russell's pull, but also silently cooperated with Russell, deliberately pretending to be unable to resist, and flew out in embarrassment in the direction of Russell's pull.

Afterwards, Grendel folded his wings and slammed heavily into the already messy forest.

Grendel made a big hole in the forest, kicking up a cloud of dust.

How can this be?

After seeing Grendel, who was as tall as a hill, being thrown out by Russell like a back fall, the people at the scene and the audience watching the live broadcast all showed incredible expressions.

Russell's body was not as big as Grendel's head.

But it was he who looked extremely small in front of Grendel, who actually threw Grendel out of the hill.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, Mr. Fantastic Reed, Coulson and others still couldn't believe the scene before them.

They knew that Russell had an extraordinary physique far beyond ordinary people, and it was no problem to lift a car with his bare hands.

But Grendel is no car.

Just look at Grendel's size, and you will know that he weighs at least tens of thousands of tons.

The weight of tens of thousands of tons seems exaggerated, but as long as the body is large enough, the weight of tens of thousands of tons is not exaggerated at all.

Leaving aside, Godzilla, who just stood up from the impact crater, weighs more than 9 tons.

Grendel is no smaller than Godzilla.

If you count the wings, just look at the size, he is even as big as three Godzillas.

Ghidorah's wingspan is more than 500 meters long.

Although Grendel's wingspan is not as exaggerated as Ghidorah's, it also has an astonishing 400 meters.

A behemoth with a height of more than 400 meters, a weight of tens of thousands of tons, and a wingspan of more than [-] meters was thrown out by Russell.

No matter how you look at this picture, it is a bit unbelievable.

It's unbelievable, but the sight in front of you doesn't lie.

Grendel did make a big hole in the forest, kicking up a cloud of dust.

Even the ground shook suddenly.

When was he so strong?
Like Mister Fantastic Reed, Coulson and others, Kara also felt that the scene in front of her was a bit too unbelievable.

Although she didn't know how much Russell's ultimate strength was, she was sure of one thing, that was that Russell's strength was definitely not strong enough to easily throw tens of thousands of monsters out.

If Russell was so powerful, Russell would not have used those unbearable itching attacks on her when he bullied her at Zhenglian headquarters.

Until now, when Kara thought of the extreme itching that seemed to come from the bone marrow, she still had lingering fears.

When everyone found it unbelievable, Russell didn't stop there.

Just throwing Grendel to the ground wasn't enough.

When Grendel was pretending to be lying in the forest and howling, Russell quickly flew in front of him.

Negative energy, symbiote tentacles...

Before Godzilla could fully react, Russell beat Grendel like crazy.

These scenes of him beating Grendel violently were perfectly photographed from different angles by the bionic falcon in the air.

Afterwards, after live editing on the 3rd, it was sent back to Zhenglian's official website for audiences all over the world to watch.

It seems to be inspired by Russell, or it may be that the image of Russell "beating" Grendel made Coulson think that Grendel might not be as troublesome as he thought.

Coulson began arranging for S.H.I.E.L.D. agents to attack Grendel from a distance.

Russell, who has already made up his mind to turn this place into Serum Square, certainly won't let Coulson and others destroy their plan.

When the S.H.I.E.L.D.s began attacking Grendel with long-range artillery fire, he deliberately pretended to be knocked back by Grendel's counterattack, causing Grendel to crawl off the ground.

Under his signal, Grendel flew towards the location where Coulson and the others were located without any hesitation.

Grendel, who was pressed and beaten in front of Russell, proved that he was not easy to bully at all.

In just a few seconds, Coulson and the others received an unbearable blow.

Grendel didn't hold back, and used the fighting method that the symbiote was best at. Tentacles sprouted from the huge black body, turned into various cold weapons, and crazily attacked Coulson and others. go.

If Mister Fantastic Reed and the others were not around, Grendel's full-strength shot would have killed more than half of Coulson and the others.

Although Russell was not satisfied with S.H.I.E.L.D. intervening in his performance, he had no plans to kill Coulson and the others right now.

Those ordinary S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were killed if they were killed.

But the thing is, Natasha is there now too.

Although Natasha was kidnapped by Grendel, he didn't know Russell's arrangement for Natasha.

When Grendel went berserk for a few seconds, making the S.H.I.E.D. Grendel.

(End of this chapter)

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