Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 172 Monsters' Triumvirate Contest

Chapter 172 The Triwizard Contest of Monsters

The dim moonlight and the long distance made it impossible for people to see the true face of Godzilla.

But as long as Godzilla stands there, it will be the brightest boy in the audience.

It is also difficult not to notice it. A giant beast with a height of [-] meters appeared in the forest, how could it not be seen.

Although Godzilla is still one kilometer away from Russell and others, its appearance has already attracted everyone's attention.

Even Russell, who was dodging the male Muto's attack, focused his main attention on Godzilla.

Before meeting Godzilla, Russell always felt that no matter how long a creature like a lizard is, it has nothing to do with being good-looking.

However, the appearance of Godzilla changed his view.

What is domineering, what is oppression, and what is the kingly aura at the top of the biological chain, this is it!

Although there are many Godzilla movies, there are only three Godzilla movies made by Sony and Legendary Pictures that really made Russell like Godzilla.

If it weren't for the appearance of King Kong, the handsome boy of Skull Island in the third part, Godzilla would have his own movie trilogy.

In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this is the treatment only Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor have.

When Godzilla first appeared on the other side of the forest, the male Muto didn't notice Godzilla's appearance.

All its hatred is now attracted by Russell, and it has no mood to pay attention to other things.

However, when Godzilla in the distance let out a low growl that was not particularly loud, the berserk male Muto regained his sanity a little.

Although Russell is very annoying, compared with his old enemy, Russell brings a little less hatred.

The male Muto stopped his ineffective attack on Russell, and turned his head to look at Godzilla in the distance.

Seeing the hill-like Godzilla, the male Muto opened his wounded mouth and roared provocatively towards Godzilla.

The domineering Godzilla did not respond to the male Muto with a roar.

Under everyone's gaze, Godzilla, who didn't look very flexible, rushed towards the male Muto.

A distance of one kilometer is not a short distance for human beings.

But for Godzilla, who is more than 100 meters tall, it is nothing at all.

Within a few seconds, Godzilla, with strong muscles and exuding a sense of strength all over his body, came in front of the male Muto.

Without Russell's instructions, Hulk, Kara, and No. 3 stopped attacking the male Muto at the same time after seeing Godzilla rushing towards the male Muto.

The same was true for Mr. Fantastic Reed and others, and they all began to avoid.

The mountain-like Godzilla and the male Muto collided fiercely, and there was a dull but loud impact sound immediately.

Although Godzilla met the male Muto for the first time, the hatred stemming from the blood made them fight crazily as soon as they met.

Open your teeth and claws, biting and tearing!
The battle between Godzilla and the male Muto isn't pretty, but it's raw and unadulterated.

While Godzilla and the male Muto were fighting frantically, Russell gave Number 3 the job of adjusting the position and angle of the bionic falcon for a better broadcast.

As for himself, he was floating in the air with Kara, watching the battle between Godzilla and the male Muto.

Two behemoths like hills were fighting, neither Mister Fantastic nor the S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the contrary, Hulk, after seeing the battle between Godzilla and the male Muto, had an eager expression on his face, as if he wanted to participate in it.

However, Hulk was stopped by Russell before he could act.

Hulk does have the ability to participate in the battle between Godzilla and the male Muto, but Hulk is not the protagonist this time.

When Godzilla and the male Muto engaged in a few minutes, Russell gave Grendel, hovering high in the sky, the command to join the battle.

After receiving Russell's order, Grendel, who was at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, waved his huge black wings vigorously, flying towards Oahu at a high speed like a meteorite falling from the sky.

If the detection instruments of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Mister Fantastic hadn’t been destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse, they would now be able to discover that, just above their heads, there is a black dragon no less in size than Godzilla doing an extreme dive. .

The first-generation symbiote dragon, the first-generation symbiote king, Grendel, is here!

It was the first to discover that Grendel was not Mister Fantastic Reed and others, let alone a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., but the Hulk who was prevented by Russell from participating in the monster war.

Because he couldn't participate in the war, Hulk sat on the ground with a bored face, looked up at the night sky, and missed the two barrels of whiskey he kept at the airport.

Then, he saw Grendel who was doing an extreme dive.

"There's a big guy coming!"

Hulk originally wanted to inform Russell and Kara through the radio headset in a low voice, but when he got excited, he shouted this sentence.

Shouted by Hulk, Mister Fantastic Reed and others, as well as Coulson from S.H.I.E.L.D., followed Hulk's gaze.

This is……

If Godzilla's debut, it has already shocked Mister Fantastic Reed, Coulson and others.

Then they all froze when they saw the astonishingly black Grendel swooping towards the ground at extreme speed.

Is today a party day for prehistoric monsters?
Didn't make them think for long.

Just when Grendel was about to fall heavily to the ground like a meteorite, Grendel swung his wings suddenly, and the attitude of the extremely fast dive suddenly turned into a dive glide.

Grendel, who was like an ancient dragon, flew over the heads of Russell and the others like a dark cloud, bringing with him a powerful airflow like a hurricane, and flew towards the fighting Godzilla and the male Muto at extreme speed.

Instead of Godzilla as the primary target, Grendel targeted the male Muto, who seemed to have a weaker body.

Godzilla and the male Muto, who were fighting, didn't notice Grendel's arrival at the first time, because Grendel was not a titan in the true sense.

Grendel is a symbiote, and he doesn't have the special sonar system that the titans share.

To put it simply, Grendel has no way of communicating with any of the titans, because to Godzilla and the male Muto, he is an alien who does not know the native language.

The inability to communicate is a minor problem, but it also gives Grendel a small advantage.

That is, Titans such as Godzilla have no way to perceive his existence beyond the range of beyond the horizon.

Grendel, who was gliding extremely fast, came to the male Muto like a black hurricane, and grabbed the male Muto with his strong and powerful front paws.

Without giving the male Muto a chance to resist, Grendel took the male Muto and flew up.

The battle between Godzilla and the male Muto turned into a triwizard battle.

(End of this chapter)

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