Unlimited Rewards in Mei Man

Chapter 171 Goss** Field (Part 2, please book in full!)

Chapter 171 Goss Field

No one expected that Russell would make such a big battle as soon as he made a move.

Hulk and Kara didn't think of it, Mister Fantastic Reed and Invisible Woman Susan didn't think of it, and the male Muto didn't think of it.

The negative energy sword in Russell's hand is a bit too long for ordinary people.

But for the male Muto, that's all.

More importantly, the negative energy sword in Russell's hand didn't look thick at all, and the blade was only about ten or twenty centimeters wide.

Even if a long sword of this size hit the male Muto's head, it would leave a larger scar at most.

However, no one thought that the shape of the negative energy sword was a sword, but the way of attacking was not like a sword at all.

The negative energy sword did not slash the male Muto, but directly blew up the male Muto.

After copying negative energy from Mr. Negative, Russell has been thinking about a problem, that is how to maximize the power of negative energy.

Although he hasn't come up with a good solution until now, he has figured out one thing, that is, using the negative energy as an energy bomb is a very good method.

Of course, in addition to using the negative energy as an energy bomb, you can also let the negative energy do what it does best and catalyze the negative emotions of the enemy.

If the male Muto had been smaller, Russell might have dealt with him by catalyzing negative emotions.

But the huge size of the male Muto made him decisively dismiss this idea.

Just look at the huge size of the male Muto, you can know that it is not an easy task to catalyze its negative emotions with negative energy.

Although Russell hadn't tested how much negative energy he could release, he still decisively gave up on this idea.

There are many ways to deal with the male muto, there is no need to use those that you don't know well.

After giving the male Muto a sword with the negative energy sword, Russell looked at the attack effect of the negative energy sword.

There was no scar like a sword mark on the head of the male Muto, but a huge blast wound.

In the huge wound, there are still black and white flames burning.

Russell's sword successfully "dispelled" the male Muto's idea of ​​releasing an electromagnetic pulse.

The male Muto shook his dizzy head, stared at Russell with two big red eyes, and roared at him.

Although Russell shot relatively late and only slashed the male Muto with a sword, he successfully attracted the hatred of the male Muto.

Whether it is Hulk or Kara, it is now irrelevant in the eyes of the male Muto.

It has only one thought now, and that is to swallow Russell alive.

The male Muto vented his anger with a roar, and the huge roar attracted everyone's attention.

Looking at the big open mouth of the male Muto, without any hesitation, Russell raised the negative energy sword and stabbed towards its mouth.

The negative energy sword accurately pierced the male Muto's open mouth.

The male Muto, who was roaring angrily, never expected that Russell would take the opportunity to attack his mouth.

Before it could feel the pain coming from its mouth, it heard a loud explosion.

The negative energy sword that stabbed its mouth exploded again.

Negative energy in black and white splashed around, and the shock wave of the explosion gushed out of the mouth of the male Muto.

Does this work too?
After seeing Russell attacking the mouth of the male Muto with a negative energy sword without thinking, Mister Fantastic Reed and others were a little stunned.

This is indeed a very effective attack method.

But the problem is that in the current scene, Russell's attack on the mouth of the male Muto looks a little bit funny.

Yes, that's right, it's funny!
It was supposed to be a heroic scene where many superheroes teamed up to deal with prehistoric monsters, because Russell's sword became a bit like a children's drama for children to watch.

Not only Mister Fantastic Reed and the Invisible Susan felt this way, but also the audience who were watching the live broadcast on Zhenglian's official website.

"Superheroes can still use this method to deal with monsters?"

"This attack looks a bit unheroic!"

"This monster is so miserable, it was stabbed in the mouth with a sword!"

"Shouldn't that count as cruelty to animals?"


On the live broadcast page of Zhenglian's official website, a rumor suddenly appeared.

Although these viewers didn't know where the male Muto came from, after seeing the picture of Russell stabbing its mouth with a negative energy sword, they still had the feeling that Russell was bullying small animals.

The negative energy that exploded in the male Muto's mouth was far less powerful than the one just now.

Russell kept his hand on purpose.

Before Godzilla came on stage, he had no intention of killing the male Muto.

Otherwise, he would have called Grendel down early in the morning.

He's decided on the big scene where the three monsters fight!
Godzilla can't stop him, he said!

Although the negative energy in the mouth did not directly blow up the male Muto's head, Russell managed to make the male Muto even more angry.

Shaking his head frantically, trying to dispel the severe pain coming from his mouth, the male Muto directly ignored the Hulk, Kara and others who were attacking him, and put all his attention on Russell.

The male Muto began to give play to his size advantage, ignoring the attacks of Hulk, Kara and others, raised his thick forelimbs, and attacked Russell fiercely.

Although the male Muto's attack looked amazing, it was a bit too slow for Russell.

He just waved the white wings on his back casually, and easily escaped the male Muto's attack.

After one shot missed, the male Muto did not give up, and started to rampage, continuing to attack Russell.

Hulk and the stone man were directly knocked away by it.

Mr. Fantastic Reed, who tried to restrain its limbs, was forcibly broken free by it.

The invisible force field and obstacles created by the invisible female Susan were directly shattered by it like glass.

Male Muto, gone berserk!
Although the male Muto went berserk, Russell still had a relaxed expression on his face.

Dodging the male Muto's attack was no different to him avoiding the attack of a child.

The white wings on his back not only give him the ability to fly, but also give him extremely powerful aerial maneuverability.

As long as he doesn't distract himself, the male Muto has no chance of hitting him.

Just as Russell easily dodged the male Muto's attack, Grendel's voice came from the radio headset.

"Your Majesty, I saw the big lizard you mentioned, and it's landed now!"

Grendel hovering high in the sky saw the figure of Godzilla, another protagonist tonight.

"Okay, I see, you are ready to fight!"

Russell replied calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Grendel said very respectfully.

Although the rampage of the male Muto attracted everyone's attention, it didn't take long for the tall figure that appeared in the distance to attract everyone's attention.

The future king of monsters, Godzilla, is here!
(End of this chapter)

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