world number one pianist

Chapter 98 Arrival

Chapter 98 Arrival
In the next few days, He Shen has been thinking about how to play this work. Except for occasionally doing something for Professor Wu Chuan every day, the rest of the time is basically spent in the piano room.

As time went on, his feeling for the performance of this piece became more and more profound.

I can be very clear about when and what kind of timbre I need to express, and when I need to unleash all the power I have accumulated before.

But... there is still one thing that I don't really understand, which is the main line that runs through the whole work.

Is courtship, or love.

He Shen tried to focus his eyes completely through the external appearance of this work, to pay attention to the inner part of this work, and to carefully analyze some of the techniques used in the writing of this work.

These internal things can better help him interpret, but there is no way to help him understand.

So... his consumption of lollipops skyrocketed.

It's not to replenish the energy in the body, just to make your brain more calm.

The same is true for Qushi as a pen. She found that her hair has been falling out faster and faster recently, especially when she followed He Shen's ass and wrote about the connotation of this work.

He Shen's understanding of the interpretation of this work is very good, and some views have also inspired her thoughts on the interior of the music.

She even felt that her appearance of other works of the Romantic period had improved.

But looking at the hair all over the bathtub every night when she took a shower and went to bed, she doubted herself a little, and felt that her operation was not worth it.

"However...that's Professor Dan, the leading Chopin expert in Huaguo, if he gets his praise, it will definitely be of great help to my future evaluation and progress!"

"If it wasn't for my mediocre piano talent..."

When Qu Shi was taking a shower, she shook the hair in her hands vigorously, her gaze was firm.

"Goodbye, my dead hair! I will never disappoint your sacrifice!"


Time passed so quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day of the Jiangzhou Musicians Summit.

Jiangzhou Ningcheng Lukou Airport.

Yue Li and his group walked out from the exit. Yue Li walked in front of everyone, followed by a large group of people.

For example, some professors and associate professors of Wuzhou Conservatory of Music.

Obviously they are professors, but they don't look like professors at all, they happily follow behind Yue Li, as if Yue Li is a professor.

In fact, the situation is more or less the same...

This time, the professors and associate professors from Wuzhou Conservatory of Music are basically soy sauce, chatting with old friends, drinking tea, eating and so on, and will not give lectures alone.

They gave Yue Li the opportunity to speak at the Jiangzhou Musicians Summit, and asked him, an ordinary lecturer, to meet those great musicians to see if he could inspire a spark of inspiration.

Is it broken at the first touch, or does it make his will harder?

These professors of Wuzhou Conservatory of Music have high hopes for him.

A professor walked up to Yue Li with his hands behind his back, squinted his eyes and asked with a smile.

"Yue Li? How is it? Returning to this place of failure, is it still uncomfortable?"

"Hey, what are you doing, which pot is not opened and which pot is to be lifted, who is present here doesn't know that Yue Li only took second place, and Yue Li also knows that he only took second place, so what do you need? He Can you not keep your failure experience in mind? You think so, Yue Li?"

Another professor also came over and reminded with a smile.

They didn't care about poking Yue Li's sore spot at all. If this place was Yue Li's sore spot, if they kept poking this place, Yue Li would have the idea of ​​giving up, which would prove the failure of their education.

A person who refuses to face even his own failure has no value in cultivation!
This is the creed of their Wuzhou Conservatory of Music to train the next generation of successors.

It's just that Wuzhou is actually relatively loose. In order to train students' resistance to failure, Huaguo Conservatory of Music once had a very terrifying tradition.

Forced setbacks, thinking that life without setbacks is not perfect, so they will force some students who have won national and international competitions to make them only second or third in the midterm and final exams, or even lower names.

And keep reminding them that they are nothing yet, don't just be so proud and complacent.

It wasn't until after the incident of Lang Liangyue that the atmosphere was restrained a little bit.

No longer choose to actively make students feel failed.

Yue Li glanced at the professor beside him, and he didn't feel a little uncomfortable at all, but was full of fighting spirit.

"Of course I remember, but this failure is nothing. There is still a long way between me and He Shen."

"I heard before that he has been admitted to the Music College of Jiangzhou Normal University as a teaching assistant."

"If I'm not mistaken, he will also come to the musicians summit this time, and maybe he will also give a speech."

"I really want to see if he has improved in the past few days! If the progress is slow, he is not qualified to be the representative of the younger generation of pianists in Huaguo!"

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

Yue Li put his hips on his hips and laughed a few times, causing people around him to look at him as if they were crazy.

Several professors glanced at each other, helplessness revealed in their eyes.

Yue Li is fine with everything else, but there is a little headache...

He is really too hot-blooded!
But fortunately, this hot-blooded second-year-old will not cause any major problems, it will probably make the people around him a little bit embarrassing.

After all, as long as he is not embarrassed himself, it is others who are embarrassed.

Everyone from Wuzhou Conservatory of Music swarmed into the car, walked towards the hotel they booked in advance, and checked in.

Not long after Wuzhou Conservatory of Music left, conservatories in Chuanzhou, Zhongzhou and other places also flocked to the school.

There are not many people they lead, basically one or two professors lead the team, and the others are lecturers.

Chuanzhou was a little exception. The team was led by a professor, and the real core of the team was an honorary professor.

He is the first piano teacher in China, the champion of Chopin International Piano Competition, and the top master of Chopin education in China.

But justice!

With his hands behind his back, he walked among the crowd like an old man next door.

None of the passers-by around him noticed him, and he didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

These passers-by had no idea that just now, a top figure in the field of piano education in Huaguo walked past them.

There was a person in Chuanzhou who was responsible for transporting luggage and sent everyone's luggage to the hotel first, but Dan Yi and the others went directly to the Music College of Jiangzhou University of the Arts.

This is the venue for the Musicians Summit.

(End of this chapter)

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