Chapter 97

He Shen slowly woke up from this piece of work, looked up at the time, and found that the time was not too long.

This is normal, after all, he had experienced Chopin's Piano Concerto in E minor for half a year, and it took only a few hours in real time.

Now, if the memory of this one night is replaced with real time, it will naturally be shortened by a long time.

He Shen raised his head and glanced at the song poem that was writing the outline in front of him, and found that she seemed to have just written a page.


He Shen sat back on the chair with a strange expression on his face. At the end of Chopin's memories, Chopin followed the one named Mary into the room and pulled on the tulle.

At the most critical moment, when Chopin was about to rush up, he was kicked out of memory.

and so……

What is Chopin's work about?Could it be that it was about how to pick up girls?

Or... love?
What about patriotism?What about Jieao?What about romantic poets?
Why is it so vulgar...

He Shen scratched his head. Although everything was recorded in his mind and he hadn't forgotten it at all, how should I put it...

For this work, he can still play it, and his playing can barely reach the master level, but it is barely master level.

After all, he knows exactly what kind of feeling this piece of work is going to bring out.

But in terms of understanding... He has never been so confused.

If he can't understand this work better, he will probably stop at Lv9.

For example, who is that Mary?Is it Chopin's object?Or what...underground romance?
Why do you call people Mrs. Mary? Is it possible that everyone has a husband?Or is she a widow?or……

He Shen opened the search software and searched briefly, but he couldn't find the special encyclopedia about that Mary, and it should be an unknown woman.

On the contrary, this woman has been written about in some background stories of Chopin, which basically means that the two of them had a little communication, and this work is dedicated to her.

But, the person who gave Chopin the piano in my memory was a very powerful person.

Camille Pleyel, French pianist, music publisher.

This man ran a piano manufacturing company that is still in existence today, the Pleyel Piano Company!

Well this piano company...

He Shen checked it. This piano company is still selling pianos, but unfortunately it is not particularly famous.

For a moment, He Shen was suddenly in a trance, that feeling of traveling from the past to the future.

He Shen put this thought behind him, scratched his head, and continued to think about Chopin's thoughts when he played this piece of music.

No matter how you think about it, Chopin's thoughts at the time were really strange!

It's just that I don't know what to say for a while, it's that feeling of hesitating to speak.

Would it be too straightforward to say that he played this nocturne with the idea of ​​seeking pleasure?
And said yes, he wants to imagine love?Loyal and unswerving love?

Love is actually quite easy to solve, and it can be replaced by empathy.

For example, pain, you said that not many people can feel the pain, but you said that the little toe on your foot hit the corner of the wall.

The pain came up instantly.

Although He Shen has never been in love, he can completely simulate this feeling, just like he heard Lang Liangyue's speech before.

Lang Liangyue chose to replace all love with patriotism, and through the replacement of feelings, let her works achieve the effect of that love.

After all, love and patriotism are almost the same, both are love.

But courtship is really difficult to deal with, He Shen can't find any emotion that can be used as a substitute.

What kind of emotion do you find to replace your own thoughts of wanting to have sex?
Is it possible to interpret it with the ancients' food and sex, imagining that I am hungry and want to eat a big meal, instead of courting?


He Shen scratched his temple vigorously, this was the first time he had experienced such a feeling.

After hesitating for a long time, He Shen walked to Na Qu Shi's side, stood beside her for a long time, and when she was about to get goosebumps, He Shen suddenly asked.

"That... you, uh... do you know what it's like to ask for sex?"


Qu Shi's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at He Shen in disbelief, never expecting that those words just came from He Shen's mouth.

Wait... This is a completely different person, right?

What about the great piano master who had no desires, no desires, no desires, and seemed to care nothing?
Why did he suddenly come running over and ask himself please... Hey, please?
Qu Shi glanced at the draft of the speech in her hand, then at He Shen, then at the draft of the speech, swallowed, and when she was about to answer cautiously, He Shen shook her head directly.

"Forget it, another way of thinking, do you know what love feels like?"


Qu Shi completely confirmed at this time that the Great God is crazy.

She got up and wanted to reach out to touch He Shen's forehead to see if he had a fever, but He Shen frowned and took half a step back to avoid it.

"What are you doing?"

"He Shen, are you... sick?"

"Get ill?"

"Yes, why do you keep asking some strange questions, what are you asking for, what about love... What happened to you?"

"I'm thinking about what kind of thinking I want to play this Chopin."

He Shen continued to take two steps back to ensure that Qu Shi in front of him would not suddenly come over and poke his head again, then he took out a lollipop from his pocket, felt the sweetness in his mouth, and lowered his head to narrate.

"To put it simply, there are two ways of interpreting Chopin's piece from the perspective of the background and his own personalities."

"This piece by Chopin is dedicated to Mrs. Mary, and Mrs. Mary should not have that kind of direct interest relationship with Chopin."

"So there must be an emotional connection between these two people, so the question is, what kind of emotion is this emotion?"

"It's the interpretation of wanting to court a woman, wanting to spend a good night with someone."

"I also said that this kind of emotion is love, just like in the western classical works, "Romeo and Juliet", the man stands downstairs under the woman, and the two meet secretly under the cover of the moonlight."

"Which one do you think is better? Or which one is more suitable?"

Qu Shi looked at He Shen and hesitated to speak, and she spoke only after seeing He Shen's goosebumps.

"He Shen, I think... I probably understand what you mean. You may want to talk about that and love. This is a good argument. Your playing level should also be able to express your feelings very well. idea, but the example you gave..."

"Don't you feel that your second example is actually no different from the first?"

"Aren't they all secretly meeting each other, making an appointment...cough cough, what, begging for love?"

The air was silent again, and the two of them stared wide-eyed. Just when the atmosphere was about to freeze, Qu Shi suddenly raised her hand and said in surrender.

"Okay, okay, I understand, I was wrong! I'm going to change the speech later, what kind of title do you want to choose?"

He Shen thought for a while, and tentatively replied to Qu Shi.

"Or, we'll call..."

"Love or courtship? On the interpretation of Chopin's Nocturne in E flat major."

(End of this chapter)

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