world number one pianist

Chapter 53 Zhao Zitong, who is close to the professional level

Chapter 53 Zhao Zitong, who is close to the professional level

Music needs to be processed, and it is not after memorizing the entire work that this work can end.

Zhao Zitong is in such a state now.

She has already completed all the phrases in this Chopin's first ballad, and now the only thing left is to assemble it.

It sounds very simple, just like building blocks, make parts, and then put those parts together.

This is not the case.

The integration of phrases needs an overall logic in it. Why your sentence is like this, and why your sentence is like that, you need to give the audience a premise and a reason.

Just like the beginning, inheritance and combination in Chinese, you have to start first, and then you can combine.

Every phrase is extremely beautiful, like a TV series with all the protagonists, but people can't tell who is the protagonist.

Even if it is a group portrait work, there must be an absolute protagonist.

He Shen took the sheet music away from Zhao Zitong's face, walked behind her, which was near the door, leaned against the door, and nodded.

"Okay, now start again."

"OK, all right!"

Zhao Zitong nodded, turned his body to the piano, rubbed his hands together, exhaled into his hands, then put his fingers on the keyboard of the piano, and pressed it down slowly. An extremely heavy voice came out from the piano.

Start with the decomposition of the Napoli sixth chord, slowly climb up, and finally stop at the highest point.

Release your fingers, and then press them down slowly, up and down semitones, to create a sound with the same feeling.

Just when she was about to end the first sentence, He Shen's voice suddenly came.


He Shen suddenly interrupted, and after Zhao Zitong turned around, he walked to her side, put the music score in his hand in front of her, and pointed to the music score on it.

"Here, I want you to make a different feeling. This place is the second sentence. Our tone cannot be the same as the first sentence. We need to give this place a feeling of breathing out."

He Shen clenched his five fingers and put it in front of his mouth. As if pulling something out of his mouth, he threw the breath downward with his hand, and then looked at Zhao Zitong.

"Can it be done?"

"Hmm... Shall I try?"

Zhao Zitong was a little confused, but managed to grasp a little feeling, she shook her little head, fixed her eyes on her hands, and pressed down again.

It was the same Neapolitan sixth chord again, except that at the end, Zhao Zitong lifted his body up, made a breathing movement, and then pressed it down again.


Before Zhao Zitong waited for He Shen to speak, she immediately frowned, feeling that there was something wrong with her performance just now.

Her body did move, as if she was making music, but her hands didn't move, it was very artificial.

She played again, and after playing two or three times, she finally found that feeling, and looked at He Shen.

"How about it?"

"It's still a little bit worse, but it's okay..."

"Wait, tell me clearly, which point?"

He Shen just wanted Zhao Zitong to go on, but he didn't expect that Zhao Zitong was unwilling to go on, but wanted to achieve perfection, so he couldn't help but look at her in surprise.

But soon, he regained his previous indifference and spoke.

"The first sentence is the abyss, trying to get out of the abyss, and the second sentence should be darkness, pain and torture, confusion and uncertainty. Your music lacks that sense of confusion."

"This kind of confusion needs direction. You must first have a direction to move forward. You will be confused because you can't find a way, not because you have no direction."

"I said this, do you understand?"

"Hmm... Shall I try?"

Zhao Zitong was stunned for a moment, with a trace of doubt in her eyes, but soon, she shook her head violently to wake herself up, put her hands on the piano again, and continued to try to play.

once, twice, three times...

Without waiting for He Shen's prompt, she kept experimenting, and finally found that feeling, and played that sound.

"what about this?"


He Shen nodded, and Zhao Zitong smiled immediately. She didn't know why she laughed, but she felt comfortable and wanted to laugh.

For the first sentence, it took them nearly ten minutes to barely figure out the logic of the first and second sentences.

Fortunately, there are only these two phrases at the beginning, and with the appearance of a cadence, the two lines that were used as introductions are terminated, and a new phrase is ushered in.

The new phrase does not need to completely inherit the previous feeling, but only needs to give a beginning according to the overall feeling of the work.

Zhao Zitong didn't wait for He Shen's urging, she directly started to play the following phrases.

Moderato, the middle board, is much faster than the slowest Largo board at the beginning, or the wide board.

Zhao Zitong immediately put his hand on the back position, waited for the rest symbol in the middle to pass, and then continued to press it.


The voice was as heavy as ever. Zhao Zitong pressed every key, and his brain was spinning rapidly, thinking about how he should play next.

And He Shen was the same, he stood behind Zhao Zitong, his eyes were completely diverted, he put his attention completely on Zhao Zitong's music, feeling Zhao Zitong's performance.

Time keeps passing.

In the beginning, He Shen was able to mention her a few words from time to time to correct the problems in her works, but as time went by, there were fewer and fewer mistakes in Zhao Zitong's works.

Although her fingers are still a little weak, the interpretation of the whole work is not full enough, especially some forte, that is, strong points, and the distinction is not particularly large.

But no matter what, she has at least made the prototype of the whole work!
And this is just one day...

Why hasn't she done this before?Been resisting other teachers from entering her world?

Her talent is obviously so high...

He Shen glanced at his phone, and found that the time had changed from nine o'clock in the morning to five or six o'clock in the afternoon.

It is not quite right to say that the time of day is not right. In fact, this time has only passed seven or eight hours. Remove the pause in the middle and rest.

The time they practice the piano is like six or seven hours.

In his heart, He Shen silently adjusted her future piano practice plan, then walked to Zhao Zitong who was still practicing non-stop, and patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay, it's alright."

Zhao Zitong was taken aback for a moment, tilted his head to look at He Shen, and said blankly, "Huh? Is this okay?"

"Well, this is enough. You have reached 80% of the completion of this Chopin's first ballad. The next step is to practice non-stop, relying on the hard work of water to complete this work. degree, up to 100%”

"If you can reach 100%, then you can almost approach the professional level of this piece of work."

He Shen's Chopin Ballade is at the level of a master. He naturally knows what level is a professional level and what level is an entry level.

Especially after I have a professional Chopin Prelude.

(End of this chapter)

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