world number one pianist

Chapter 52 Zhao Zitong's Progress

Chapter 52 Zhao Zitong's Progress
The next few days were extremely peaceful.

Xi Shuwen didn't know why recently, he was often at home for no reason, and every time he paid his salary in a very timely manner, even when He Shen just walked in, he had already handed him today's salary, which made He Shen look dazed.

But these are not big problems. He Shen just took this opportunity to pay the piano fee first, and then the rent.

After handing over these two big heads, he decided to slightly improve his diet recipes to make himself healthier.

In this way, he can last longer on the field, instead of playing halfway through the rematch, and almost falling on the stage due to hypoglycemia.

"So, that's why you bought carrot lollipops???"

The corners of Zhao Zitong's mouth twitched. She asked He Shen for a lollipop when He Shen was teaching her the piano. Almost not crazy.

This one is carrot-flavored, and it's not the candy-carrot flavor, but the carrot-flavored one in the real vegetable market.

It's very, hard to say, as if you are really eating carrots.

"You just eat carrot lollipops, as a healthy diet???"

He Shen looked at Zhao Zitong inexplicably and denied it.

"No, I still have cabbage-flavored lollipops, lettuce-flavored lollipops, purple cabbage-flavored lollipops, and cucumber-flavored lollipops. Do you want it?"


Zhao Zitong was full of question marks, what kind of lollipop company can actually make this kind of lollipop with an inexplicable taste?

There are so many flavored lollipops out there, why not just be a little more direct and make a vegetable salad flavored lollipop?
Wait, is this store going to put these veggie-flavored lollipops right in a basket so they're salad greens?

Zhao Zitong hesitated to speak, but finally heaved a sigh of relief and said helplessly.

"Well, I want a cucumber flavor."

"Well, here."

He Shen rummaged through his pocket for a long time before finding a green lollipop. He carefully tore off the outer layer of candy paper to make sure there was no damage, and handed it to Zhao Zitong.

Zhao Zitong found the lollipop in He Shen's hand and licked it, which did not surprise her.

It's the kind of cucumber in the vegetable market. It tastes exactly the same. She even feels that sliced ​​lollipops might be able to stick on her face.

Thinking of this, Zhao Zitong sighed, too lazy to ask He Shen's question.

No help, just die.

This kind of person who eats lollipops as a meal, the teeth are not broken, it is really a miracle, oh no, a miracle.

It's outrageous!
Zhao Zitong glanced at He Shen's teeth enviously, sighed again, touched the piano with his fingers, and said to He Shen.

"Hey, that, He Shen."


He Shen touched the lollipop in his pocket, picked out a bean sprout flavored one, tore open the package and threw it in his mouth, then looked at Zhao Zitong.

Zhao Zitong hesitated and said, "That... I have finished playing Chopin's first ballad."

"Chopin's first ballad, have you played all of it?"


"Have you carried all of them on your back?"

"That's right, I carried them all on my back, and they carried them very firmly."

Zhao Zitong nodded, put his hand on the piano, looked at He Shen, and asked.

"Well, do you want me to play it for you again?"


He Shen nodded, and Zhao Zitong immediately straightened his body, sat down, and put his fingers on the piano keyboard.

"One, two, three, four, one, two, three, up..."


Zhao Zitong gave himself a pre-shoot in a low voice, which is to shoot in advance. After finding out the rhythm and melody, he slowly pressed his hand down.

After several days of baptism, there is already a little bit of Chopin in her piano sound.

Although not strong, but very pure.

Just the first sound made He Shen's head move slightly.

This sound sounds very good, but I don't know what's behind it...

Zhao Zitong didn't know what He Shen was thinking, nor did he know that He Shen had approved of her performance, so she just lowered her body slightly and muttered.

"One, two, three! Four!"

On the third beat, she enters without error, pushing the arm with her body and letting the arm crawl upward.

The heavy and uncertain harmony sounded, driving the whole music forward.

With the end of the Napoli sixth chord, the first interpretation also comes to an end.

What Zhao Zitong has in her performance is very similar to He Shen's. It can even be said that she is trying to copy He Shen's performance.

In time, she will definitely become a pianist who can play her own role.

He Shen looked at Zhao Zitong who was playing hard, and suddenly thought of it.

Zhao Zitong's hands ran quickly on the piano, and a trace of sweat gradually appeared on his forehead.

But at this moment, she didn't have any energy to care about the sweat at all. All her attention now was on her hands.

He kept chanting the beat in his mouth, so that his beat rhythm would not deviate.

Keep stepping on the pedal to control the echo and the volume of the sound.

Keep pressing the keyboard in your hand, let the music flow from the resonance box.

Finally, after pressing the final chord, Zhao Zitong raised his hand abruptly, his eyes were extremely clear and bright.

She felt that she seemed to have grasped something, that is what is contained in the music, what she must master, what she must constantly pursue.

This thing cannot be described in words, but she feels that she is approaching in that direction.

He Shen looked at Zhao Zitong with clear eyes and slowly clapped his hands.


"Huh? It's not easy, you actually praised me!"

Hearing He Shen's voice, Zhao Zitong immediately came out of the previous state and hummed twice.

"Hmph, I play pretty well. Isn't that necessary? You have to know who I am. I'm Zhao...cough cough, my dad's daughter! How can I embarrass him!"

When she said her father's name, Zhao Shenggang, she suddenly paused, but soon, she pretended nothing happened, and casually joked with He Shen.

It doesn't matter to He Shen, the current Zhao Zitong is much better than the previous Zhao Zitong, at least in terms of attitude, he doesn't have a particularly big prejudice against himself.

As long as the students will not deliberately rebel and are unwilling to learn from the teacher, then He Shen will find a way to let these students learn from him.

Obviously, Zhao Zitong is no longer rebellious, so He Shen can continue to teach her more deeply.

Thinking of this, He Shen suddenly interrupted Zhao Zitong's gag and asked her.

"Okay, now that you have almost understood this piece of work, then we will go to the next stage, the stage of music processing."

(End of this chapter)

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