Chapter 422 fierce battle

"Magic release!"

The magic power is like flames, and the wind is like swirling around the holy sword, and the red lightning flashes alternately around Artoria.

Arturia pushed the holy sword with both hands, and the magic power of her body was amplified by Excalibur and converted into the light of the holy sword. The original sacred light turned into evil darkness.

The aurora gushing out from the holy sword was even more brilliant and dangerous. The pitch-black sword light even swallowed the surrounding light, and it seemed that only this dark flower was left blooming on the entire sea.

"This is my final blow—!"

The King of Knights took a step forward, and the sea exploded and created huge waves. At this moment, the blackened ever-victorious king Gao Singer Zhong Miracle's real name:
"Oath to victory—!"

The surface of the sea glowing with purple light is radial, and the waves are constantly spreading around.

A large amount of magma flowed from Akainu's half body, his right arm was closed to gather strength, and the hot lava gathered towards his right arm.


The magma shell hardened by cooling suddenly ruptured, and hotter lava rolled out from the inside.

Akainu's eyes froze, and his right arm full of strength suddenly blasted out:
"Big fire!"

The flowing lava quickly gathered into a giant lava fist, exuding a high heat that would burn up the evils of the world, and swept across the sea towards Artoria.


With a three-foot blade, a beam of light shot out from the blade.

As dark as the night sky, as bright as stars, the entire sky seemed to be darkening.

The light cannon made of scarlet and darkness surged past, and the blue waves were all dyed an ominous red.

The Anti-City Noble Phantasm blasted by Arturia with all her magic power landed directly on the giant lava fist carrying flames.


The blazing light made the eyes useless, and the deafening roar made the ears useless.

The two people near the Thunder Pillar felt the blinding glare and the deafening sound at the same time.

After a few seconds, the thunder light dissipated and the thunder disappeared.

The retina finally reprinted the image in front of him. The ghosting and astigmatism made Eric shake his head, and he looked at the huge pothole in front of him.

Eric frowned: "You escaped?"

"Not completely dodged." Garp's dark blue shirt showed scorched black marks, but he didn't care, the old naval hero's heroic figure was still there!

Garp grinned and bared his teeth, his sturdy body curled up in a turbulent flow, and a sonic boom exploded in front of him. His casserole-sized fist was covered in jet-black armed colors, and hit Eric directly in the face.

Eric didn't hesitate at all, and quickly backed away. His reaction speed was already extremely fast, but the domineering iron fist wrapped around the armed force still hit his face. The impact between the two directly knocked Eric Ke's body was shaken.

"Fortunately, use domineering to guard against it..." Eric's cheeks were bleeding, and the part that was hit was instantly bruised, and he used this to distance himself from Garp.

For a ceiling-level physicist like Garp, Eric couldn't even show a wave of early partial elementalization in front of Karp.Once he played off, Garp seized the opportunity accidentally with a move, and was injured by his punch, it would become a foreshadowing of losing the battle.

Garp stepped hard on his feet, and the refurbished soil exploded again. His strong body smashed into the air, closing the distance between him and Eric at the fastest speed.

Eric, who was in the air, narrowed his eyes slightly, held his left hand empty, and a piercing thunder sounded, and a spear formed by lightning took shape in his palm:
"[-] million volts Stormpike!"

Eric used this move to injure Kaido, and he threw the thick and surging plasma, and a lightning spear instantly reached Garp's eyes.

Before the thunder and lightning arrived, the light arrived first, and the sapphire blue light reflected on the face of the pursuer.

Garp jumped to avoid the thunder, then stepped on the void, turned his body at a right angle under control, and chased after Eric again.

"What an energetic old man." Eric complained, holding a sharp gun in both hands, fell back to the ground, and stood upright, seeing the iron fist wrapped around the armed color coming in front of him, domineering and domineering, hovering over the tip of the gun , not retreating but advancing while waving, the tip of the spear was like a dragon, stabbing fiercely.

"Iron Fist!"

Garp's moves have no strange names, no fancy moves, just a straight punch that is simple and simple but contains majestic power.

The armed domineering made his fists black as ink, and a strong wind was set off out of thin air, falling towards Eric like a meteorite.


The iron fist and sharp spear collided in the air, setting off a high-pressure shock wave in an instant. The shock wave spread from the intersection of the fist and the spear tip, and layers of air waves rippled out, and the surging electric arc shattered the ground.

"Boy, you still have to practice!" Garp laughed loudly, pressing down with his punches, and Eric's feet sank into the ground slowly.

"Tsk!" Eric sucked his teeth and said, "It's already 70 years old, why don't you retire and go home to live your life?"

"It's because of you bastards that I can't retire!" Garp continued to exert force, plowing a ditch with his legs that sank into the ground.

"That's really sorry!" Eric shouted, pulling the sky thunder, and several thunderbolts fell in response, striking Garp.


Garp, who was in contact with the sharp gun, disappeared, and the fire-pointed gun pierced the air, and several lightning bolts fell from the sky on the tip of the gun.

Eric mobilized his domineering aura, locked on Garp who was moving at a high speed, twisted his waist, swept the tail of the gun, and stabbed the blade of the gun absorbing the power of thunder towards the empty place.


Garp blocked the blow with a fist, and there was a crisp metallic buzz.

"Good boy, give me another punch!" Garp laughed, stepped closer, raised his left arm, and swung his armed-colored left fist vigorously. Wherever the fist touched, the air was almost distorted.


Eric spun his hands vigorously, the fire pointed gun was split into two, and the part that was clenched in his right hand was handed out.In an instant, thunder sounded, and the gun light that was flowing with a blue-black arc collided with the fist, sparks exploded, and the blue-black arc that represented the overlord color spread out in mid-air.

The forces from each other collided crazily, and the surging air waves overturned the surrounding soil.

Through the turbulent air waves, Eric saw Garp's big face full of teeth.

Garp's eyes fell on Eric's silent and stern face through the thunder and lightning diffused by the lasing.

The black thundercloud moved according to Eric's will, and the infinite mighty force of the sky fell down in response!

Thundercloud burst out violent thunderbolts, blasting towards Karp who was wrestling with Eric.

"Bang!" The ground under Karp's feet suddenly exploded, his body was raised several meters, and several bolts of lightning collided on the ground where he was standing just now.


The ground exploded, electric arcs flowed, the flames of the explosion soared into the sky, and the scorched mud rolled around.

Garp sprang out from the thick smoke, swung his iron fist, and punched Eric condescendingly.

An extremely thick force shot straight down from the junction of the fist and gun, making Eric's body tremble violently.


Thunder light began to appear all over Eric's body, and the thunder and lightning light group around him continued to expand, and harsh electronic sounds filled Karp's ear canal.

The endless energy from the sky was transmitted into Eric's body in the form of thunder, and his body suddenly swelled up, becoming as strong as Garp.

The fire-pointed gun in Eric's hand also became longer, becoming more suitable for his body shape.

Eric manipulated the body made of lightning, and after familiarizing himself with the new body shape, he turned to look at Garp: "Come on, let's start the second round of the contest!"

"Huh?" Garp narrowed his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in Lao Ji's eyes, and then tensed his muscles.


The lean and tall figure turned into a white thunder in an instant.

"Thundering gossip!"

Yamato rushed towards Lieutenant General Crane at an extraordinary speed, and there was a purple thunder rushing on top of his partner Ajian in his palm.

Lieutenant General He did not take head-to-head confrontation, but used shaving to escape Yamato's powerful attack.

"Hey!" Yamato shouted dissatisfiedly, "Why don't you fight me hard!"

"Old people are not suitable for fierce battles." Admiral Crane quickly approached, and his thin hands were about to touch Yamato's body.

"——!" As if in a flash, Murasame's blade slashed from the side of He Zhongjiang's body, and the cold light of the blade stirred up the hairs all over his body.

Lieutenant General Crane dodges, and Cunyu, who is shining with the light of his saber, immediately hits the air.

"Yamato." Chi Tong said, "Be careful of the enemies around you."

"Sorry..." Yamato felt a little guilty: "Let Chitong help me again."

"It's okay." Chi Tong shook his head, and said in a flat tone: "We are companions."

"Yeah!" Yamato nodded vigorously.

"But there is me, and Chiron." Chitong turned his neck and said: "You are not fighting alone."

"There are too many navies here, so don't fall into their siege."

"it is good."

The thunder in the island kept coming, and Yamato clenched the handle: "Eric is fighting, and I have to work hard to defeat my opponent."

Yamato leaped high, the black rod wrapped in cold air, and knocked on Lieutenant General Crane from top to bottom:
"Ice Slash!"


The fire-pointed spear and the iron fist collided in mid-air, sparks exploded, thunder and lightning shot out, and a ring-shaped shock wave burst out from the intersection of the two.

"Clang clang clang!"

Immediately afterwards, Eric and Karp attacked several times within a second, and the air waves generated were superimposed and rolled around.

The land collapsed, and a large amount of mud and gravel flew up and down.

"Clang clang-"

The two continued to fight fiercely, sparks flickering, and the aftermath of the battle seemed to shake the island.

"Is this the legendary navy that fought against Roger and Whitebeard more than 20 years ago..." Eric gritted his teeth: "It's not enough, my strength is not enough——! '

"Although the strength has become stronger..." Garp's mouth cracked to the end of his ears: "However, there are still some not enough!"

Garp moved, and the moving speed of the muscular figure suddenly accelerated, so fast that the body disappeared in an instant. With a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye, Garp dodged to Eric's side.

It's just that no matter how fast Karp is, it's hard to escape Eric's [Xinwang]'s perception.

Just as Karp showed his figure and punched, Eric flashed a distance, stretched out a finger, and swipe away casually. The Thunder Snake flowing in the thundercloud responded to Eric's call and chopped down a thick Lei Zhu.

At the same time, Eric lowered his body and assumed a sprinting position.


Garp, who threw his fists to disperse the thunder, looked directly at the opponent, his fists were wrapped in a strong armed color domineering, and the jet-black iron fist even reflected light.


Eric's whole body turned into lightning, and a blue thunder rushed straight at Garp, and the sharp gun in his right hand was wrapped with blue and black current, and stabbed straight at Garp.

The latter swung his arm and hit a straight punch, blocking the first blow like a thunderbolt.

"Pierce through!" Eric's sharp gun in his left palm was hidden under his body, and the second blow pierced Karp like a winding lightning.

"Such an attack is useless to me!" Garp slammed his free iron fist at the second spear.

"Hey!" Eric pushed upwards forcefully, the two forces superimposed together, and Pei Ran's irresistible force knocked the naval hero into the air.

"...This is?!" Garp felt the numbness of his body, and a bigger crisis came from below!
"——the spear that pierces through death!" The fire-pointed spear that was divided into two long spears in his hand merged into one, and Eric made a throwing motion and threw it out forcefully.

The domineering gun wrapped around it drew a straight line in the air and shot straight at Garp who was in mid-air.

"Can't dodge—" Garp said to himself: "Is this the move that Akainu said before?"

Garp grinned, the muscles in his right arm suddenly swelled, and veins emerged one after another. He suddenly exerted force, gathered all his strength and armed domineering right fist, and slammed at the sharp gun flying towards him.


There was only a loud bang, and the menacing gun was smashed down by Garp with a fist, and the aftermath that shook from mid-air blew away many trees in the distance.

"Boy." Garp moved his slightly paralyzed right wrist: "This move is good, and it's quite powerful."

"..." Eric looked at him coldly, stretched out his hand to recall the pointed gun, stepped on his feet, and attacked Garp again.

Garp greeted him with an iron fist and slammed into Eric's head without reservation.

Eric remained calm in the face of danger, raised his hand and raised his gun, blocking the thunderous punches.

The corrugated shock waves continued to diverge outward, like cracked blue-black arcs bursting from the air, and spreading like branches and leaves.

"Your strength should be the strongest among young people." Garp commented: "Unfortunately, you will only be able to count sheep in the dark Imperton from now on!"

"Lieutenant General Garp." Eric sneered, "Aren't you physically strong enough? Are you breathing heavily?"

"You heard me wrong!" Garp yelled, and threw a second punch in an instant, pointing directly at Eric's shoulder.

As long as he can hit, Garp is confident that he can directly abolish Eric's arm, and his strength will definitely drop by more than half.

However, how could Eric let Garp do what he wanted? In the situation where he couldn't close his gun, Eric's ability to thunder the fruit gave full play to his mobile advantage. Blink around limited by straight lines.

Eric flashed to Garp's back, and the latter's domineering iron fist covered with armor fell in the air, and the huge punching force made him stagger.

Eric stabbed straight with his gun, but the veteran used his left foot as a fulcrum, twisted his waist to avoid the stab, and the casserole-sized fist turned half a circle around his body, and blasted at Eric again.

 Thank you for your recommendation tickets; thank you for a monthly ticket for the big guy Mengwang Shire Long Live; thank you for the monthly ticket for the big guy's book friend 2020013021514352;
(End of this chapter)

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