Chapter 421 fierce battle

The blazing lightning that pierced the sky and the earth also illuminated the three people who were fighting.

"Hmph." Chiquan's figure paused, and he recognized at a glance that this is the power of the awakening of nature: "Has Kuilong's ability awakened? It's all because of those idiots!"

"Oh?" Joan narrowed her eyes: "With this kind of power, Eric's strength is not weak."

"Deal with the enemy in front of me before talking about other things." Artoria was not affected by the outside world at all, holding the holy sword and rushing towards Akainu again, and the blade entwined with magic power suddenly swelled a circle.

"It's really annoying!" Akainu, with magma flowing on his body, punched the holy sword that was slashing towards him, and the hot lava flowing from the fist poured tightly on the holy sword that spewed magic power.

"Watch me burn your weapons to ashes!"

"Hmph." Arturia looked up at Akainu coldly, more magic power surged from all over her body, and several cracks broke out in the solid ice under her feet due to the surging magic power.

"The hammer of the humble king!" Arturia twisted her arms, and the extremely dark light gushing out from the holy sword opened a big hole in the red dog who was close at hand.

"——!" The small half of the red dog's body disappeared in an instant, and the hot lava splashed on the ice surface, burning out large and small cavities.

"What are you showing off by yourself!" Joan of Arc rushed forward with a sword in her right hand and a flag in her left hand, the sharp spear tip was wrapped around the armed domineering, and she stabbed the half-crippled red dog viciously.

"Do you think you can defeat me with just this kind of attack?!" Akainu's remaining left arm turned into hot magma, transforming into a vicious dog in the fire and rushing forward:
"The dog bites the red lotus!"

"Ha!" Joan drew back her gun and swung her sword. The one-handed sword burning with vengeance fiercely slashed at the hellhound baring its teeth. The teeth made of magma collided with the sword engulfed in flames. In an instant, an overwhelming scorching air wave erupted!

The resulting large amount of fog quickly spread in all directions, covering the entire battlefield in a few breaths of time.

In the white mist that permeated the entire venue, Akainu, who was covered in flowing magma, appeared first, and his lost right half of his body had been filled with flowing magma.

A petite black figure flew backwards, and Joan of Arc with a cold face landed beside Artoria.

"What annoying magma."

"Your flames are just as annoying."

"How to deal with this bastard?"

"Crush him with the sword of sworn victory!"

"Your treasure is useless to him, didn't you try it just now?!"

During the quarrel between the two, Akainu rushed to the left of the two: "Don't waste my time!"

"I still have to deal with 'Kuilong'!"

There was no hesitation in the unpretentious punch, and the fierce magma fist blasted towards the two women.

"Hmph!" Joan of Arc waved the flag, the white flag rolled up, and the sharp tip of the spear pointed at the Magma Fist, and the flowing magma splashed and fell towards Joan of Arc below.

However, Jeanne of Arc tried her best to resist the fist of Akainu, and she had no spare energy to avoid the hot lava that sputtered.

At the critical moment, Artoria swung the holy sword, and a black light curtain appeared in an instant, intercepting all the sputtering lava fragments in the air.

"Accept!" Even if she turned black into a reversed heroic spirit, Artoria didn't bother to make a sneak attack. She attacked from the front of the red dog, and slashed out with the holy sword full of magic power. The sharp sword light flashed away, Cut Akainu's body in half directly.

The sword qi shot out, after passing through the red dog's body, smashed the glacier standing behind it.This sword is entwined with armed domineering, but Akainu elementized part of his body in advance, leaving a gap for the holy sword to pass through, avoiding this attack covering armed domineering.

"The dog bites the red lotus!" Akainu's left arm turned into boiling magma, the elementalized arm suddenly elongated, and the end condensed into a sharp-toothed lava dog's head, opened its mouth and slammed at Alto Leah bites.

Arturia draws her sword and slashes horizontally, and the extremely black light reappears out of thin air.


The scorching and bright ring of fire spread to the surroundings, the red dog biting the light of darkness, and the shattered lava teeth continuously sputtered out the flaming lava.

Joan of Arc, who was under a lot of pressure, focused her eyes and swung her sword, and the spear carrying Ziyan appeared directly above Akainu out of thin air.

Akainu's eyes froze, and he withdrew a few positions to avoid Joan's horizontal cut and the stabbing from the sky.

"The time for vengeance has come—!" Jeanne pointed at Akainu with her sword: "This is my roar that was tempered by hatred. Roar, my anger!"

The flames under Joan's feet rushed towards the red dog.

Akainu frowned: "Burning fruit?"

Circles of flame vortexes crazily expanded outwards, howled, swelled, and deformed in the sea wind, turning into a wall of fire that soared to the sky, surrounding Akainu, and then the crimson pillar of fire rose into the sky, and the solid ice surface Quickly crumbles and melts.

"Could it be that you want to...!" Akaken glared.


Several spears broke through the ice, piercing Akainu from bottom to top, nailing him to the spot.

"You just fall into the sea!" Joan of Arc laughed loudly: "Landlubber!"

The glaciers formed by Yamato's freezing, after being devastated by the aftermath of the battle and the lava of Akainu, finally could not withstand the explosion of Joan of Arc, and all the nearby ice layers melted and shattered.

"!" Akainu opened his eyes angrily, and looked down at the sea where he had lost his foothold. The crystal clear ice mixed with the blue sea water.

"Hmph." Artoria grabbed Joan of Arc, and Joan of Arc wrapped her arms around Arturia's shoulders, and the black saint hung on the black knight like this: "Aren't you the same?"

"I can swim!" Joan retorted, "I just don't want to get wet!"

Arturia said: "I don't agree with such a winning method."

"Huh?" Joan retorted: "As long as you can win, the means and process don't matter at all."

"..." Artoria glanced at the black saint: "Sure enough, I can't get along with you."

"Hmph!" Joan looked at her coldly, "Do you think I'm willing to stand with you?"

"Then let go!" Artoria reached out to pick Joan's fingers on her shoulder.

"Wait—!" Joan shouted in panic, "Are you still human?!"

"——!!" Arturia frowned, then raised her head suddenly. High in the sky, the figure of Akainu against the light was particularly dazzling.

Just a few seconds ago, Akainu's body became elemental, and he broke away from the shackles of Joan's spear, and stepped on the "moon step" with his legs continuously, and his strong body jumped into the sky.

"Moon steps?!" Joan of Arc gritted her teeth: "So many people know how to do this?! What a rotten street!"

"He is an admiral after all, so he can't justify it if he doesn't know it!"

"Don't you think that you can defeat me by melting the foothold?!" Akaken roared angrily, killing intent surged in his eyes, and the lava flowing on his body boiled:
"Big fire!"

The huge lava fist with a diameter of tens of meters hit the sea surface like a meteorite, and a huge shadow enveloped Artoria and Jeanne who were still on the sea surface.

The magma covering the sky made the faces of Arturia and Joan red, and the heat wave from the top of Mount Tai burned their pale skin.

"Step on the holy sword!" Artoria picked up Joan of Arc and threw it away, and slapped the black holy sword horizontally towards Joan of Arc.

"You—!" Jeanne's feet landed on the sword with bright red lines.

"Fly to the coast for me!" Arturia swung her arms suddenly, and Joan of Arc, who was stepping on the holy sword, also suddenly exerted strength, kicking her legs vigorously. With the combined strength of the two, Joan of Arc suddenly Leaped out of Akainu's attack range and went straight to the coast.

"Hmph!" Seeing Joan of Arc jumping out of his attack range, Akainu exerted force again with his right arm, and the falling speed of the giant lava fist suddenly increased: "Go to hell!"

"Ha!" Artoria, who threw Joan of Arc away, retracted her sword, and her body spewed out infinite magic power, but Akainu's big flame-breathing did not give her time to recharge at all!
The magic power condensed into the form of the holy sword was violently swung by Artoria, and the beam of light from the sword of vowed victory hit the giant lava fist.

Feeling the resistance from Arturia, Akainuhao did not back down, and gathered his strength to press down. The solid black beam of light was finally overwhelmed, and was forced back by the magma fist.

"——!" The super-standard magic furnace burst out more magic power, and Artoria raised her sword to fight.


The supermassive lava fist smashed Arturia into the sea, the hot lava touched the cold sea water, and a large amount of white steam rose up.

"It's not over yet!" Akainu shouted, and under his control, a blazing yellow halo suddenly lit up inside the giant lava fist with a diameter of tens of meters.

"Bang bang bang-"

The huge lava fist suddenly exploded into hundreds of pieces, dragging the magma in the flame tail, and smashed towards Artoria in the sea like a meteor shower.

"Cold-blooded girl!" Joan of Arc, who had landed on the beach, turned her head eagerly as soon as she stabilized her figure, taking this scene into her eyes.

"You will be reduced to ashes under my magma just like her!"

Accompanied by such a voice, a man with crimson lava flowing all over his body fell to the beach on the coast.

Akainu tilted his head and looked at the magma that was still burning in the sea. The sea water was tumbling, boiling, and evaporating. A large amount of white steam enveloped the battlefield just now. Occasionally, there was a red light in it. It was released by Akainu lava.

Akainu stretched out his hand to straighten his white military cap, the lava flowing from his body became redder and redder, and the thick black smoke from his body obscured the admiral's figure.

"... Humph." Jeanne's expression was very stern, and her voice was extremely cold: "First, although I hate this woman, she will not be defeated by you so easily; second, I will not lose to you Broken magma, you magma bastard!"

"Eat my trick!" Jeanne raised her right arm horizontally, and she released her right hand far away, a burst of flames exploded on Akainu's body.

Akainu showed disdain on his face: "Eating the natural-type burnt fruit, don't you know the heights of the sky and the earth? You are just an ordinary fire, and I am magma that can burn even fire!"

"Huh?" Joan showed a disgusted expression: "Magma is hotter than flames? Who taught you this knowledge? And who told you that I ate a natural devil fruit? Besides, my flames are not ordinary. The fire-!"

"Huh—!?" Akainu felt the burning sensation from his body, accompanied by bursts of stinging pain, his magma body was actually burned by the flames! ?

Akainu quickly elementalized, avoiding the burning of the flames of vengeance like a gangrene.

"How does it feel!?" Joan of Arc sneered, while stabbing, the domineering spear covering the armed color pierced Akainu.

"Don't push your nose on your face, you brat!"

After a brief moment of shock, Akainu calmed down his excitement, his right fist turned into hot magma, and he moved his legs towards Joan of Arc.

Without using any moves, Akainu just drove the magma-formed fist and hit Joan head-on.

"Ha!" Joan of Arc scolded lightly, the sharp tip of the spear pierced the face and pierced into the lava, but the viscous and thick magma prevented Joan of Arc from continuing to stab.

The hot lava burned the holy flag, and the purple flagpole showed a faint crimson. The scorching heat was transmitted to Joan's left palm holding the flagpole tightly through the flagpole, scorching her white and tender palm.

"What?" Akainu sarcastically said, "That's all you have?"

"Hmph!" Joan pulled back the flag vigorously, bringing out dots of magma. She ignored the lava falling in the air, and forced herself to take a step forward, stabbing Akainu with the blade that condensed the flame of revenge.

Akainu didn't back down, swinging his fists to meet the blade.

"Boom boom boom!"

Joan of Arc and the red dog fought fiercely, and the splashing lava sparks fell on Joan of Arc's armor, only burning to reddish, and did not affect her much.

Akainu's lava splashed in all directions, and the flames released by Joan exploded wantonly, and a raging fire ignited near the place where the two fought.

In this high-temperature environment, sweat soon seeped from Joan's forehead, her short white hair was messily stuck to her cheeks, and her originally pale face was faintly rosy.

The magma flowing from Akainu's arms quickly condensed into lava fists one by one, and immediately, using the thrust of a volcanic eruption, the condensed magma fists were quickly launched towards Joan of Arc.

"Boom boom boom!"

After three consecutive magma fists, Joan swept down one with a gun, chopped another with a sword, and the last magma fist went over the defense and hit her breastplate directly.


Joan of Arc endured Akainu's magma flying fist, and her petite body flew upside down.

"Go to hell!" Akainu moved his legs and rushed towards Joan who fell to the ground, the magma on his right arm became brighter and redder:
"Ming dog!"

Just when Akainu was about to unleash this blow with all his strength, piercing through Joan's chest, the knowledgeable domineering sensed something strange.

"What?!" Akainu turned his head to look, and it was Arturia standing upright on the sea.

"Hurry up and get rid of this guy!" Joan propped up her upper body with her elbows, leaving a wisp of bright red liquid at the corner of her mouth.

Arturia's pale face showed scorched black marks, and the jet-black armor engraved with scarlet lines showed varying degrees of damage. It was obvious that the huge fire-breathing at very close range caused her a lot of damage.

At this time, the King of Knights held the holy sword tightly with both hands, and the purple magic power gushing out from his whole body blows rough waves on the sea surface, and even turns the blue water into a magical purple.

"Aren't you dead yet!?" Red Dog stepped forward with billowing lava, and shouted sharply, "Then I'll kill you again!"

 Thank you for the recommendation tickets; thank you for the two monthly tickets of Shangshan Ruoshui; thank you for the five monthly tickets of Mingzai 222; thank you for the two monthly tickets of Mengwang Shire Long Live; A monthly pass for the Year of the Tiger 20210721141500103;
(End of this chapter)

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