Chapter 394
Both of them believed in Yu Xiaogang's theory. Flender had known Yu Xiaogang a long time ago, and his fourth and fifth spirit rings were completed under his suggestion. Now it seems that these two soul skills are very suitable for him.

Liu Erlong hadn't been in contact with him for a long time, but he also recognized his knowledge. In addition, the flame dragon ape had faint dragon blood flowing through it, and it was also a fire-attributed soul beast, so it was one of her choices.

However, most of the ape spirit beasts live in groups, and the flame dragon ape is no exception. They only need one spirit ring, but the spirit beasts will not sit back and watch humans absorb the spirit rings of the same race.

Either beat those Dragon Apes away, or take that Dragon Ape away and absorb it elsewhere.

No matter what kind of plan it is, the process will not be easy, and it is necessary to show the golden holy dragon, which also makes it much easier for Bibi Dong.

Anyone who is not blind can see the golden creatures flying in the sky.

"Adong, that's over there, the golden dragon."

"Well, let's go."

"Well, A Dong, the person you are looking for is your boyfriend, right?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"Then do you want to put away the sickle first?"

Seeing the sickle in Bibi Dong's hand, Bai Zhi said weakly, she felt that Bibi Dong came to seek revenge.

"Xiaozhi, have you ever dated other spiders?"

"No.. You also know that my color is always discriminated against"

"So there are some things you don't understand, and you will understand when they are resolved."

The two figures rushed towards the position where the golden holy dragon appeared.

By the time Bibi Dong arrived here, the battle had already ended, the battle between the golden holy dragon and the flame dragon ape ended with the golden holy dragon's victory.

There was a certain degree of damage nearby, but no wildfires were sparked.

Although the flame dragon ape has flames in its name, they do not breathe fire. The flames of this kind of soul beast act on their bodies. Their limbs have scales, which can boil their blood with their own flames, speed up their speed, and let them The scales on the arms exploded with high temperature.

They couldn't break the protective golden light that formed around the soul master when the golden holy dragon was released, and the captured one happened to be the leader of the group. After the leader was defeated, the remaining flame dragon apes also fled.

At this time Liu Erlong was absorbing the spirit ring, while Bibi Dong was watching them from the shadows, with these three people, it was impossible to find her in hiding.

Women's perception is very keen. There was a woman who successfully judged her husband's cheating from drinking soy milk with two spoonfuls of sugar, and actually caught the adulterer in bed. She also found clues from the sudden change in vegetable cutting posture. .

At this moment, Liu Erlong was absorbing the soul ring, and Yu Xiaogang beside her was more concerned than ordinary friends.

She didn't go out immediately, because it was best not to be disturbed during the process of absorbing the spirit ring, this was the last face she left for the other party.

Liu Erlong's martial spirit also came from the mutation of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex. Although he lost the ability of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex to transform into a dragon, it was very different from the immature Luo Sanpao.

Absorbing this spirit ring was not difficult, and after she finished absorbing it, Bibi Dong also left the shadow where she was hiding, and when Liu Erlong was still talking about the function of her spirit ability, and the three of them were laughing, she appeared.

"Does my appearance here disturb you a little?"

"Bibi Dong?! Why are you here?" Looking at Bibi Dong and Bai Zhi who suddenly appeared here, Yu Xiaogang looked a little strange, not joy, but a strange feeling of humiliation.

"Bibi Dong? I haven't seen you for a few months. Have you already called me that? Why am I here? Yu Xiaogang, please explain to me what the letter you left behind means!"

She threw out the letter that Yu Xiaogang had left earlier, the content in it was very simple, in a nutshell, since you dislike me, it's better to break up, a letter said that Bibi Dong was inexplicable, from the beginning to the end I don't understand what Yu Xiaogang means.

Her first reaction at the time was to suspect that he had taken the wrong dose of medicine, which led to his insanity, but before she could say anything more, she was confronted by Yu Xiaogang.

"What are you doing again? Isn't it enough to humiliate me once?"

"What do you mean by that, why did you ever humiliate you?"

Bibidong was confused by Yu Xiaogang's words, she was the one who questioned Yu Xiaogang, but now it seems that it is all her fault.

The ultimate reason for all this is actually due to Chihiro Ji. His original plan was very comprehensive. It can be said that he took great pains to completely dismantle Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong.

The intelligence agency of the Wuhundian worked up and down, and sent all the information about Yu Xiaogang to him, and put all the things he experienced there.

If he was still the young master of the Lan Dian Tyrannosaurus family, it would be impossible for Qian Xunji to investigate in such detail.

But he was an abandoned child, and he had been with Bibi Dong for a long time, so this matter became very easy.

After that, a group of people analyzed it, and Qian Xunji quickly grasped the most vulnerable point in Yu Xiaogang's heart.What he hates most is that others mention his humble talent and others deny his knowledge.

After that, he asked someone to forge a letter based on the tone and handwriting of Bibi Dong's previous letters, replacing the real letter left by Bibi Dong.

The contents of the letter can be summed up as: You are not good enough for me, I am just using you, you are useless with the information on Xilishidao, and your so-called knowledge is useless at all, I have more In the future, don't delay me.

At that time, Yu Xiaogang had just come out of retreat, and his first reaction was to look for Bibi Dong, but he learned that Bibi Dong was no longer there, and everyone who was acquainted with her had already left Wuhun City.

This kind of behavior is very abnormal, it can be said that it is different from Bibi Dong's usual style of doing things, as long as you think about it carefully, you will always find loopholes, but Yu Xiaogang just fell into this pit.

Because what happened at this time was what he was worried about on weekdays, and the living environment made him form this special inferiority complex.

Unable to accept failure, unable to accept that the knowledge you are proud of is called useless.Chihiro Ji grasped his psychological activities very accurately, so he left Wuhun City after leaving that letter.

After that, he traveled with Flender, met Liu Erlong, and up to this point, he never thought that Bibi Dong, who had disappeared for several months, would suddenly appear here.

"I didn't leave you a letter." At this point, she seemed to understand, didn't she? At the beginning, Qian Xunji strongly opposed this matter. This is probably what Qian Xunji did, and he changed his own letter.

And this also created a new contradiction.

"After getting along for so long, don't you have any trust in me?"

(End of this chapter)

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