Chapter 393 Martial Soul Fusion Skill
Flying Corner Four-eyed Owl Flender, Wuhun Owl, Level 55 Sensitive Attack Department Soul King.

The Horn of Slaughter is Liu Erlong, the Martial Soul Fire Dragon, the Level 59 Assault Soul King.

Yu Xiaogang, the horn of wisdom, Luo Sanpao, a 29-level great soul master.

Known as the Golden Iron Triangle, the martial soul fusion skill Golden Holy Dragon, this name is due to a certain senior.

Young people in the world of martial arts always like to challenge the old seniors, because this is the fastest way to gain fame, and there is no shame in losing, as they are old seniors after all, but as long as they win, everyone will soon be known.

And in this process, it is inevitable that there will be poor people who become background boards.

Every time a certain scene of Li Ge appeared, Yue Lun would be whipped to death, and the one who made the golden iron triangle famous was a certain veteran soul sage.

Under the effect of the martial soul fusion technique, although the soul power of these three soul masters is no more than level 59, their strength is enough to compete with soul saints. The power of war.

You know, the soul sage is the most important watershed for soul masters. The soul avatar of the seventh-level soul skill will have a huge increase. Usually, even a dozen or so low-level soul masters will come to deal with opponents with the soul avatar. It is also extremely difficult.

But through the martial soul fusion technique, this gap will be infinitely narrowed.

Martial soul fusion skill, as the name suggests, is a skill formed by the fusion of martial souls. The number of martial soul fusions is > 1, and the upper limit is unknown.

As long as you have your own, you can fuse as many spirits as you want, but according to the historical records of the mainland, the limit of this number is 7, and this legend was only passed down a thousand years ago.

Nowadays, there are very few people who can use martial soul fusion skills, let alone this amount of martial soul fusion skills.

The golden iron triangle is already a very rare existence in the world of soul masters.

The most important factor in determining the strength of a martial soul fusion skill is the degree of compatibility between the two parties. As for the type, it is not particularly important.

No one knows the rules of the martial souls that can form the martial soul fusion skills. Some of them have the same source, some complement each other, and some irrelevant martial souls can form the martial soul fusion skills. Within a certain range of static time.

In history, some martial spirits that are incompatible with fire and water have been combined to form powerful martial soul fusion skills. The type of martial soul determines the lower limit of the martial soul fusion skill, and the upper limit is determined by the degree of compatibility between soul masters.

The Nether White Tiger of the Star Luo Empire is considered to be the most famous martial soul fusion skill on the mainland. The compatibility between Dai and Zhu is generally around 60%. If it is lower than this standard, it usually means that they will fail in the competition for the throne.

According to gossip, the Unrivaled Dragon and Snake couple have a match rate of 75%, and they can be regarded as well-known characters on the mainland. .

But Flender and the other three are different. Generally speaking, it is much more difficult for three people to cultivate a fit than two people, but Flender, Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong have an astonishing 95% fit. , and this is the data of the first time the three of them used the martial soul fusion technique.

The trinity martial soul fusion technique is more difficult than ordinary martial soul fusion skills, but the three of them have reached a degree of compatibility that is difficult for husband and wife brothers to achieve.

Old Yu Xiaogang didn't know why. In his eyes, Luo Sanpao was just a useless martial soul, but somehow he had a very high degree of compatibility with Liu Erlong's and Flender's martial souls.

By the way, the truth of this data is only known to the soul master who performs the martial soul fusion technique. This kind of data is the same as the soul skill. After the fusion technique, you will also know how much the fit is.

Experienced soul masters can roughly estimate this value from their actions, but they can't be sure. It's not that there haven't been any geniuses with a 99% fit on the mainland, but they can't stand up to scrutiny.

After a period of development, someone tinkered with a set of questionnaires that can estimate the degree of fit.

But compared to those fancy data, only actual combat is the most effective criterion for testing the results.

The three of them had been traveling on the mainland for quite some time, and the purpose of coming this time was to help Liu Erlong obtain a soul ring.Since Liu Erlong's soul power had improved recently, a breakthrough was just around the corner, so the three of them set out for the Star Dou Forest early.

The Star Dou Great Forest has always been the best choice for soul masters. There are many types of soul beasts, and there are a lot of targets for soul masters to choose from. But relatively, the Star Dou Great Forest is also a place of death for soul masters.

The soul beasts that can grow up here must either have strong blood, or be lucky. There is nothing simple, and they will perish here if they are not careful.

It had been a few days since the three of them came to Star Dou Great Forest, and Liu Erlong broke through to level [-] on the way, and then they started planning to find the type of spirit ring.

It's not so easy to find a suitable soul beast. At this time, Bibi Dong and Bai Zhi have also arrived at the Star Dou Forest.

Thanks to these people's recent fame, someone saw them going there, without a word, Bibi Dong and Bai Zhi chased after them.

With Bai Zhi around, as long as they don't enter the core circle, the spirit beasts in the forest will not trouble them. The 10-year-old death spider can already be called the death spider emperor. A powerful predator that cannot be fought against.

It's too late to hide, how could he take the initiative to provoke her.

Soon, Bai Zhi and the others found some traces and chased after them. The things that ordinary soul masters worried about when they entered the forest did not reflect on them.

Moreover, the elf blood seemed to play a role, here Bibi Dong's skills became even more flexible.

But the other three were not so smooth.

"Xiao Gang, be careful, this is almost the territory of ten thousand years of soul beasts." The ten thousand years here refers to 1 years. Among the soul beasts at this stage, as long as they are not some races that have no fighting power, such as ice silkworms And so on, then human soul kings are very difficult to deal with.

If they didn't have the martial soul fusion skills, they wouldn't dare to go deep here, but even if they had the martial soul fusion skills, they had to be careful. Once it was too late to start the martial soul fusion skills, Yu Xiaogang would become the biggest failure.

His individual combat power is a burden, even a hundred-year-old mandala snake can do him, but he is an important part of the martial soul fusion technique, and it is still the main body.

If Flender or Liu Erlong were injured, at most the power of the soul skill would be affected. If Yu Xiaogang was injured, the entire spirit fusion skill would easily fail.

So he was protected by the two in the middle.

"It's okay, most of the ten-thousand-year spirit beasts won't live together anymore, there can't be groups of more than ten-thousand-year spirit beasts here, according to my research, the sixth-level spirit ring is at most 2 years old.

The flame dragon ape lives in the area near here, and it is at least 7000 years old. It matches your martial soul, Erlong, and it is the goal of our trip. "

(End of this chapter)

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