Chapter 137 The Beginning of Change

Within the scope allowed by the rules, Poseidon began to affect some affairs of Sea God Island, such as the matter of Shenkao.

The pillars were left before Poseidon entered the God Realm, but the Sea Sacred Pillars at that time were just tall pillars. Although the material of the sacred pillars can gather soul power and contain huge energy, they can only It is convenient for cultivation and has no special effect.

After the God Test mechanism started, the Holy Pillar had the ability to grant power to the people of Sea God Island. Although it wasn't long before he arrived in the God Realm, Poseidon was familiar with the rules of the God Realm.

It is not allowed to directly interfere with the lower realms. The most reasonable way to influence the lower realms within the rules is the divine test, which gives other people some power through a method similar to inheritance.

This seems to be a characteristic of the God Realm. Except for the priests, the gods with priesthood have left their own inheritance in different continents, but their influence varies.

During that time, destruction and life, evil and good were all dealing with some things in other continents, so it was Shura who answered some of his questions.

Receiving new gods is the task of the gods. Although Sea God is only a second-level god due to the impact of the sea area, it is quite brilliant in the God Realm to directly create a second-level god. That's why the God King will personally answer some of his questions. .

Poseidon didn't quite understand the inheritance of the throne.

"Your Majesty, why do all the gods have inheritances and want to give the gods to the inheritors?"

"It is not your own strength that is passed on, but the position of the god. Even if the god is passed on, your own power will not be affected. Moreover, inheritance is a way to increase the blood of the gods. The gods also have their own enemies. ,

We are not the only gods in this starry sky. Although we are relatively strong, we still have to deal with some troubles. "

But this made Poseidon not understand. If the inheritance of the throne is the job of inheriting the throne, and his own strength will not be affected, then why not find someone to pass it on as soon as possible.

According to Shura, even if the inheritance is over, the status of the old god is still very high, and there is no need to deal with troublesome things, so why tie himself to this position.

And Shura also saw Poseidon's thoughts, and explained: "You don't think that you can just find someone to pass it on to, do you? If you accept this position, your divine power will be completely linked to this position." , if your successor is a waste and causes problems with the position of God, then you will also be affected."

Rakshasa and Angel, the two gods whose successors failed in the inheritance of the gods, why did they lose their presence in the God Realm in the future? It stands to reason that they should continue to serve after the failure of the inheritance.

If the fourth generation is dead and the fifth generation cannot be found, will this position be left vacant?Of course not, it is enough for the three generations to live well and continue to serve, but this is not the case in the God Realm, let alone continue to serve, the Rakshasa and the angels will disappear.

Not because of other reasons, but because of the reason that strength is linked to it.

The inheritance of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue was over, but they failed before they came to the God Realm, and the god position at that time had already been passed on, so with their failure, the god position was also shattered.

The divine powers of Rakshasa and Angel have long been bound to them, and the shattering of their god positions has greatly reduced their strength, not to mention the strength of a first-level god, even a third-level god can't match it.

So these two have no choice but to retire in the corner of the God Realm, and wait for the gods to recondense, and their strength may be restored, but the time required for the reshaping of the gods is counted in tens of thousands of years , not ten thousand years in the lower realm, but ten thousand years in the god realm.

These two backstages are not enough, the law enforcement officers personally went off to blow the black whistle, the matter has already happened, a god king and a first-level god, two first-level gods with broken gods, for the overall strength of the God Realm, this matter is considered Was turned over.

Then Shura continued:

"So the inheritor is needed, but this person would rather be short than excessive. If the strength is not enough, you will be dead if you pass on the position of the god."

"Then, Your Majesty, how should the gods be upgraded?"

"Strength, when your strength reaches the strength of a higher-level god, your god position will naturally be upgraded. Aren't you a sea god? If the ocean in that world completely believes in you, maybe you will be a first-level god. You Come in a hurry.

Of course, if your merits are sufficient, the God Realm Committee can borrow the power of the God Realm to upgrade you, but such merits generally cannot be brought back alive. "

Shura is also a god king, his vision is still there, Poseidon is only a little short of a first-level god, but it is extremely difficult to catch up with him the day after tomorrow.

"." Shura's words made Poseidon not know what to say, could he say that he was forced?
"But it's okay, you have a great advantage, you created your own god position, and you have a lot of influence in the lower realm, so it is convenient to develop your beliefs.

If your successor can do this for you, then the Seagod's position will also be promoted, and you will enjoy this benefit as well, so find a successor. "

Some inheritors are lonely, or when they came to the God Realm, they had no beliefs in the lower realms. The inheritance can only depend on luck, and it depends on when people will discover their inheritance.

Like Poseidon, he can use the belief in the lower world to find suitable seedlings from more people.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the King of God, for letting me know."

"It's okay, go back, I have to deal with something."

As if sensing something, Shura drove away Poseidon, and after Poseidon left to study the inheritance in the temple, Shura turned around and appeared in another temple.

One deep purple, one emerald green, one pure white, and one dark, the divine power of the four gods shone on him.

"Sura, have you been sleeping these days?" An indifferent tone came, and Kindness asked first.

"What does this mean?"

"Those people on the mysterious side are interfering with the normal process below. Do you dare to say that you haven't found anything?"

Shura discovered it when they started, and he could find it. There is no reason why they couldn't discover good and evil, so they questioned what Shura did when they left.

And Shura's reaction was also very straightforward, it was my dereliction of duty, I accept the punishment for this matter, and deal with it as I want.After all, he didn't interfere with the lower realm, he just missed it.

Finally, after discussion by the God Realm Committee, those gods who interfered in the mysterious side of the lower realm were severely punished. Although Shura was also fined, it was just a little painless to him.

And this period of time is the end of the Soul Guidance War. If it hadn't been dealt with here, it would not be so simple for the Soul Guidance Empire to clear it up so quickly.

After a period of time, Poseidon also completed the setting of the God Test mechanism.

(End of this chapter)

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