Chapter 136 The Twins and the Witch

At the beginning, the population growth of Nine Snakes mainly depended on the addition of outsiders. This is a common problem in small mermaid tribes. Mermaids are born with more women than men, and because of personality problems, mermaids have only one spouse in their lives, which leads to the success rate of mermaid marriages. relatively low.

Moreover, mermaids are a matriarchal society, and most powerful mermaids are women, so it is not without reason that the leader of the male mermaid tribe lowered his sense of existence.

Putting it in another way, he is actually the little daughter-in-law, and the unmarried male mermaids in his tribe are a group of big girls waiting to be married.

This is the same as the Freljord. The warmother of the tribe rules the society. In the eyes of the matrilineal clan, the status of men and women is very different.

Tryndamere in the eyes of ordinary people: a real man in five seconds, slashing everything with three knives.

Tryndamere in the eyes of the Freljord: The family is in decline, and Hei Changzhi married into a wealthy family to seek opportunities to rise.

Olaf in the eyes of ordinary people: a reckless man who seeks death every day

Olaf in the eyes of the Freljord: a proud blonde with twin ponytails, even a little cute.

In the same way, there is also the dear and intimate big sister Bron.

Although Yvonne is the actual leader here, in the eyes of some female mermaids, this is a "strong woman", but he is so strong that they don't even have special thoughts.

Although it is a matriarchal society, its strong strength can smooth out this generation gap, and the strength of the sea soul beast can solve most of the problems.Of course, this male mermaid tribe is not because of this, it is simply because of his excellent management ability

Moreover, the mermaid tribe also has a common problem, they are forced to commit suicide to be single.

Mermaids discovered the dangers of inbreeding marriages a long time ago, but there are few people in small tribes. After excluding relatives, the rest have grown up together since they were young. They are too familiar to start with, and strangers can’t get in touch with mermaids, and mermaids have a long life. Longevity keeps them from rushing for a while, so many mermaids are single for quite a long time.

The once-in-a-hundred-year Sea Soul Festival is an opportunity for young men and women of some tribes to get to know each other, and it is also the time when the probability of leaving the single is the highest.

In the end, Guroya was the first to speak:
"Olin, you won't refuse this Sea Soul Festival, will you?"

"Of course not. It's time for the children in the tribe to find their own love."

"So, Olin, what do you think of yourself?"


"Ah, what, you have never had a partner, have you? There is no requirement in your tribe that the leader must be single, right? How about Jiaoyin's Ya?"

"Sister Gu Luoya!" Olin hadn't said anything yet, but the leader of Jiaoyin couldn't sit still. Ya in Gu Luoya's mouth was the leader of Jiaoyin. After Qibao, their contacts were obviously much more than other tribes.

Taking this opportunity, she took the opportunity to mention it.

"Don't be shy, there is only one Olin, and there are quite a few mermaids who are interested in him. If you let someone cut the queue, you have no place to regret it."

"That is to say, I already had a daughter when I was your age." Under the booing of all the leaders, Olin and Ya both buried their heads, but it was too late, and the atmosphere was almost the same. Gu Luoya chose a point So far, the topic has been brought back.

"Okay, there are still a few days left for the Sea Soul Festival. When you go back, everyone should make preparations. Everyone, please take these coats back. Remember to wear them on formal occasions. Keep them well for normal times. Although there are a lot of reserves, but Nor can it be wasted."

She got along very well in interpersonal relationships. After all, she was the first mermaid tribe to come to Beachburg, so she went to receive the later tribes.

It was also like this that all the mermaids could accept her as the leader of the meeting, otherwise she would not be able to convince the crowd just because she came early.

The tribes of these mermaids were not close to each other, but gathered together in twos and threes, because some mermaids were used to life in reef areas, others liked the seabed plains, and some mermaids liked islands close to land.

Taking the things of their respective tribes, the leaders returned to their own tribes.

However, after leaving the council, one leader's expression became unsightly. At this time, those coats had already been put into the space soul guide.Space soul guides have no special requirements for materials. Many gemstones can be used as carriers, and special processing techniques are fundamental.

And Karen has perfect craftsmanship, making some space soul guides is very simple.

They came to the front of the two seahorses, sat sideways on the backs of the seahorses, and they returned to their tribe.

"Boss, you don't seem very happy?"

"Well, Xiaoling, the Sea Soul Festival is coming, do you think my decision was wrong?"

"No, everyone can see the environment here. This place is more suitable for everyone to live in than there. It's just that they don't understand it."

There are a total of twelve mermaid tribes in Beechburg. In fact, this is not an accurate statement. Strictly speaking, there are only eleven and a half tribes here, and she is the leader of those half tribes.

The reason why the tribe split into two halves appeared after she made the decision to migrate.

The code name of their tribe is Gemini, and it is also the tribe with the strongest leader among the tribes present, and it is also the only tribe that is all pure-blooded mermaids.

In fact, their tribe also has a leader who is similar in strength to her, and the code name of the tribe was not Gemini, but Gemini Witch.

And they used to be a mixed tribe of pure-blooded mermaids and mixed-blooded mermaids, but now there are only pure-blooded mermaids left, because those mixed-blooded people split off before, and only the witch is left with the code name.

Although half-mermaids also have mermaid blood, they are very different from pure-blooded mermaids. Pure-blooded mermaids are no different from soul beasts, and can produce soul rings and soul bones. All the sea princesses are pure-blooded. mermaid.

As half-human and half-revived beasts, mixed-blood mermaids are very different from mermaids. The first difference is their lifespan. Hybrid-blooded mermaids don't have the long lifespan of spirit beasts, which are only about five times that of ordinary humans.

The relocation of the Gemini Tribe was not because of a problem of location, but because the leader found something wrong. It happened that Beechburg was recruiting mermaids from other tribes, so the Gemini Tribe chose to relocate.

But when it migrated, the group of half-merfolk in the tribe held a completely opposite attitude from the other leader.

They think that the sea area where the tribe lives is rich enough at this time, and there is no need to seek shelter from other people, and there is no need to migrate at all. When the communication failed, the Gemini Witch finally split into two parts, the Gemini and the Witch.

And the original location of their tribe was near Sea God Island.
(End of this chapter)

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