My place is on fire

Chapter 997 The retreat is to organize a more powerful attack!

Chapter 997 The retreat is to organize a more powerful attack!
In addition to containing powerful energy, the spirits of fine plants also contain powerful vitality.

The spirit of plants and trees, as the name suggests, is the essence of various grasses and trees.

Even if the weeds in the fields burn every year, they will grow again next year.

Even if the branches of a tree are cut every year, they will grow again in spring and summer, becoming lush and leafy.

After Dahua fully absorbed a piece of fine plant spirit, all the wounds on its body were healed.


Dahua, who was dying a moment ago, is now full of energy again.

The current big flower has reached its ultimate adult state and is already a true big flower. It is more than ten meters long and three or four meters tall when standing up.

Dahua's body was too big to move around in this underground space, and she couldn't act coquettishly with Luo Xuning and Kelina like before.

Kolina looked even smaller in front of it.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Dahua escape from danger, but the atmosphere in the underground space was still a little depressing.

After all, there is still such a powerful enemy on the ground that has not been defeated, and no one can be happy.

"Everyone, don't worry so much. If you can win, then fight. If you really can't win, then retreat for the time being. There's no need to fight to the death. Although I can't deal with the Soft Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy for the time being, I can still lead everyone to evacuate safely."

Luo Xuning smiled and comforted everyone. He had just figured it out and knew that they should just do what they were able to do. There was no need to force themselves to challenge the giant rabbit monster.

Although the secret realm of the mother tree can only be entered once a year, if it doesn't work this time, just wait until next year. If it still doesn't work next year, there's always the year after that.

I can stay on the Planet of the Apes for 10 years. Only a few months have passed, so there is still plenty of time.

Moreover, Luo Xuning never thought from beginning to end that he could complete the task within a few months and then retire successfully.

Whether it is the Red Flame Ox, the Thunder Winged Tiger, or the giant rabbit monster that just refreshed, these Zodiac Envoys, which Ye Chen calls the Twelve Zodiac Envoys, are all very powerful.

If it weren't for the tricks and the strategy provided by Ye Chen, he would not have been able to proceed so smoothly. He might still be stuck with the giant red flame bull or the giant thunder winged tiger.

Entering the secret realm of the mother tree is like mowing the grass when harvesting the spirits of plants and trees on the ground. Luo Xuning was still thinking that the combat power of this planet was just so-so, and he could definitely sweep it all away.

After arriving at the underground cave and experiencing several battles, Luo Xuning put away his complacency and fully realized the shortcomings of his own strength. He still had a long way to go in the future.

The strength of the Thunder Winged Tiger Zodiac Envoy and the Soft Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy is already so strong, how powerful must be the master they protect, the Ape God?
Even if he defeated the twelve zodiac envoys, would he have any chance of defeating Ape Origin Tianzun?

After comprehensive consideration, Luo Xuning instantly gave up his obsession with completing the game in one go.

If it doesn’t work this time, try next time!

Anyway, you can enter the mother tree secret realm once a year, so you still have 9 chances.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Luo... It's my fault that I have a bad memory. I still can't remember the strategy to deal with the Soft Bone Rabbit Zodiac User."

Ye Chen looked at Luo Xuning apologetically, his face full of self-blame.

"Mr. Ye, don't blame yourself. After all, it's been so long. If it were me, I wouldn't remember it either."

Luo Xuning smiled and comforted Ye Chen. He didn't blame Ye Chen at all and could understand him very well.

No matter how good your memory is, it is normal not to remember things you saw more than 200 years ago.

"Let's eat something first, and then continue to practice. This time, the Soft Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy is very tricky. Before you are sure of your life, everyone should practice in the underground space. It won't be able to find you for a while."

"Yeah, okay, master."

"Mr. Luo, please go first."

After a few polite words, everyone sat back down by the campfire and started eating the barbecue. Although they ate it every day, they never got tired of it.

Dahua’s current size is no longer suitable for eating barbecue. As its body has grown several times larger, its stomach has also grown several times larger.

So Luo Xuning simply threw a red flame bull to it and let it gnaw on it.

The flames flickered, everyone felt heavy-hearted, the atmosphere was depressing, and no one knew what topic to talk about.

Everyone just ate the barbecue quietly, each with their own thoughts.

Luo Xuning opened the points mall page with an idea.

[Your current points are 485788 points. Do you want to spend 30 points to refresh the products in the third round of the points mall? ]

During this period, Luo Xuning had already bought all the goods and skills refreshed in the second round.

The huge group of soft-bone rabbits also brought Luo Xuning a huge amount of points.

"Yes! Refresh!"

When Luo Xuning saw that his points were enough to refresh new products, he decisively chose to refresh.

There is no interest on accumulating points, the right solution is to use the points to enhance your own strength.

[30 points have been deducted, the points mall is being refreshed, please wait...]

After the points were deducted, Luo Xuning waited for about ten seconds before a new round of products in the points mall were refreshed.

The third round of goods is the same as the previous two rounds, there are still 10 of them, and the points required for redemption are arranged from low to high.

The redemption points for the first product this time have reached 10 points, which is an exaggerated increase.

"10 points! This increase is too much! The most expensive one in the second round was only 10 points..."

Luo Xuning clicked on the first product and took a look. It was a space ring with 10 cubic meters of space. He already had this thing, but it was not an urgent need for him right now.

The second product is a finger technique secret book called [Great Wilderness Prisoner Heaven Finger], which is priced at 20 points.

The third item is [Qingyunteng], which is a very ordinary looking green vine that is very common in the Yuanshi Forest. It is sold for 30 points.

the fourth……

the fifth……

Luo Xuning looked at them one by one and found that the prices of the items in the points mall were increasing. The last skill book that looked shining with golden light was actually priced at 100 million points!
[A Glimpse of a Thousand Years]: Requires the prerequisite skill [Thermal Vision] to be learned.

Skill Description: After using the skill, the speed of time around the target will be accelerated, and 10 years will be quickly depleted within 100 seconds.

After seeing the description of the skill book [A Glance A Thousand Years], Luo Xuning couldn't help but gasp!

Can it make the target instantly age 100 years?
This is too perverted!
If someone uses this skill on me, I will instantly turn into a 100-year-old man, and my strength will definitely be much less than before!

There is no doubt that this skill is very strong, extremely strong!

However, this skill also has certain limitations, and it takes one month to cool down after being used once.

It can be used a second time after cooling down for 1 month.

In fact, this limitation is understandable. If there were no such limitation, this skill would definitely be a magical skill!
Although there is no direct destructive power, the damage to the target's body is enormous.

If there were no restrictions, Luo Xuning would be able to become a god in minutes.

"If I use this on the soft-boned rabbit on the ground, killing it would be like killing a dog."

There is no doubt that the skill [A Thousand Years at a Glance] should be more than enough to deal with the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac User.


After spending 30 points to refresh the items in the points mall, Luo Xuning now only has a little over 10 points left.

If you want to redeem [A Thousand Years at First Glance], you still need a lot of points.

His remaining points were only enough to redeem his first 10-cubic-meter storage ring.

“When it’s time to use points, no matter how many you have, you’ll never have too many…” Nearly 50 points were reduced to only 10 in an instant, and he had to start accumulating points all over again.

However, most of the monsters in the underground cave have been cleared out, leaving only a few scattered ones.

There is also the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy, who currently has no way to deal with it.

"If you don't kill the Soft Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy, no other monsters will spawn."

"It's obviously not possible to quickly gain a lot of points by staying in the underground cave."

"Before we can find a way to deal with the Soft Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy, if we want to quickly gain points, we have to temporarily leave the underground cave."

"There are hundreds of millions of monkey willows on the ground. It's impossible to kill them all. Not only can you gain points, but you can also gain the spirits of plants and trees."

"It's no use continuing to waste time here. We should retreat strategically and go back to the ground to kill Yuan Liu and accumulate some resources."

"If I'm lucky enough to successfully fuse a divine plant spirit, I'll probably be able to easily deal with that stinky rabbit."

While eating barbecue, Luo Xuning had a lot of thoughts in his mind and he began to have the idea of ​​giving up.

He is not the kind of person who likes to dwell on trivial matters and is not determined to tackle a tough problem.

Sometimes, retreating is the preparation for a more powerful attack, and there is nothing shameful about that.

Retreat does not mean failure.

"Kelina, Ye Fan, Mr. Ye."

After coming up with an idea, Luo Xuning looked at the three people and said:

"I've decided. After everyone has adjusted their conditions, we will temporarily leave the underground cave and return to the surface."

"Get back to the ground!"

"Are you going back?"

"We all listen to Mr. Luo."

When they heard that they were going back to the ground, they were excited, especially Kolina.

Although this underground space is not dark, the view is far less bright than on the ground, and there is not a trace of sunlight.

She hasn't seen the sun or felt the wind for a long time.

During her time in the underground cave, she spent most of her time in the space created by Luo Xuning using the earth escape technique, and her range of movement was very small.

Although Luo Xuning had never restricted her freedom or explicitly forbade her to do anything, she still felt a little depressed.

It is a consensus that no matter how good the conditions in underground space are, they are not as good as those on the ground.

After eating and drinking, everyone returned to their tents to rest for a while.

Luo Xuning's soul entered the black ring and practiced for about an hour, and the cosmic energy in his body recovered to its abundant state again.

After adjusting his state, Luo Xuning called everyone to his side.

Kolina, Ye Fan, Ye Chen, Dahua, Xiaohua, and the flying mice held in Kolina's arms.

"Are you all ready?"

"Yeah! I'm ready!"


After getting everyone's reply, Luo Xuning activated the earth escape technique with an idea. He broke through the ground and jumped back into the air in the underground cave.

As soon as everyone emerged from the underground cave, they suddenly heard a loud explosion from the left rear.

Luo Xuning reacted the fastest. He turned around suddenly and saw a black spear with a diameter of about one meter and a length of more than ten meters cutting through the air and flying quickly towards the direction where everyone was.

Below the giant gun, the giant Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy was also approaching the crowd rapidly with huge steps!

"Dahua! I'll ask everyone to go up!"

At Luo Xuning's command, Dahua carried everyone on his back without hesitation, then flapped his wings violently and flew towards the cave entrance with everyone!
Dahua is now more than ten meters long, and carrying three adults is like a piece of cake for her, without any pressure at all.

Only after watching Dahua and everyone else fly away did Luo Xuning feel relieved.

At the same time, the spear thrown by the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy had broken through the air and arrived in front of Luo Xuning.

"I'll let you be arrogant for a while. The next time we meet, it will be your death."

Without absolute certainty, Luo Xuning did not want to fight any longer. He quickly raised his body more than ten meters high and dodged the attack of the Soft Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy with incredible swiftness.

"Goodbye Big Rabbit!"

Luo Xuning let out a long roar and flew quickly towards the open air.


The biggest weakness of the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac is that it cannot fly. Now seeing Luo Xuning flying upwards, it can only rage helplessly at the bottom of the cave.

Boom boom boom, boom boom boom——!

The ground of the underground cave became the "target" for the Rabbit Zodiac to vent his temper.

The huge obsidian spear was repeatedly thrown out by him and flew back into his hand. He vented his anger for more than ten minutes before he stopped.

"Cunning human..."

"Consider you lucky."

The Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy looked at the position above the cave and squeezed out a few words from between its extremely ugly teeth.

There was a sinister light flashing in its scarlet eyes.

If Luo Xuning and others saw this scene, they would probably be shocked.

This Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac Envoy can actually speak!

However, what it spoke was animal language, so Luo Xuning and the others definitely couldn't understand it.

Humanoid monsters like the Soft-Bone Rabbit Zodiac have basically the same IQ as normal humans.

They also have emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, as well as their own ethnic language.

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

Luo Xuning's flying speed was much faster than Dahua's, and he quickly caught up.

When Kelina and the others saw Luo Xuning return safely, they finally felt relieved.

No one knows how deep this underground cave is. The last time Luo Xuning sent Ye Wen and the others up there, it took more than ten hours.

This time is no exception.

Fortunately, both Luo Xuning and Dahua have enough physical strength. If they just use it for flying, they will not feel tired even if they fly for a day and a night.

About fifteen hours later, Luo Xuning was the first to rush out of the underground cave, and Kelina leaned in his arms with a well-behaved look on her face.

"Finally out! What a beautiful night sky~"

Kolina looked up at the endless night sky full of stars and was suddenly filled with joy.

"Mr. Luo, Corina! How did you get up here?!"

On a small platform built with monkey willow wood next to the cave, Ye Wen and Ye Tian, ​​who were practicing, were very surprised to see Luo Xuning and Kolina suddenly rushing out of the cave.

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