My place is on fire

Chapter 996 Troublesome!

Chapter 996 Troublesome!

After resting for a while, Ye Chen’s barbecue was ready.

After everyone had eaten and drunk their fill, Kolina and Ye Fan went to the side to practice the art of guiding cosmic energy.

After a fierce battle, both men's physical strength and the cosmic energy in their bodies have been completely consumed, and they need to practice and absorb again.

Although Luo Xuning had not yet exhausted all his strength, only less than one tenth of the cosmic energy remained in his body.

He also returned to his tent, and then used the magic of splitting the mind to create a clone which entered the black ring and began to practice.

The concentration of cosmic energy in the black ring is dozens or hundreds of times higher than that in the outside world, and the speed of cultivation seems to have been doubled.

After about an hour, Luo Xuning felt that the cosmic energy in his body had returned to its peak state of abundance.

"This black ring is really a good place. Could it be created just for cultivation?"

After Luo Xuning finished his training for the day, he did not leave the black ring immediately. He stood up from the grass and looked around.

He always felt that the creator of this black ring did not create it simply for people to practice.

"Let's explore further. I really don't believe it. Can this black ring be infinitely large?"

Luo Xuning moved his mind, and he used the flying technique to fly into the air, and then exerted force again to fly in one direction.

In fact, he no longer knows the directions of east, west, south and north.

In the entire space of the black ring, there was nothing but blue sky and white clouds and endless green grass on the ground. There was no object at all to give people a reference for direction.

Every time he came into the Black Ring, Luo Xuning couldn't tell the directions. It seemed like there was no direction in here.

Hoo ho ho, ho ho ho--!

The wind was whistling in his ears. Although he could only exert one tenth of his original strength in the black ring, Luo Xuning's flying speed reached seventy to eighty kilometers per hour.

While flying, Luo Xuning had no thoughts in his mind. Various ideas kept flashing through his mind. He flew for more than an hour and felt like he was standing still.

When I look up, I see blue sky and white clouds; when I look down, the ground is still lush and green, with endless grass.

After flying for another hour, the scenery remained the same, but Luo Xuning was bored, so he ended today's exploration.

"Forget it, let's just temporarily treat this black ring as a place specially built for cultivation..."

After the exploration proved fruitless, Luo Xuning had no choice but to accept his initial guess.

After finishing the exploration, Luo Xuning moved his mind, and a human-shaped black vortex appeared in front of him.

With a thought, Luo Xuning's remaining soul was sucked into the black hole and returned to the real world the next second.

It took about three hours in total to practice and explore in the black ring, but Kelina and Ye Fan were still practicing.

Luo Xuning did not disturb them. After greeting Dahua, the two of them disappeared into the underground space and returned to the top.

Standing in the air, looking at the densely packed rabbit monsters under his feet, Luo Xuning felt a little speechless.

I killed so many of them before and thought they would decrease a little, but they are all refreshed again!

My speed of killing monsters is not as fast as the speed of monsters refreshing.
At this rate, by the time I am forcibly teleported out of the mother tree secret realm, I won’t be able to kill all these rabbits!

"Dahua, it's time to show the power of your final form."

Luo Xuning looked at Dahua and decided to use the spirit of plants to directly catalyze him into his ultimate adult form.

The combat effectiveness of the giant Thunder Wing Tiger is naturally much stronger than the current big flower.

After making the decision, Luo Xuning said nothing more and directly took out a fine plant spirit from the space ring.

Dahua seemed to know the preciousness of the spirits of fine plants and trees. When he saw this thing, he drooled like a dog seeing meat.

"Just eat it."

Luo Xuning smiled and patted Dahua's head, then threw the fine plant spirit directly into its wide-open mouth.

The fine spirit of plants and trees was only the size of an apple. When thrown into the bloody mouth of the big flower, it was like a person eating a melon seed. It was chewed up and swallowed in an instant.

Soon, Dahua's body began to grow larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and its hooves became sharper.

It took Dahua about ten minutes to absorb all the essence of a fine plant spirit.

Just as Luo Xuning expected, it also grew to its ultimate form!
In its ultimate form, the large flower is 15 meters long, about 5 meters high, and its wingspan is more than ten meters.

The big flower in its ultimate form looks extremely majestic and majestic.

Luo Xuning standing in front of it looked like a little man running out of the Lilliput Kingdom.


After evolving to its ultimate form, Dahua also roared with excitement, with an excited look on her face.

As if wanting to verify his own strength, Dahua landed on the ground with an extremely domineering attitude and instantly killed dozens of rabbit monsters!
Those rabbit monsters that were about the same size as Luo Xuning looked so small in front of Dahua.


Dahua didn't even have to use its thunder power, it just rushed into the group of rabbit monsters and killed hundreds of them.

Squeak, squeak, squeak--!

Faced with such a brave big flower, the rabbit monsters could not organize any effective counterattack and could only be harvested one-sidedly by the big flower.

Among tens of thousands of rabbit monsters, Dahua was like a naughty child who jumped into the ocean ball in the playground and flapped his arms and legs continuously.

As it flapped its wings, the number of rabbit monster deaths increased rapidly.

"This is the absolute overwhelming difference in physique... Even an ordinary person, a newborn baby, can easily crush to death the most powerful ant among all the ants."

Looking at Dahua below, pouncing around among the rabbit monsters as if she was in an empty space, Luo Xuning couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"If it weren't for the strategy that Mr. Ye Chen gave me, I wouldn't have been able to defeat the giant Thunder Winged Tiger so easily."

"Even I feel powerless in the face of such a huge size difference."

Boom, boom, boom, boom--!

Suddenly, Luo Xuning heard a rumbling sound coming from the ground.

He suddenly turned around and looked in the direction where the sound came from, and a giant rabbit monster over 10 meters tall appeared in Luo Xuning's sight!

This rabbit monster was holding an obsidian spear that was taller than itself, just like holding a tree in its hand!
Even if it is as big as a big flower, it is nothing in front of this giant rabbit monster.

"Oh my god, it's so big..."

Seeing the giant rabbit monster that had just appeared, Luo Xuning was speechless for a moment.

He knew that the leader of this group of rabbit monsters must be bigger than ordinary rabbit monsters, but he didn't expect him to be this big!

Dahua also noticed the presence of the rabbit monster, but did not immediately pounce on it to fight.

This rabbit monster is even bigger than it, and it has a weapon in its hand. If it rushes forward rashly, the little tiger might lose his life.

Under the surprised gazes of Luo Xuning and Dahua, the giant rabbit monster actually changed from walking to running, and rushed towards the two of them with huge strides.

Although the giant rabbit monster was large in size, it was very agile and in the blink of an eye it had rushed to the dazed Dahua.


As a thunder winged tiger, Dahua is the king of all beasts, so he is naturally not afraid of a rabbit monster. In his eyes, the giant rabbit monster's behavior is a challenge to his authority and his bottom line!

It didn't want to show weakness in front of its master, so it roared and pounced towards the rabbit monster!
The giant rabbit monster's scarlet eyes suddenly burst out with two beams of blazing light, which shot directly onto Dahua's body.


In its ultimate form, Dahua's defense was extremely strong, but it couldn't withstand the attack from the rabbit monster. Its abdomen was directly pierced by two rays of light, and the tender meat and internal organs inside were clearly visible.

After letting out a wail, Dahua fell to the ground and it was unknown whether he was alive or dead.

"big flower!"

Luo Xuning was also frightened by this sudden change. He failed to react in time and failed to rescue Dahua in time.

It's sizzling!

While Luo Xuning was stunned, the giant rabbit monster suddenly turned its head and looked at it, and two hot red lights shot out from its scarlet eyes again.


Luo Xuning didn't know the power of the scorching red light, so he naturally didn't dare to resist it head-on. He quickly dodged to the side to avoid the attack.

"What a turn of events! Today, it's the monster's turn to use thermal vision on me..."

Luo Xuning complained in his heart and looked at Dahua on the ground again, wanting to save Dahua first.

The rabbit monster didn't seem to care about Dahua's life or death, and didn't try to finish her off. It now set its sights on Luo Xuning.

Sizzling, sizzling, sizzling...

The blazing light kept flashing in the underground cave. The thermal vision emitted from the giant rabbit monster's eyes was as thick as a bucket, dozens of times thicker than Luo Xuning's thermal vision.

Luo Xuning's thermal vision is far inferior to the rabbit monster's thermal vision!

Moreover, Luo Xuning discovered with some despair that even if his thermal vision hit the rabbit monster, it could not break the defense of the black armor it was wearing!

This wave of humanoid rabbit monsters is very different from the previous three waves. Not only do they start using weapons, they also wear black armor with amazing defensive capabilities.

The armor on the ordinary rabbit monster has average defensive power and cannot withstand Luo Xuning's attack.

But the defense of this giant rabbit monster that was refreshed this time is really a bit abnormal.

The thermal vision didn't leave even a trace on its armor. Moreover, Luo Xuning was surprised to find that its armor seemed to absorb the energy of his thermal vision.

"The attack is so amazing, the defense is so amazing, and the reaction ability is so high. This is too abnormal. How can I play this..."

During the more than ten minutes of fighting with the giant rabbit monster, Luo Xuning was always at a disadvantage and was always on the defensive.

And he sought opportunities to attack while defending, but... his attacks were like tickling to the giant rabbit monster.

"It's gone, it's gone. There's no way to fight this..."

After several unsuccessful attacks, Luo Xuning decided to retreat first.

While the giant rabbit monster was not paying attention, he quickly flew to Dahua and used the earth escape technique to escape back to the underground space more than 1000 meters underground.

The giant rabbit monster watched Luo Xuning and Dahua disappear, and a look of confusion appeared on its expressionless and cold face.

Squatting down and taking a look at a shallow pit on the ground, the giant rabbit monster showed a thoughtful look in his eyes.

As if it had made some decision, the giant rabbit monster stood up from the ground, then raised the spear in its hand high, and poked it down with its huge arm!
An obsidian spear that was more than ten meters long was thrown with all its strength by the giant rabbit monster and it rumbled towards the ground like a earth dragon!

With a loud bang, the tip of the giant obsidian gun hit the barrier of the underground space created by Luo Xuning.


"what happened!"

"Master! Dahua!"

Luo Xuning and Dahua had just returned to the underground space and had not yet stood firmly when they were knocked to the ground by a huge shaking.

Kolina and Ye Fan, who were resting, were suddenly awakened and looked at everything in front of them with surprise.

When Kolina saw Dahua, who was seriously injured and dying, she rushed forward to check on him, and was so anxious that tears were about to fall.

"This giant rabbit monster is almost a spirit. It's still possible to track it even though it's hiding so deep..."

Luo Xuning looked up at the space barrier above him which already had a large number of cracks.

The underground space he created was almost breached by a single attack from a giant rabbit monster.

"Mr. Luo, what's the situation on the ground?"

"Master, how could this happen! Dahua..."

Kolina looked at Dahua who had a painful expression. She felt pain for Dahua and tears kept falling down her face.

"The leader of this wave of soft-bone rabbits, the Rabbit Zodiac Envoy, is very powerful."

"Now is not the time to talk. Let's move to another place first."

"Come to me."

Everyone also knew that the situation was urgent and quickly gathered around Luo Xuning.

The moment Luo Xuning used the earth escape technique to move away, the top of the underground space where they had been for a long time suddenly shattered with a crack.

A giant obsidian spear over ten meters long poked into the ground at the bottom of the space.

This time, Luo Xuning moved the underground space horizontally by several thousand meters, and he would not leave anything on the ground. The giant rabbit monster should not be able to find this place in a short time.



After a fierce battle, Luo Xuning began to breathe heavily.

Compared with the one-sided harvest of ordinary soft-bone rabbits, fighting with the giant rabbit monster is more difficult.

Kelina, Ye Fan and Ye Chen were all silent at this moment, and everyone didn't know how to comfort Luo Xuning.

"Don't worry, everyone. As the saying goes, there are always more solutions than problems. There are not so many things in the world that go smoothly."

Luo Xuning took this small setback lightly. This was not the first time he had suffered a setback since coming to this mysterious underground cave.

From the Red Flame Ox to the Thunder Winged Tiger and now the Soft Bone Rabbit, nothing has been so smooth.

But in the end, doesn't victory belong to you?

The Red Flame Bull became his mount, and the Thunder Winged Tiger became his pet.

This time the giant rabbit monster...

Luo Xuning hasn't thought of what identity to give it yet.

Now is not the time to think about this.

Luo Xuning took out a grain of fine plant spirit from his space ring, then cut it open and fed it to the dying Dahua.

After Dahua ate a piece of fine plant spirit, the wounds on his body began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

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