My place is on fire

Chapter 993 The exploding feeling!

Chapter 993 The exploding feeling!
The endless prairie stretches towards the horizon.

No matter which direction you look, east, west, south, or north, you will see green grasslands.

There is only one kind of grass on the grassland, an unknown small grass with tender-looking leaves.

"So beautiful, so spectacular..."

Whether in reality or in movies, Luo Shuning had never seen such a large grassland and such beautiful scenery.

As soon as he landed on the grassland, he was stunned by the beautiful scenery before him.

"The cosmic energy here is so rich and abundant..."

Luo Xuning was even more shocked to find that the concentration of cosmic energy on this grassland far exceeded that of the Ape Planet and the Secret Realm of the Mother Tree!

I squatted down and looked at the water droplets hanging on the grass. It turned out that these water droplets were also condensed from the rich cosmic energy!

Good guy!
How rich is this!

It can actually condense into liquid!

The concentration of cosmic energy on Earth is more than 100 times lower than that in this grassland!

"If I practice the art of guiding cosmic energy here every day, I will definitely make rapid progress!"

Feeling the extremely rich cosmic energy in the space, Luo Xuning couldn't help but feel excited, as if he had picked up a treasure!

Ye Chen stayed in the ring for more than 200 years, but because he did not practice the art of guiding cosmic energy, he could not sense the cosmic energy no matter how strong it was.

Even if he drank the water droplets condensed from the cosmic energy on the grass as water, he would not be able to absorb the cosmic energy inside.

He can only treat the dew as ordinary water to meet his body's need for water.

Without a special method of cultivation, no matter how much cosmic energy you are given, you will not be able to absorb even a drop of it!

"More than 200 years... If I were given 200 years, I would definitely be able to cultivate the art of guiding cosmic energy to a certain level!"

Luo Xuning shook his head and sighed. He couldn't help but feel sorry for Ye Chen. 200 years were just wasted.

"Let's explore first and see how big this space is."

When Luo Xuning thought of this, he moved his mind and flew into the air with a whoosh.

Although he couldn't bring anything when he entered the ring, some of the skills he had mastered could be used within the ring space.

It’s just that…since he only put one tenth of his soul power into the ring, the power of some of his skills was only about one tenth.

In other words, Luo Xuning's strength in the ghost state is only one tenth of his original strength.

With this little bit of strength, it might be a little difficult to fight those strange beasts, but it is enough to explore the space within the ring.

Hoo ho ho--!

The strong wind blowing towards him carried a strong cosmic energy. Luo Xuning took a few deep breaths and immediately felt his ears and eyes clear, and his head refreshed.

After flying at full speed in one direction for more than an hour, there was still endless green grassland in front of us.

Although Luo Xuning's current speed is only one tenth of that outside, he can still fly nearly 100 kilometers in an hour!

After flying for another hour, the sky below was still green.

"It really is boundless... There is really no big space. I wonder which great being created this."

After flying for more than two hours, although he was not tired, Luo Xuning felt a little bored, so he hovered in the air and stopped the exploration.

Luo Xuning dived towards the ground, adjusted his body when he was about to hit the ground, and landed steadily back on the grass.

"Such a large space, with such abundant spiritual energy, it would be great if I could bring my mom and grandma in as well..."

"Unfortunately, even I can't get in. Only one tenth of the souls can come in."

"Or maybe I opened it the wrong way? There must be another way."

"Forget it, let's not think about it for now, let's see how the training works..."

Luo Xuning thought about it for a while, then sat cross-legged on the grass with his five hearts facing the sky, closed his eyes slightly, and began to practice the cosmic energy guidance technique.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh——!

After starting the cosmic energy guidance technique, Luo Xuning could clearly feel that a pure, rich and huge cosmic energy was gathering into his body from the top of his head, the palms of his hands and the soles of his feet!

Above where Luo Xuning was sitting cross-legged, the air centered on him began to fluctuate slightly like the surface of water, and then formed a vortex.

The cosmic energy contained in the vortex continuously flowed into Luo Xuning's body, just like a watering can watering a flower.

Feeling the pure cosmic energy flowing into his body, Luo Xuning's eyelids twitched excitedly and his lips trembled slightly.

This was the first time he felt such an explosive sense of pleasure since he started practicing the art of guiding cosmic energy!
After breathing in the extremely pure cosmic energy, billions of cells in the body seemed to be stimulated and excited!

ten minutes later……


Luo Xuning let out a long sigh and lay down straight on the grass. He felt comfortable, so comfortable, his whole body felt comfortable.

This kind of feeling of cultivation is unprecedented, and the sense of pleasure is too explosive!

After lying on the ground and resting for about ten minutes, his active cerebral cortex slowly calmed down, and Luo Xuning finally sat up from the grass.

"The effect of cultivation is quite significant, but the stimulation to the human body is a bit strong..."

After standing up, Luo Xuning gave a summary of his first training in a somewhat frivolous tone.

The process of practicing the cosmic energy guidance technique just now was dozens or even hundreds of times more comfortable than the in-depth communication between him and Li Ruijia and the others.

"It's almost time to go back."

Luo Xuning moved his mind, the air around him shook, and a pitch-black void door appeared that could accommodate him.

When Luo Xuning raised his leg and stepped into the door of void, his eyes went dark. About three seconds later, when his vision returned, he had returned to the underground space where his original body was, and returned to his body.

The moment his soul returned to its place, Luo Xuning's body trembled all over and suddenly opened his eyes.

"The space inside the ring is indeed very large and peculiar. The greatest reward should be the pure and rich cosmic energy inside."

After absorbing his own separated soul, Luo Xuning's body also absorbed the cosmic energy cultivated by the soul, and his physical strength instantly recovered to its peak state.

The cosmic energy of the Ape Planet is already rich enough, but I didn’t expect that the space inside the ring would be even richer.

The space inside the ring is like a place specially built for cultivating cosmic energy.

"Holy relic... This is the first holy relic. Could it be that this holy relic has something to do with the art of guiding cosmic energy?"

"I wonder what kind of surprise will be waiting for me after I collect all five holy relics." Luo Xuning stroked the black ring with his left hand, feeling expectant.

At this moment, less than three hours had passed since everyone started to rest, but Luo Xuning had recovered to his peak state both mentally and physically.

At his current level of strength, sleeping is too cost-effective and he has basically given it up.

When practicing the art of guiding cosmic energy, you can fully relax your brain while also strengthening and improving it.

When there are more cost-effective ways to rest, who would insist on using an ineffective way to rest?

Luo Xuning could sense three breathing sounds near him, obviously from Kolina and the other three.

But the cosmic energy guidance technique of Kalina and the others is still at a very elementary stage and cannot completely replace sleep. They still need to relax their brains through sleep.

Luo Xuning did not disturb them. He quietly got up and patted the little tiger that was sleeping beside him.


After being woken up by Luo Shuning, the big guy looked sleepy and looked at Luo Shuning with a silly expression on his face.

"Let's go, Dahua. Let's go up and see if there are any new monsters."

As soon as Luo Xuning finished speaking, the man and the tiger disappeared into the underground space with a whoosh.

The moment Luo Xuning and Dahua disappeared in the underground space, they broke out of the ground and flew into the air above the underground cavity.


On the ground of the cave, an upright human-shaped monster, about two meters tall but with a rabbit head, let out a violent squeaking sound from its mouth when it saw Luo Xuning and Dahua soaring into the sky!
The rabbit-headed monster held a spear that was longer than its own and had a metallic luster.

The rabbit monster's scarlet eyes flashed, and then it threw the spear in its hand with force, aiming at Luo Xuning and Dahua who had just rushed out of the ground!

While Luo Xuning dodged the spear thrown by the rabbit monster, he also saw the true form of the monster.

"It is indeed a rabbit, but..."

Looking at the rabbit that can walk upright on the ground, Luo Xuning felt that it was a bit abstract!

The rabbit monster seemed very angry that its attack missed, and its roar became even more violent.

Hearing his cry, a dozen rabbit monsters that were walking aimlessly around him immediately moved closer to him. These rabbit monsters also discovered Luo Xuning and Dahua hovering in the air.

Under Luo Xuning's surprised gaze, the rabbit monster that had just thrown a spear to stab him and Dahua actually had another spear exactly the same as the previous one in its hand.


Luo Xuning was speechless when he saw this. Are you performing magic here?
The weapons that were thrown out can actually be refreshed. This is too unreasonable!
Of course, it seems even more unreasonable to compare it to these rabbit monsters walking upright!
However, since Luo Xuning joined the [Super Scenic Area System], his immunity to these unreasonable things has become stronger and stronger.

Compared with these rabbits, I and some of the skills I have mastered seem even more unreasonable!
This is how the world is, existence is reasonable!

"Dahua, start fighting! It's time to hone your combat skills."

Luo Xuning reached out and patted Dahuang beside him, with an encouraging look on his face.


Dahua roared at the rabbit monsters that were throwing spears on the ground, and while dodging the spears, he pounced towards the rabbit monsters swiftly!
Although the rabbit monsters are huge, each one is nearly two meters tall and looks extremely strong, the size of the big flower is not bad either.

Although Dahua has not yet evolved to its ultimate form, its body has reached more than 5 meters in length, more than 2 meters in height, and weighs tons.

Dahua’s current size is like a car running on the road on Earth.

Its explosive power and speed even exceed that of a car traveling at full speed on the highway!

A rabbit monster was hit directly by Dahua's head and was knocked more than ten meters away in an instant. It fell heavily to the ground and couldn't get up.


After being attacked by the big flower, the rabbit monsters began to organize a counterattack. The IQ of these rabbit monsters seemed to be much higher than the previous waves of monsters, and they could actually fight in coordination!

A dozen rabbit monsters surrounded Dahua in an instant, and at the same time raised the spears in their hands and threw them at Dahua!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh--!

More than a dozen powerful spears were thrown by the rabbit monster with its powerful arm strength, and the explosive attack power should not be underestimated.

After all, Dahua is just a "tiger baby" who is less than a day old.

Its current size was boosted by Luo Xuning using the spirits of plants and trees.

Today's battle was its first actual combat, so it was inevitable that it fell into the encirclement of the rabbit monsters and became the target of public criticism.

Dahua is a newborn tiger cub that is not afraid of rabbits. Seeing that he is about to be turned into a hedgehog, he is not afraid at all and is even in the mood to pounce on the rabbit monster closest to him!

At the critical moment, it was Luo Xuning who stepped in to help Dahua resolve the crisis. He flew to its side in an instant and kicked away several spears that were about to hit Dahua!

It was also the first time that Luo Xuning came into contact with the spear thrown by the rabbit monster. He felt its weight, which was probably no less than a hundred pounds!


While Luo Xuning was helping Dahua resolve the crisis, it also jumped high, bit the neck of a rabbit monster, knocked it down, and tore its trachea.

Zhila, zhila!
stab it, stab it~
Luo Xuning used his thermal vision and purple thunder to instantly clear out the dozen rabbit monsters around him, then turned around and told Dahua:
"Dahua, if you don't want to be a hedgehog, then be careful to dodge the spears thrown by the rabbit monsters. Your current defense can't withstand these spears."


Dahua seemed to understand what Luo Xuning said. He tilted his head and roared, looking at the spears that fell to the ground.

After the rabbit monster was killed by Luo Xuning, these spears remained and were not refreshed.


Luo Xuning kicked with his toes, picked up a spear, stretched out his hand to grasp it and weigh it.

It’s no secret that this spear, forged from some unknown material, is not only very heavy but also very tough.

Luo Xuning clenched the gun barrel tightly, poked the tip of the gun downwards at the ground, and with a "pop" sound, he directly poked the head of a rabbit monster into pieces.

"Very good, it can break through the defense of these rabbit monsters! This gun is good."

Luo Xuning raised his toes again and got another spear in his hand.

[Ding! Do you want to fuse the two ordinary Black Jade Spears? ]

After holding two guns in both hands at the same time, the [Fusion] skill was automatically triggered, and the system interface popped up with a prompt message on it.

"Yes! Fusion!"

Luo Xuning chose fusion without hesitation.

But unfortunately, the fusion was not successful this time, and the two obsidian spears turned into stars and dissipated in the air.

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