My place is on fire

Chapter 992: The art of distraction!

Chapter 992: The art of distraction!
Compared to the giant red flame bull, its weakness is the color pink.

This time, the giant Thunder Wing Tiger's weakness is the flesh of its own kind, which is actually not too outrageous.

It was just a little unexpected. Luo Xuning couldn't figure out that this was its weakness no matter how hard he tried.

Take out a flying mouse pet egg from the space ring and catalyze it with the spirit of plants and trees.

The spirits of plants and trees are like feed to the strange beasts, and their catalytic effect is very significant.

In less than five minutes, a flying mouse pet egg evolved into an adult flying mouse.

"Eat, eat more."

Luo Xuning threw a few pieces of Thunder Winged Tiger meat to the flying mouse that was flapping its wings and hovering in front of him.

Chirp, chirp, chirp--!

When the flying mouse saw that there was meat to eat, it barked happily a few times, and then deftly took the meat that Luo Xuning threw to it and ate it with big mouthfuls.

Soon, the flying mouse was full, and its belly was bulging like a small ball. It seemed that it could hardly fly.

"After you've eaten and drunk enough, it's time for you to do your part."

Luo Xuning turned around and looked at Kolina and the others. After saying goodbye to them, he disappeared from the spot in a flash. He rushed out of the ground with the flying mouse that had eaten its fill of Thunder Winged Tiger meat and returned to the air.


The moment Luo Xuning and the flying mouse rushed out of the ground, the giant Thunder Winged Tiger discovered the two of them, roared, and ran towards them.

Chirp, chirp, chirp--!

After the flying mouse understood Luo Xuning's intention, it rushed towards the giant Thunder Winged Tiger as if ready to die!

In front of the giant Thunder Winged Tiger that is more than ten meters long, the Flying Rat seems so small, but it bursts out with an indomitable courage to move forward and face death head-on!

Pets are 100% loyal to their owners. Whatever Luo Xuning asks it to do, it will do it without any hesitation!
Even if it is asked to attack an enemy that is far stronger than itself, it will not hesitate!


The giant Thunder Winged Tiger was very angry when he saw that a tiny flying mouse dared to challenge him.

When the two sides got close, it opened its mouth wide, and a powerful suction force seemed to be generated in its mouth, and it swallowed the whole flying mouse in a whoosh.

"It's done!"

Luo Xuning waved his hand with a slightly excited look on his face. He really didn't expect that things would go so smoothly!

Next, all he had to do was wait a little longer and not waste his energy fighting a dying giant Thunder Wing Tiger.


The flying mouse had almost no effect on the giant thunder winged tiger. After swallowing the flying mouse, the giant thunder winged tiger continued to pounce on Luo Xuning, wanting to swallow him together!
Although Luo Xuning could not kill the Thunder Winged Tiger, it was still easy for him to dodge its attacks. He easily dodged to the side, leaving the giant Thunder Winged Tiger empty-handed.

"You are struggling to death. I wonder how many minutes you can last..."

Luo Xuning was not in a hurry to attack the Thunder Winged Tiger at this moment. He just needed to waste time with it and wait for the Thunder Winged Tiger meat he swallowed to take effect.

The two sides were dodging each other and quickly changing positions in the air.

About five minutes later, Luo Xuning noticed that Lei Ting's facial expression became somewhat painful.

Before he could take advantage of the situation and kill it, the giant Thunder Wing Tiger suddenly plummeted to the ground!

The giant Thunder Wing Tiger fell from a height of dozens of meters, making a loud noise!

Luo Xuning also landed next to the giant Thunder Winged Tiger.

He saw that bright red blood was flowing from all seven orifices of the Thunder Wing Tiger, and its abdomen was pierced by broken ribs. It had no breath or respiration.

Obviously dead enough to not die any more.

[Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing the giant Thunder Wing Tiger and getting 10 points! ]

[Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing the giant Thunder Winged Tiger and obtaining a [Division] skill book! ]

[Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing the giant Thunder Wing Tiger and obtaining a top-quality Thunder Wing Tiger pet egg! ]

When Luo Xuning was checking the life or death of the giant Thunder Wing Tiger, an information page popped up automatically with several prompt messages displayed on it.

"10 points, a skill book, and a top-quality pet egg. This reward is too generous!"

Luo Xuning couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the generous reward for killing the giant Thunder Winged Tiger.

10 points is quite normal. When Luo Xuning successfully killed the Red Flame Bull, he also obtained 10 points.

【Distraction Technique】Luo Xuning has not had the chance to read this skill book and does not know its function.

The value of the top-grade Thunder Wing Tiger pet egg alone was enough to move Luo Xuning.

Pets hatched from ordinary pet eggs are also ordinary pets.

For example, the pet egg of a Thunder Wing Tiger can only hatch an ordinary Thunder Wing Tiger.

The Thunder Wing Tiger hatched from the top-quality Thunder Wing Tiger pet egg can reach the state of a giant Thunder Wing Tiger when it grows up!
It is more than 10 meters long and more than 3 meters tall. Whether you carry it into battle or use it as a mount, it is very cool.

Whoosh whoosh!
Two transparent balls floated up from the body of the giant Thunder Winged Tiger, containing a skill book and a pet egg.

Luo Xuning moved his mind, and the skill book and pet egg flew to and stopped in front of him.

He stretched out his hand and took out the top-quality Thunder Wing Tiger pet egg from the transparent bubble like soap bubbles, washed it and admired it carefully.

This top-grade Thunder pet egg feels heavier than ordinary pet eggs, and the shell feels like it's made of some kind of alloy.

It is also much larger in size than the ordinary Thunder Wing Tiger pet egg.


Luo Xuning moved his mind and took out two plant spirits from the space ring. He cut them on the spot and began to catalyze the top-grade Thunder Winged Tiger pet egg.

Soon, the top-grade Thunder Winged Tiger pet egg absorbed all the essence of the plant spirit, but the eggshell remained intact without even a crack.

"The hatching of a top-quality pet egg may require more nutrients!"

Luo Xuning was not surprised by this, and he cut another plant spirit and continued to catalyze.

After absorbing the second plant spirit, the eggshell is still intact, and continues to use the third plant spirit for catalysis!

Luo Xuning doesn’t have much other things, but he has a lot of spirits of plants and trees!
After absorbing the third pill, he used the fourth, fifth, and sixth pills...

It was not until the essence of the eighth plant spirit was absorbed that the shell of the top-grade Thunder Winged Tiger pet egg began to crack.

After using up the ninth plant spirit, the shell of the pet egg was completely peeled off, and a palm-sized, chubby little Thunder Winged Tiger was hatched!
"You really are so long-awaited! It's not easy."

Luo Xuning stretched out his hand and held the little guy in his palm. You know what, this furry little guy is quite cute!

Afterwards, Luo Xuning used another 10 plant spirits to catalyze the Thunder Winged Tiger to the size of an adult Thunder Winged Tiger and then stopped without continuing to catalyze.

It's not that Luo Xuning was reluctant to give up that little bit of plant spirit, it's not a bad thing to leave some room for the Thunder Wing Tiger to grow. Before it has enough fighting skills and strong enough fighting power, it will be difficult for it to exert the full power of the final form by directly catalyzing it to the final form.


The Thunder Wing Tiger was as docile as a big cat in front of Luo Xuning. It rubbed its huge head against his legs, looking very cute in contrast to its size.

"Let's go, Xiaonaofu, go back and rest for a while and wait for the next wave of monsters to spawn."

Luo Xuning touched the Thunder Wing Tiger's head, and the next second he took it back to the space more than 1000 meters underground.

"Ah! Thunder Wing Tiger!"

A thunder-winged tiger suddenly appeared in the underground space, scaring Kolina, Ye Fan and the others.

When they saw Luo Xuning coming down with them, they let down their guard and breathed a sigh of relief.

"So it's your pet, Master! I was shocked. By the way, Master, how is the battle going up there? Does the old senior's method work?"

Kolina came forward curiously and asked with concern.

Ye Fan and Ye Chen also looked at Luo Xuning. They were also looking forward to hearing the results.

"Mr. Ye's strategy is indeed effective. The giant Thunder Winged Tiger has been poisoned to death. This is a pet hatched from a pet egg that exploded from it."

Luo Xuning looked at Ye Chen and said sincerely: "This time, it's all thanks to Mr. Ye. If it weren't for the strategy you provided, I don't know how much time it would take to deal with that big tiger."

"Mr. Luo, you are too polite. I am relieved to be able to help you!"

After hearing Luo Xuning's answer, Ye Chen couldn't help but secretly breathe a sigh of relief. It would be embarrassing if the strategy he provided was ineffective.

Luo Xuning said politely: "The next wave of monsters has not yet refreshed. When they refresh, I will have to rely on the old gentleman's strategy."

Ye Chen cupped his hands and said, "I will do my best to recall the strategies recorded in the Sutras!"

"Thank you, Mr. Ye. If you need anything, please tell me."

"No, no, we have good food and drink here. I have lived for more than 200 years and have never enjoyed such treatment."

After chatting for a while, everyone went to a corner and prepared to rest.

This underground space is ten meters long, wide and high, and the area at the bottom of the space is 100 square meters, which is quite spacious.

Kolina used the skin of the Thunder Wing Tiger to set up four tents in the four corners so that her privacy would not be exposed when she was resting or sleeping.

After Luo Xuning returned to his tent, he did not sleep or practice immediately. Instead, he took out the [Spirit Distraction Technique] from the space ring with a thought.

[Spiritual separation technique: After learning it, you can separate the body and soul! 】

The description of the art of distraction is simple and crude, and its meaning is literal.

"Separating body and soul? What's the point?"

Luo Xuning felt that this technique of distracting the mind seemed very powerful at first glance, but it did not seem to be very practical.

Suddenly, Luo Xuning glanced and saw the black ring that Ye Chen gave him on his hand!
"Black Ring! Soul!"


After thinking of a possibility, Luo Xuning stood up from the ground excitedly, his face full of joy!
Only a "person" in a soul state can enter the black ring, such as Ye Chen who was in a ghost state before.

After he condensed his entity, he could no longer enter the black ring. The black ring was of no use to him, so he gave it to Luo Xuning as a favor.

Luo Xuning himself was not in a soul state, so he could not enter the black ring.

Moreover, this black ring is very different from ordinary space rings and cannot store items.

"After learning this Divine Division Technique, can I enter the Black Ring?"

When he thought of this possibility, Luo Xuning couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Luo Xuning had been curious about Ye Chen's description of a huge space inside the black ring and wanted to find out what it was.

[Do you understand the art of learning the art of distraction? ]

"Yes! Learn now!"

Without any hesitation, Luo Xuning directly chose to learn the [Division Technique]. It is always a good idea to learn more skills!

The moment Luo Xuning made the confirmation, a huge stream of information appeared in his mind with a rumbling sound.

This stream of information contains all the usage methods, cultivation techniques, and various usage methods of [Division Technique]!
After about ten minutes, Luo Xuning finally absorbed the information flow in his mind completely, and he also fully mastered the skill of [Distraction].

"What a magical technique..."

After learning about the [Spirit Dispersion Technique] in detail, Luo Xuning couldn't help but pay high respect to the person who created this technique.

"Try to see how it works."

When you learn skills from skill books, you don’t have to study them from scratch. You can become proficient in them right after learning.

Luo Xuning sat back on the ground with his five hearts facing the sky, and then began to cast the [Division Technique].

When I closed my eyes, I first felt like something was trying to drill out of my head, and the feeling became stronger and stronger.

At the beginning, I didn't feel much, but gradually I felt some itchiness, and finally a little bit of pain.

It's like peeling a boiled egg from its shell.

When Luo Xuning opened his eyes again, he was already in a ghostly state. Looking down, he could see his real body lying on the ground with his eyes closed and regulating his breathing.

“This is…amazing.”

Even the knowledgeable Luo Xuning couldn't help but sigh after seeing how the [Division Technique] was used.

Suddenly, the original body sitting on the ground opened its eyes!
Luo Xuning, in soul state, looked at his body.

[Soul-division Technique] only separated about one-tenth of Luo Xuning's soul out of his body, leaving the remaining ninety percent in his own body.

At this moment, the combat power that the main body can exert is more than 90%, which has little impact on strength.

If... for example, there is a very extreme situation where Luo Xuning's real body is defeated and killed.

He can also use this soul that he has separated to rebuild his body and resurrect.

Just like it helped Ye Chen reshape his body before, this skill can also play a certain life-saving role for Luo Xuning.

Luo Xuning, in soul state, looked at the black ring on his real body's hand.

From his perspective, he could see a coin-sized black vortex constantly spinning next to the black ring.

From the main body's perspective, this vortex is invisible.

Luo Xuning, in soul state, reached out and touched the vortex with his fingers.

The moment his fingers touched the vortex, whoosh, the whole person disappeared!

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