My place is on fire

Chapter 868: Fist strength 1500KG!

There is a prerequisite for learning [Cosmic Energy Guidance Technique].

That is, only students who have been taught by Luo Yanning can understand it.

The method of teaching can be face-to-face teaching or online correspondence teaching, but it must be such a thing.

No matter how good a person's qualifications are and how outstanding his talent is, without Luo Yanning's guidance and education, he would not be able to comprehend such a profound skill as [Cosmic Original Energy Guidance Technique].

After all, [Cosmic Prime Energy Guidance Technique] originally did not belong to the earth, and it was also a technique that did not exist.

Luo Yanning got this reward through the lottery system of [Super Scenic Area System], so she got this reward.

Although Luo Yanning was not the founder of this technique, he was the one who brought [Cosmic Energy Guidance Technique] to the earth.

"First of all, we must abandon all distracting thoughts in our minds and try to enter a state of calmness like water, which is what Taoists call a state of unity between nature and man..."

Luo Yanning also had the [Teacher Aura] when he was teaching [Cosmic Energy Guidance Technique].

Those who study with him on the spot, under the influence of [Teacher’s Halo], can increase their concentration by 100% and their comprehension ability by 100%.

For ordinary people, it is very difficult to abandon all distracting thoughts and enter a state of calm mind, but for Zhao Rui and others who are studying with Luo Yanning on the spot, it is a very easy thing!

Zhao Rui and Du Enya didn't know the existence of [Teacher Halo]. They only knew that every time they studied with Luo Yanning, they gained deep insights and always had a feeling of enlightenment.

Therefore, even if they are apprentices who have already graduated, they will always pester Luo Yanning to give them lessons or something.

Under Luo Yanning's careful teaching, several apprentices quickly entered an ethereal meditative state, each breathing long and long, as if they were asleep.

Zhao Rui, Gao Yaling and Shi Mingsheng studied with Luo Yanning for a few hours yesterday, and took the initiative to practice for a few hours after returning home in the evening.

However, the threshold for this [Cosmic Original Energy Guidance Technique] is very high, and they have not yet sensed the "aura" that their master said.

Zheng Qi came here for the first time today, and she listened very seriously. She was also studying strictly according to Luo Yanning's teachings. However, she didn't feel any difference for a while.

Du Enya was also sitting with her head tilted upward, thinking seriously, her nose wings on both sides occasionally fluttering, and her breathing was long.

While teaching a few apprentices, Luo Yanning walked to the window a little bored, opened the window, and lit a cigarette.

After practicing all night last night, the cosmic energy in his body is already in a saturated state, like a sponge that has been filled with water. It is difficult to absorb more cosmic energy before it is consumed.

"It took almost four or five hours last night to consume all the cosmic energy in the body. This time was a bit too long..."

"It takes about six or seven hours to practice the cosmic energy guidance technique. It takes about six or seven hours to guide the cosmic energy into the body. It also takes about five hours to consume all the energy. Add the two together, and half a day is gone!"

"The time for practicing cosmic energy guidance can coincide with the time for sleeping. Practicing all night is better than sleeping all night, so it doesn't matter whether the time is longer or shorter in this regard."

"We have to think of a way to see if we can shorten the time it takes to consume physical and cosmic energy."

While several disciples were seriously comprehending the sense of energy, Luo Yanning was also thinking about how to save time and how to maximize the efficiency of his practice.

After thinking about it, I can only consider shortening the time for consuming the energy of the universe. Five or six hours a day is too long.

"Huh?" After smoking a cigarette, Luo Yanning suddenly felt cosmic energy fluctuations in the room.

Luo Yanning suddenly turned around and looked at where the disciples were, with a look of surprise on her face.

The fluctuations of cosmic energy are so weak that even people and machines with keen senses cannot detect them.

Only people like Luo Yanning, who have absorbed cosmic energy, used cosmic energy, and are familiar with cosmic energy, can feel it.

There were cosmic energy fluctuations in the room, and since it was not him who was actively practicing, it meant that one of the disciples had sensed "qi".

"Let me see who is so lucky." Luo Yanning glanced at the several apprentices one by one, and finally stopped at Du Enya.

The cosmic energy fluctuations in the area around Du Enya are like water ripples on the lake surface. Of course, all this can only be observed by Luo Yanning himself.

"It turns out to be Xiao Du. He is indeed my great disciple. Not only is he very talented in making clay figures, but he is also very talented in cultivation!"

Luo Yanning nodded with satisfaction. Du Enya's ability to sense "qi" within a few minutes was indeed amazing.

The cosmic energy around Zhao Rui and Gao Yaling is still very calm. It seems that they have not succeeded yet.




In the practice room, several long breaths came and went.

"I feel it! The air flow, it's the air flow! This is what the master calls the sense of air!"

Du Enya felt excited in her heart, but she quickly suppressed the excitement and began to relax her whole body, allowing the cosmic energy to flow freely into her body.

She was also surprised to be able to sense the "qi feeling" so quickly.

But just because it was fast this time didn't mean that she would be able to sense it in such a short time next time, so she cherished this opportunity.

Although she was very excited and happy, and wanted to share it with her master, she knew that now was not the time.

According to the master, sensing Qi for the first time and guiding cosmic energy into the body for the first time is the most important joint.

The higher the degree of strengthening of the human body for the first time, the higher the achievements that can be achieved in the future. Don't be careless.

Suppressing the ecstasy and excitement in her heart, she began to guide the cosmic energy into her body, and Du Enya soon entered a state that was like a dream, half awake but not awake.

Seeing this, Luo Yanning quietly stepped forward and woke up Zhao Rui, Gao Yaling, Shi Mingsheng and Zheng Qi.

Several people were envious when they saw that their senior sister could sense the "qi sense" so quickly.

In order not to affect Du Enya's first introduction of cosmic energy into her body, Luo Yanning arranged for several other disciples to continue practicing in other rooms, leaving the training room alone for Du Enya's use.

From about 1 o'clock in the morning, Du Enya sensed the "qi sense" and began to guide the energy of the universe. Until about o'clock in the afternoon, all the billions of cells in her body were full of energy, and she could no longer absorb any trace of it. Then he opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, Luo Yanning was sitting on the futon opposite him, with a smile of relief and satisfaction on his face.

"Master! I sensed it! I just sensed the aura you mentioned!"

After Du Enya saw Luo Yanning, she couldn't wait to share her joy with him.

"Just now? It seems like more than 2 hours have passed."

Luo Yanning raised her hand to glance at the watch on her wrist and joked with a smile.

When he first felt the "qi sense", he guided the cosmic energy into his body for the first time, and it took him about 13 hours to feed the billions of cells in his body.

It only took Du Enya about 2 hours to absorb enough energy this time.

Luo Yanning speculated that the amount of energy absorbed might be related to a person's physique?

Of course, he couldn't tell exactly what it was, it was just a guess.

"Has it been two hours? So fast!" Du Enya's face was full of surprise, feeling incredible.

The feeling of channeling cosmic energy into the body is like a dream, like falling into a deep sleep so that you can't feel the passage of time at all.

Du Enya thought she had just realized it, but she never expected that more than two hours had passed.

Luo Yanning smiled and joked: "Several of your junior sisters and junior brothers are almost crying with envy. They haven't realized it yet."

"Hey, who makes me, the senior sister, extremely smart! Master, am I very powerful?"

When Du Enya is in front of outsiders, she always looks like a cold goddess.

She is also a strict sister in front of her younger brother.

Only when Luo Yanning is in front of the master, will she occasionally show her little girl side.

"Awesome, really awesome."

Luo Yanning clapped, then tapped his chin at the boxing strength test machine next to him, and said:

"Go and test your punching strength on the boxing strength test machine next to you. Let me see how much you have improved."

"it is good!"

Du Enya smiled sweetly, and then ran briskly to the boxing strength testing machine in the northwest corner of the practice room.

He took out a boxing glove from a box on the ground and put it on his hand.

Luo Yanning also followed Du Enya to the boxing strength testing machine, ready to see how much his great apprentice had improved by channeling cosmic energy to strengthen his body for the first time.

"let's start!"

Luo Yanning saw that Du Enya had put on her boxing gloves and signaled that she could start.


Du Enya nodded in agreement, took a deep breath, and then punched quickly!


Du Enya's fist hit the punching strength testing machine hard!


The punching power of Du Enya's just punch was quickly displayed on the punching power testing machine!

"Not bad! Great progress!"

Luo Yanning couldn't help but his eyes lit up after seeing the values ​​displayed on the boxing strength testing machine.

He gave Du Enya a few claps and complimented him with a smile.

Du Enya is about 45 meters tall and weighs no more than kg. She looks thin and frail.

But with one punch from her, even the boxing champion would be defeated!

The force of a normal adult's punch ranges from 100kg to 150kg.

The reason why the range is so large is because people with the same strength and better skills can punch harder.

When boxing, if the posture is different and the impact force is different, the force produced is also different, and the difference is very big.

Du Enya's punch was equivalent to ten times the punch power of an ordinary adult.

Even if you go to a world-class women's boxing match, you can knock out all the contestants with one punch!

If this punch hits a person's body, it can be disabled even if it doesn't kill him. It's really terrifying!

"Is this...did I type it?"

Du Enya was also surprised when he looked at the punching strength measured on the punching strength testing machine.

Before, when Luo Yanning gave him Tianyang Dan, she tested her boxing strength once, and it was only 700kg at that time!

Of course, this "only" is relative to one's master. For ordinary people, 700KG of punching power is already very abnormal.

World-class boxing champion Taisen's punching power is only 900 pounds. If converted into KG, it is just over 400KG!

After taking the Tianyang Pill, Du Enya has been directly promoted from an ordinary person to a master. Now that he has practiced the cosmic energy guidance technique, his strength is even more powerful!

Seeing that Du Enya is getting stronger and stronger, Luo Yanning feels relieved from the bottom of her heart. When the end of the earth breaks out in the future, she will be able to protect herself to a certain extent.

"This cosmic energy guidance technique is profound and unpredictable. You are just getting started now. If you keep practicing every day from now on, you can become stronger. When you practice..."

Luo Yanning selflessly shared some of her experience in cultivating the original energy of the universe with Du Enya, and told her to pay attention to the art of guiding the original energy of the universe.

"Cultivation is best after you are exhausted every day, and practice is best in the early morning..."

Du Enya also carefully summarized Luo Yanning's teachings and kept them in mind.

After finishing all the teachings, Luo Yanning raised her hand and glanced at the watch on her wrist. It was already around 1:30 in the afternoon.

"Okay, that's it for today's practice. The cosmic energy in your body is now saturated, and it's hard to absorb any more."

Luo Yanning looked at Du Enya and said, "Go exercise in the afternoon and find a way to consume all the cosmic energy in your body, and then practice again in the evening."

"Yeah! Okay, master! Have you eaten? May I treat you?"

Du Enya successfully sensed the "qi feeling" today, and her mood was very beautiful, and her tone of voice was also very cheerful.

Luo Yanning smiled and said: "No, you can go alone. I have an appointment with Luo Ying. She is expected to be here soon."

"Oh, you're busy then, I'll go first and make an appointment another day."

Du Enya knew that her master, Mr. Luo Yingluo, must have something serious to do. After saying goodbye to Luo Yanning, she turned around and went out.

"Sister! Congratulations!"

"Congratulations, Senior Sister! You just felt the Qi in your first class today. You are so amazing!"

"Senior Sister, tell us if you have any skills or experience!"

As soon as Du Enya went out, she was surrounded by the two junior sisters Zhao Rui and Gao Yaling, as well as the "junior brother" Shi Mingsheng.

Everyone could feel the "qi" on the first day they saw Du Enya. It would be false to say that they are not envious, but it does not help to envy her.

Luo Yanning only has a few apprentices like them. Although they learned different skills when they first became apprentices to Luo Yanning, they are still brothers and sisters in the same discipline, and their relationship has always been very good.

Du Enya said with a smile: "Let's go to the delicious restaurant and chat. I'm treating you today. Let's chat while eating and share our experiences."

"Where can I treat you, Senior Sister? I'll treat you to this meal! I also want Senior Sister to teach us!"

"I'll do it, I'll do it. I remember that the last time our senior brothers and sisters had a dinner together, it was Senior Sister Zhao who invited us, right? It's my turn this time."

The senior brothers and sisters were talking and laughing as they walked towards the delicious restaurant. (End of chapter)

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