My place is on fire

Chapter 752 is full of doubts, the combination of fat and thin!

After eating and drinking, Zhang Jinwu and Sun Shulan cleaned up and washed themselves at home.

Luo Yanning and Zhang Qian went out for a walk together and thought of it as a snack.

"Since your scenic spot became popular, we have had fewer and fewer opportunities to walk together. The last time we went shopping together was... let me think about it, it seems to have been half a year ago, right?"

Luojiazhuang is also very lively at night. People are rushing on the street, many of whom are tourists from other places who come to visit the scenic spot.

Luo Yanning and Zhang Qian walked side by side on the street, looking leisurely and contented.

"Yeah, we haven't gone shopping together for a long time." Luo Yanning raised her head and glanced at the sky, as if she saw Wu Mingshi's smiling face in the night sky.

Although the business in the scenic area was not very good in the past and Fatty's job was very tiring, the business of Zhang Qian's family's martial arts studio was also average.

During their college days, the Iron Triangle didn't do well. Their savings never exceeded 1 yuan, and each one was poorer than the other.

However, the three of them were really happy at that time. Every weekend, they would get together, eat some delicious food, watch movies, go to KTV to sing and so on.

Although my business is doing well now and I have earned more money than I can spend in this life, the next life, or even the next life, I am really not as happy as before.

"Luo Zi, what do you think people live for? How long do you have to live to get your money back?" Zhang Qian asked in a somewhat disdainful tone as she walked away.

Luo Yanning frowned slightly after hearing Zhang Qian's words, and turned to look at her: "Zhang Qian, why do I feel that your mental state is not right? It's not like you can ask what you just said."

Luo Yanning's impression of Zhang Qian is that she is a lively and cheerful woman. No matter how big a setback or difficulty she encounters, she will face it bravely and find ways to overcome it.

During the days when business in the scenic spot was at its worst, Luo Yanning was in a very low mood and very pessimistic. Zhang Qian and Wu Mingshi encouraged him and cheered him up, accompanying him through the most difficult period.

Seeing that a person who was so cheerful before was now discussing life and death, Luo Yanning was keenly aware that there might be something wrong with Zhang Qian's mental state.

It is true that when faced with such a major trauma as the unexpected death of a fiancé, it would be difficult for anyone to get over it in a short period of time.

"Is this a realistic question? Can't I ask?" Zhang Qian looked straight ahead, not looking at Luo Yanning. Although there was a smile on her face, the smile in her eyes made people unable to help but feel a little embarrassed. Feeling distressed.

Thinking about it from another perspective, if I were in Zhang Qian's position, I might not be as strong as she is now.

Luo Yanning frowned and asked, "I asked you to go to Peach Blossom Island and Panlong Road in the scenic area before, but you haven't been there?"

"I haven't been feeling well lately, and I don't want to move much." Zhang Qian's tone was a little lazy and boring, as if she wasn't interested in anything.

Luo Yanning said helplessly: "I told you to move to a scenic spot, but you didn't listen. I asked you to go to Peach Blossom Island and Panlong Road, but you didn't go either. What I said is so difficult, isn't it?"

Zhang Qian said: "I know you care about me, and I am trying hard to get out, takes time."

Luo Yanning's heart moved, and she suggested: "Idle time is also idle, why don't I accompany you to our scenic spot?"

"Okay." With Luo Yanning by her side, Zhang Qian was much more interested in shopping.

On weekdays, even if her mother Sun Shulan asked her to go out together, she would rarely be able to move her.

Zhang Qian would always shirk it with various reasons.

After having their purpose in mind, Luo Yinning and Zhang Qian began to adjust their direction and walked towards the scenic spot.

From Luojiazhuang to the scenic spot, it is only about 3000 meters, and it only takes about ten or twenty minutes to walk.

In addition to vigorously developing scenic spots recently, Luo Yanning has also invested a lot of money in some infrastructure around the scenic spots.

Solar street lights are installed on both sides of the road from Luojiazhuang to the scenic spot, which will light up at night.

Villagers from several villages around the scenic area sometimes walk in groups to the scenic area after eating in the evening, all as a way to exercise.

There are also some people who like sports and have no time during the day, so they will run and exercise at night.

The small road that used to be deserted at night has now become lively.

Suddenly, Luo Yanning's eyes narrowed and she looked straight at the two middle-aged people who had just passed him and Zhang Qian.

The auras of the two of them gave Luo Yanning a very bad feeling. He couldn't tell what the specific feeling was.

"What's wrong Luo Zi?"

Zhang Qian keenly noticed Luo Yanning's abnormality and turned to ask him.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm overthinking."

Luo Yanning frowned slightly and looked away from the two people, but her thoughts did not return. She was still thinking about the two people just now.

While talking to Zhang Qian, Luo Yanning looked up again and found that there was no trace of the two of them.

"There's definitely something wrong with those two people!"

Luo Yanning was shocked. This time he really felt the problem.

In the blink of an eye, those two people disappeared in front of your eyes. It was so weird!

Even if he uses [Lingbo Weibu], he can't disappear from the sight of passers-by so quickly!
"The direction the two of them are going should be towards the scenic area. If it is over there..."

Luo Yanning suddenly thought of Gao Yaling who was still in the scenic area.

Are those two weirdos coming for her?

Thinking of this, Luo Yanning didn't dare to be careless. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket and dialed Luo Ying's number.

Beep beep, beep beep——!

The phone rang several times before it was connected, and Luo Ying's emotionless voice sounded on the other side.

"Is something wrong?"

"Are you in the scenic spot, Luo Ying? On the road just now, I felt that the whereabouts of the two people were suspicious..."

Luo Yanning told Luo Ying about the situation when she just met the two people on the road, as well as his speculations, and told her to rush to Gao Yaling immediately to ensure her personal safety.

Gao Yaling is not only his bodyguard, but also the key to completing the [Guardian] mission. Luo Yanning naturally wants to keep her as safe as possible.

After ending the call with Luo Ying, Luo Yanning turned to look at Zhang Qian and said, "Zhang Qian, I have some urgent matters to deal with when I return to the scenic spot. I'll call my senior brother and ask him to pick you up."

Zhang Qian smiled relieved and said: "No, if you have anything to do, just go and get busy. I'm not a child anymore. I don't need my dad to pick me up. I can just go back by myself."

"It's better to tell your senior brother. I'm not worried about you being alone this late at night."

As Luo Yanning spoke, regardless of Zhang Qian's objection, she found Zhang Jinwu's phone number in the call records and dialed it, asking him to pick up Zhang Qian and informing him of his specific location.

"Don't run around and wait here for a while. Senior brother will ride the tram and will be here soon."

After calling Zhang Jinwu, Luo Yanning hurriedly told Zhang Qian, turned around and ran quickly in the direction of the scenic spot.

"Be careful!" For some reason, Zhang Qian felt uneasy as she watched Luo Yanning's retreating figure. She hated this feeling.

Luo Yanning waved to Zhang Qian from behind, and ran for three to 40 meters before turning on the [Lingbo Micro Step] to accelerate.

"Who are those two people?"

While using [Lingbo Microstep] to continuously accelerate on the road, Luo Yanning was also paying close attention to the pedestrians on the road, looking for traces of the two of them.

After running for 800 meters in a row, Luo Yanning saw no trace of the two weirdos. They seemed to have evaporated from the world.

This weird situation made Luo Yanning feel more and more uneasy.

Jingle Bell--!Suddenly, Luo Yanning's cell phone rang in her pocket. While running nonstop, she took out her cell phone and took a look. The name on the caller ID was Luo Ying.

"Hey Luo Ying, how's the situation with Gao Yaling?"

Luo Yanning connected the phone with a swipe of her finger and asked her nervously. He was still very concerned about the safety of this bodyguard target.

If the bodyguard fails this time, it will not only be a matter of refunding the 1 million premium, but also losing a chance to draw a lottery.

"What? She's not in the scenic spot?"

"When is the plane?"


After briefly communicating with Luo Ying on the phone, he hung up the phone.

Luo Yanning stopped walking quickly and put his phone back in his pocket. He was still a little unhappy at Gao Yaling's leaving without saying goodbye.

He doesn't have to tie her up in the scenic spot. He must not let her leave. Before leaving, she must at least say hello to him!
"Am I too sensitive? Those two people are just tourists visiting the scenic spot because of its reputation?"

Luo Yanning slowed down, still recalling what happened when he saw the two weirdos in his mind.

He didn't see their faces, only their backs.

Wearing the same gray coat, one is fat and the other is thin. The fat person has a neat short hair style, while the thin person has longer hair, which seems to be slicked back.

Moreover, what made Luo Yanning most curious was that the two of them landed very lightly on the ground.

Ordinary people can't see anything, but as long as they are Lianjiazi, they will definitely be able to tell that those two people have great skills.

Moreover, the two people's kung fu is not weak!
Luo Yanning estimated in her mind that the strength of the two of them should be greater than that of her young apprentices Zhao Rui and Shi Mingsheng.

Jingle Bell--!

The cell phone in her pocket rang again. Luo Yanning took out the phone and before she could see who was calling, the person on the other end had already hung up.

"Yang Xiaolan?"

Looking at the missed call displayed on the screen, Luo Yanning frowned slightly, hesitated for a few seconds, and dialed back with a click of her finger.

"The number you dialed is turned off, please try again later..."

When Luo Yanning called Yang Xiaolan back, the voice prompt indicated that the phone on the other end had been turned off.

"Did something happen to Fellow Daoist Yang? Are those two people here for Fellow Daoist Yang?"

Luo Yanning's heart condensed, feeling that what happened tonight was strange and a little unusual.

After calling Luo Ying again, Luo Yanning asked her to go to Yang Xiaolan's residence to find her and confirm her safety. He speeded towards the scenic spot again.

Soon, Luo Ying's call came back, and Yang Xiaolan was not at the residence either.

Luo Yanning knew Yang Xiaolan's usual training place in the mountain, but Luo Ying didn't know, and he couldn't speak clearly to her on the phone.

It seemed that Luo Ying could no longer be blamed. After Luo Yanning hung up the phone, she sped up again.

No matter what, Yang Xiaolan is also a good friend who lent him more than 9 million.

Now that her friend may be in trouble, Luo Yanning will naturally not stand idly by.

[Do you want to spend 100 million to open the [Intense Like a Breaking Bamboo] state? 】

"Yes! Turn on!"

Luo Yanning suddenly had a very bad premonition in her heart, so she immediately activated [Popularity] and started on her way.

In the [Unstoppable] state, all attributes increased by 10 times, and Luo Yanning's speed increased again, making her an unparalleled opponent.

"I'll go, that guy who ran over just now was too fierce!"

"Holy crap, was that someone who just passed us?"

"You can win a medal if you run 100 meters at this speed!"

"It's so fast! As it is said on the Internet, the running masters near the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area are better than the others!"

There were many lap runners running on the road outside the scenic area at night. After being passed by Luo Yanning one by one, they all looked in the direction he was running and were surprised.

With the blessing of [Strong as Possible Bamboo] and [Lingbo Weibu], Luo Yanning's speed reached an extremely terrifying level.

After running for a minute, Luo Yanning glanced and suddenly saw a locked well house on the side of the road.

It doesn't matter whether it's locked or not. What's important is that this well room has a door.

The [Any Door] previously fused with the [Fusion] skill can travel between any two doors within 2 kilometers.

Thinking of this, Luo Yanning changed direction and reached the well house in a few steps, and quickly pressed her palm on the locked iron door of the well house.

Activate skills and open any door!
Swish it!
Luo Yanning's figure suddenly disappeared from the place.

The next moment, he had appeared in the Bixia Yuanjun Empress Temple where he was in the scenic area.

After climbing over the wall and leaving the Empress Temple, Luo Yanning ran wildly again, heading towards the Panlong Road.

"No matter how fast those two weirdos are, they're not as fast as me, right?"

While rushing on the road, Luo Yanning was still calculating the speed of himself and the two weirdos in his mind.

He opened [Populsive Bamboo], [Lingbo Weibu] and used [Any Door].

If you can't catch those two weirdos even in this way, it would be unreasonable.

Swish Swish Swish--!

Luo Yanning used her maximum speed to move quickly on the Panlong Road, passing tourists one after another, leaving everyone in awe.

Soon, Luo Yanning arrived near the small courtyard he had previously granted to Yang Xiaolan.

Far away, Luo Yanning heard the sounds of fighting over there.

"Sure enough, Fellow Daoist Yang is in trouble!"

When they arrived, Luo Yanning's eyes narrowed and she saw Yang Xiaolan fighting one against two, one fat and one thin, two strangers.

Although the two people were dressed exactly the same as the two people Luo Yanning saw on the road before, they were both wearing long light gray windbreakers.

Moreover, both of them are fat and thin.

However, judging from their hairstyles, Luo Yanning was certain that these two people were not the two he had seen before.

Seeing that the fat and thin team actually had the upper hand when facing Yang Xiaolan, Luo Yanning felt surprised again.

He had competed with Yang Xiaolan once or twice before, and he still had some understanding of each other's strengths.

There is something about this combination of fat and thin, otherwise I wouldn't dare to pick on Yang Xiaolan.

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