My place is on fire

Chapter 751 The black scenic area has become politically correct!

Chapter 751 The black scenic area has become politically correct!
With the "help" of Wu Yun and his gang of rich brothers.

The [Time and Space Tunnel] attraction that opened on the first day became a hot search.

[Have you ever been to an attraction with a ticket price of 9999? 】

[Is the 9999 attraction ticket worth the money? 】

[Is the 9999 attraction ticket an IQ tax or cutting leeks? 】

Some media caught wind of this and hyped up the topic of [Space-Time Tunnel] on various platforms across the Internet.

Most of these media have never come to the scenic spot to check it out on the spot, but this does not prevent them from enjoying the popularity and traffic.

In this era where traffic is king, traffic is money. They don’t care if the truth is not true, as long as they make money.

So much so that the news about [Time and Space Tunnel] becomes more and more ridiculous.

There are also many self-media rumors saying that the [Time and Space Tunnel] attraction caused a fatality on the first day of operation and was closed urgently.

Praise, slander, heckles, all kinds of rumors are there.

Fortunately, the Wanshan County Culture and Tourism Bureau has a good relationship with Luo Yanning, and they withstood the pressure and officially refuted the rumors at the scenic spot.

Under the influence of various rumors and rumors, [Time and Space Tunnel] has become another popular attraction in Heilongshan Scenic Area after Panlong Road.

However, just as Luo Yanning expected, the ticket price of 9999 destined it to target high-end customer groups, and its sales volume was also destined to be incomparable with other attractions in the scenic area.

Over the past week, the sales of the [Time and Space Tunnel] attraction have been tepid. Sometimes there are more than a dozen tourists, and sometimes there are only three or four.

Luo Yanning had no choice but to let it go and take his time. He was too lazy to worry about a special task anymore.

On the eighth day of the first lunar month, businesses and companies across the country began to resume work and production one after another.

After the scenic spot experienced a week of excitement, the daily passenger flow began to decline at a rate visible to the naked eye, from a peak of more than 2 people a day to a daily visit volume of four to five thousand.

This passenger flow may not be ranked among the 5A scenic spots in the country, and it is incomparable with attractions such as the Forbidden City that receive hundreds of thousands of tourists a day.

However, this passenger flow is considered unique in Wanshan County.

In less than half a year, Heilongshan Scenic Spot has grown from a small scenic spot on the verge of bankruptcy to a popular scenic spot with the largest number of tourists in Wanshan County.

Some are happy and some are sad. The business situation here in Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area is completely opposite to that in Heilong Mountain Scenic Area.

In the past six months, the number of visitors to the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area has decreased at a rate visible to the naked eye, from a peak of 5000 to 1000 people per day, to less than [-] people per day now.

For scenic spots, passenger flow is life and the basis for making money.

The most direct manifestation of the decrease in passenger flow and tourists is that the profits of scenic spots have declined.

In the last quarter of 2022, the profit of Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area dropped by 56% from the previous quarter and by 78% from the same period last year.

At the year-end summary meeting, An Quan, general manager of Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, made a strict review to the board of directors. While losing face, the bonuses and dividends at the end of the year were also greatly reduced.

Li Huimin, a young director of the Bandung Group, even threw the cup and left without even finishing the meeting. After the meeting, he even cursed at An Quan on the phone for more than ten minutes.

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area, general manager's office.

The look on An Quan's face was worse than before the New Year. He picked up the copy about the beasts hurting people in the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area and read it carefully.

On the surface, Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area is no longer competitive with Heilong Mountain Scenic Area, and An Quan can only use some less-than-glorious means to engage in vicious competition.

Tuk tuk -!

There was a knock on the office door.

"come in."

An Quan browsed the copy in his hand and let the people outside the door in without raising his head.

The door opened, and Chen Lihui, the general manager of the Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area Publicity Department, entered the office.

"Mr. An, you are looking for me."

Chen Lihui also knew that An Quan was not in a good mood recently, and his tone of voice was always cautious, for fear that he would do something wrong and make him angry.

The board of directors put all the pressure on An Quan, lecturing and scolding him. An Quan put the pressure on Chen Lihui and his subordinates, taking it out on them from time to time.

If it weren't for the fact that the salary he received was decent, Chen Lihui would have quit his job long ago. The reason why he has endured until now is definitely not because of his love and belonging to the scenic spot, but simply because of money.

In terms of employees' sense of belonging to the scenic spot, Baiyun Mountain Scenic Area is far behind Heilong Mountain Scenic Area.

"Xiao Chen, I've read the copy and it's not a big problem. You can be responsible for the implementation."

An Quan looked away from the copy, threw it to the edge of his desk, and motioned for Chen Lihui to take it and execute it.

"Good Mr. An."

Chen Lihui knew what the "copywriting" An Quan was talking about was nothing more than spreading rumors. No, it wasn't spreading rumors. It should be said that it was disclosing potential unsafe factors in the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area.

"Go ahead and make things nicer."

An Quan waved his hand, signaling Chen Lihui to take the copy and leave.

"Good Mr. An."

After Chen Lihui nodded in agreement, he took the copy and turned around to go out.

In the afternoon of that day, some local news media first reported the news that tourists were attacked by wild beasts near the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area.

Also attached are pictures of the injured receiving treatment in the hospital, as well as interviews with the injured.

As long as there is news about Heilongshan Scenic Area, whether it is positive or negative, there will be a lot of media reports following the trend.

These media are like they have found the traffic password. They never care about the authenticity of your news. They just follow the trend and report a wave first, and just get a wave of traffic!

Soon, more and more media reported the negative news about the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area. By the afternoon, it was already on Weibo’s hot search list.

[A tourist was attacked by a vicious dog in an internet celebrity scenic spot, and the scenic spot refused to compensate! 】

[Do scenic spots have the responsibility to ensure the personal safety of tourists? 】

Two pieces of news about Heilongshan Scenic Area were ranked 9th and 23rd on the hot search list respectively.

“If we can’t even guarantee the safety of tourists, who would dare to go to such a rubbish scenic spot!”

"I have been to this scenic spot reported in the news. It is only an A-level scenic spot, and the tickets are more expensive than 5A scenic spots!"

"This scenic spot is in our county. I've been there once and I never want to go there again. The scenic spots are not worth seeing, and they have a false reputation!"

“The staff at this scenic spot are the most arrogant I have ever seen, bar none!”

"This scenic spot belongs to our county. I didn't expect to see it on trending searches. It's embarrassing to the whole country."

Under the guidance of the media and the trolls, the online reputation of the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area was instantly reversed, as if the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area had become politically correct.

Anyone who dares to defend the scenic spot or say a good word will be labeled as a pirate of the Heilongshan Scenic Spot and drowned in the spit of netizens.

Most of the melon-eaters on the Internet who don’t know the truth sympathize with the weak and side with the injured tourist.

An Quan stayed in his office all afternoon, always paying attention to the development of the situation. Seeing that the drama he directed had achieved results, a smile appeared on his lips.

Accidentally and unintentionally, An Quan was caught off guard at the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area. While he was hastily responding, the passenger flow was indeed affected to a certain extent.

Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area, inside the general manager's office.

Luo Yinning's phone kept ringing one after another.

A group of people from the Luojiazhuang Village Committee, leaders from Beiqi Township, and county leaders all called to ask what was going on.Luo Yanning responded one by one and told the truth.

The rumors on the Internet were half true and half false, and Luo Yanning was a little hard to deal with for a while.

It is indeed an indisputable fact that tourists were injured within the scenic area, but...

The reason why the tourist was injured, Luo Yanning remembered that Mr. Shen seemed to have said before that this matter should be kept strictly confidential.

Moreover, the confidentiality level is top secret.

What does top secret mean?That is, it must never be disclosed to the outside world.

The penalty for intentionally leaking top-secret documents depends on the severity of the case.

If the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention.

If the circumstances are serious, the offender may be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years.

"No matter who you are, if you mess with me this time, you will be in trouble."

Luo Yanning didn't care about the online criticism about the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area.

I found Mr. Shen Yiwen's number on the phone and dialed it.

Beep beep, beep beep——!

After the call was dialed, it rang for a while before it was connected. Mr. Shen's voice sounded on the other side.

"Ronaldo? What's the matter with calling me?"

Shen Yiwen spoke to Luo Yanning in a very polite tone. In the entire Jibei Province, no one could be treated like this by him with more than a slap.

"Mr. Shen, it's like this..."

Luo Yanning told Shen Yiwen everything about the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area on the Internet.

"What! Someone dares to make a fuss about this matter!"

"Don't worry, Ronaldinho. I will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly. As for the impact on your scenic spot, we will try to control it to the minimum range."

After getting the exact answer from Mr. Shen Yiwen, Luo Yanning hung up the phone with satisfaction. He had already reacted to the situation, and the rest was none of his business.

Tuk tuk -!

There was a knock on the door, and Luo Yanning turned to look at the door.

"come in."

The door opened and Shui Miaomiao walked in with a sad look on her face.


Before Shui Miaomiao could finish speaking, Luo Yanning interrupted: "Don't worry about the Internet. I believe that the matter will be resolved if we can't make it through tonight."

"Ah? Really, boss?" Shui Miaomiao was more anxious than anyone else when she saw that her scenic spot had become a "public enemy of the entire Internet." When she heard her boss say that the matter had been resolved, she felt relieved.

Based on her understanding of her boss, she knew that her boss would never joke with her about such a thing.

Although the boss loves to joke, he is also measured and will not joke randomly.

Luo Yanning nodded and smiled: "When have I lied to you? Okay, don't think about it anymore. Go home and sleep at night, and you will be back to normal the next day."

"Oh..." Shui Miaomiao nodded, already believing most of Luo Yanning's words.

Luo Yuning asked, "Is there anything else?"

"I've got quotations from several building material companies. Please take a look."

As Shui Miaomiao spoke, she took a few steps forward and put several documents in her hands on Luo Yinning's desk.

Years later, Luo Yanning is preparing to start the project of building an ancient city wall in the Heilongshan Scenic Area. This project is definitely the largest project in the scenic area so far.

Regardless of the construction scale, investment scale, or construction period, it is the longest and most ambitious project.

This is also a project to prepare for a rainy day. Thinking of the future scenario described by Luo Ying, Luo Yanning feels that no matter how much investment is made, it is worth it.

Money is something you don't bring with you in life, and you don't take it with you in death. If the apocalypse really breaks out, it will all become useless paper. It is better to spend the money to build more defensive buildings and facilities.

"It's time to get off work, let's see tomorrow."

After Luo Yanning took the document from Shui Miaomiao, he put it on his desk. This project was not in a hurry.

"Okay, boss tonight..."

Jingle bell, jingle bell--!

Shui Miaomiao was about to ask Luo Yanning if she wanted to have dinner together in the evening, but was interrupted by a phone ringing.

The ringtone rang from Luo Yanning's pocket. It was his phone.

"Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone..."

Luo Yanning took out her phone and took a look. The name on the caller ID was "Yaya", which was Lin Suqing.

"Hey Yaya..."

Luo Yanning connected the phone with a swipe of her finger, and said hello to Lin Suqing with a smile.

Shui Miaomiao felt sour in her heart after hearing Luo Yanning's extremely doting address to Lin Suqing.

"Don't worry about what those keyboard warriors on the Internet say, the matter has been resolved and it's okay."

"Okay, please pay attention to your safety over there."

"Okay, hang up now. Remember to eat on time."

Lin Suqing called because of the hotly searched news about the scenic spot. She felt relieved when Luo Yanning said everything was fine.

Jingle bell, jingle bell--!

Just after hanging up Lin Suqing's phone, the phone rang again. This time the name on the caller ID was "Zhang Qian".

"Hey Zhang Qian."

"Okay, 7 o'clock, right? Okay, I'm getting ready to get off work here. I'll be there later."

After briefly speaking to Zhang Qian, Luo Yanning looked at Shui Miaomiao after hanging up the phone and asked her:

"What's wrong, Miaomiao? Did you have something to say just now?"

"No, no, I'm going back first."

When Shui Miaomiao saw that Luo Yanning had made an appointment with someone else for dinner, she forced a smile on her face, said goodbye to him, turned around and walked out of the office.

Luo Yanning didn't notice the disappointment on Shui Miaomiao's face. After watching her go out, she tidied her desk and left work.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, Luo Yanning went to the appointment with Zhang Qian's family on time, and had a great time eating hotpot.

At the same time, at 7 p.m., An Quan was arrested and taken away from his villa.

The injured tourist who had been staying at Wanshan County Hospital and was preparing to extort money from the scenic spot was also taken away to cooperate with the investigation.

On the Internet, all news about the attacks on tourists in the Heilong Mountain Scenic Area were blocked and withdrawn, and disappeared completely.

(End of this chapter)

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