My place is on fire

Chapter 713 Beast Attack Incident!

Chapter 713 Beast Attack Incident!

At 25:[-] in the evening, Luo Rongning came to the delicious restaurant to make an appointment with Wang Bingbing.

As soon as she entered the door, she was already sitting by the window and playing with her mobile phone.

"I'm sorry, Reporter Wang, to keep you waiting."

Luo Rongning smiled and came forward to say hello, and sat down opposite Wang Bingbing without any politeness.

"No, I came early, and Mr. Luo is not late, so don't feel embarrassed."

Wang Bingbing smiled lightly, revealing two deep dimples on her cheeks.

"By the way, don't you have a companion? Didn't you come over together?"

Luo Rongning remembered that when Wang Bingbing came, there were two people there, and now seeing her going to the appointment alone, she asked casually.

Wang Bingbing smiled and said: "My companion's visit to Mr. Luo's scenic spot was not in vain. He met his prince charming on the first day he came here.

The two have fallen in love now, and they are inseparable every day, so I can only come to the appointment by myself. "

"Haha, really? You came to our scenic spot to meet your true love, but you really didn't come. Where is Reporter Wang? Have you met your true love?" Luo Yanning joked to Wang Bingbing with a smile.

Although they have not known each other for a long time and have not had many contacts, the relationship between the two has reached the point where they can make small jokes.

Wang Bingbing said with a bitter face: "It would be difficult for a girl like me who wants a body but not a figure, looks but not looks, and a personality that is not cute at all to find her true love."

"Hahaha, Reporter Wang is being too modest when he says that. Who doesn't know that you, Reporter Wang, are the favorite of CCTV, and you are the goddess of geeks and goddesses in the hearts of hundreds of millions of netizens."

Luo Yuning's words did not contain any compliments, they were completely telling the truth.

After the two chatted for a while, Luo Rongning proposed to order food and chat while eating.

Accepting the suggestions of tourists, in addition to dumplings, the delicious restaurant also added some special cold dishes and cooked food.

These cold dishes and cooked food can also be blessed by the two attributes of a delicious restaurant. When they are outside, they taste ordinary, but once they enter the restaurant, they immediately become delicious.

I ordered all the special dishes in the restaurant, and the waiter quickly brought them to the table.

After 5 p.m., all the tourists left, and the number of customers in the delicious restaurant was significantly reduced, and the speed of serving food was correspondingly significantly accelerated.

Luo Rongning and Wang Bingbing chatted while eating, and the meal lasted from 06:30 in the evening until a little after 8:[-] in the evening.

Chatted all over the place, it was purely a chat between friends, not involving any work or interests.

After dinner, Luo Yanning went out for a walk with Wang Bingbing and spent her last night in the scenic spot with her.

The two of them walked and came to the landscape avenue. Although it was already the depth of winter and the weather was freezing cold.

But there are also many villagers and tourists who come out to play and walk along the landscape avenue at night.

Along the way, not far away, there are various anchors who support their mobile phones with mobile phone holders to broadcast live on various platforms.

Some sang, some danced, and some chatted with the audience in the live broadcast room.

Recently, as the Heilongshan scenic spot exploded, all kinds of anchors from ten miles and eight villages around the scenic spot came to the scenic spot to live broadcast and collect traffic.

There are even many anchors living in the urban area who have traveled all the way to the Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Area to broadcast live.

As long as it is a live broadcast room with the words "Black Dragon Mountain Scenic Spot" in its name, there are at least a hundred viewers watching the fun there.

Heilongshan Scenic Spot seems to have become a traffic password. Even if you have no talent, you can earn a hundred and eighty pocket money by using traffic for one night.

"I came to Mr. Luo's scenic spot for a few days and lived in the village for a few days. I was deeply touched."

Wang Bingbing walked forward in small steps, and said: "Many villagers say that thanks to Mr. Luo, they have achieved an increase in income. Even the village secretary of the Luojiazhuang Village Committee said that all the people in the village The smooth progress of this work is also inseparable from your support, Mr. Luo, Mr. Luo’s contribution to the local area is really great, and I have been thinking about one thing these days."

Wang Bingbing didn't finish her sentence, as if she was waiting for Luo Yanning to ask her before she would continue.

"What's the matter?" Luo Rongning followed Wang Bingbing at a leisurely pace, and asked cooperatively.

Wang Bingbing turned her head to look at Luo Rongning and said, "I'm thinking about doing an exclusive interview with Mr. Luo. I wonder if Mr. Luo can agree to my small request?"

Luo Yuning smiled modestly and said, "Do an exclusive interview for me? I think it's better to forget it. I don't have any good things, and I don't have any good results."

Wang Bingbing said with a smile: "Boss Luo just said me, aren't you too modest?
Isn't it all thanks to Mr. Luo that the Heilongshan Scenic Area can have today's scenery?

The uncles and aunts in the surrounding villages all remember your kindness. "

Luo Yuning smiled modestly and said, "Actually, I haven't done anything for everyone.

It's just that the development of the scenic spot has inadvertently promoted the economic development of the village.

After the development of the village, it has also attracted some tourists who want to experience rural life.

It also advertised for the drainage of our scenic spots in a disguised way. It can be said that both of us are mutually beneficial. "

Wang Bingbing smiled and joked: "I think Luo is always unwilling to do this interview for me, so he is looking for excuses to refuse, right?"

Luo Yanning smiled heartily and said: "Hahaha, no, no, reporter Wang Da was joking. There are not many opportunities to be on CCTV. We can't ask for it."

Wang Bingbing struck while the iron was hot and decided: "Okay, let's settle it, let's do it tomorrow morning! I will finish the script tonight and start recording tomorrow morning. After recording, I will go back to the capital directly. When will it be cut and sent to you? Read it again, and if you say it’s okay, let’s publish it again.”

"All right, all right, Reporter Wang has the final say." Luo Rongning smiled and agreed, and he also wished for more exposure opportunities in the scenic spot.

The two walked and chatted, the atmosphere was very harmonious, and soon they walked all the way to the end of the landscape avenue.

There are no tourists or villagers at the end of the landscape avenue. It is rare to have such a quiet section of road.

Just when the two were about to turn around and walk back, there was a sound of someone moving quickly in the field beside the road.

"Ah! There are wolves!"

Wang Bingbing was sharp since she was a child. When she heard the movement, she turned her head and saw a wolf with gray fur and a head as big as a bucket had already run to the edge of the landscape avenue. It was jumping from the field beside it, heading towards her and Luo Rongning. Jump in the direction you are in!
Girls have a natural fear of ferocious beasts like tigers and wolves. When they saw the ferocious wolf with bared teeth that was close at hand, Wang Bingbing screamed in fright, and rushed to hide behind Luo Rongning like a conditioned reaction. stand up.

When Luo Rongning suddenly turned around and saw the wolf attacking him and Wang Bingbing, he could already see the intricate and sharp canine teeth in the opponent's mouth, and he could smell the stench unique to ferocious beasts.

It's sizzling!

Also like a conditioned reflex, Luo Rongning shot two fiery gazes from his eyes, instantly hitting the wild wolf that was attacking him and Wang Bingbing!
The wolf's body was directly pierced by two bloody blood holes by Luo Rongning's thermal vision, and he let out a scream, and fell to the ground in an instant.

The smell of blood and burning fur permeated the air in an instant, and after the wolf fell to the ground, Luo Rongning suddenly realized that the wolf in front of him was much bigger than the wolves he saw in TV movies and in zoos.

The wolf lying on its side on the ground has an incomparably huge body, its torso is as long as an adult's, and its head is also surprisingly big, comparable to that of a tiger or a lion.

The intricate and sharp canine teeth in the mouth are also sharp and long, as thick and long as an adult's finger!
"This guy doesn't seem to be an ordinary wolf..." When Luo Rongning saw the "monster" attacking him, he frowned slightly, feeling that something was not normal in front of him. "This is..." Wang Bingbing dared to open his eyes after a while, and when he emerged from behind Luo Rongning, he was also surprised when he saw the giant wolf lying on the ground, dying of serious injuries, dying.

"What a big wolf, this is... too big!" The giant beast in front of him also refreshed Wang Bingbing's understanding of wolves as animals.

"Your Majesty, you..." Wang Bingbing's reaction arc was really not normal. After a while, he suddenly realized that he should be even more surprised. Isn't it the king who defeated the wolf?

What happened to the two blood holes on the wolf's body?have a gun?

"Ahem, I'll explain this to Reporter Wang later. I'll ask someone to take care of this thing first."

As soon as Luo Yuning finished speaking, he suddenly heard screams of panic coming from not far away.

"It's biting! The vicious dog is biting!!"


"Child! My child!"

Heart-piercing shouts resounded through the night sky.

Luo Rongning suddenly turned around and looked in the direction of the call for help, which should be on the most crowded section of Scenic Avenue.

"Could it be that there was also a wild beast attack over there?"

Luo Yuning frowned, and suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

[Do you want to spend 100 million to open the [Intense Like a Breaking Bamboo] state? 】

"Yes, turn it on!"

Without any hesitation, Luo Yun would rather activate the state of [Intense Like a Broken Bamboo].

"Reporter Wang, come up quickly, I'll carry you over!"

While speaking, Luo Rongning bent his legs and squatted on the ground.

He didn't dare to leave Wang Bingbing alone, in case another wild beast attacked, no one could guarantee her safety.

After turning on the [Momentum Like a Broken Bamboo] state, Luo Rongning's stats in all aspects will increase by 10 times, and running around with Wang Bingbing on his back will not be too much of a burden!

"Oh!" Wang Bingbing was stunned for a moment after hearing Luo Yanning's words. After glancing at the giant beast lying on the ground, she obediently climbed onto Luo Yanning's back.

Swish, Swish, Swish--!

After Luo Rongning got up with Wang Bingbing on his back, he directly used [Lingbo Weibu] to head in the direction of calling for help.

Wang Bingbing lay on his back, hugged his neck tightly, felt the whistling wind in his ears, and stared at the boss with a pair of beautiful eyes.

With a load of more than 90 kilograms, he can still run fast. He deserves to be the creator of the world marathon record!


"Help me!!"

Luo Yanning listened to people's heartbreaking cries for help and wished she could have two more legs.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!"

With the blessing of the two skills [Momentum Like a Breaking Bamboo] and [Lingbo Weibu], Luo Rongning's running speed has definitely surpassed the creator of the [-]-meter record, but he still feels that it is too slow.

In about 28 seconds, Luo Rongning ran 388 meters with Wang Bingbing on his back to the location where he called for help.

On the bustling section of the road before, the tourists and the people had already scattered and fled in all directions.

Luo Rongning focused his eyes, and saw a wolf about the same size as the one that attacked him and Wang Bingbing diagonally ahead, biting a woman in red.

The clothes on the woman had been torn, and the high heels on her feet had been lost. Under the bite of the giant beast, she was so frightened that she lost her speech.

Wang Bingbing closed her eyes in pain, she was helpless in the face of the misfortune suffered by her kind, and felt powerless for her smallness and humbleness.

"Damn it, evil beast!" Luo Yuning was also really angry, as soon as he made a move, it was a killer move, without mercy!

Fuck you Wildlife Protection Laws!
It's sizzling!

The heat vision directly pierced through the giant wolf that was biting the woman in red!

Luo Yuning turned his head to look elsewhere, and there was an equally huge giant wolf running wildly with a five or six-year-old child in its mouth outside the landscape avenue.

Two young men, a man and a woman, were chasing after them without fear of death, trying to save their children from the giant beast's mouth.

However, it was obvious that the speed of the two was more than one and a half times slower than that of the giant beast, and they were soon separated from each other.


"Give me back my child!!!"

Hearing the heart-piercing cry of the middle-aged couple, Luo Rongning's inner anger instantly burned to the extreme.

It's sizzling!

No longer caring about hiding his strength, his heat vision directly penetrated the legs of the running giant beast!
At the same time as the giant beast let out a scream, the child held in its mouth fell to the ground!
It's sizzling!

Luo Rongning activated his thermal vision again, directly piercing the belly of the behemoth he knocked down to the ground!
The giant beast's limbs thumped on the ground a few times and then calmed down. It was completely dead and cool!

Luo Rongning looked around and found that there were no other giant beasts, so she put Wang Bingbing down, and then hurriedly took out her mobile phone from her pocket to contact Luo Ying.

After the call was connected, Luo Yanning told her the situation on Landscape Avenue.

After Luo Ying heard Luo Yuning's reaction, she paid great attention to it and told him to wait in place.

After ending the call with Luo Ying, Luo Yanning called a deputy director of the newly established medical office in the scenic spot and asked her to bring people to the rescue as quickly as possible. Then she called 120 emergency number.

Hula, hula, hula——!

Luo Ying arrived with dozens of security guards in the scenic area, and blocked the scene in time to prevent the news from leaking out.

If such incidents of wild beasts attacking people occur around the scenic area, if it is reported, it will definitely affect the traffic of the scenic area.

A group of security guards looked at the gigantic beast lying upright on the ground, belching farts, and each of them looked at Luo Rongning as if they were looking at God.

Although they didn't see what happened, but based on the situation at the scene, they can make up their minds that it must be these monsters subdued by Luo Rongning.

(End of this chapter)

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