My place is on fire

Chapter 712: Learning Now, Selling to Teach Apprentice!

Chapter 712: Learning Now, Selling to Teach Apprentice!
After starting the construction of the [Space-Time Tunnel], Luo Rongning chatted with Luo Yiba again.

After chatting for a while, he turned and went back to his office.

"Can you practice Tai Chi?"

Although I got [Heat Vision], a king bombing skill.

But Luo Rongning is not ready to give up the practice of Taijiquan.

After all, in real life, you can use Tai Chi for self-defense, even for righteous deeds.

You can't just use [thermal vision] to get out of trouble when you encounter any troubles!
Luo Yuning was not as perverted as the natives in the black-robed pickets.

His three views are still very normal, and he has always been a good citizen who abides by the law.

"By the way, Lao Shi must have been waiting a little anxiously? It's okay to teach him first today!"

Just as he was about to practice a few times, Luo Rongning thought of Shi Mingsheng, who was his teacher and learned Tai Chi from him.

It has been a month since Shi Mingsheng became a teacher, and Luo Rongning has always let him climb the mountain on the Panlong Road to exercise his physique, but he has never taught him a single move.

Of course, it wasn't that Luo Rongning deliberately didn't teach him and left him alone, but that his master didn't know how to do it at all!

After getting the skill of [Green Out of Blue], I finally learned it from Jing Qiuying, and now I can teach it.

As soon as he thought of it, Luo Rongning took out his mobile phone from his pocket, found Shi Mingsheng's number in the address book, and dialed it.

Beep beep, beep beep——!

The phone rang for a while before it was connected, and Shi Mingsheng's surprised and unexpected voice sounded from the opposite side.

"Hey master, why did you remember to call me today?"

The movement at Shi Mingsheng sounds a bit messy, there are a lot of voices talking, probably going to Panlong Road to Panshan again.

When he first came to the scenic spot, Shi Mingsheng was still a little resistant to climbing mountains. After gritting his teeth and climbing for a week, he became a little addicted.

Now if I don't go to Panlong Road for a day, I feel uncomfortable all over, and I can't even eat well.

Right now, Shi Mingsheng climbed three times a day, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and another in the evening.

Under such high-intensity practice, Shi Mingsheng's physique has also strengthened a lot, and it is completely different from when he came here.

When I first came here, I still looked sick and sick.

At this moment, his face is full of red light and radiant every day.

"Lao Shi, I feel that your physique has almost improved. I can start teaching you Tai Chi. After you come down from the mountain in a while, come to my scenic spot office."

Luo Rongning didn't talk nonsense to Shi Mingsheng, and directly told him to come to his office.

"Okay master! I've reached the top of the mountain, I'll go down immediately, and I can get there in 40 minutes at most! Just wait a moment!"

It could be heard that Shi Mingsheng was very excited when he heard that Luo Rongning was going to teach him Tai Chi.

Luo Yuning's strength is obvious to all, whether it's Du Enya who learned how to knead people from him, Fan Qi who learned painting from him, or Zhao Rui who learned Wing Chun from him, they all made rapid progress!

They all followed him to learn the real skills, learned the real things!

These days when Shi Mingsheng came to the scenic spot, although he didn't urge Luo Rongning when to start teaching him, he was still looking forward to it and looking forward to it!
After talking about the business, the two chatted on the phone for a few more words before hanging up.

Putting the mobile phone on the desk casually, Luo Rongning walked to the open space of the office and began to practice 【True Tai Chi】.

Every time you play it, your proficiency will increase by 1 point. It's a great feeling that as long as you pay, you will get something.

With Luo Rongning's continuous proficiency in [True Taijiquan], it takes him about 5 minutes to complete a set now.

From hanging up Shi Mingsheng's phone to the time he knocked on the door of the office, Luo Rongning was just in the middle of the eighth call.

Tuk tuk, tuk tuk -!

After hearing the knock on the door, Luo Rongning continued to punch him while telling him to come in.

"come in."

The office door was gently pushed open from the outside, and Shi Mingsheng, who was wearing a white sportswear, pushed in.

As soon as he entered the door, Shi Mingsheng had a joyful look on his face when he saw Luo Yuning who was punching!
This is the first time he has seen him practice Tai Chi after he apprenticed with Luo Yuning!


While punching, Luo Rongning chatted with Shi Mingsheng like a small talk.

"Well, it's down! Master's punch is really good!"

Shi Mingsheng's words were not all flattery, but he felt that Luo Rongning's punches were really good!
At first glance, it is similar to the Tai Chi boxing practiced by those grandpas and aunts in the park, but if you look closely, there is still a big difference.

Luo Yuning's punching way, every move, every style looks clean and neat, and at the same time, there is a feeling of complete combination of strength and beauty.

"Haha, Lao Shi has also learned how to flatter."

While fisting, Luo Rongning smiled and chatted with Shi Mingsheng, but it didn't affect his aura in the slightest.

Shi Mingsheng laughed and said: "This is really not flattery, everything I say is the truth."

"Okay, let's not talk about this, how is the effect of the physical training on the Panlong Road recently?"

Luo Rongning suggested that Shi Mingsheng go to Panlong Road to climb the mountain, because he wanted him to trigger as many "Physical +1" rewards as possible.

This reward only needs to be triggered once, and the effect is better than a person who has worked hard for a month!

Especially for those whose physical fitness has been exercised to the limit, "Physique +1" is more cost-effective!
For ordinary people, they can only gain 30 points of stamina through Panlong Dao at most, that is to say, they can only trigger 30 rewards at most!
If the highest physique of an ordinary person is 60 points, and he trains to 60 points through his own hard work, and then goes to the Panlong Dao to trigger the "Physical +1" reward, plus the 30 points rewarded by the Panlong Dao, he can finally achieve The amazing effect of 90 points of constitution!

But if a person's original physique is only 30 points, go to Panlong Road to trigger 30 rewards, and after increasing to 60 points, if he wants to increase it, he can only exercise through continuous hard work.

The higher the physique, the more difficult it is to increase it. Exercising for one month or two months may not necessarily increase "1 point".

But if you go to Panlong Road to climb mountains for a month, 3 times a day, that is 100 times, no matter how unlucky you are, you can get a "Physical +100" reward once 1 times!

Of course, theoretically speaking, it would be more cost-effective for Shi Mingsheng to exercise to the limit with his own hard work, and then go to Panlongdao to exercise, but...

He is over 50 years old this year, and he is nearly 60 years old. It is obviously unrealistic to exercise step by step by himself.It's better to go to Panlong Road to trigger as many "Physical +1" rewards as possible, which can be regarded as a shortcut.

Relying on his own hard work and hard work, he may not be able to practice to the extreme in this life.

Shi Mingsheng said with a smile: "I feel pretty good. Recently, I have been eating well and sleeping soundly. My body feels like I am 20 years younger. My appetite has also increased!"

"..." After hearing Shi Mingsheng's words, Luo Yuning understood for a while.

Shi Mingsheng lived in the cozy hut arranged by Luo Rongning in the scenic spot.

With the blessing of the two buffs of [soundly dreaming] and [refreshing], can't you sleep soundly!

He has always eaten at the delicious restaurant. He has the two attributes of [Delicious and Delicious] and [Delicious], so he must eat a lot and eat a lot!
While talking, Luo Yuning finished the [True Taijiquan] and finally made a closing movement.

"I think your physique is about the same. It's time to teach you some basic skills."

While Luo Yuning was speaking, the [Teacher Halo] was silently activated in his heart.

In the field of [Teacher's Halo], students' comprehension ability is doubled, and it will be easier to teach.

"Next, let's not talk nonsense, let me show you the first pose first, get up."

"Everything is difficult at the beginning. Starting a posture is an extremely important beginning of Tai Chi. Although it seems simple, it contains all the mysteries of our true Tai Chi."

"As the saying goes, to comprehend all the techniques and subtleties of Taijiquan with one movement is the beginning of Taijiquan."

"First of all, the first point, the head and neck are upright, loose and erect, and the lower jaw is slightly retracted, which means to push forward, and the eyes are looking straight ahead. Follow me to do it together."

While talking, Luo Rongning demonstrated the standard moves to Shi Mingsheng.

Shi Mingsheng watched intently from the side, and followed suit.

"The head is a little crooked, and then straighten it up a bit, well, draw the jaw back a little bit, and look straight ahead, don't look at the sky, don't look at the ground, just look straight ahead."

"Secondly, chest and back, chest and back are an important posture in our Taijiquan. The chest is concave inward, and the back is naturally convex outward, forming an arc shape. At the same time, the top of the head and the upper and lower points of the tailbone must be In a straight line.”

"There is an outward support circle on the outside of the arm and the back. To fully reflect the strength of Tai Chi, the posture of holding the chest and pulling the back can make the body more relaxed and make breathing more natural. It also helps to adjust the mentality and make your body Emotionally more stable."

"Rising posture and holding the chest and pulling the back are the two most basic and most important basic postures of our true Taijiquan. Don't underestimate these two basic postures. If the foundation is not well established, tall buildings will collapse no matter how tall they are. "

"Okay master, I remember."

Luo Rongning and Shi Mingsheng, one was serious about teaching and the other was serious about learning. They just practiced for nearly an hour with the simplest and most basic starting position and chest and back.

Every move and style of True Taijiquan is also equipped with a special breathing method. In order to allow Shi Mingsheng to practice more effectively, Luo Rongning also specially opened the windows to allow the air to circulate.

The area of ​​the scenic spot is covered by the effect of [Zhong Ling Yuxiu] skill, you can breathe more aura, and practice it can also achieve twice the result with half the effort.

"Okay, let's practice here today. The two basic postures of momentum and chest and back, as well as the breathing method I just taught you, must be mastered. After the foundation is solid, I will teach you the following moves. , You can’t chew too much, if you teach you too much at once, you can’t practice well.”

After teaching Mingsheng Shi for two hours in a row, Luo Rongning finally realized how awesome and powerful the skill [Green Out of Blue] is in the process of teaching Mingsheng Shi!
What he learned after only watching it once that night took Shi Mingsheng more than two hours to teach him before he could barely master it. After that, he would need constant high-intensity practice!
As for myself, I learned it just by watching Jing Qiuying play it once, and when I compared it, the gap came out!
"Good master! I know, I will definitely practice more!"

Shi Mingsheng wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded seriously. He has benefited a lot from today's study.

"There's nothing else to do, you can go back first." Luo Rongning raised his hand and glanced at the watch on his wrist, before he knew it, it was already around [-]:[-] in the afternoon, and it was time to get off work soon.

"Good master, then I'll go back first!" Shi Mingsheng bowed to Luo Rongning sincerely, then turned and went out.

After watching Shi Mingsheng go away, Luo Rongning wanted to smoke a cigarette, but found that the cigarette case was empty, there was not one left.

A pack of cigarettes at noon completely ruined the practice of [thermal vision], but it still had some effect.

Luo Rongning's control over [Heat Vision] is now much more proficient and precise than at the beginning.

Jingle bell, jingle bell--!

Just as Luo Rongning got up to get off work, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

He took out his phone and saw that the name on the caller ID was "Reporter Bingbing".

"Hey, Reporter Wang, how are you doing in the scenic spot recently? We haven't let you down in the scenic spot, have we?"

After Luo Rongning swiped his finger to connect to the phone, he greeted with a smile.

"I'm leaving tomorrow? It's so sudden, don't you want to play for a few more days?"

"Well, I just happen to have nothing to do tonight, so I'll do it for Reporter Wang to practice, and when I get back, I'll do a lot of publicity for our scenic spots and attract some people to travel."

"Of course I used it. Who doesn't know that our reporter Wang Da is the group favorite of CCTV. Your recommendation must be very effective!"

"What do you want to eat? A delicious restaurant in our scenic spot? All right, all right, of course, just eat!"

"06:30, right? OK, no problem, see you soon."

After saying a few words on the phone, Luo Rongning hung up the phone with a touch of his finger.

After Wang Bingbing came to the scenic spot, the two met once.

However, Zhang Shaohan also came later, and Luo Rongning was busy assisting Lin Suqing's father, entertaining Zhang Shaohan, and took time to attend the opening ceremony and theatrical performance of the Sports Bureau.

All in all, Luo Rongning had a lot of things to do in the past few days, and he didn't pay much attention to Wang Bingbing.

Now that they are leaving, they naturally want to show their host's enthusiasm.

It was just five o'clock, and there was still an hour and a half before the appointed time.

Being idle is also idle, Luo Rongning simply played [True Tai Chi] on the open space in the office.

His proficiency also continued to increase as he practiced over and over again, and soon broke through the 100-point mark again.

This upgrade requires 1000 points, that is to say, Luo Rongning has to play 1000 times seriously.

Playing perfunctorily will not increase proficiency at all, it can only waste one's own time.

It is also good for yourself to play seriously, to get familiar with, to master.

(End of this chapter)

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