My place is on fire

Chapter 270 A Beautiful Uppercut!

Chapter 270 A Beautiful Uppercut!
The amount of snowfall in an hour of moderate snow is not small.

[A piece of sky] The hillside in the area is covered with a layer of snow about ten centimeters deep.

In this situation, many tourists began to climb over the guardrail at the top of Heilong Mountain, wanting to take pictures in the snow.

"Please stop, everyone. The back mountain area has not been developed yet. There are rocks and thorns under the snow layer. Don't hurt everyone."

"Hello tourists, for your personal safety, please do not climb over the guardrail."

"Hello tourists, please cooperate with our staff, thank you for your cooperation."

Shen Xueli, who accompanied Wu Mingshi and Zhang Qian to the top of the mountain, saw tourists climbing over the guardrail privately, and hurried forward to dissuade them.

Wu Mingshi and Zhang Qian also temporarily acted as security guards in the scenic spot and joined the team of maintaining order.

Some sensible tourists are very cooperative, knowing that the staff of the scenic spot are dissuading them for their own good.

Although I really wanted to take some beautiful snow scenes at close range, but for the sake of my own safety, I finally resisted the urge.

The forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds, and there are also some tourists who don't listen to dissuasion and forcefully climb over the top guardrail and descend to the hillside.

"Two, please don't climb over the guardrail, it's dangerous down here."

Shen Xueli saw a man with a selfie stick and a peaked cap, helping a woman with a big belly in a black and white tracksuit to climb over the guardrail, and hurried forward to dissuade her.

Ordinary people are fine, but if a pregnant woman has an accident because of climbing over the guardrail, maybe the scenic spot will get into trouble.

"Who are you! Take care of you! Meddle in your own business!"

The woman with a big belly snorted coldly, not paying attention to Shen Xueli's dissuasion.

"Isn't it safe for me to be so grown-up? I don't care about it! Who are you? Get out of here."

It's not that the whole family doesn't enter the house, men speak more aggressively than women, pointing at Shen Xueli's nose and scolding her.

"Sir, this is our scenic spot. I am a staff member of the scenic spot. I advise you also for your safety."

Shen Xueli was a little angry when she was pointing at her nose and scolding her with good intentions, no matter how good-tempered she was.

Although she was very angry, Shen Xueli patiently dissuaded her from the principle of conscientiousness.

The pregnant woman at the side urged the man impatiently: "Husband, hurry up! I'm going to shoot a snow scene and send a short video, don't get inked with her."

"Okay, dear, just come, just come." The man promised the woman, rolled over and followed the woman out.

Seeing this, Shen Xueli hurriedly said: "Sir, even if you don't think about yourself, you should think about your wife and children, it's too dangerous!"

"Fuck off! You're cursing me and my wife! Believe it or not, I'll tear your stinky mouth apart!"

After hearing Shen Xueli's caring words, the man not only didn't appreciate it, but even worsened, and his words became even more ugly.

"You..." Being scolded in front of so many tourists around, Shen Xueli's face turned blue and purple, which was very embarrassing.

"Silly X!" The man cursed, turned and walked towards the place where the pregnant woman was standing.

"What kind of quality is this man? Isn't it for his own good that the girls persuade him?"

"That's right, open your mouth to be an old man, and shut your mouth to be an old man. Who will be the old man at a young age?"

"Being an anchor with just this quality has ruined the social atmosphere!"

"You don't know that. When people upload videos, they will definitely cut this part. I know the virtues of these people too well."

The dissuaded tourists next to him pointed at the man who climbed over the railing.

Everyone is talking about it, but no one stepped forward to dissuade them. They are all a group of civilized people who are just but rational.

"Hey! That cuckold, where are you standing for my old lady!"

An angry shout broke the silence of the scene.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a heroic-looking woman in a black leather jacket and black jeans with a pair of bushy eyebrows.

This person was none other than Zhang Qian who was in other places to persuade other tourists not to climb over the railing.

Seeing that something was going on with Shen Xueli from a distance, Zhang Qian hurried over, just in time to hear the unsavory words of the man insulting Shen Xueli.

After hearing Zhang Qian's shout, the man suddenly turned his head to look at him, with a fierce look on his face: "You are looking for death! Who are you talking about wearing a green hat!"

There was a rainbow drawn on the peak of the peaked cap the man was wearing, and there was indeed a little bit of green in it. Zhang Qian was not talking nonsense when he said that he was wearing a green hat.

In the face of the man's viciousness, Zhang Qian did not back down, and was even tougher than him: "I mean you! Grandson, hurry up to my mother and apologize to my friend!"

Zhang Qian's father is the authentic inheritor of Zhang Bao's Wing Chun boxing. Zhang Qian was influenced by his father since she was a child. She started practicing Wing Chun at the age of 4, and she has been practicing Wing Chun for 20 years. She has real kung fu.

Ordinary punks on the street, don't try to get close to her three or five times. This is one of the main reasons why Wu Mingshi is so honest at home.

Although the man's attitude is arrogant, in Zhang Qian's eyes, he is not even a fart, so naturally he will not be afraid of him.

"I'm XXX! I'm giving you a face!" The man cursed, turned around and handed the selfie stick in his hand to the pregnant woman next to him, "Daughter-in-law, help me hold it, and see how I teach such a stinky bitch Son!"

Instead of dissuading her, the pregnant woman encouraged her: "Husband, come on! Smack her ass!"

"Look at you! See if I don't tear her mouth out!"

The man said something with disdain, then turned and walked towards Zhang Qian who was holding his arms and looking provocative.

"Qianqian, you go first! You are still pregnant, so don't get angry with him!"

Shen Xueli panicked when she saw this, she hurried forward and pushed Zhang Qian to tell her to leave quickly.

Zhang Qian took Shen Xueli's hand away calmly: "Don't worry, Xiaoxue, even ten of these five scumbags are not enough for me to warm up."

"Girl, go away! Don't be brave, a good girl won't suffer from immediate disadvantages!"

"Girl, let's go! That person doesn't seem to be a good person at first glance, so hurry up!"

"Young man, are you a man! Why do you still have the same knowledge as women!"

"Young man, go ahead and do what you should do. The girl is pregnant, and if you want to beat her up, you will feel better."

Seeing that the conflict between Zhang Qian and the man was about to break out, a group of onlookers who were eating melons quickly stood up to dissuade them.

While everyone was persuading, the man had climbed over the guardrail to the platform, and stood less than three meters away from Zhang Qian to confront her.

The man pointed at Zhang Qian and cursed: "Little girl, kneel down and apologize to me. I don't know as much as you because of your pregnancy. Otherwise, today's matter..."

"Hey hey!"

Before the man could finish his sentence, Zhang Qian jumped in front of him with a movement, and with a beautiful uppercut, he hit the man's nose like a peach blossom.

"Hey! You don't play the cards according to the routine! I'll kill you!"

Holding his nose full of tears and snot, the man rushed towards Zhang Qian.

Zhang Qian twisted her body like a stroll in the courtyard to avoid the man's impact, raised her leg, and kicked the man's butt hard, giving him a positive acceleration!

The man staggered forward and jumped more than ten steps, and one of them couldn't stand still and crawled to the ground in all directions.

There were two rounds of back and forth between the two, within a few seconds.

The onlookers who were eating melons saw a big man being so embarrassed by Zhang Qian and a thin and weak little woman, and one of them was stunned.

"This girl is amazing, I didn't expect to be a Lianjiazi!"

"This hand is really beautiful, why does it look a bit like Wing Chun?"

"I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet. This time I encountered a hard stubble. Let's see if he still pulls it."

Everyone was amazed by Zhang Qianxiaolu's hands, and they all praised.

"Come here! Help! Kill someone!"

While everyone was admiring, a woman's scream suddenly sounded from the crowd.

The man who was about to get up from the ground turned his head when he heard the woman's cry, and immediately fell to the ground again.

"Murder! The employees of the scenic spot are killing people! Come on!"

"Killing people in broad daylight! Is there any king's law!"

The woman who climbed over the railing and fell out of the platform did not know when she turned back from the outside, and took a picture of the motionless man lying on the ground with her mobile phone.

"Everyone, take a look, the employees in this scenic spot are too domineering! They beat my husband to death at the slightest disagreement! It's a pity that I lost my father before the baby in my stomach was born!"

"How can I live in the future, come on, you beat me to death together!"

While taking pictures with her mobile phone, the pregnant woman ran to Zhang Qian and hugged her leg, bumping her head against Zhang Qian's leg.

"Hey! What are you doing! Get up and drive!" Zhang Qian has lived for so long, and has never met such a shameless person as the pregnant woman in front of her, and she suddenly panicked.

The pregnant woman clung to Zhang Qian's leg, cried and shouted, and said relentlessly, "You killed my husband, and you beat me to death with the child in my belly. Our family is also in the underworld. a companion."

"Who beat him to death! Don't talk nonsense!" Zhang Qian shouted angrily in the direction of the man, "Hey! Are you a man! Don't pretend to be dead!"

There were more and more people onlookers at the scene, and there were some people who didn't mind watching the excitement. Many people took out their mobile phones to shoot videos and uploaded them on the Internet.

What's more, in order to attract attention and gain traffic, the headlines are getting more and more terrifying.

"Scenic spot employees and tourists clashed to the death of tourists".

"Male Tourist Beaten to Death by Female Scenic Staff".

"Dead in the First Snow of 2022".

"Female employees in the scenic area are too violent, to the death of tourists! ".

"Scenic spot officials beat tourists to death! "

The shocking and inducing headlines, combined with the crying of the pregnant woman, made netizens go crazy after seeing the video.

"This is that scenic spot! Is there still Wang Fa in broad daylight!"

"It's appalling! If there are no tourists, the operators and employees of the scenic spot should drink the northwest wind! Is this how you treat your parents!"

"Strict investigation! We must thoroughly investigate to the end! Life for life!"

"It's too domineering! This is that scenic spot. It's exposed for everyone to see. Who wants to think about whether their own life can be saved in the future!"

Netizens are easily moved and often sympathize with the weak.

A series of intriguing videos were posted on the Internet, and everyone turned to the "dead" and pregnant women.

"Isn't this the Heilongshan Scenic Area where it just snowed at that time! Everyone, look, there is still snow next to it!"

"It's true! No wonder it's snowing, the deceased died unjustly, and he will die with regret!"

"Just now I wanted to go to this scenic spot to check in on the weekend, but luckily I didn't go, otherwise it's really hard to say whether I can leave alive."

"Heilongshan Scenic Spot has been black all my life! Thorough investigation! In exchange for life, close this scenic spot as soon as possible!"

Some careful netizens quickly recognized the scene of the incident in the Heilongshan Scenic Area through the surrounding environment captured in the video.

Soon the topic of "Employees of Heilongshan Scenic Area Killing Tourists" became a hot search topic.

Moreover, the popularity soon surpassed the previous "I am Snowing in the Northern Sun".

In one day, he scored twice and was on the trending searches twice!
"Let's go, let's go, everyone, let's go..."

After receiving the crying call from Shen Xueli, Luo Rongning took all the members of the leadership team of the scenic spot to the top of the mountain by cable car and arrived at the scene of the accident.


"Luo Zi! You've come!"

"Boss Luo."

After Zhang Qian, Wu Mingshi, and Shen Xueli saw Luo Yuning and the others, their hearts suddenly became more stable, and they felt that they had a backbone.

"Zhang Qian, are you healthy?" Luo Rongning asked Zhang Qian about her physical condition without saying a word.

In his heart, Zhang Qian who is pregnant is more important than any tourist.

"I'm fine, it's just..."

Zhang Qian looked up at Luo Yuning, and said with an apologetic expression: "I'm very sorry, Yuning, for causing you trouble, and I didn't expect things to develop to this point..."

Luo Yuning said with a relaxed tone: "Xueli told me what happened on the phone. I don't blame you for this. On the contrary, I have to thank you. Thank you for coming forward and helping me protect my employees."

Zhang Qian said with a look of guilt: "You really don't blame me? There are many videos and posts on the Internet scolding the scenic spot and scolding you. I've made you a big mess."

Luo Yuning smiled and said: "I really don't blame you, I want to send you a pennant of 'Be brave for righteousness' later."

Wu Mingshi pouted at the man who was lying on the ground and couldn't get up, and complained: "When are you? You are still in the mood to joke here. Hurry up and think of a way to solve this..."

It took Luo Yuning and others more than ten minutes to take the cable car up from the foot of the mountain, and the man had also been crawling on the ground for more than ten minutes, and he knew how to change his position when he was tired.

The pregnant woman who was traveling with her was tired from crying for a while, but now she stopped crying, and even smoked a cigarette beside the man leisurely.

There are various indications that the two of them are just acting there, pretending to be, and they are short of writing about extortion of money.

"Uncle Heishan, go and see what's going on with him."

Regardless of whether the man really fainted or pretended to faint, Luo Rongning first asked Luo Heishan to find out about him first, and he knew what was going on.

"Okay." Luo Heishan nodded, raised his legs and walked towards the man.

Luo Heishan used to be a veterinarian in the village, with a little knowledge of medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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