My place is on fire

Chapter 269 I'm Snowing in the Northern Sun!

Chapter 269 I'm Snowing in the Northern Sun!

Shui Miaomiao glanced briefly at the various documents contained in the document bag.

After reading it, she had almost guessed Luo Rongning's intentions.

"Boss, do you want to invest in building a mineral water company?"

Shui Miaomiao was not surprised that Luo Rongning had this idea.

One counts as another. Some scenic spots in Wanshan County that sell mountains and rivers almost have bottled drinking water production and sales companies named after their own scenic spots.

The nearest one is Baiyun Mountain Spring, and the farther ones are Tenglong Mountain Spring, Zanglong Mountain Spring, Tiangui Mountain Spring, etc., etc.

These drinking water companies either operate purified water or mineral water.

Various tourist attractions understand the phrase "relying on mountains to eat mountains and relying on water to eat water".

Therefore, it is reasonable for Luo Rongning to want to invest in the construction of Heilongshan Spring.

There is nothing wrong with fully developing the profit points of the scenic spot.

"Yes and no..." Luo Rongning told Shui Miaomiao of his idea of ​​bundling the marketing of Heilongshan Spring with the scenic spot.

"The Black Dragon Mountain Spring is only sold in our scenic area?"

Shui Miaomiao didn't know the special features of Heilongshan Spring, and she was at a loss after hearing the bundling plan from Luo Rongning's mouth.

In Luo Rongning's narrative, tourists will definitely come to the scenic spot to play or consume in order to buy and drink the Heilongshan Spring, which can drive profits for all scenic spots in the scenic spot.

She really didn't understand why tourists would come to the scenic spot for a bottle of water.

Luo Yuning nodded and said: "Yes, because the flow of that spring is limited, it is difficult to mass-produce it, so we can only adopt this conservative sales strategy."

"Then... what about the pricing?" Shui Miaomiao asked another crucial question.

Luo Yuning paused, and said solemnly: "Temporarily set a price of 88 yuan a bottle."

"A bottle of 88?" After hearing Luo Rongning's offer, Shui Miaomiao glared at the boss with a pair of peach blossom eyes, with an expression of disbelief.

In her impression, mineral water like Nongfu Spring that costs 3 yuan a bottle is already very expensive.

No matter how thirsty or tired she is, she may not consume a bottle of water worth 3 yuan.

88 A bottle of Heilongshan Spring completely refreshed her cognition.

"Yes, 88 bottles." Luo Yuning smiled and nodded, "According to the current water flow of Heilong Mountain, it can only fill about 27000 bottles in a day. Rare things are more expensive."

"27000 bottles a day, 88 a bottle..."

Shui Miaomiao silently calculated the accounts in her heart, and was stunned by the numbers she got.

If it is really sold at the price set by Luo Yuning, the spring water produced by Heilongshan Spring alone can be sold for 2376000 yuan in a day!
This is where money is made, it is simply stealing money!
More like... dreaming.

Of course, Luo Yuning was not dreaming. After drinking a bottle of Black Dragon Mountain Spring, he is now in a very good state of mind.

That feeling of comfort is dozens or hundreds of times more comfortable than taking a bath or sauna.

It felt like I was back in my teens, full of vitality all over my body.

The special effect of Heilongshan spring also strengthened his high price of Heilongshan spring mineral water.

You can buy a bottle of Heilongshan spring mineral water for 88 yuan. In Luo Rongning's opinion, it is definitely a very conscientious price.

Of course, the reason why it is so expensive is not all for making money.

Currently, he has Bixia Yuanjun Niangniang Temple, Wishing Pool, and [One Ben Wanli], which are three ways to make money lying down. Money is really not that important to him.

The deposit of more than 1 million yuan in the bank card is enough for him to live comfortably for several lifetimes.

The reason why Luo Rongning priced a bottle of Heilongshan spring mineral water at 88 is more out of the psychology of not wanting to sell good things cheaply.

"Let's go, I'll show you there."

Say a thousand words and ten thousand, it is better to go and see for yourself and taste it for yourself.

After Luo Yuning finished speaking, he waved to Shui Miaomiao, raised his legs and walked towards the door of the office.

Shui Miaomiao closely followed Luo Rongning's footsteps with small steps. After the two went out, they went straight to the location of Heilongshan Spring in the northeast corner of the scenic spot.

Pass through the entire office area, enter the scenic area through a small arch, and then pass through a ginkgo forest, getting more and more remote.

At the beginning, I could still see a few sporadic tourists and hear their giggling laughter.

Seven turns and eight turns, walked through the scenic spot for about 5 minutes.

Luo Rongning and Shui Miaomiao came to the location of Heilongshanquan.

Here and the public area of ​​the scenic spot are separated by a messy and thorny Toon forest.

There is a sign saying "Tourists are not allowed" outside the Toon Forest.

Not to mention the tourists in the scenic spot, even the employees of the scenic spot don't come to this place.

Right now, Luo Yiba is leading several workers to build walls around the [Fountain of Life] according to Luo Rongning's instructions.

Luo Rongning pointed to a group of workers who were building the wall, and explained to Shui Miaomiao: "I plan to open another door from the wall in the northeast corner, completely separate Heilongshanquan from the scenic area, and establish a new subsidiary company. You have to help me with the procedures of the subsidiary company."

"Yeah, good boss." Shui Miaomiao nodded obediently after hearing Luo Rongning's order.

All along, Shui Miaomiao has an omniscient attitude towards all Luo Rongning's decisions.

She listens to what Luo Rongning says, and does whatever she is told to do.

A series of events during this period have shown, and also proved from the side, that Luo Rongning is a "god"-like existence.

His word is the truth, and his various plans can achieve good results.

The development of Heilongshan Scenic Spot from a scenic spot that was about to close down to today's thriving situation is due to Luo Rongning's 99.99% credit.

This is not only the cognition of Shui Miaomiao alone, but also the cognition of all the staff in Heilongshan Scenic Area.

Everyone has a belief that as long as they follow Luo Rongning, they will definitely live a good life.

Facts have proved several times that everyone's beliefs are correct and correct, and everyone follows Mr. Luo on an extremely correct path.

If this development continues, it will be just around the corner to get rid of poverty and become rich.

"Boss, Mr. Shui."

Seeing Luo Yuning coming with Shui Miaomiao, Luo Yiba hurried forward to say hello.

Luo Yiba and Shui Miaomiao have met several times in the usual projects, and they are no strangers to her.

"Good morning, Manager Luo."

Shui Miaomiao also smiled and nodded to Luo Yiba.

In Luo Rongning's introduction, Luo Yiba is the manager of the construction team, and the two parties will have many in-depth cooperation projects in the future.

As for which group company Luo Yiba's construction team belongs to, Luo Rongning didn't introduce much, Shui Miaomiao didn't ask, and Luo Yiba didn't mention it at all.

The three of them tacitly maintained a little sense of mystery.

After chatting casually, Luo Yuning unscrewed an unopened bottle of Nongfu Spring mineral water and poured it into the open space beside him, took the empty bottle and went to the pool below the [Fountain of Life] to refill a bottle of water.

At this time, more than an hour has passed since the completion of the [Fountain of Life], and the water in the pool is already more than 20 centimeters deep.

"Try how this pure natural mineral water tastes."

Luo Rongning resisted the temptation to drink the water in the bottle in one gulp, took the bottle and walked up to Shui Miaomiao and stood there, reaching out and handing the bottle to her.

"Well, okay..." Shui Miaomiao reached out curiously to take the bottle that Luo Rongning handed her, and didn't want to be clean or unhygienic, so she put it to her mouth and took a small sip.

Taking a sip of water, Shui Miaomiao's pair of juicy peach blossom eyes became even more juicy.

"Boss, this water is so delicious!"

After swallowing the water in her mouth with a thud, Shui Miaomiao looked at Luo Rongning excitedly, and couldn't help admiring.

The taste of Heilongshan Spring has many layers, which is hard to describe, but it must be very delicious.

At this moment, Shui Miaomiao no longer has any doubts about Luo Rongning's decision to price Heilongshanquan at 88 yuan.

One thing to say, after tasting the taste of Heilongshan Spring, even someone like her who refuses to buy Nongfu Spring mineral water for 3 yuan will pay for Heilongshan Spring out of her own pocket.

"Nonsense, it doesn't taste good, and I don't have the confidence to sell it so expensive."

Luo Rongning looked at Shui Miaomiao with a smile and said, "I'll leave the matter of the Heilongshan Spring Water Plant to you, hurry up, the sooner the procedures are completed, the better, time is money, understand?"

"Yeah, I understand, I understand, I understand." Shui Miaomiao nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Take Shui Miaomiao to taste the [Fountain of Life], and chat with Luo Yiba for some precautions.

Luo Rongning and Shui Miaomiao then returned to the office area. It was exactly 10:[-] in the morning when he returned to his office.

As soon as the office door was closed, the azure blue system interface appeared automatically in a flash, and two prompt messages popped up on it.

【Ding!The construction of One Sky has been completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining a new attraction. 】

【Small step forward, big step towards fame, congratulations to the host for taking another big step towards a world-famous scenic spot! 】

"A piece of sky is finally finished!"

After seeing the information prompted by the system, Luo Rongning was overjoyed again, and immediately turned around and left the office, striding towards the outside of the office area.

"Huh? Boss, why..."

Through the window of the office, Shui Miaomiao saw Luo Rongning walking in a hurry, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart for Luo Rongning's hard work.

Although, on the surface, Luo Yuning was doing nothing every day, and he seemed to leave everything to his subordinates, and didn't do anything.

However, in private, where no one can see, he has been silently contributing to the development of the scenic spot.

Thinking of this, Shui Miaomiao looked down at the file bag on the desk.

"It must have taken a lot of time to process the certificates and test reports inside..."

Shui Miaomiao had already imagined the scene of Luo Rongning's busy running around for these certificates and test reports.

"The boss is working too hard. I want to learn from the boss and share his worries."

Shui Miaomiao clenched her fists and returned to work.

Compared with the location of [Fountain of Life], [A Piece of Sky] is farther and more remote from the office area and public areas of the scenic spot.

[A Piece of Sky] is located on the north slope of Heilong Mountain, on the shady side.

Due to limited funds, the current development and utilization of Heilong Mountain in the scenic spot is limited to the sunny south slope of Heilong Mountain.

The repaired mountain roads, large and small scenic spots, are all concentrated on the south slope.

The northern slope still retains a relatively primitive state.

The weeds are overgrown, the rocks are piled up, and the thorns are densely covered, and the dogs don't come.

It took Luo Rongning more than half an hour to walk more than half a circle along the foot of Heilong Mountain before turning from the south slope to the north slope.

It took another 20 minutes before arriving at the area where [A Piece of Sky] was located according to the system's prompt.

This area is even more desolate. On the way here, Luo Rongning stretched out his hand and it was covered with cocklebur, and was pricked more than a dozen times by thorns.

"If you want to fully develop and utilize the scenic spot of One Sky, you need to find someone to clean it up on the North Slope..."

Luo Rongning pulled the last cocklebur hanging from his leg, opened the system interface with a thought, and found the detailed introduction of [A Piece of Sky].

【One piece of sky】

System rating: S grade!
Coverage: within a radius of 1 km.

Attraction Attribute 1: Calling the wind and calling the rain. (The host can control the precipitation within a sky by turning on or off the attribute of calling wind and rain.)
Attraction Building 2: Ice and Snow. (The host can control the snowfall within a sky range by turning on or off the ice and snow attribute.)
With the completion of the construction of [One Sky], there are two more "on/off" buttons on the details page interface.

It took Luo Rongning 5 minutes to read through the system's detailed introduction to the [A Piece of Sky] attraction, and he had a certain understanding of how to use this attraction.

Currently, the two attributes of [Wind and Rain] and [Ice and Snow] are in the "off" state.

Therefore, the meteorological conditions in the area of ​​[A Piece of Sky] are the same as other places, and it is currently sunny and sunny.

Luo Yuning tried to turn on the attribute of [Calling the Wind and Calling the Rain], and a prompt message popped up on the system interface the next moment.

"Would you like to turn on the function of [calling the wind and calling for rain]? Please select the hourly precipitation."

After reading through the detailed introduction, Luo Rongning learned that the system will deduct fees according to the amount of precipitation selected by the user.

For light rain level precipitation, 1000 yuan will be deducted per hour.

For moderate rain level precipitation, 10000 yuan will be deducted per hour.

For heavy rain level precipitation, 100000 yuan will be deducted per hour.

By analogy, the torrential rain level will deduct 100 million yuan per hour, which is also the highest level of deduction.

[Ice and Snow] The deduction standard of this attribute corresponds to several grades of [Wind and Rain].

After thinking about it for a second, Luo Rongning chose to turn on the [Ice and Snow] function.

For the same money, he still prefers snow to rain.

[Do you want to enable the [Ice and Snow] function?Please select snowfall. 】

Xiaoxue is too small to see any effect, and Daxue is too expensive...

Luo Yuning thought for a while, and chose the [Zhongxue] mode.

[Please wait a moment while the fee is being deducted...]

[The fee of 1 has been deducted successfully, the snow is being generated, please wait a moment...]

After touching it for about ten seconds, snowflakes fluttered in the area where Luo Rongning was.

"It's really... snowing."

Luo Rongning reached out to catch a snowflake and held it in front of his eyes for careful observation.

The crystal clear hexagonal shape is cold to the touch, and it turns out to be a real snowflake.

Sususu, Sususu--!

More and more snowflakes fluttered down from the sky, and in less than a minute, an area with a radius of one kilometer on the north slope was completely white.

"Wow! Look! It's snowing! My God, it's snowing!"

"My God, the sun is shining brightly here, why is it snowing over there!"

"I'll go, it's so beautiful! I'm in the northern sun and it's snowing heavily, who would believe it!"

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. The sun is shining here, but why is it snowing over there? It's strange, strange!"

"Today's trip is worth it! It's such a rare meteorological phenomenon!"

Some tourists who have reached the top of Heilong Mountain admired the snow scene on the north slope.

After the admiration, one counted as one, and all took out their mobile phones or cameras and started taking pictures and recording videos.

Such a rare meteorological phenomenon may not be encountered several times in a lifetime, and it is very memorable.

At the same time, many tourists also took photos of the simultaneous existence of the sun and heavy snow and sent them to Moments, Kuaisha, and other social platforms.

"Wow! Has it snowed so early! It's so beautiful!"

"I'm going, even the weather is starting to turn up! It's snowing so early in Northern Hebei Province, where are you going to put our faces in the three eastern provinces!"

"Damn it! No way! This is unscientific!"

"This video is [-]% approved! Although the weather in the north is starting to drop, it's not snowing yet."

"Fake, the appraisal is complete! I'm also from Shishi. It's 18 degrees here today, so it's impossible to snow."

The videos of the tourists were posted on the Kuaijiu platform. Most of the netizens who saw the videos did not believe it, and felt that it was impossible.

Below the video are geographic locations. Northern Hebei Province belongs to the North China region, and snowfall usually does not occur until late winter.

Snow rarely occurs before New Year's Day.

Especially as tourists took pictures, half of it was sunny, the sun was shining brightly, and half of it was snowing heavily, which is even less likely.

"Wow, this is absolutely true! I was right there! I also posted a video just now, if you don't believe me, click on my profile picture and go to my homepage to watch!"

"Although it's unbelievable, it's true. I've seen no fewer than ten videos like this. It can't be that all of them are P!"

"Before the investigation, don't just open your mouth and say that the video shot by others is fake. The computer skills of this year's netizens are so good? Will everyone edit P videos?"

Some people doubted it, and at the same time, many tourists present spoke to refute it.

Soon, topics such as "The First Snow in 2022" and "I'm Snowing in the Sun in the North" were chattering rapidly, and platforms such as Weibo and Moments rose rapidly.

Coupled with some scenes of the coexistence of bright sun and heavy snow taken by tourists on the spot, the Heilongshan scenic spot has become popular among netizens all over the country.

The topic of "I am snowing heavily in the northern sun" even reached the top of the hot search lists on major platforms.

"Nature's uncanny workmanship!"

"It's hard to come by, and the tourists who went to the Heilongshan scenic spot today will definitely make money."

"This kind of abnormal climate phenomenon may only be encountered once in this life, and it will definitely become an unforgettable experience for tourists."

"Where is this scenic spot, please popularize it!"

"The specific address is Northern Hebei Province, Shishi, Wanshan County, Heilongshan Scenic Spot. I am on site. Welcome to my homepage to see more snow scene videos and pictures."

Luo Yuning had thought that relying on the special function of [A Piece of Sky], the scenic spot would become popular, but he didn't expect it to be so popular.

It only took him an hour to turn on the [Ice and Snow] function back and forth, and it cost 1 yuan.

The publicity effect of this 1 yuan is definitely better than the effect of spending 100 million yuan on advertising.

(End of this chapter)

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