My place is on fire

Chapter 1001 Volcano erupts, mysterious golden light!

Chapter 1001 Volcano erupts, mysterious golden light!
The shark's stomach has a special function and is called a "refrigerator."

When the sharks are full, the excess food is sent to this "cold storage" for storage.

It can keep food from spoiling for up to a month.

In this way, when the shark feels hungry and cannot hunt new food, it can take out the food in the "cold storage" to satisfy its hunger.

The heating stone went down the lightning shark's wide esophagus into its stomach and instantly began to heat up and steam after it came into contact with the gastric juice inside.

Blah blah blah~
The lightning blue shark also felt discomfort and burning in its stomach.

It first rolled several times in the water, and then swallowed a large amount of sea water in an attempt to lower the temperature in its stomach, but it backfired!

The more water there is, the faster the heat stone will emit heat.

In just a few seconds, all the water in the lightning shark's stomach, along with its gastric juice, had been boiled by the heating stone!

Gulu gulu gulu~
The respective liquids boiled in the lightning blue shark's stomach, emitting a large amount of heat.

Although its skin is tough and incredibly thick, its internal body and organs are as fragile as those of other ordinary animals.

The severe pain in its body made the lightning blue shark wail. In just three to five minutes, its internal organs had been cooked.

The blue lightning shark struggled violently a few more times before it completely died and its body floated to the surface of the sea.

[Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing a Lightning Blue Shark and getting 10 points! ]

"Oh my god, 10 points?"

Seeing the points obtained from killing the Lightning Blue Shark, Lori was a little dumbfounded.

"Are you kidding me? Such a strong and big shark only gets 10 points!"

No matter how dissatisfied you are, you can complain as much as you want, but the points mall seems to have its own criteria for judgment, and the results cannot be changed.

Just as Lori was complaining in dissatisfaction, a milky white transparent ball of light suddenly emerged from the body of the lightning blue shark.

Inside the ball of light was something that looked like a golden book.

“Skill book! Oh my god, am I seeing things? It’s actually a skill book! Hahahaha~”

"I'm going to be rich! I heard from my boss that this thing is more valuable than a pet egg!"

The first time she saw the book in the light ball, Lori recognized it as a skill book. This thing was indeed as Luo Xuning said, the drop rate was even lower than that of the pet egg!

No matter what skills this book has, if it can be brought back to Earth and sold, people will rush to buy it even if it is sold for 100 billion or even 1000 billion!
In the real world, this is an extraordinary ability and it is very tempting!

Of course, Lori never thought about selling the skill book that she had not yet obtained.

She is not very interested in money and consumption, and she is not short of money. Even if she is short of money, she can ask her boss for it.

Therefore, she should focus more on cultivation!
The temptation to improve her strength is more cost-effective and attractive to her than consumption!

He couldn't wait to reach into the ball of light and take out the skill book, and could clearly see the words written on it.

[Like a Fish in Water Skill Book]

After taking a quick look at the information listed in this skill book, Lori couldn't help but smile with joy.

Like a fish in water, as the name suggests, after learning this skill book, the practitioner can move freely in the water like a fish, as if walking on flat ground.

Even if you dive underwater, you can still exchange gases through water flow like a fish, taking in oxygen from the water and expelling carbon dioxide from your body into the water.

"This skill book comes just in time! Study it! Study it now!"

Without any hesitation, Lori immediately chose to study the skill book.

A burst of golden light flashed, and the skill book in her hand turned into stars and dissipated in the air.

At the same time, there was a rumbling sound in Lori's mind, and a huge stream of information appeared out of thin air.

The information stream includes all kinds of analysis, instructions and tips on the [Like Fish in Water Skill Book].

This book is explained very thoroughly and in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

One advantage of skill books is that you don't have to start from scratch and learn step by step.

As long as you study the skill book, you can immediately master the skill and use it proficiently, which saves a lot of time and energy.

If he had to start practicing every skill book from scratch, Luo Xuning would definitely be the first to collapse.

Since he obtained the most skill books, he is currently the biggest beneficiary.

After about five or six minutes, Lori completely absorbed the flow of information in her mind and successfully learned the [Skill of Being Like a Fish in Water].

With an idea in mind, Lori jumped into the sea like a lively mermaid, lowered her head, and dived into the deep sea.

Hula, hula, hula~
After learning the skill [Like a Fish in Water], Lori seemed to have really turned into a mermaid. Her body seemed to be unable to feel any water pressure and was extremely clear and spiritual.

Breathing is also very smooth, without any feeling of shortness of breath or lack of oxygen.

Also, her swimming speed has become much faster, just like a real fish!
After diving underwater for a while, Lori suddenly jumped toward the surface of the sea, jumped four or five meters out of the sea, and then used the [Air Dance Technique] she had learned before to stand in the air again.

"With Like a Duck in Water and Air Dance, we don't even need rafts or boats now."

Lori can now walk, fly and swim, achieving amphibious capabilities on land, sea and air, and her strength has been greatly enhanced again.

Blah blah blah...

Suddenly, Lori's ears moved and she heard the sound of water breaking behind her.

Turning around suddenly, Lori saw that this time there were two tall triangular dorsal fins approaching her quickly.

"Two Lightning Blue Sharks!"

After seeing the enemy coming, the joyful expression on Lori's face became solemn again.

Although my strength has increased a lot, I can never underestimate the enemy when facing any enemy. Even a lion will use all its strength to fight a rabbit.

He glanced down at the small wooden barrel he had been holding in his arms, and saw that there were dozens of heating stones inside.


"You can't use one for every one you kill, right?"

"No, there is no better way. My current strength is still not enough to deal with these big guys. I can only kill them by using tricks."

After thinking about it for a long time, she couldn't find a better solution. While Lori was thinking, two lightning sharks came to her side and attacked her!
Lori moved her mind and raised her body again, easily avoiding the attacks of the two lightning sharks.


While dodging the attacks, Lori also threw two heating stones into the mouths of the two lightning sharks.

About five minutes later, the two blue sharks that swallowed the heating stones followed the same fate as the blue shark in front of them, and their internal organs were cooked. [Ding! Congratulations! You have earned 10 points for killing a blue shark!]

[Ding! Congratulations! You killed a Lightning Blue Shark and earned 10 points! ]

"Although the points are not many, it takes almost no effort and the risk is not high. It is acceptable to continue like this."

"As for the heating stones... I'll just go back to the island and get some!"

After making up her mind, Lori killed the lightning blue shark to earn points while turning to the nameless island where she had stayed for a month.

When leaving the nameless island, Lori took a raft, which could not go fast even if she wanted to. Although she had been away from the island for more than ten days, she had not gone very far.

Compared to the flying speed of [Air Dance], the speed of the raft was instantly reduced to ashes!

In less than three hours, Lori covered the same number of sea miles that she had walked in ten days and reached the island again.

In addition to the abundant shrubs and trees on this nameless island, there are also the heating stones that Lori picked up before.

Heating stones are very common on the island. In a short while, Lori had picked up hundreds of them, filling the tactical backpack on her back.

"It would be nice if I had a space ring like the boss's. I can only carry this much at a time, and it's a waste of time going back and forth."

There is no harm without comparison. Lori began to envy her boss's space ring again.

However, she also knew how precious and rare the space ring was, and ordinary people could not even see it.

"It's okay if it's hard. When I have the strength to kill those stinky fish, I won't have to go through this trouble anymore."

Boom, boom, boom~
Just as Lori was about to set off back to the sea area where the lightning blue sharks gathered to earn points, there was a sudden earthquake that almost knocked her down.

At the same time, she heard a rumbling sound coming from the jungle. Soon, a large group of animals that were fleeing in panic rushed out of the jungle and ran towards the coast of the island!

"Could it be that the volcano on the island erupted?"

Boom, boom, boom--!

The sound became more and more intense, and the island was shaking more and more violently. Lori quickly used the [Air Dance Technique] to fly into the air.

Apart from feeling the air getting a little hotter, there was no other discomfort.

Lori continued to increase the flight altitude, and when it reached about 1000 meters, the entire island was under her feet.

Just as she expected, a small volcano in the center of the island erupted.

Thick black rock and red-hot magma spread in all directions, and the high temperature ignited the trees in the jungle, causing a forest fire.

The animals living in the forest fled in panic and ran towards the outside of the forest.

Many animals that didn't have time to escape were submerged by the rolling magma and melted instantly until not even a bone was left.

"No matter how powerful one is, it is not as powerful as nature..."

Looking at the tragic scene below, Lori couldn't help but feel fortunate that she did not covet the comfortable environment on the island and chose to continue going out for training.

Otherwise, facing this horrific volcanic eruption, I might be submerged by the magma and die.

Boom, boom, boom~
The forest fire below was burning more and more fiercely, and the seemingly small volcano was spewing out some smoke and magma from time to time.

The air temperature above the island began to rise, and due to the influence of volcanic smoke, the air quality began to drop rapidly.

Just as Lori was about to leave, she inadvertently saw a dazzling golden light erupting from the crater.

The golden light penetrated the black smoke and illuminated the sky.

“This golden light…”

"Could it be that there is some treasure under the volcano?"

Seeing the golden light, Lori stopped again and looked at the erupting volcano in surprise.

If she had left like that earlier, she wouldn't have been so concerned about it.

But now, seeing this golden light, she was really unwilling to leave without figuring out what it was.

What if there is some treasure inside!

If I leave like this and miss out on a treasure, I won’t even have a place to cry!
"Let's wait and see. The temperature inside the volcano is at its highest right now. Going there now would only mean death."

"Let's go to that sea area first and kill some stinky fish to earn some points."

Thinking of this, Lori no longer stayed and wasted time. She immediately adjusted her direction and returned along the same direction she had come from.

There are no iconic buildings or obvious landmarks on the vast ocean.

So, Loli always goes straight, coming the same way and returning the same way.

Although there will be a certain degree of error, it can ensure that you are not going around in circles.

After flying for more than an hour, Lori saw some broad triangular dorsal fins emerging from the sea below from time to time.

Although this is no longer the sea area where she was before, it is also a gathering place for a group of lightning blue sharks.

Looking down from a high vantage point, Lori roughly estimated that there were at least several hundred lightning blue sharks within a one-kilometer radius.

"That's it, let's start gaining points~"

Lori quickly decided to score points in this area of ​​water, and immediately adjusted the flight altitude, lowering it to about 3 meters above the sea.

When the lightning blue shark jumps out of the sea, it can attack enemies at about this height.

Lori is using herself as bait to catch a lightning blue shark.

This is not her first time. She has done this before and is now more proficient at it.

Sure enough, when Lori's flying altitude dropped to more than three meters, a lightning blue shark lurking under the water saw the opportunity and immediately jumped out of the sea, opening its big mouth and wanting to swallow her in one bite!
"It's now!"

Lori saw the right opportunity and repeated her old trick, skillfully throwing a heating stone into the lightning shark's mouth. At the same time, she forced her body to rise a bit to avoid its attack.


After missing the target, the blue shark fell back to the surface of the water, splashing countless water, and then slowly dived back underwater as if nothing had happened.

"10 points in hand, moving on to the next one~"

After Lori made sure that she had accurately thrown the heating stone into the mouth of the lightning blue shark, she had already announced its death, and turned to look for other "victims".

An hour later, the sea surface below Lori was densely populated with the corpses of hundreds of blue sharks, and the air was filled with a strong smell of meat.

"All the heating stones are used up. It's time to go back and restock. I don't know if the volcano on the island has finished erupting yet."

While Lori was flying at a constant speed towards the island, she was also wondering what kind of treasure the golden light spewing out of the crater was.

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