My place is on fire

Chapter 1000: The ferocious beast in the sea, the lightning blue shark!

Chapter 1000: The ferocious beast in the sea, the lightning blue shark!
On the boundless surface of the Eastern Sea of ​​the Ape Planet.

A raft was like a leaf bobbing with the waves.

On the left side of the raft, a huge fish with a body length of 2 meters jumped out of the sea happily, making a yo-yo sound from its mouth like singing.

On the raft, Lori was using a dagger to treat a big fish that was almost the same size as herself, cutting off pieces of crystal clear boneless fish meat and putting them into a wooden barrel beside her.

Since leaving the previous island, Lori has been drifting on the sea for another ten days and has not been able to find a new island.

Drifting aimlessly on the sea like this, whether eating or sleeping, is far less comfortable than being on the island.

However, she did not regret her decision. She did not come to the Planet of the Apes for a vacation.

All the giant apes on the island have been killed, and it will be difficult to earn points by continuing to stay on the island.

Only by returning to the sea can you gain points continuously and exchange points for skills to strengthen your strength.

Chirp, chirp, chirp!
Suddenly, a big fish jumping on the left side of the raft let out a series of rapid and sharp cries.

"What's wrong, Xiao Yu Gan? Are there more points delivered to your door?"

Lori stopped what she was doing and turned her head with joy to look at her pet dried fish, which was the big fish that had been following her raft.

Chirp, chirp, chirp, chirp--!

Lori was already very familiar with the call of the little fish. Its current short and rapid call was a warning to her.

And it is an early warning with a very high level of alert.

After being together for so long, this is the first time that Xiao Yuganer has issued such a high-level warning!
The expression on Lori's face suddenly became solemn. Looking in the direction that Xiao Yuganer had warned her, she saw a huge triangular dorsal fin breaking through the wind and waves and moving rapidly towards her.

"It's a shark!"

When she saw the iconic triangular dorsal fin, the expression on Lori's face instantly became solemn. This was her first time encountering a shark!
Although the previous blue water scale fish was of considerable size and had strong attack power, it was far inferior to the shark in both size and attack power.

Before today, Lori had no experience fighting sharks. Now that she was suddenly facing one, she had no confidence that she could win.

"What should I do...I can't escape. My speed is far inferior to that of a shark..."

"If you can't run, you can only fight. When two brave men meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. I must live or you must die!"

Lori had no other way out at this moment. The only hope of survival was to die to the bitter end. Running away was useless.

Thinking of this, Lori tightly gripped the dagger in her hand, and her eyes became even sharper.

She always kept in mind what Luo Xuning taught her. When facing a strong enemy, being afraid is useless and will only limit your fighting power!
Only by being fearless and unafraid, and exerting all your strength to the maximum extent, can you have a chance of winning in a strong confrontation.

Chirp, chirp, chirp...

Xiao Yugan's fear of sharks is engraved in his genes. He was even more afraid, but he did not abandon Luo Li and escape alone.

Pets are 100% loyal to their owners. Even if they die in battle, they will not abandon their owners and run away.

The little dried fish stopped jumping around now, and floated quietly on one side of the raft, as if saying that it wanted to fight alongside its owner.

Blah, blah, blah—!

As the shark continued to approach, Lori soon heard the sound of movement underwater, and the distance between her and the shark was closing at a very fast speed.

After a few breaths, the lightning blue shark swam near Lori's raft, then jumped high, and its entire body jumped out of the sea.

The lightning blue shark is about 6 meters long and one meter in diameter. Its mouth is so big that it can probably swallow Loli in one bite without any problem.

Looking at the huge mouth in front of her, Lori couldn't help but feel nervous, but she was only a little nervous, and the feeling of fear was much weaker than before.

Lori stepped hard on the raft and jumped high!
Faced with the attack of the lightning shark, she did not dodge, but chose to fight hard and jumped directly into the huge mouth of the lightning shark!

It was also the first time for the lightning blue shark to see its prey jump into its mouth, and it was a little confused for a moment.

Suddenly, a pain spread from the mouth to the whole body. Lori's dagger actually stabbed the lightning blue shark's jaw directly!
Unfortunately, the lightning shark's skin has strong defensive capabilities, and Lori's attack could only cause it some pain, but did not pose any fatal threat.

The attack that she had hoped to achieve failed to work, and Lori's heart instantly tightened. She felt that the danger in front of her was far beyond her expectations!

"The defense is so strong!"

After missing the attack, Lori kicked the lightning blue shark in the mouth and used the reaction force to fall back onto the raft.


The lightning blue shark failed to swallow Lori in one blow, and half of its body fell on the raft, smashing the raft, which was not very solid to begin with, into pieces of wood.

"not good……"

When Lori was on the raft, she still had a place to leverage, but now that the raft was destroyed and fell into the water, it was a huge disadvantage for her!
Just when the lightning blue shark was about to launch a second attack on Lori and take her down in one fell swoop, the small fish that had been circling behind suddenly attacked and bit the tail of the lightning blue shark with its big mouth.

Although the small fish was successful in its sneak attack, its teeth failed to break through the lightning shark's skin defenses. It only left two rows of marks on it and caused non-fatal pain to the lightning shark.

When the Lightning Blue Shark saw that the one who attacked him was actually a blue water fish, he felt extremely angry!
Green water scale fish is a fairly delicious food on its diet.

I was actually attacked by food, so I was naturally very angry!

The lightning shark swung its huge tail and hit the little fish hard on the head.

Yo ~
After a shrill scream, Xiao Yugan was knocked unconscious by the lightning shark's tail!

Xiao Yugan's full-strength attack was unable to break the lightning blue shark's defense.

The lightning blue shark can knock out the small fish with one strike. The huge gap between the two is obvious. They are not opponents of the same level at all.

"Dried fish!!"

Lori didn't expect the gap between the two to be so huge. If she had known this, she would have asked Xiao Yugan to run for his life.

She thought that if she and Xiao Yugan joined forces, they should be able to deal with the big guy in front of them, but it seems that she was overthinking.

"What should I do...what should I do now..."

First he lost his raft and fell into the sea, home to the lightning blue shark, and then his partner was knocked out by a lightning blue shark's tail.

Lori doesn't know what to do now.

You can neither fight nor escape, and the only thing waiting for you is death.

"Boss, I don't know if I can meet you again in my next life..."

Looking at the lightning blue shark that opened its mouth again and moved towards her quickly, it was difficult for Lori to fight back or dodge in the water as she did just now.

"I'm still 100 points short of redeeming items in the Points Mall. I have no chance..."

"No chance."

The situation was urgent and Lori had no other way to gain points. She could only sigh and suffer in regret.

[Your pet Xiaogan died bravely protecting its master in the battle. It performed well in this battle and was awarded 100 points.] [Your current points are 40000!]

Suddenly, an information page popped up automatically, with two prompt messages displayed on it.

When she saw the news of Xiao Yugan's death, Lori's eyes instantly became moist and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes.

During this month, she and Xiao Yugan have been together day and night, and she has come to regard Xiao Yugan as her best friend.

At this moment, seeing the news of Xiao Yugan's death, Lori felt as if her heart was stabbed by a knife and she felt extremely distressed.

Even though she got 100 points for this, she was not happy at all, only angry!
"You, a big guy, actually killed a small dried fish!!"

At this moment, Lori's fear of the lightning blue shark has been completely replaced by anger.

[Do you want to spend 4 points to redeem [Dancing in the Sky]? ]

"Yes! Redeem!"

The situation was urgent, so Lori immediately used the 4 points she had just collected to redeem the most expensive Air Dance in the points mall, and quickly learned it.

From receiving the news of Xiaoyugan's death to it contributing points to you, to using the points to redeem skills and learn skills.

It seemed like a long time had passed, but in fact it was just the blink of an eye.

The lightning shark's big mouth was more than two meters away from Lori.

[You have mastered the art of flying, I wish you a happy life! ]


After seeing the prompt message, Lori jumped out of the water with a splash, and then stood vertically seven or eight meters above the sea in an anti-gravity manner.


The lightning blue shark missed its target again, and its huge body hit the water surface, splashing countless water.

"Is this the Air Dance Technique? It seems to be similar to the boss's flying ability?"

Lori looked down at her feet, then at the sea below her feet, and finally focused her gaze on the lightning blue shark that had just killed the dried fish.

After learning a skill using points exchanged from the Points Mall, you can directly reach an advanced level of proficiency without having to practice from scratch.

Therefore, Lori now has a high level of proficiency in the "Air Dance Technique" and can use it at will.

With a turn of her body, Lori's body quickly dropped down, and the dagger in her hand was aimed at the lightning blue shark that had just jumped out of the water again, and she stabbed it hard!

With the speed of flying plus the speed of sword drawing, Lori's attack was unstoppable and extremely fast.

Before the lightning blue shark could react, her dagger had already stabbed its forehead.

Unfortunately, the lightning shark has extremely strong defense. Its skin is more than ten centimeters thick and extremely tough.

Even if Lori's dagger could break through its defense, it would be difficult to pose any fatal threat to it.

"Damn it... the skin is too thick. I can't break through the defense."

The attack didn't work, and Lori showed a somewhat annoyed look on her face.

Although I now have the advantage in the air after mastering the Aerial Dance Technique, and my personal safety is greatly guaranteed, but...

The current situation is also very embarrassing. The lightning shark can't do anything to him, but he seems to be unable to do anything to it either. The two sides are in a stalemate.

"You stinky fish killed my dried fish. I can't let you off so easily. Let me think of a way..."

Lori was suspended in the air, her pretty eyebrows slightly furrowed as she began to think of a solution.

Blah blah blah~
The lightning blue shark underwater was also unwilling to let go of its enemy that had slipped away from its mouth twice and attacked it twice.

It didn't swim far away, but cruised on the water below Lori, quietly waiting for the right opportunity to attack.

Suddenly, Lori glanced and saw a wooden barrel floating on the sea not far from the lightning shark.

"Got it. Quicklime!"

When Lori saw the wooden barrel, her eyes lit up. It was filled with a very strange stone that she had brought from the nameless island before.

The surface of that stone is smooth and looks no different from the pebbles on the river bank, but when it comes into contact with water, it reacts violently and can boil a bucket of sea water in minutes.

Also, once the sea water in the bucket boils, if you don't take out the stones, the water will continue to boil.

During this time, Lori relied on this kind of stone to generate hot water while drifting on the sea.

This hot water can be used for personal hygiene and drinking.

You can also use the large amount of steam generated by boiling hot water to steam fish, which has a wide range of uses.

"If I throw a few rocks into that stinky fish's stomach, I wonder if it will cook it from the inside?"

Lori looked at the small wooden barrel, then at the lightning blue shark swimming on the water, and a brilliant idea suddenly came to her mind.

"You can give it a try! There's no better way anyway!"

Thinking of this, Lori took advantage of the lightning shark's inattention, swooped down to the sea surface, picked up the small wooden barrel, and then quickly flew into the air.

The lightning blue shark reacted a little too slowly and failed to attack Lori. It drew an arc in the air and fell back into the water.

This small wooden barrel was specially processed by Lori to store the special heating stones, and it has excellent waterproof properties.

When I opened the lid, I saw dozens of fist-sized heating stones inside.

These small stones, named heating stones by Lori, have colorful surfaces and different shapes, but they have the same effects.

"It's up to you, little stone~"

Lori took out a goose egg-sized heating stone with a black surface and held it in her hand.

Then, she lowered her flying altitude and used herself as bait to catch the lightning blue shark on the sea surface.

Sure enough, when the lightning blue shark saw that Lori's flying altitude had lowered, it leaped out of the sea with all its might and opened its bloody mouth, wanting to swallow her in one bite.

"It's now!"

After seeing the right opportunity, Lori first quickly increased her flying altitude to escape danger, then swung her right arm and threw the ball with force!
The heating stone fell quickly and accurately into the big mouth of the lightning shark.

The goose egg-sized heating stone is like an adult eating a melon seed in front of the bloody mouth of the lightning shark.

It didn't even realize it had swallowed a stone.

The lightning blue shark missed its attack and fell into the sea below again.

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