Chapter 550 The Unexpected Lu Qiling
Although he was unwilling in his heart, but at this moment, he had no way to turn his back on it.

"The Analects of Confucius Weizheng" said, "People don't have faith, and they don't know what to do." Both the Qin and Han Dynasties were generous, and ordinary people should keep their promises, let alone Wang Zheng, a high-ranking prince?
You can do "unjust and untrustworthy" things, but at least you must have a high-sounding excuse, such as stabbing Yuan Shu in the back. After borrowing the name of Liu She, the king of Fuling, he can barely stop the people of the world.

But regarding the marriage contract with Lu Qiling, Wang Zheng really couldn't find any excuses, and Guo Jia and others were also at their wit's end.
Especially the most important thing is that this marriage was proposed by Wang Zheng at the beginning, if he backs out, it will have too much impact on his reputation.

It is precisely because of this consideration that Wang Zheng finally adopted Guo Jia's proposal even though he was more interested in Mi Zhen and Qiao Wan, and issued an official document the next day, saying that he would marry Bu Wan'er at the same time. He and Lu Qiling were his main wives, and he made Mi Zhen, Qiao Wan, Fan Wu, Feng Que, and Huo Si five concubines.

In fact, the wives of the princes have not yet reached the level of issuing documents, but the key is that Wang Zheng has another identity, which is Li Yangtinghou of the Han Dynasty.

Although the power of the state pastor is great, it is only an official position on the surface. No matter how high the official position is, no matter the salary or power, there will be a day when someone will take the tea.

This is not the case for Tinghou. Even the lowest level among the ranks of Marquis, he has the rank of title, and the number of households in the township can be hereditary.

Since it can be hereditary, it’s fine for people like Liehou and others to accept concubines, but to marry a wife must be notified to the court. After all, only in this way can you determine which line your descendants belong to, and what about the future title and the right to inherit the city? Who does it belong to?

It is precisely because of this that Wang Zheng asked Guo Jia and others specifically at this time, only to find out that the Liyang Tinghou given by Emperor Xian (or Cao Cao) actually had a lot of households, as many as one thousand households. Many, even though he is a Marquis of Ting in terms of name, he is actually not much different from the general Marquis of Xiang.

Of course, such generosity may not be based on good intentions.

Because Liyang Pavilion is not located in Xuzhou, but in Xiyang in Runan County, Yuzhou, and it is very close to Pingyu County, the prefecture of Runan County, even less than a hundred miles away.
That is to say, if Wang Zheng wanted to enjoy his marquis rights in a safe and comfortable sense, at least he had to control Pingyu and Xiyang first.

To control Pingyu, it is basically equivalent to controlling the whole Runan County, and it is well known that Runan, where the Jue was granted, is the stronghold of Yuan Shu's power.

At that time, Wang Zheng couldn't go to his family's fief in person, and he couldn't go now either, because Ping Yu had changed his surname to Cao.

So in the end it's still just a blank check.

But a bad check is still a check after all, so after confirming the identities of the women who have disputes with his family, Wang Zheng also wants to send a team of messengers to Xudu to report.

Wang Zheng discussed with the officials again, and decided to choose an auspicious day in the spring of the new year two months later, that is, to officially marry in Shouchun.

Now that the decision to marry has been made, on the one hand, Huo Si, Bu Wan'er, and Lu Qiling from Xiapi have to come to Shouchun; on the other hand, even if Mrs. Feng and Fan Wu have already married Wang Zheng, the ceremony still needs to go So, they arranged for people to find two houses outside the palace, temporarily settled them out to live in, and at the same time ordered Shouchun's official office to start preparations for the marriage in full swing.

For the wedding ceremony, Wang Zheng had no other requirements, only one instruction: be frugal, and the various arrangements are very complicated, so I don't list them one by one.

As soon as the news of Wang Zheng's marriage came out, the whole world looked aside, and there were also various scenes in the world going on in the territory.

Needless to say here in Xuzhou, I heard that not only did Wang Zheng want to take in two wives, but that besides Lü Bu's daughter, another person was actually a maidservant, all the officials were in an uproar.

The opponents are naturally headed by Zhang Zhao, what a joke, how can you agree to messing with Lu Bu and his daughter like this?

If I am so ashamed and indignant and break up with each other, wouldn't my garden be given away for nothing?

But it was too late for him to learn the news. At this time, the envoys to Xudu had all set off, so it could be said that there was no room for change.

Besides, no matter how dissatisfied and complained Zhang Zhao had, he was also clear about one thing.

Wang Zheng only informed him at this time, probably because he didn't want to give him a chance to speak up, in this case, even if he received the news in advance, it would be useless if he thought about it.

Because Wang Zheng may not be the most powerful vassal in the world today, but he must be the lord with the strongest control under his rule. His position in the Xuzhou army is even more detached. Once he makes a decision, no matter Zhang Zhao or Mi Heng Whether it was the civil servants, or the generals like Wu Sheng and Xu Fang, no one had ever dared to express firm opposition at the risk of offending him.

So from this point of view, it seems that the two wives are a foregone conclusion and can no longer be changed.

What can I do if I can't change it?

I can only accept it.
But it's useless for Zhang Zhao to accept it, Lu Qiling has to accept it!
This kind of general door tiger girl must be proud and arrogant, how can she accept the humiliation of being equal to a maidservant?
On the way to the embassy on horseback, Zhang Zhao kept thinking about this question in his heart.

In the eyes of outsiders, Lu Qiling's life in Xiapi these days should be extremely miserable.

It's not that Xuzhou people are harsh on her materially, but that her husband, Wang Zheng, obviously doesn't care much about this "wife".

The Han Dynasty was not as restrictive as the later dynasties. Except for the three months before the formal marriage, men and women could meet each other.

And since Lu Qiling came to Xiapi, Wang Zheng should have come to visit her and ask her warmly because of emotion and reason.

But no.

It has been nearly four months since I came to Xiapi, and Wang Zheng has never set foot on the threshold of the embassy once, clearly showing no interest in her.

Seeing this, the other prominent families in the city gradually tasted the taste. The enthusiasm at the beginning gradually cooled down, and before they knew it, the Xiapi embassy changed from a throng to a crowd.

Lu Qiling, who has a panoramic view of all this, is not as self-pitying as outsiders think.

She knew from the beginning that her marriage with Wang Zheng was purely political. She didn't like Wang Zheng, and Wang Zheng might not like her either.

Of course, on the other hand, Wang Zheng's refusal to visit may not be intentional. Lu Qiling also knows something about the current situation in Xuzhou.

On the surface it seems to be peaceful, but in fact there are frequent disasters. Under such circumstances, how can Wang Zheng, as Xuzhou Mu, have the time to think about the love between men and women?

But for Lu Qiling, this is even better.

Wang Zheng didn't care about her, Xuzhou people naturally paid less and less attention, and there was no parental control here, so naturally, the girl got the most unrestrained time in her life.

After all, the high walls of the courtyard and ordinary guards are just decorations for Lu Qiling, who was taught martial arts by Lu Bu herself since she was a child.

Contrary to what outsiders think, in the past few months, Lu Qiling has not spent time alone in a vacant room, but disguised herself. I have also gone out of the city gate a few times to go sightseeing in the wild, so cool and unrestrained.

And the more times she came out, the more surprised Lu Qiling was.

Because she saw the changes in Xiapi, Xuzhou, and Wang Zheng in the hearts of the people through the bottom layer with her own eyes.

For example, at the very beginning, many people in the alley still secretly called him the Yellow Turban Bandit, and even cursed him with obscene language. Lu Qiling heard it when passing by, and she was not angry at all. These people are right, that Zhuzi is a bandit. , and even occasionally personally mixed in, helping to verbally criticize and criticize.

But for some reason, as time went by, fewer and fewer people scolded him.

As the faces of the common people became more and more ruddy, people secretly called him from "Zhuzi" and "Yellow Turban Thief" to "Wangzhou Mu".

Even when they heard that the Celestial Army had won the foreign war, an inexplicable brilliance began to appear on their faces, and they were very excited and encouraged.

You didn't win the battle, so what's the fuss about?

Lu Qiling didn't read much, so she didn't know how to describe this kind of pride.

It wasn't until many years later that she heard a word by chance when she was listening to Zhang Zhao teaching her son, and she suddenly understood this complex.

This is called being honored.

Being able to have this kind of emotion actually means that Xuzhou people have regarded Wang Zheng as the real state shepherd, and even the real monarch.

And even at this time, under the influence of the people around, seeing those good news one after another, aroused more and more cheers.
Unknowingly, Lu Qiling's perception of Wang Zheng also changed silently.

Water dripped through stone, imperceptibly, and she began to agree with other people's views on Wang Zheng.

Although this Zhuzi can't beat me, it seems like he is really a hero?
Under such circumstances, Zhang Zhao came to the embassy and brought an unbelievable news for her.


Lu Qiling looked at Zhang Zhao in surprise, "Mr. Zhang means that Wang Zheng is going to marry seven women at once?"

Zhang Zhao was speechless. Is your focus wrong?
Shouldn't the point be that a maidservant is the same wife as you?

Although he complained secretly like this, seeing that Lu Qiling didn't show anger immediately, Zhang Zhao was secretly relieved when he was surprised.

Regardless of whether this calm was intentional or true, it proved that Lu Qiling was still in a calm and rational state at this time, and that was enough.

Because in this way, we can still maintain normal communication, and if we can communicate, we will have the opportunity to persuade!
"Yes, the lord is going to hold a wedding in the spring of next year, marry Miss and Bu Lianshi as wives, and at the same time take Mi Zhen, Qiao Wan, Fan Wu, Feng Yu, and Huo Si as concubines."

Zhang Zhao nodded and said, "But Ms. Lu, don't worry. Although Bu Wan'er and you are both legal wives, the court will only allow the lord to leave a direct line, and this must belong to Ms. Lu!"

He categorically explained: "Both of Bu Wan'er's parents died, but she is just a commoner with no family to rely on. Even if she has the position of equal wife, it is only the honor of one person. The young lady is the daughter of Marquis Lu Wen. What a noble status. Once there is one in the future, the heir will definitely be the sovereign and legitimate successor.”

Before she finished speaking, she was cut off by Lu Qiling with a wave of her hand: "Sir, you don't need to say these things. I don't really care about these things at all. I'm just curious now."

"What are you curious about, Miss?"

"Then Wang Zheng is so lustful, why does he not care about me at all after I have been in Xiapi for so many days?"

Speaking of this, Lu Qiling's cheeks were puffed up, and she slowly raised her eyes, staring at Zhang Zhao with her phoenix eyebrows upside down, and the earrings were shaking: "Mr. Zhang, am I ugly?"

Zhang Zhao's expression was a little strange, he coughed dryly, leaned over to Lu Qiling and said, "Miss is as bright as the morning glow and as bright as a lotus flower, naturally she is a first-class beauty, but my lord has never seen it before, so naturally I don't know about it."

"Who said he didn't see me, that day."

In the middle of speaking, Lu Qiling suddenly blushed and said in a low voice: "Yes, but I forgot that I was doing men's clothing at that time."

Quickly changed the topic: "Mr. Zhang, I know about this matter, so when are you going to arrange for me to leave for Shouchun?"

Is this true or false?

Zhang Zhao was startled when he heard the words, looked up, and saw that Lu Qiling's face had already been stained with a thin layer of halo, it was really jade-colored and warm, but he only saw the beauty of flowers, but not the slightest trace of anger, after looking at it for a long time, he could finally be sure of this girl It seems that he really has no grudges against Ping's wife, although he is certain in his heart, he is also very surprised.

After all, there has never been such a thing as a wife since ancient times, and the status of a step trainer is so humble. Under such circumstances, not to mention a girl like Lu Qiling, who is a girl from an ordinary family, she should be ashamed and angry?

This is the so-called dark under the lamp.

Not only Zhang Zhao, but also Guo Jia who proposed this plan, and Wang Zheng who adopted this plan actually forgot one thing.

Lu Bu's current status is certainly noble. He is not only the parachutist of the great Han Dynasty, but also has the title of Marquis Wen personally conferred by Emperor Xian, but his original background is actually not that high.

It is also because of this that although Lu Bu has many shortcomings, he has never been a person who values ​​his background very much.

There is another point that is actually more critical, both Lu Bu and Lu Qiling are from Bingzhou!
Although Bingzhou is also one of the nine states in the world, it is the frontier of the Han Dynasty. While resisting the barbarians of the grassland for generations, it is also deeply influenced by nomadic culture. In fact, it is quite different from the Central Plains in terms of folk customs. There are quite a lot of differences with the Han people in other states and counties.

Wang Zheng and others thought that Li Bu Wan'er's move of becoming a wife would make Lu Bu's father and daughter furious and voluntarily repent of the marriage, but they didn't expect that they would be silent when they reached Lu Qiling's step.

This "hu girl" didn't care at all!

But even so, Zhang Zhao was not completely relieved. Although Lu Qiling surprisingly didn't mind this episode, what did Lu Bu think?

When this matter spreads to Wu County, how will this brave tiger of the world react?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zhao's heart moved, and he said hastily: "Miss is so deeply aware of righteousness, it's my lord's luck, and I, Xuzhou's millions of subjects are also lucky."

"However, this matter is indeed quite suspicious, and a book needs to be revised to persuade Marquis Lu Wen."

Hearing Zhang Zhao's analysis and explanation, although Lu Qiling didn't fully understand, she still nodded vigorously.

Before, she didn't have a good impression of Wang Zheng, and she naturally disliked Zhang Zhaolian, who had contributed to this matter, but now it is very different.

Since Wang Zheng seems to be worthy of her, then Zhang Zhao, the matchmaker, is a great hero.

Since the great hero said that he wanted to do this, then let's do it.

(End of this chapter)

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