Chapter 549

The decision had been made, everyone dared not speak any more, and immediately withdrew one by one.

But after everyone left one after another, a person suddenly walked out of the inner door of the hall, it was Wu Sheng who was supposed to be stationed in Peiguo.

Wu Sheng entered the hall, and after nodding his head to salute, the first sentence he said was: "Ah Zheng, Mr. Guo is really smart."

"You can see this, but you're not too stupid." Wang Zheng glanced at Wu Sheng when he heard the words, and said with a slight smile, "It's just what everyone said, what do you think, Ah Sheng?"

"Ah Zheng, you all said that Pan Zhang was disloyal and unrighteous." Wu Sheng waved his hands carelessly and said, "Of course he should be killed, I have no objection."

"Then do you think the punishment of implicating the three clans and hanging their heads for public display is too heavy?"

Hearing this, Wu Sheng hesitated for a moment, then nodded, thought for a moment and said: "Just now Ni Heng said that to govern a troubled world, heavy codes should be used, and they read a lot of books. Makes sense, but"

After a pause, Wu Sheng said: "Pan Zhang and his soldiers have indeed made a lot of contributions. If this continues, I am afraid that many people will be panicked, and even feel sad when the tiger dies. Ah Zheng, the so-called " "Ah."

"What's the sorrow of the tiger dying to the fox?" Wang Zheng couldn't help laughing dumbly, and couldn't help scolding softly, "That's called the sorrow of the rabbit dying from the fox!"

"The fox should be happy when the rabbit dies, why would it be sad? Is it only when the tiger dies?"

Wu Sheng retorted: "Isn't it said in the Warring States policy that the fox pretends to be the tiger's power?"


Wang Zheng was amused: "That's right, it seems that you have indeed been studying recently, so let me tell you about it."

"Pan Zhang is not only meritorious, but also has a certain talent. If it is just corruption, the killing of Zhang Huan has actually aroused public outrage, but the general can still tolerate it. There is only one thing, but the general is forced to kill him. to the point of!"

Speaking of this, Wang Zheng jumped up at the table, his eyes shot like lightning, stared at Wu Sheng, and said every word: "This dog shouldn't lie to me!"

Pan Zhang is not only talented and meritorious. The key is that he has been in charge of important affairs such as defending the city and training troops since Qingzhou. He has already developed the ability to be independent just like Xu Fang. There is no possibility of betrayal. If you consider the interests, you really shouldn't kill him.

In the original history, he was also misbehaving, extravagant and greedy for money. He often set up military markets, robbed and killed soldiers to obtain property, failed to follow laws and regulations many times, and was reported by the supervisory department. After a good death, he was also listed as one of the "Twelve Tiger Ministers in Jiangdong".

To put it bluntly, the reason is nothing more than "talents are rare".

For Wang Zheng, there is also the problem of "talents are rare" nowadays, especially compared with brave generals like Huang Zhong, generals who are good at defending the city, such as Pan Zhang and Yu Jin, are actually more scarce in Xuzhou, the place of the Fourth World War. more important.

But Wang Zheng, who has a system and a prophet, has more confidence and bottom line than Sun Quan.

Confidence lies in the fact that his greatest reliance will always be on the level of "soldiers", not the level of "generals". As long as the experience is large enough and the number of high-level soldiers piled up, the importance of "generals" will naturally decrease a lot, and at most it will become icing on the cake , rather than instant charcoal.

That is to say, if you have something, you are happy, and if you don't have it, it doesn't matter.

It is also this confidence that makes Wang Zheng quite different from a truly mature politician in terms of his own morality and the moral requirements of his subordinates.

His moral bottom line is higher, but his tolerance for his subjects has also become very low.

The crime of "deceiving the emperor" committed by Pan Zhang, if placed in other princes in troubled times, would naturally not deserve death, but in Wangzheng's case, it is a crime worthy of punishment!
But this reason cannot be put on the bright side, because Wang Zheng is not the real "lord" at the moment, this reason is difficult to convince the public, so he will use corruption and kill Pao Ze to appeal to the public.

Of course, it cannot be said that Wang Zheng wanted to kill Pan Zhang purely out of personal anger, there is another key point.

It is because the forces of the Heavenly Army have developed too much in the past few years.

The more victories he has won, the so-called "meritorious ministers" are naturally like crucian carp crossing the river, especially the arrogance of direct descendants like Qingzhou is becoming more and more prevalent. The conflict can already be glimpsed.

This matter is just like Wu Shenglai was specially selected to whip in public in Zhao County back then. In Wang Zheng's consciousness, at this time, Ben really needed to find another "direct descendant" and a "meritorious minister" to make an example to others!
Wu Sheng, the general manager, can only be cruel enough to spank his butt, but Pan Zhang is willing to kill him directly.

"Because in extraordinary times, you should do extraordinary things. Since Pan Zhang is going to die, let him die a miserable death. Why cry all the way?"

Wang Zheng said in a deep voice: "Most of our army is a hero who is not afraid of death. If he dies alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult for those who come later. My original plan was to bring Pan Zhang to the barbarians, but..."

"It's just that he is an old man who has been with us all the way to the present. Ah Zheng, you still can't be so cruel."

Wu Sheng was silent for a moment, and then sighed: "Pan Zhang really can't blame us. When we went to Dongcheng together last time, I saw that he was too much for personal pleasure, so I reminded him. Since the general has to suffer, it is natural for us It’s for eating with you, how can you justify your enjoyment?”

"It's a pity, this guy didn't listen after all."

"Since you brought him into our army." Wang Zheng pondered for a while, then said, "When the time comes, let's see him off in person. In addition, Pan Zhang's incident also made me think about something."

"If it wasn't for Pan Zhang's own superfluous actions, I'm afraid I won't be able to find out what he did in Dongcheng for a while. It won't work if this continues."

Wang Zhengdao: "At present, our land is getting bigger and bigger. It is expected that this kind of dereliction of duty and corruption are definitely not isolated cases. Even if there is no such case now, I am afraid there will be many in the future. In order to clarify the administration of officials, I have figured out a way to form a system. If there is, correct it, if not, eliminate it.

"Clarify the administration of officials?"

Wu Sheng was startled when he heard the words: "Why do you ask me about such things, shouldn't you go to talk to Guo Jia and Zhang Zhao?"

"They don't have enough portions!"

Wang Zheng glanced at Wu Sheng, snorted coldly and said: "The people who can do these things are not high-ranking officials. I'm afraid they are mostly arrogant and domineering people. Tell me, who are the people in our army now?" The most arrogance?"

Wu Sheng was dumbfounded, since Wang Zheng had already said this, of course he had already figured it out, who else could he be from?

Of course they are from Qingzhou!
"Then what do you want me to do?"

"The perfection of the system did not happen overnight. During Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he set up embroidered clothes to point out. Wearing embroidered clothes, holding a scepter and a tiger charm, he patrolled and inspected everywhere. If he found illegal problems, he could act on behalf of the emperor. , you take the lead, and then select a group of generals from the army who are loyal and loyal, and tour the counties to appease the army and calm the people, and check the local officials by the way."

"Regardless of military affairs and internal affairs, major matters are judged, and small matters are decisive. They are responsible for farming, peace and prosperity, rectifying morals, and impeaching corruption. If there are local civil servants and military generals who are incompetent, they don't have to wait for the assessment. They can be discovered and punished early. And If there are outstanding local civil and military performers, you don’t have to wait until the annual examination, you can also find them early and promote them early. And if you meet sages from the countryside, you can recommend them to me in time. Don’t make talents useless, what do you think?”


Wu Sheng rubbed his head, "The method used by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty must be good, so what do we call it, pointing in black or pointing in red?"

Wang Zhengxi wore black armor and red robes, and his actions were effective. The main colors of the military uniforms of the Heavenly Army were these two, so Wu Sheng asked this question.

".It's too ugly."

Wang Zheng shook his head, pondered for a moment and said, "Let's call him Governor."

"You arrange manpower to do this first, focusing on the Xuzhou and Taishan areas. Without my order, you will continue to be governors." Wang Zheng thought for a while and said: "One batch of governors is only a year at most, and then another one will be replaced. A group of governors."

This is different from Emperor Wu's embroidered clothes. The personnel in charge of patrolling states and counties will change flexibly.

"Since you have ordered, Ah Zheng, I will naturally do my best, but this seems to be a delicate job, so I'm afraid."

"You still need to say it?"

Wang Zheng took a step forward, patted Wu Sheng on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Of course I will arrange someone to cooperate with you. How about Mi Fang?"

"This fat man is okay, at least his nose is more pleasing to the eye than yours."

Wu Sheng nodded, and the conversation suddenly changed, and he asked, "Ah Zheng, who do you plan to marry?"

Since he was addressing him as "Azheng", he naturally asked in his capacity as the "chief character". Wang Zheng no longer concealed it in front of him, and said directly: "I haven't made up my mind yet, what's your opinion?"

Wu Sheng pondered for a moment, but also did not give a clear answer, but first asked tentatively: "Does Mrs. Feng have a chance?"

"No." Wang Zheng shook his head directly to express his attitude, and then asked in surprise, "Why do you say her? I thought you would say sister-in-law."

"Sister Huo is definitely not suitable."

"Mrs. Feng is not the case." Wu Sheng said: "She is pregnant now, if she gives birth to a child, she will be a wife, and she will be a wife, and just now I listened to the discussion. The reason why they don't recognize Lu Bu's daughter is not because they are worried about the future. Will there be any foreign relatives involved in politics?"

Seeing Wang Zheng nodded, Wu Sheng said with a smile: "Ah Zheng, Yuan Shu has gone, this woman is alone and lonely, if we make her his wife, I think there will be no such hidden danger."

Wang Zheng thought for a while, but still did not agree, "But her identity is Yuan Shu's widow, and her status is a big problem."

"Isn't Yuan Shu's widow better?"

Wu Sheng asked back: "Although I only came to Shouchun yesterday, I have heard of Mrs. Feng's name before. This woman has a good reputation. Even Wenpin, who is far away in Jingzhou, has heard of it, saying that she is a tolerant lady. A virtuous woman."

"Besides, Yuan Shu has been operating in Yangzhou for several years, and his old ministries and old officials are all over Jiangdong, and his influence is still not small. Now that you have just won Yangzhou, and the war is about to end, you must always be on guard against Cao Cao in the north and Liu Biao in the south. At this time, When we are about to win over and use the local forces in Jiangdong, if we marry Mrs. Feng, it may play a role in appeasing Yangzhou."

Wang Zheng was taken aback when he heard this. To be honest, not only did Guo Jia and others have no suggestion, but even Wang Zheng himself never had the idea of ​​marrying Mrs. Feng. Not as good as Fan Wu, on the other hand, her status as Yuan Shu's wife is her biggest disadvantage.

But he never expected to hear such different opinions from Wu Sheng. As he said, Mrs. Feng, as Yuan Shu's widow, still has some advantages?

"If it's three days away from Shishi, you should look at it with admiration."

Wang Zheng studied him carefully for a while, with gratification in his eyes: "A Sheng, you can express your opinion and have such thoughts, and your progress is really not small, which is beyond my expectation."

Wu Sheng smiled slightly, and just said: "On the contrary, I think Mrs. Feng is quite suitable. As for the others, Mr. Guo and the others have talked a lot before, so I won't say more."

From Wu Sheng's point of view, Ah Zheng suddenly seemed to be a different person after his near death and survival. Not only did he become mature, he possessed natural supernatural powers, and he was even more assertive.

And countless examples later proved that he never listened to other people's opinions on major matters, and always made his own decisions, let alone change them. So this time "marrying a wife" is of great importance, not only The major events in his life are even more related to the future state affairs of the Tianjun. How could Ah Zheng not have his own ideas?

Wu Sheng didn't believe it at all.

Of course, you may still be hesitating, it's nothing more than weighing the pros and cons.

So if you really want to ask their "fa Xiao" opinions, why did you choose Wu Sheng instead of the more thoughtful Xu Fang?
Wu Sheng was just too lazy to think, but he was not a fool without a brain. When he came to see Wang Zheng, he had a plan in mind.

Perhaps Wang Zheng just wanted to hear his opinion on this matter. As for what the opinion was and who he proposed, it didn't really matter.

Of course, one thing needs to be paid attention to.

In Wu Sheng's view, the most important thing for this candidate is not to repeat what other people suggested.

Guo Jia proposed a step trainer, Mi Heng proposed Mi Zhen, Huang Zhong and Wei Yan proposed Qiao Wan.
You have all mentioned suitable candidates, who else can I propose?

He wanted to suggest Huo Si, but the problem was that he couldn't even find a reason, so in desperation, he could only choose Mrs. Feng.

And who does Wang Zheng prefer in the depths of his heart?
Wu Sheng didn't know, and he didn't want to know either.


Because Wu Sheng knows one thing very well in his heart: Wang Zheng may have changed a lot, but in fact, some aspects have not changed, such as nostalgia.

Wu Sheng believes that as long as he is loyal and faithful, and does everything Wang Zheng asks him to do well, he will never lose the trust and reliance of the other party. To some extent, as long as he does not make mistakes, the person Wang Zheng trusts and relies on the most, And it will always be him, Wu Sheng!

And Guo Jia, Mi Heng and others hope that Wang Zheng's future wife will be the candidate they propose. Isn't it also for "competing for favor"?

I don't need to "compete for favor", so who is the main wife, it's none of my business?
Whether it was Qiao Wan, Mi Zhen, or Bu Wan'er, or even that Lu Qiling, no matter who became Ah Zheng's wife and concubine, Wu Sheng didn't feel that it would affect his friendship with Wang Zheng.

Wu Sheng also believes that if these people are not stupid, they will not think of fighting against his "brother-in-law" in the future.

Of course, Lu Qiling's name flashed across his mind, and Wu Sheng took the initiative to make a statement: "No matter who it is, only Lu Bu's daughter must not!"

Wang Zheng nodded slightly. From the moment he knew Mrs. Feng was pregnant, Wang Zheng thought of this "wife" who hadn't married yet, and he immediately came to a conclusion.

He also didn't want to be a son-in-law with Lu Bu, a tiger.

The point is that if Lu Lingqi is also pregnant in the future and gives birth to a legitimate son, what should I do?

Then Lu Bu, a relative, is in even greater trouble!
(End of this chapter)

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