Chapter 35 Domination
From the first moment he stepped through the gate of Zhao County, Wang Zheng looked beyond here and looked into the distance.

From then on, his mind kept turning, only thinking about two things.

How to face the coming Cao army; and how to expand the results of the battle to maximize the benefits of capturing Zhao County.

Because of the former, he deliberately allowed the county's tyrants to gather in the county government, and took the initiative to increase the difficulty of attacking on his own side, in order to create the opponent's resistance, so that he could be directly killed in a logical manner, and prevent the backyard fire that is likely to occur next.

As for the latter, Wang Zheng pondered for a long time.

Finally, when he arrived at the county government office, he made a decision: he wanted the current Heavenly Army to obtain something here.

It is not armor, nor is it a sword, but it is what an army needs most.

It is self-confidence.

That is what the former Yellow Turban Army was completely dismantled in repeated setbacks, and it is also what the Qingzhou people and the Heavenly Army lack the most.

An army without self-confidence will never be strong.

But gaining confidence comes at a price.

Therefore, whether it was the previous robbery or the subsequent siege, Wang Zheng always wanted to use some out-of-the-box tactics to allow the heavenly army to launch an attack under the advantage as much as possible, so as to reduce possible casualties.

After all, he really couldn't bear too much loss now, and he didn't dare to pay too much for Tianjun to regain his confidence.

The county government is a good whetstone.

With 300 people and a better than nothing location, it is impossible to cause serious casualties to the Tianzhu camp full of second-tier soldiers. However, in front of everyone, using an unprecedented victory with less can improve morale and strengthen the entire army. self-confidence.

Wang Zheng wanted them to know.

To win more with less, those officers and soldiers who defeated the Yellow Turban Army can do it,
Under his leadership, the Heavenly Army can do the same! Even better!
For this reason, Wang Zheng would not hesitate to lose even the most elite second-tier combat power. After all, he has a system in hand, and it is relatively easy to train elites.

Of course, it is also good to have less loss.

Thinking of this, Wang Zheng stared at the transparent system frame.

Wang Zheng: General

Rating: 11
Health: 110/110
XP: 2671
Experience required to level up: 2595
Force: "25"

Min: "15"

Wisdom: "5"

Charm: "25"

Skills: Iron Bone "3" Run "4" Recovery "1" Persuasion "4"

Affiliated teams: Yellow Turban Elite Soldiers "6", Yellow Turban Strong Men "125", Yellow Turban Militia "1913"

In addition to breaking through two Wubao before, after opening the gate of Zhao County this time, the experience gained from several killings during this period is enough to upgrade again.

With the flickering of thoughts, a series of light blue prompts appeared in front of my eyes.

"Personal level raised to level 12"

"Personal health increased to 120"

"Unassigned attribute points: 5"

"Unassigned talent points: 1"

"Current upgradeable units: None"

"Upgradable quota: none"

This time, Wang Zheng chose agility for attribute points, and for talent points, he chose to develop a new talent.

In fact, talent itself is expensive and not expensive, but Wang Zheng is also helpless.

With the appearance of "The Essay of the Heavenly Army against Han", he knew that the follow-up attacks would be extremely frequent. This would certainly lead to a period of rapid growth in experience, but it would also cause his own small army to be severely depleted .

At the same time, when the battle damage has reached a certain level, although the system can strongly suppress people's survival instincts, it also has a value to measure whether the team should continue to fight.

That's morale.

Just like Wang Zheng knows the role of all talents in reality without the explanatory text, even though morale has not appeared in the face frame in numerical form, Wang Zheng also vaguely feels that it exists in reality as much as the game, and is even more important.

In view of this, Wang Zheng can only light up a new talent:

Domination, in the game of riding and cutting, its function is to increase morale and reduce the salary of the team.

In the real environment of the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it still had the effect of enhancing morale, but because of the invalidation of wages, another effect appeared.

Literally, it becomes a unified defense: that is, according to the class of talent, all soldiers get a certain percentage of the player's own defense enhancement.

This is how the Western Fantasy game system works, completely misinterpreting the original meaning of the word domination.

A word of complaint floated in Wang Zheng's mind, but he secretly called it really fragrant.

At this time, the time for a stick of incense has come.

On the field, Wu Sheng and Tian Zhuying were ready to go.

Across the way, all high bowstrings began to tighten.

In silence.

Regardless of whether it is the enemy or us, everyone's eyes are focused on Wang Zheng.

He nodded, then waved his hand.

"Kill!" Wu Sheng immediately let out a roar, and rushed forward.

"Kill!" Half of the yellow turban men held high wooden shields in front of them, and the other half carried giant logs to keep up.

County Lord Cui Xi raised his sword on the high platform and shouted:

"Shoot these traitors to death!"

Immediately, a cloud of arrowheads poured down like dense spring rain, covering the Tianzhu camp that was rushing.

The next moment, Cui Xi's expression changed.

The thieves raised their shields to the sky, the deterrent effect of the rain of arrows was greater than the actual damage, he knew this well.

But even with the wooden shield held high, the rain of arrows was terrifying enough, and Cui Xi would not be able to remain calm even if he changed his place.

But what appeared in his eyes was that these more than 100 thieves only occasionally evaded, but none of them took half a step back.

Even though there was blood spattering in the middle, and even their companions fell to the ground, everyone in this team still showed no fear, let alone panic.

These thieves are not afraid of death?

In Cui Xi's unimaginable eyes, with several waves coming down, although seven or eight people in the Tianzhu Camp lay down forever, the arrow rain finally became sparse.

But Wu Sheng and the others have been approaching constantly in the sprint.

Finally, they rushed to the gate.


There was a dull knock on the door.

The door was crumbling, and everyone inside couldn't help but panic even though they had been mentally prepared.

Even though the gate was supported by a pile of heavy objects, these people ran up in a panic, thinking of helping to support it, completely forgetting about their duties.

"Don't panic, quickly line up to meet the enemy." Seeing this, Cui Xi shouted anxiously.

The strength of a thousand catties seems to be unbearable to the combined force of a hundred young and strong people outside. They were hit continuously, and even sand, gravel and dust fell down. It only lasted for a cup of tea. His all-out blow was the last straw.

With a loud bang, the gate was completely shattered, and countless swords instantly split through the smashed objects blocking the way, completely opening the door to the county government.

Amid the earth-shattering cheers, the Tianzhu Camp rushed in.

In close hand-to-hand combat, a crushing began.

There was a series of clashing sounds of weapons, interspersed with countless screams.

After a while, the county government completely calmed down.

When Wu Sheng reappeared, his body was covered in blood, and his face was full of joy.

"Reporting to the general, Wu Sheng is lucky not to disgrace his life."

(End of this chapter)

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