Chapter 34 Debate
In the world of great struggle, everyone who wants to build a career will consider when choosing a camp, and if they change camps, they will think twice.

Because no one knows who the final winner is, if you follow the right path, the winner takes all, even if you lose your own life on the way to the dragon, it is a good deal that the gain far outweighs the cost.

After all, the descendants of his family will continue to be blessed by him, and I also have the reputation behind him, even lasting for a hundred years.

And following the losers, death is in vain.

Who is willing to sacrifice their own lives in vain?

Nobody wants to.

This means that regardless of whether there is a separatist regime or when the Three Kingdoms are at the same time, there will be an endless stream of deadly warriors in all camps, because at that time there is only the dominant side, and there is no winning side.

When the Sima clan usurped the throne, the Cao family supported three generations of gentry, but rarely saw loyal people who went to death.

When attacking the two countries of Shu and Wu, they were full of people who looked forward to the wind and surrendered.

Is it true that one generation is not as good as the previous generation, is it because people's hearts have changed?

No, the situation has changed.

The general trend of the world is vast, and those who follow it will prosper, and those who go against it will perish.

Therefore, the people in the county government were determined to stick to it to the end, which was actually expected by Wang Zheng.

The tyrants in the city will not surrender, because they know that the result of opening the door and stealing is nothing.

Cui Xi, the county lord, would not follow a thief, just like Gong Xu, they were not optimistic about the situation of Wang Zheng and Tianjun.

However, Cao Cao, whom they are loyal to now, is in a period of rising situation.

Comparing the two, it is life-threatening, and it is not difficult to judge how to choose.

For these gentry classes, the fear of failure is far greater than the fear of death.

The yellow turban bandits, in the eyes of people of insight at this time, were the most complete losers in the late Eastern Han Dynasty.

This group of thieves are always relentless, always resurgent, but they are also trampled on by batch after batch of people as stepping stones to fame.

Of course, Wang Zheng very much recognized Cui Xi's choice.

Because he didn't really want to recruit the other party, and those nobles from Zhao County.

Recruiting them is like admonishing those who stay in the barracks and don't want to follow the rebellion. It's just a form and a process that needs to be followed on the surface.

Rejection is the answer that Wang Zheng most wants to hear from these two groups.

With the support of the system, even though the distance was quite far, Wang Zheng could not help laughing after hearing Cui Xi's morale-boosting words.

At least seven or eight days?
"Zhuwei." Wang Zheng looked around the crowd and asked suddenly: "Do you think how many people will be needed to take down this place? How long will it take?"

When the general spoke to test the school, everyone either fell into thinking or pretended to be thinking.

For example, Wu Sheng, Wang Zheng saw through him at a glance, scratching his head and scratching his head, but he didn't know where his mind was wandering.

After a while, Xu Fang pondered for a while, and took the lead in answering:
"If you don't count the damage, as long as there are only 1000 Tiangang troops, I am sure that two hours at most will be enough."

"Oh? Is a thousand people enough?" Wang Zheng seemed to feel something was wrong and asked:

"The so-called encirclement is ten, and attack is five. The opponent occupies a favorable location and is suppressed by bows and crossbows. Our army attacks and the other side defends. The opponent has 300 people. Xu Fang, you only need a thousand Tiangang troops to fight against the enemy in two Capture this place within hours?"

"General, apart from the deep and narrow alleys in the county government, which is not conducive to the formation of the army, what other advantages can we rely on?"

Xu Fang replied confidently: "Our Tiangang army is an elite division, not to mention having a general at your side, a thousand Tiangang army is enough to open the door for the general!"

When Xu Fang said this, Wang Zheng looked at him in surprise, although he knew it was unintentional, he couldn't help sighing secretly.

In terms of ingenuity, the ancients really may not lose to the later generations.

Just like Xu Fang, limited by his experience and knowledge, he didn't know and couldn't understand the existence of the system, but with his careful thinking and time spent together for a long time, he could already see some clues.

No matter who is appointed or removed to manage the Tianzhu Camp Tiangang Army, the real command of these two teams will always be in the hands of Wang Zheng.

This kind of intangible subordinate relationship will also lead to changes in the overall combat power of the team due to the presence or absence of Wang Zheng.

And no matter how subtle the changes are, they cannot escape the careful observation of those with a heart.

"1000 people are too many." Wang Zheng thought to himself for a moment, shook his head, and muttered: "Since the uprising, we have fought several battles, big and small. Those who deserved to be defeated and those who were attacked were conquered. So far, we have never lost."

When the last sentence was said, everyone smiled happily when they heard the words, and the flamboyant ones like Wu Sheng even grinned happily, with a smug look.

A look of narrowness flashed across Wang Zheng's eyes, and the tone of his words suddenly changed, and he spoke surprisingly:

"It's all about victory!"

Immediately, everyone looked stunned and looked at each other speechlessly.

Wu Sheng showed dissatisfaction, and opened his mouth to refute, but was frightened by Wang Zheng's glance, and could only look sullen.

Wang Zheng turned a blind eye, and continued: "Either bully the few with the more, or ambush and sneak attack, or." As he said, he pointed in the direction of the city gate: "Pretend to be an undercover agent, rely on internal responses, and cooperate with the outside."

He spread his hands and let out a long sigh: "With such a victory, some people are still quite proud and complacent?"

Everyone was speechless, and Wu Sheng's face turned pale in an instant.

Only Xu Fang finally couldn't hold back and refuted:

"General, this is how war is done!"

"Soldiers are cunning, wars must be won by tricks, or by numbers and power!"

Seeing Wang Zheng following the sound, Xu Fang seemed to be consciously offended by his words, disrespectful to the general, so his voice involuntarily became quieter, but he still bit the bullet, and finally muttered:
"It's enough to win anyway."

"That's true." Wang Zheng nodded and said, "It's natural to rely on tactics to win the battle, but it shouldn't be too frequent."

"If you think about tricky designs every time you go to war, you've lost the right way. Xu Fang, you have to remember that the most correct way to weaken the enemy is always self-improvement."

"If you don't invite the banner of integrity, if you don't attack the majestic formation, you will change the reason."

Wang Zheng looked at everyone solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "The most powerful army on the battlefield is always an upright army. It makes the enemy even lose the courage to fight head-on!"

Seeing Xu Fang's eyes flicker as if realizing something, Wang Zheng smiled with satisfaction, and said:
"As for bullying the weak, Sun Tzu's Art of War also said that doubling and dividing, what he said is to find a way to be bullying the weak."

"But today, my heavenly army needs to do some unreasonable things."

"Everyone knows that the predecessor of the Heavenly Army was the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army." Wang Zheng sighed, "The Yellow Turban Army has been underestimated by the world for too long!"

Everyone is silent.

That's right, more defeats and fewer victories in exchange for more fights and fewer wins. How can people value it?

"At the time when the Heavenly Army was founded, my king's government is the destiny of the heavens, and the Heavenly Army under my command has even more divine power from the sky. Even if it is only a hundred people, it is enough to destroy this county. This is Huang Tian's destiny!"

"A mere bow and arrow gate wall can stop the progress of the heavenly army?"

"Does it only need officers and soldiers to win more with fewer?" Wang Zheng looked at the crowd and snorted coldly: "Don't let our heavenly army defeat the masses with few?"

Then there was a break:
"Major Wu Sheng is out."

"The 120 and five soldiers of the Tianzhu Battalion will follow you, and I will give you some time to prepare for changing your armor and backing your shield."

"Within half an hour, I want the gate of this county to be opened!"

Wu Sheng stepped forward, his face excited, and he replied loudly:

"I will live up to the general's high expectations!"

 Damn, I found out that I missed a chapter before. .Editing rest today, I don't know how to adjust the chapter
  Just take a look after seeing 35.

(End of this chapter)

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