Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 97 The 2 Big Taboos of Meiying (Part 6, please subscribe!)

Chapter 97 The Two Great Taboos of Meiying (Sixth update, please subscribe!)
"No way."


"You are talking about other states, but New York is fine."

"Isn't it okay to be 16 years old?"

"Yes, but it requires the consent of both parents."


Kem blinked his eyes, looked at the serious Gwen, and said in a daze, "God, Gwen, my dear girlfriend, don't you really have such an idea, is it worth it?"

Locke, who was sitting opposite, didn't want to talk anymore.


When others speak ill of him, they are behind his back.

Do you think your father is a retired agent, so I dare not touch you?

you wait for me.

Damn it, if you don't travel to Paris next year, I'll pack and mail you to Paris.


Locke blinked: "Can a 16-year-old get married in New York?"

Gwen, who beat Kem a few times over there, gave Kem a supercilious look and nodded: "Every state has different regulations on the age of marriage."

The federal states have different age standards for marriage.

In some states, the legal age is 21 years old.

In New York, the rules are good. You can get married if you want to get married, but if you are 16 years old, you need the consent of both parents. If you are 14 years old, you only need the consent of both parents and the court.

Even the rural New Jersey next door has opened up to the age group where girls can get married at the age of 12.

Kem said curiously: "But, why do you know this?"

Gwen replied: "I'm from New York and know this, is it weird?"

Kem nodded.

"I'm from New York too, why didn't I know?"

"Are you a student god?"


Gwen's direct and light words made Kem shut up instantly.

she is not.

At least, not a god of learning.

Midtown High School, dare to be called a god of learning, sat next to her, and the other sat opposite her.

Seeing this, Gwen smiled.

She is a god of learning, a god of learning, she knows a little about everything, isn't it normal?
Gwen has recently been flipping through books on psychology.


Very nice look.

talking room.

Cindy and Kahn also came from not far away.


Cindy walked over with a smile on her face: "Just now when I came in, I heard you talking about such a shocking topic, what's wrong?"


Cindy looked at Locke: "Are you going to the city hall to get married with Gwen?"

The Coke in Locke's hand was almost unsteady and fell.

Good guy.

If this topic were being discussed in the cafeteria of Dongguo High School, the parents would probably come to the school that afternoon.

Cindy laughed, and changed the subject directly: "Even if you want to go to the city hall, you probably won't be free. We're leaving."

"Set off?"


Cindy took a bite of the fries, nodded, looked at Gwen and said, "When Mrs. Cod saw me just now, she told me to leave tomorrow morning."

Gwen asked curiously: "How could it be so fast? Last Friday, didn't you say that you expected to leave this Friday?"

Cindy shrugged and said, "That's the weather. It is said that there will be a heavy snowstorm in a few days. In order to avoid this, we simply went ahead of time. The competition is scheduled for December [-]th, and we will be back on the [-]th."

Locke turned on the phone and looked at it: "In eleven days?"

Tomorrow is the end of November, isn't it eleven days later?
Cindy nodded: "So, it's a pity that you and Gwen's certificate collection date will be later, but it would be nice to go to Maine and get a No.1 certificate and trophy. You two are gone."

Gwen gave Cindy a big white eye: "What about you and Kahn, then what did you do in the past?"

Cindy smiled and said, "Kan and I will wave the flag for you."

Gwen: "..."

As an upper-middle-class person on Wall Street, Cindy actually doesn't have the temper of a tsundere girl. Of course, this is for people like Locke and Gwen who are like her in terms of money or studies. .

It is undeniable after all.

The Federation has a distinct class that is despised but tangible.

Kem's dad, the retired secret agent, has no money.


Kem's stepfather is rich, and he is also a big entrepreneur.


After Locke and Gwen took the mathematics preparatory course, they came to the office to find the chemistry teacher, as well as the instructor who would lead the team with the chemistry teacher tomorrow, that is, Mrs. Cord.

Cindy and Kahn have come over.

The teacher they chose this afternoon is sick.

Half an hour passed.

Locke and Gwen handed over the newly copied driver's license to Mrs. Codd. Mrs. Codd will buy the air tickets tonight, and then they will gather at the airport at nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

In the parking lot.

After Locke got into the car, he looked at Gwen who came up from the co-pilot and rubbed his little hands, turned on the air conditioner in the car, and said, "Then I will pick you up at your home at eight o'clock tomorrow morning?"

Gwen said, "Is there enough time?"

It's snowing today, and it looks like it won't be able to stop for a while. I'm afraid there will be a big traffic jam in the morning tomorrow.

New York is also notoriously bad for its traffic.

Locke started the car: "One hour is enough."

In the face of advanced driving technology, traffic jams do not exist at all.

If he wears sunglasses, even if it is a blocked street, his car can still go. Anyway, if he crashes into another car, even if he needs compensation or something, he can't find anyone else.

Drive out of the school gate.

Gwen was taken aback for a moment, said to Locke, wait, opened the window, looked at Kem standing at the school gate: "Kem, why are you still here?"

Kem looked at the car driving in front of him and sighed: "My dad's car broke down halfway."

Gwen said: "Get in the car, we will see you off."

Kem's eyes lit up, he opened the rear door, and came in. In an instant, the heater turned on at full power, and Kem let out a comfortable cry.

Locke drove on the road again.

"Where's Mr. Mills' car?"

"Brooklyn Bridge."

"Just right."

Locke smiled and said, "Gwen and I are also going to go to the Brooklyn Bridge."

Since the last time they went to Chester's Lover's Restaurant, Locke and Gwen basically went there once a week. After all, I have to say that Chester's steak is really delicious.

Kem took out the bib that he stuffed into the backpack in the back.

Gwen turned sideways, a little curious: "Why didn't you think of taking it out outside."

Kem laughed and said, "Cold!"

Outside, I can't wait to tuck my hands into the small underwear to keep warm, and I still have to take out the cold scarf from the cold schoolbag?
Gwen shook her head speechlessly: "Then won't you go back to the classroom and wait?"

Kem, who was wrapped in a scarf, blinked: "It's too cold, I forgot to have this option."

Gwen opened her mouth.

Locke couldn't help but smile knowingly.

No wonder Kem was being targeted.

So stupid, the liar probably saw it, and felt that if he didn't lie, he would be sorry for his career.


When he was about to drive to the Brooklyn Bridge, Locke saw the parked on the opposite lane, with the hood open, holding a phone over there, as if he was communicating with someone, and he looked very honest. Tom's father, Brian Mills.


Kem got out of the car, shouted to Brian on the opposite side, and waved: "Here."

Brian over there looked along the voice.

Kem is about to cross the road.

Brian quickly shouted: "Stand there and don't move."

Kem stopped, and then, he watched how Brian crossed in the not-so-big traffic.

Locke, who also got out of the car with Gwen, saw this, and had to say that Kem was the most unruly daughter among all American dramas.

Just look at this picture.

If anyone gets on good terms with Kem, it is estimated that they will face Brian Mills' pervasive investigation in the first round.

Locke felt that if it was Brian who investigated him, maybe he would really have some flaws left.

Locke had met Brian several times before, and Brian didn't want to get to know Locke in depth, and Locke also didn't want Brian to get to know him in depth.


Brian came over, hugged Kem, and said, "It's not frozen."

Gwen and Locke looked at each other.

"Mr. Mills."

It was Gwen who spoke first: "Has your car not been repaired yet?"

Only then did Mills temporarily return from the state of his daughter's control, and hummed: "The insurance company said that due to the weather, all the personnel have been dispatched, and it may take a while."

"Then your car... can it still start?"



If it can start, it means that the air conditioner can be turned on.

Being able to turn on the air conditioner means that Kem can stay in the warm car.

Gwen nodded, and said to Kem: "Well, Kem, let's go first, and contact me during the holidays."

Kem hummed: "Bye, Gwen."

Locke also shook hands with Brian Mills: "Goodbye, Mr. Mills."


Locke and Gwen got into the car, and then drove away directly.

Gwen didn't propose to Kem to send Kem back in the car just now, but Kem said that he didn't need it.

Take Kem straight to dinner?

Stop it.

Chester Restaurant, there is a name in the middle, it is called Lover's Restaurant.

Take Kem for something.

Gwen didn't say anything, and Locke didn't bother to speak.

In fact.

If Locke was driving alone, if he met a classmate standing at the school gate, Locke felt that he would have a 50.00% chance of pretending he didn't see it.

Of course.

If it is a friend, this chance is reduced to 20.00%.

But this is Kem.

and so……

In order to prevent Mr. Brian Mills, the famous old father, from thinking that he has any thoughts about his daughter, Locke will increase the probability to [-]%.


John Wick's Dogs Can't Be Touched!
Brian Mills' daughter was even more untouchable.

Whoever touches it will be unlucky.


(End of this chapter)

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