Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 96 The Black Braised Egg of Coordinate Hell (Part 5, please subscribe!)

Chapter 96 Coordinate Hell's Black Braised Eggs (Fifth update, please subscribe!)
Melinda May, utterly dead.

Locke is sure of that.


After what Rosa said just now, Locke became a little curious about whether Nick Fury and Phil Coulson were dead or not.


There are traitors in S.H.I.E.L.D.

... No, it should be said that the agents of SHIELD were mixed into the team of Hydra. SHIELD thought they were not exposed, but in fact, Hydra saw them all.


The email was answered quickly.

"...Sir, didn't you shoot down the plane that Nick Fury and Coulson were on?"

"I didn't see the body."

"If the husband is worried about this, there is no need to."

"If they're dead, why didn't S.H.I.E.L.D. send someone to the river to salvage them?"

"SHIELD has been banned by the Security Council for all non-essential actions, especially Nick Fury and Phil Coulson, they are no longer members of SHIELD, and they are already dead."


"Yes, after you shot down the plane, we disguised ourselves as FBI agents and went to the scene, but it was a big deal, and we didn't take Nick Fury's body in public view."

"So Nick Fury is dead?"

"Yes, I assure you, sir!"


Locke stroked his chin.

and so……

Are Nick Fury and Phil Coulson still dead?
Or, is Hydra lying?


Locke directly closed the notebook in his hand: "What the hell am I thinking about so much, just read it yourself, don't you know?"


Locke shook his head speechlessly.

He has cheats.

He said he would send Nick Fury to hell, and Rock did what he said!
Captain Marvel couldn't keep it when he came.

Locke's words!

next second.

Locke flicked his right hand!
Track the card!
Location card!
"Nick Fury!"

Locke directly tore off the two cards in his hand, thought in his heart, and then, looking at the picture under the blessing of the plug-in in an instant: "I spent the card with the original price of [-] potential points to serve you alone, you Face, it’s time to grow up.”

In an instant!
A tracking map unfolded instantly.

Followed by.

A positioning map appeared immediately.



Locke raised his eyebrows, looking at the endless magma and fire in the picture, and the scene in the city like the end of the day, he was a little speechless.

where is this?
"Ding! 』

"The location is successful. The target, Nick Fury, is located in the dimension of hell. The coordinates have been sent successfully and will continue to be refreshed within half an hour!" 』

"Ding! 』

『Successful tracking, the target, Nick Fury, has shown you the nearest route, the nearest hell dimension passage, Texas, Grand Canyon, this passage will be closed in three hours, please arrive in time to enter the hell dimension. 』


Locke blinked, got up, and hurriedly walked towards the bathroom.


He needs quiet!
after awhile.

Locke washed his face, and then walked out.

Ears are deceiving.

Eyes can also be deceiving.

Even people can lie.


Cheats will not lie to him. Over the years, although Locke has spent as little of his points as possible, he will still use them when facing some difficult targets.

He knows how to adapt.

Tracking cards and location cards can't lie to people, and even, no one or anything can fool them.

and so……

Both the tracking card and the positioning card said that Nick Fury was already in the dimension of hell, so Nick Fury must be strange, and then ran to the dimension of hell.

Here comes the question.

Hydra also confirmed that Nick Fury was dead, and then his card was also confirmed. So, Rosa, what happened when he said he didn't see Nick Fury get on the helicopter?
Locke shook his head.

Make sure you're dead.

The Queen.

an apartment.


Phil Coulson, who had been nesting in this secret apartment for a day, looked at Nick Fury, who didn't even turn on the lights. In the darkness, he seemed to be unable to find anyone, and frowned, "Why didn't you call the bureau to pick us up?" ?”

Sitting on the sofa, Nick Fury, who is perfectly integrated with the darkness, has a black light in his one eye, but it is too dark, and the black is bright, which is also black: "There are ghosts in the bureau!"

Coulson was taken aback for a moment: "What?"

Does S.H.I.E.L.D. have ghosts?


"We evacuated, who knows about this?"


"He came too fast."

Nick Fury took something out of his arms and threw it directly on the table.

Coulson held it in his hand caressingly with a little light from outside, frowning: "Our location tracker?"


Nick Fury nodded.

It was found under the body of the car he was traveling in, but it had been destroyed.


Besides their own people, who else can install tracking and positioning on their cars?
It's a pity that Nick Fury doesn't know that some people are priceless, but some people are cheap, such as the driver who drove the car. In fact, he can buy it for only [-] dollars.

It's not as expensive as a Lightning surface-to-air individual missile.


Nick Fury said in a deep voice: "How was our information exposed?"

Coulson was slightly taken aback.


If it's just the name, that's okay, but, that time, what was provided to the court was not only the name, but also their position in the S.H.I.E.L.D.

Except for internal leaks, it is basically impossible for anyone to know about this thing.

Coulson returned to his senses: "Then, what should we do, sir?"



Nick Fury once again took out a stack of things from his arms and threw them on the sofa: "If the man behind the scenes is our insider, then he should take action soon. Before he does not act, we will first Hide in the dark."


Nick Fury squinted his one eye and spit out a sentence: "Number two!"

Coulson looks to Nick Fury.

number two!

The first session of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy was enrolled at the same time as No. [-] agent Victoria Knox, a taciturn agent who defected with Victoria Knox back then.

Nick Fury now seriously suspects that this No. [-] agent is the Peerless Assassin.


"Any word on that CIA agent, Lorraine Broughton?"


Coulson shook his head: "Before we were arrested, we only found out that the official record of this Lorraine Broughton was already dead."

And then, just as they were about to move on, they ended up in jail.

While answering Nick Fury's question, Coulson looked at the ID that Nick Fury had just thrown on the table. With the faint light, it could be seen that these were two fake IDs.

"This is……"

"Our ID."

Nick Fury said: "Leave New York early tomorrow morning and go to Texas!"


"No matter how cunning the prey is, it is impossible to be perfect when hiding its tracks. Only by going to the prey's lair can we find evidence."

"...Okay, then, can you turn on the water so I can take a shower?"


"……All right."

Late at night.

Nick Fury in the dark, with green eyes shining, staring there, wrapped in clothes, sleeping soundly, Phil Coulson, who was very heavy, touched his chin.

"I don't know how long this face will last."



the next day.


"God bless you."

Gwen heard the sound of Locke sneezing, subconsciously said a blessing, then took out a few tissues and handed them over, looking at Locke who was driving: "Have you caught a cold?"

Locke sucked in his somewhat clogged nose, and hummed: "It's possible, maybe the air conditioner was turned up last night."

air conditioner?

Gwen turned her head and looked out of the window. It was the first snow that had suddenly fallen since the early morning.

On such a cold day, why don't you turn on the air conditioner to sleep?

Gwen returned to her senses and looked at Locke thoughtfully.

Locke saw it out of the corner of his eye, and glanced at it: "There were mosquitos in the bedroom yesterday, don't worry, I'm not sick, I'm healthy, and I'm mentally healthy, I don't need to see a doctor, and I don't need a psychiatrist."

Gwen shrugged: "I didn't say that."

Locke chuckled.

You didn't say that, your expression is like this.

Came to school.

Locke, who just got out of the car, sneezed again.

From the co-pilot, Gwen, who was wearing a pink down jacket, looked at Locke, who had put on a fur coat on himself: "Would you like to go to the infirmary?"

Locke took out his schoolbag from the back seat and waved his hand: "No, we cowboys believe that people can overcome illness with their own body."

Gwen walked up to Locke, and complained: "So in the past few years, orthodox cowboys are almost extinct."


Touch your forehead.

Gwen blinked: "It's not very hot."

Locke shrugged: "It's okay, it will be fine after a while, you have to believe in my recovery ability."

Gwen thought of Locke's uncanny healing powers.

Have a chance to do some blood research?
Gwen tilted her head, looked at Locke who had already stepped forward and walked to the front, thinking so in her heart, and then quickly chased after him.

Locke was also curious.

He has already set his tenacity talent to the extraordinary second level, and his whole body can ignore small-caliber ammunition, but why, he can't resist this little cold.

He did have a cold.

It may be due to the sea breeze blowing in Manhattan Harbor for a while last night.


Compared with getting up in the morning, I was still in a state of confusion, but now, it is almost much better.

into the classroom.

Several other students with better academic performance looked at Locke like this, and their eyes lit up, good guy, No.2 in the ninth grade has a cold, this is an opportunity.

No.3 student is eager to try.


The reality is very cruel. Even if Locke is sick, it will not change the fact that Locke is joking. Being ill will not affect his speed of solving the questions in the slightest.

It even speeded up Locke's speed of doing the questions.

When it was noon, Locke, who raced against time and took three exams and slept for most of the time, was already healed. He was biting the sandwich in his hand to replenish his strength.

Gwen, who was sitting across from him, looked at Locke, who was still listless in the morning and energetic at this moment, and the idea of ​​taking a tube of Locke's blood for research became stronger and stronger.


Kem, who also finished class, came from not far away, looked at the girlfriend who was looking at Locke without blinking, couldn't help pushing, put the dinner plate away and teased: "Gwen, Why don't you go to the city hall this holiday."

Gwen looked at Kem suspiciously: "What am I going to do at the city hall?"

Do you still need permission from the city hall to draw Locke's blood?

Kem blinked, looked at Locke who was also looking at him from the opposite side, and smiled: "Go and take the oath to get the certificate. Anyway, in New York, you can get married at the age of 16."

"Cough cough!"

Locke made a fist with his right hand and coughed a few times.

Good guy.


(End of this chapter)

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