Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 75 The game begins! (The first update, please collect it!)

Chapter 75 The game begins! (The first update, please collect it!)

Don't come early, don't come late, but come at the most critical time.

what is this?
Do you really think that you S.H.I.E.L.D. is in charge of the sky, the earth, the air, and you can come whenever you want?


Then you come, this time I will not beat you, I and your surname!
From the moment he was born into this world, Locke lacked a sense of integration into this world, especially with a player system, which made him feel like he was playing a game.

And it's still the kind of stand-alone game where he is the only player.

He has no sense of belonging to this world.

Not at all.

He has been able to play for 16 years and has not yet played the world, which is entirely due to the education of Locke in his previous life. At the same time, he also restrained himself not to play too much, otherwise there will be no one, and he will not be able to clear the mission.

But this time?
S.H.I.E.L.D., right?

You can let me play games, but after I start playing, when it ends is not up to you.



A bullet blasted out of the barrel of the silver dancer, hit the windshield and was ejected directly.


Wearing sunglasses, the Peerless Assassin who appeared outside tilted his head, with a smile on his face, paying attention to the yellow-skinned and white-hearted Melinda May on the co-pilot.

Melinda was also paying attention to the Peerless Assassins outside.

From her point of view, this is completely a stone hammer, that is, the Peerless Assassin is indeed in the same group as Locke.


From behind, the Peerless Assassin took out the individual bazooka that was carried on his back and even had warheads on it.

"Walter Jaffa..."

Melinda's pupils widened, and when she saw this, she yelled at the driver next to her, "Drive!"

Is he crazy?

He didn't come to rescue Locke. From what it looks like, this is the rhythm of killing and silence?
In fact, Melinda didn't need to speak, as early as when the Peerless Assassin took out the bazooka, the driver sitting in the driver's seat had already recovered his senses and directly braked to drive.



The Peerless Assassin stared at the vehicle fleeing in the opposite direction, raised the corner of his mouth, and directly pulled the trigger.


The rocket dragged its long tail, and with a whoosh, it almost caught up with the car that had driven 150 meters at a fast speed, just at the moment when the rocket was about to hit the car.

After Melinda May observed this scene through the rearview mirror, she felt like a dead soul. She quickly grabbed the steering wheel and slammed it to the side.

The car crashed directly into the shop of a closed burger shop.


The air waves from the rocket landing and exploding swept in all directions.



Melinda, whose forehead hit the control panel and bled, couldn't help cursing angrily.

The driver in the driving seat has been completely knocked unconscious.

"get off!"

"Quick, get out of the car."

Locke didn't make any resistance, and let the two agents next to him lead him out of the car.

at this time.

The Peerless Assassin has already walked here with a gentleman's pace, and the silver dancer on his hand is particularly conspicuous.


Whoa whoa whoa!

The voice of the NYPD was also getting closer.




The two people who hijacked Locke had a flick between their eyebrows, and they died without any accidents. Melinda, who was next to her, shrank her eyes and rushed to the side.



"Wow wow wow!"

The Peerless Assassin paused, glanced at the police car that had appeared, sneered, looked at Melinda, who was the only one left, and then exchanged glances with Locke, then turned and left.

Not killing Melinda was not because he was softhearted.


Killing her like this is too cheap for her.

The game has just begun!
When it ends is up to me!
The NYPD arrived at the scene the moment the Peerless Assassin turned and walked into the alley.

George Stacy came over too.


George's expression was ugly, he stared at the messy hamburgers and corpses all over the floor, and his last eyes fell on Locke who was in handcuffs, and he looked at Melinda: "Catch her!"

Melinda was slightly taken aback: "Wait."


Just when Melinda was about to resist, the officers of the New York Police Department had already aimed their guns.

In the Federation, the record for the fastest shooting is held by the NYPD.

A New York police officer can complete, draw a gun, shoot, empty the gun, and fire twelve rounds of bullets in one second.

Seeing this, Melinda quickly threw the pistol on the ground: "I'm from the FBI!"

At this time, he was shot and killed by the New York Police Department, which was also a white kill.

Nick Fury is already on his way.


Melinda May was directly handcuffed by the police.

And what about Locke?

George opened the handcuffs on Locke's hand, and said in a deep voice, "Are you all right?"

Locke rubbed his wrists, looked at George with firm eyes: "I'm going to call my lawyer."

George frowned.

Locke said in a deep voice: "Cooperate with the investigation, I will, but it doesn't mean that I can let the FBI slander me so much, they took me away at the ball, as if I have been found guilty, Mr. Stacey .”

In a word.

He's going to sue the FBI!

If you want to play, I will play with you. I won't play you to the bottom this time, I believe you.

"the most important is……"

Locke took a deep breath, with anger written on his face: "I have nothing to do with that so-called evil hunter. That kidnapping case is still a nightmare for me. Just now, obviously, because the FBI A series of operations caused that evil hunter to think that I wanted to know something, and wanted to kill me directly. What did I do wrong? I am a victim!"

There are surveillance cameras on both sides of the road, and there are surveillance cameras to testify that the Wushuang Assassin just now came here to kill people and silence them.

If this cannot prove that Locke and the Peerless Assassin are not accomplices, then the law is meaningless.

George was silent, took out the phone from his pocket and handed it to Locke.

He is also very angry.

They talk about evidence. If even the police can't speak according to the evidence, then what is the difference between them and the evil hunters who were executed by lynching? What position do they have to blame the evil hunters?
at this time.

Nick Fury arrived late when Melinda May was about to be crushed into the police car. Looking at his own man who was handcuffed and Locke who was being protected, he got out of the car and said directly to George: " Inspector Stacey, this is a federal case!"

He already has proof.

Nick Fury pointed to Melinda May and said: "Melinda May is a federal agent, and we have a court warrant."

"Where's the arrest warrant?"


Melinda May looked at the car that was on fire. The summons was on the car. Unfortunately, it must have been turned into ashes by now.

Locke over there has also finished calling.

Locke returned the phone to George, then looked at Nick Fury: "I'll go with you."

George was taken aback for a moment: "Locke."

Locke looked at George: "They have evidence, and I need evidence too."

George: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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