Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 74 Banana Man Melinda (Part 3, please read more!)

Chapter 74 Banana Man Melinda ([-]rd update, please read more!)
Many people at the ball also noticed Locke and Gwen's movements.

It's bold.

It is also more exciting.

Locke, who transferred from Texas, directly took the throne of the number one male god.

Gwen, the undoubted god of learning, is beautiful, smart and popular.


As Gwen's best friend, Kem naturally noticed the movement here, pulled Cindy who was talking next to him, pointed to Locke and Gwen, and made a booing gesture.

Cindy looked in the direction of Kem's finger, the smile on his face widened, he nodded, and stopped talking, but, like Kem, showed a smile full of expectation.

Looking forward to the famous scene that happens next.


Almost when the surrounding students were looking forward to it, with a bang, the door of the gymnasium was pushed open from the outside, instantly waking up the expectant students.


Locke and Gwen were also interrupted by this sudden change.

into the eye.

Locke narrowed his eyes.

Killing intent burst out.

"Rock Broughton!"

The leader of a SHIELD agent, an Asian, under the name of the FBI, came directly to Locke and showed an arrest warrant just issued by the court in Uptown New York: "Rock Broughton, Since you are suspected of being related to the "Evil Hunter" case, please cooperate with our investigation."

The expression of Gwen next to him changed, and then he frowned and said, "You guys are not done yet. The New York Police Department has cleared Locke's name."

Seeing this, the students present also gathered around.

At the age of sixteen or seventeen, let alone the FBI, the CIA would be devastated if they came here.

Locke stared blankly at the Asian female agent in front of him.

Melinda May.

A banana man with yellow skin and white heart.

Locke's tone couldn't be heard with joy or anger: "Do you know what day it is tonight?"

If his mentor, Chester, was there, it would be clear that Locke was really angry.

Good guy.

You can come early or late, but why come here at this time, this is purely for the sake of smoking.

Melinda May, who had just been transferred to replace Natasha Romanov, squinted her small eyes in line with the aesthetics of federal people: "This is an arrest warrant issued by the court!"

In fact, Melinda May's eyes were originally very big.


Living in the Federation for too long made him forget that she deliberately catered to the aesthetics of the people of the Federation. Over time, her eyes became like slits.

Gwen took out her phone from her handbag: "I'm calling my dad."

"Need not."

It was not anyone else who spoke, but Locke.

Locke stopped Gwen's movement, smiled, took out the R8 car key from his arms and handed it to Gwen: "It's okay, just cooperate with the investigation, don't bother Mr. Stacy."


Locke looked at Melinda May in front of him, and his tone was still expressionless: "I hope you know what you are doing, federal agent!"

Melinda May said: "Of course I know what I'm doing, Mr Broughton, please."

Locke said no more, hugged Gwen, then turned and followed Melinda May out of the gymnasium.

Just know what you're doing.

In this way, I don't even need to give you the "Notice".



Melinda May connected directly to Nick Fury and said: "The target is already in the car, is it sent to the combat center?"

Nick Fury said, "No, the FBI."

Ordinary people can be sent directly to the interrogation room of S.H.I.E.L.D.

But Locke is no ordinary person.

If there is no accident, the New York Police Department will call to ask if the FBI has arrested Locke right away, and maybe even a lawyer will go to Locke.

If Locke wasn't in the FBI interrogation room, he'd be in trouble.

Although the FBI agrees that S.H.I.E.L.D. can use their credentials, and can even use their names to handle affairs, but if something goes wrong, the FBI will not help them take the blame.

Even if the Attorney General agrees, the New York Bureau of the FBI will not agree to take the blame.

The car hits the road.

Sitting in the back seat, Locke, who was watched by two SHIELD agents, looked down at the handcuffs on his hands, and couldn't help laughing: "Can I ask, what did I do?"

Melinda May, who was sitting in the co-pilot, put down the phone, glanced at Locke in the rear seat through the rearview mirror, and said nothing.

The corner of Locke's mouth rose: "It's okay if you don't say it, I know, you are just suspicious, do I know the so-called Peerless Assassin in your mouth, do you want to know from me, the whereabouts of the Peerless Assassin!"

Melinda May said to the driver, "Hurry up."

Locke laughed and said, "Actually, you don't need it. If you ask me, I will tell you where he is."

Melinda May turned to look at Locke sitting in the back seat.

With a mysterious smile on Locke's face, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward: "Look, isn't he right there?"


Melinda May narrowed her eyes and turned around to look through the windshield. In her eyes, under the street lights in the distance, a unparalleled assassin in a suit and leather shoes, wearing sunglasses and holding a silver dancer slowly raised her head: "Stop!"


The unparalleled assassin under the streetlight escaped directly into the darkness in the next second.

next second.





The silver dancer splashed bright flames in the darkness, roaring, and the first two bullets bombarded the wheels that opened the way ahead.


With a bang, the galloping vehicle went up to the sky in an instant like a golden hook hanging upside down, and then slammed heavily on the ground.

The bullets that followed even turned a corner, passing the car that Locke was in, and three bullets hit the fuel tank of the third car one after another.


The car exploded on the spot and bounced mischievously.

The Peerless Assassin wearing sunglasses reappeared under the lights, staring at Melinda May on the co-pilot of the second car, tilted his head, and walked to the side of the car that turned over and fell to the ground.

"do not……"


"don't want……"


The Peerless Assassin didn't even look at it, and sent away the two bloody S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who crawled out of the car. Then, with a mysterious smile on his lips, he stared at Melinda May in the co-pilot.

The two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in the back seat even drew their guns, ready to attack.

Locke, who was sitting with the two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, closed his eyes, as if he was recuperating.

I originally wanted to play a big scene with you guys.


You don't want it.


Then there will be a bigger scene with both literature and martial arts.


(End of this chapter)

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