Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 401 Goodbye Dimensional God

Chapter 401 Goodbye Dimension God



In the speeding car, his face was covered in blood, and the bullseye Lester, who looked like a ghost, was still able to move around, but he slapped the steering wheel with his swollen left hand, talking all kinds of rubbish, as if he didn't want money out.


Completely miscalculated.

Bullseye Lester originally thought this was a very simple task, but it was so simple that he only charged gold and a starting price of $[-] for this task.

at the moment?

This is no longer a question of whether the loss is serious or not, it is entirely a matter of whether he can keep his life.

"If not..."

Bullseye Lester panted hard, lowered his head, looked at a piece of wood that was slowly decaying in his neck, raised his head, and looked intently at the looming Greenwood Cemetery in front of him: "It's almost there, it's almost here."

He felt like he was going to die.

Look up to the rearview mirror.

into the eye.

A man with half of his face cut off from his right eye to the corner of his mouth exposed the sharply visible wound. He looks hideous. The zombies in the movie seem to be prettier than him.

He should be dead.


In his neck, the slowly decaying wooden sign protected him, and if he hadn't been rescued after the wooden sign completely decayed, then he would really die.

This wooden sign is not his adventure, but the payment he received in advance for another order.

Right now, he is rushing to that person's residence, and only he can save him in time when he is about to go to hell to report.

Moreover, Bullseye is very sure that this person will definitely save him, because who told him to send the soul he needs every month according to the request of the other party.

And that person is the caretaker who lives in Greenwood Cemetery.

William Blueworth!


Bullseye Lester felt that with the decay of the wooden sign, his soul, which was about to report to hell and was about to leave the body, couldn't help stepping on the accelerator, increasing the speed again, and then, with a whistling sound, Straight into the Greenwood Cemetery Park.


Following in the distance, the main body was looking after Gwen, but Locke, who came over for the avatar, couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he saw the direction Bullseye was driving, thinking whether to bring his main body over.

after all.

The avatar is just a good-looking porcelain doll. Apart from the skills it has mastered, it has no other special abilities.

Simply put.

The avatar is just a look.


Go check it out.

Locke thought for a while, and the moment he got out of the car, another clone appeared and drove directly towards Carrie's house.

After all he told George that the Audi R8 had just been loaned to Carrie.


The corner of Locke's mouth rose slightly: "George is wrong. It's not Jin Bin, but the shabby dimensional gods living on the earth who are behind the scenes?"

think carefully.

It seems that this conjecture is correct.

In a word.

Locke couldn't imagine the reason for Jin Bin to do this at all. After all, George's status and identity lay there. If George was still a small police detective, Jin Bin could do this.

But George is the senior superintendent of the NYPD.

Not a cat or a dog.

Moreover, Jin Bing is a smart person, he knows how to deal with these politicians, besides, Jin Bing has been able to get along so well for so many years, and he has not left any direct contact with him at all. With no criminal evidence, would you foolishly make such a mistake?

If Kim didn't take action because George investigated him, so be it.

But George did it to the Gucci family.

Therefore, Locke felt that it might be because George was too angry and lost his mind.

And Locke, after seeing this guy drive into the Greenwood Cemetery, thinking of the dilapidated Dimension God in his mind, suddenly felt that this Dimension God was the most suspicious.


Want Gwen's soul?
For a dimensional god, for any dimensional god, the soul is always the fundamental law for the development and expansion of its dimension. The more souls there are, the stronger its dimensional background.

Except, of course, Locke's M78 nebula.

After all, Locke has already relied on his own struggles to change himself from a cow to a Roman. After the M78 Nebula Dimension went public, he was born in Rome from the very beginning. As long as there is enough time and enough points, upgrading is not a thing. What a difficult thing to do.

Locke now seriously suspects that it was this shabby dimensional god who had evil thoughts after seeing him and Gwen at the time, but felt that he couldn't deal with him, so he sent someone to deal with Gwen first.

After all, with the jump in Locke's life level, Gwen's life state may not have changed, but its core, in fact, has also changed.

Let's say that.

Have you ever seen that a woman from a god belongs to an ordinary mortal?

Have it?

Even if you are mortal at the beginning, as time goes by, in the movement, you are no longer mortal.

and so……

Locke felt that this possibility was the greatest.

Don’t look at the Dimension God with the word God, but there are actually quite a few Dimension Gods with simple minds and well-developed limbs. Witch Heart Demon is a good example. Even if they are real gods, the number of gods with stupid brains like pigs is also Not a few.

In a word.

Western gods don't pay attention to my fate, but fate.

The gods do not rely on struggle, but on fate.

You are a god, you were born.

You are a mortal, even if you have endless years, you will not surpass this level.

Just look at the ancient one.

Gu Yi hanged up countless dimension gods and beat them violently. The corpses of the dimension gods killed by Gu Yi, and the corpses of demon gods revolving around the solar system are probably hundreds of thousands if not hundreds of thousands.

But Gu Yi is still an extraordinary life in essence, and he hasn't even broken through the category of Dimensional God. Locke thinks, probably, this is why Gu Yi died at that time, and many dimensions were not surprised at all.

After all, Gu Yi is powerful, that is, an extraordinary life, and he is far from breaking away from the law of death.

Thinking so, Locke stopped, and then looked up at the brightly lit hut that he and Gwen had seen before.

At the door of that hut.

It seemed that just as Locke had guessed, the car that had just driven in from the outside stopped right at the door of the hut.


Bullseye Lester, whose face was covered in blood, and the blood was still ticking, did not choose to enter the cabin just after he got off the car. The steps went down, and then, into the basement, where, it seemed, was an incineration chamber.

next second.

Bullseye lowered his head and looked at the wooden sign on his neck, which had just decayed by two-thirds. The moment he entered the basement, the wooden sign that had stopped decaying, as if time had stopped, couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief.


After Bullseye walked in, he saw that he was wearing a suit, working meticulously, turning on the incinerator in the middle of the night, staring at the raging flames in the furnace, and seemed to be muttering something, and then, from time to time, there was a sudden sound coming from all around him. After a wailing soul, William Blueworth walked over in a hurry: "Hurry up and save me."

William Blueworth came back to his senses, glanced at Bullseye, who now looked hideous, shook his head, moved his right foot, and kicked a toolbox directly in front of Bullseye, with disgust written all over his face: "This is my territory , Hell can’t take you away, look at your current appearance, it’s simply disgusting, sew it up for yourself, don’t bother me.”


William Blueworth looked back at the incinerator in front of him, and continued, chanting, the shrill cry of the soul, once again, echoed in the basement.

Bullseye over there didn't dare to say anything when he saw this, he pulled the toolbox over, and found a stool by himself, and then with a mirror, looked at himself in the half-cracked female image in the mirror, took out the toolbox The sewing kit is the beginning, a silent sewing journey.

Although he became a monk halfway, he still has the skills that an assassin should have.

For example, some simple stitching or something.

Although not very pretty.

Two 10 minutes later.

Bullseye's face has an extra twisted centipede.

at this time.

William Blueworth over there seemed to have finished the practice. After cleaning the inside of the incinerator, he closed the incinerator, sniffed the bloody smell and the smell of resentment in the room, and opened the incinerator. Put aside the air purifier.

As soon as the air purifier was turned on, the green light jumped directly to the red light, and then, it started to work at full speed with a wind speed of [-].

With a blank expression on his face, William Blueworth took the wet towel, wiped his hands, walked over, sat up, and looked at the bullseye over there: "Tea?"


Before Bullseye could speak, William Blueworth was already making tea on his own.

English tea.

Bullseye opened his mouth, panting.

William Blueworth pushed a piece of English tea in front of Bullseye, took a sip of the tea in his cup, and then said, "A high-quality soul, where did you find it?"

Bullseye gasped. "I almost died."

William Blueworth smiled and said, "Bring me this soul. Don't worry, you won't die. After all, you are my soul reaper. For the time being, I have no idea to replace you for the time being."

Bullseye looked up at William Broworth.


Before Bullseye could speak.

William Blueworth had already raised his head and looked at the figure slowly coming out of the darkness.

"is it?"

With his hands in his pockets, Locke came out of the darkness expressionlessly, and looked at William Broworth: "What if, I want him to die?"


(End of this chapter)

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