Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 400 Locke: I'm Angry (Part 1, please book in full!)

Chapter 400 Locke: I'm Angry




Gwen looked at the alley not far away, and the spider sensed that it had directly locked on to the Bullseye Lester who stumbled and ran into the alley with blood on his face, who looked like a devil.

Just when Gwen was about to catch up, there was a bang, and Gwen couldn't help being stunned standing there, feeling like she had just run out of adrenaline and quickly retreated.

next second.

Gwen sat down on the messy floor, and the spider suit on her body quickly faded away. The moment Gwen arrived, the door of an Audi R8 opened not far away.

Locke walked out of the car door with a blank expression, and with a whoosh, a clone condensed on the seat of the Audi R8 behind him, drove directly, and chased directly in the direction of Bullseye Leicester.

"Wow wow wow!"

When Locke walked to the door of the apartment, there was the sound of a police car in the distance, and it was long overdue again. He glanced at the police car approaching not far away, and Locke directly pushed open the door of the apartment.

Just now.

At home, when he was about to finish an episode of "Doctor Who" and was about to go to bed, suddenly, he had a whim, and in his heart, he suddenly picked up, and then, the M78 Nebula Dimension, which had successfully backdoored and went public, suddenly sensed something. .

Gwen disappeared.


At that moment, Gwen seemed to have disappeared above the earth, or in other words, disappeared into the space where the earth is located.


Before Locke could react, the feeling suddenly disappeared, and it seemed that Gwen had returned again.

Locke felt a little weird and was about to call Gwen.

As a result, the phone rang, but no one answered the phone at home. At this moment, Locke's cell phone rang suddenly, and detected several alarm calls from the building of Gwen's apartment.

This is not.

Locke came immediately.


Locke stepped out of the elevator, looked at the dead policeman who was leaning against the wall at the entrance of the stairs, his head was twisted off, and there was blood under his buttocks, he frowned, looked up, and looked at Gwen who was hiding the door Home.


Locke pushed the door straight out, and immediately saw Gwen lying in a messy kitchen, wearing pajamas, who seemed to be in a coma: "Gwen?"

go forward.

Locke walked quickly, hugged Gwen, felt Gwen's breath, and confirmed that it was an unsuitable symptom caused by the evolution of life level.

Referred to as off force.

"Wait, hiss!"

Locke blinked.

Gwen's life...

Locke raised his eyebrows and took a breath. However, thinking about the spider sensor that had appeared before, he was already mentally prepared for this, especially the black and white spider that appeared in the kitchen just now. With the appearance of a hero, looking at the room that has been washed out by gunfire, he has already accepted it in his heart: "Gwen has transformed?"

Good guy!
Locke secretly thought, and then, at the same time, there was a flash of luck.

Fortunately, Gwen transformed.

next second.

After the surprise and luck, what followed was Locke's unstoppable anger.

The anger soared to the critical point!

I'd like to see, who the hell is rushing forward to seek death!

"Ding! 』

『The task is being generated! 』

『Task name: "I'm angry!"』

『Task Rewards: "Achievement Points*5W", "Potential Points*5W", "1% Off Treasure Refresh Coupon*[-]"』

『Mission description: "I think the name of the task is enough to explain."』

"Accept/Reject! 』


Locke had already chosen to accept the task almost when the system read the article. If it wasn't for the wrong timing, Locke would have already appeared in front of the guy who drove away at night, and had a good chat with him about life and ideal topics .

But it's fine.

You run, I want to see where you can go.

Locke narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the car that the clone was following, which was heading towards Brooklyn, thinking so in his heart.

The evil light is revealed!

Congratulations, you are gone!
Locke calmed his breathing. Frankly speaking, he hadn't expected that someone would attack Gwen.


This is the apartment of George Stacy, a senior police officer of the New York Police Department. If someone dares to come to the door, it is basically the same as the old birthday star hanging himself.

Moreover, even if someone dares to attack, Locke is sure that he can get here within 5 minutes, no matter where he is. After all, even if George is weak, he should still be able to persist for 5 minutes.

And this time, Locke didn't think about anything else.

The reason is that he has been very obedient since he came back recently, and he has no potential enemies at all. He will target Gwen because he wants to attack him. Also, his vitality in Gwen has just disappeared and reappeared, which seems to strengthen Afterwards, there were already some vague guesses, so in order to avoid making a big fuss, Locke drove here by driving [-] yards over the speed limit.


"This time, none of your ten clans can survive."

Locke lowered his head and looked at, just after being in his arms, the tension on his face disappeared, and he seemed to be very safe. His brows relaxed, and Gwen, who was sleeping peacefully, got up and smiled: "I won't make the same mistake twice." Second-rate."


Locke turned around, ready to carry Gwen into the room.

at this time.

A thud.

George pushed open the door and roared.



Locke made a hissing gesture: "Gwen just fell asleep."

George was slightly taken aback.

next second.

George came back to his senses and walked over quickly. After confirming with his own eyes that Gwen in Locke's arms had just fallen asleep, he was relieved, and then he noticed the home.

Blood all over the place.

A mess all over the place.

It seems that it is no different from the bombed disaster area.

The wine cabinet over the bar was rotten, and the dining table was torn apart. All kinds of red wine and whiskey were mixed together and flowed all over the floor, giving people a sense of visual conflict.

And the kitchen and the broken windows, like they've been blown up.

As for upstairs?

It is also a mess. In this state, I am afraid that it is impossible to live in it without spending a lot of money, and then repairing it for five or six months.

Gwen's room was also in a mess.

Locke had no choice but to carry Gwen to George and Helen's room. After putting it down, he straightened Gwen's hair, checked his eyes, and waited for Gwen to rest. George tiptoed out of the room.

Beckett and Ryan and Esposito have also come over.


Beckett picked up the pistol that had been emptied on the floor, looked at George who was coming down the stairs, and said, "How is Gwen?"

"Fell asleep."

George looked gloomy, staring at the densely packed bullet holes on the wall, the messy living room, and thinking of the policeman who died at the door, he almost squeezed out a word between his teeth: "Hell's Kitchen!"

To be precise.

Gold and!

A few years ago, George was still a police detective, and when he was still a police detective in the branch, he heard that there was a police officer at the New York Police Department headquarters who wanted to take action against Jin. In the evening, the police inspector's home was visited.

The pictures, though not as visually impactful as the ones here.

But about the same.

After that, the superintendent seemed to give up.

no doubt.

This time, George felt that he had also been treated in this way.

George really wanted to rush straight into Hell's Kitchen, go straight to Jin Bin's manor, grab Jin Bin, pull Jin Bin by the neck, beat him up, and throw him into prison.



George took a deep breath, murmured something, and then looked up at Beckett: "Did you catch him?"

When they came up just now, they noticed the broken glass and the blood on the ground, and then immediately sent people to disperse to find that damned guy.


Beckett shook his head: "No, but people from the forensics department have come over and are collecting samples. We will catch him, George."

George nodded.


George looked at Locke next to him: "Did you find anyone when you came here?"

Locke came back to his senses: "No, I came here 5 minutes earlier than you. When I called home and no one answered, I felt something was wrong, so I hurried over here. As soon as I entered the door, I saw Gwen lying in the kitchen .”

George pursed his lips.

"Where's your car?"

"I'm not driving."


Locke shook his head and said, "I lent the car to Carrie."

His car was chasing someone outside.

You can't tell George about this directly.

Just like he selectively told George what he saw, in fact, what Locke actually saw was not bad, at most, he saw Gwen transforming, and then saw someone fleeing at night.

The former certainly couldn't tell George.

As for the latter?
Locke doesn't want to tell George.


It is true that Gwen is George's daughter, but Gwen is also his girlfriend, and will also be Locke's future wife.

and so……

Locke intends to come by himself.


Locke glanced at George who arranged for Beckett to call someone over to collect evidence after asking himself, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

This was yet another reason why he didn't want to tell George.


Evidence, George needs this thing.

Locke doesn't need it.


Jin Bing?

Ha ha.

Locke smiled inwardly. After he came to New York, let alone dealing with Hell's Kitchen, he didn't even go there.

Even, Locke quite appreciates Jin Bing, who is more inspirational, but appreciation is appreciation, and Locke has never dealt with Jin Bing.

at the moment?

Jin Bing?

Ha ha!


(End of this chapter)

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