Super player of a certain American comic

Chapter 309 The Supreme Witch

Chapter 309 The Supreme Witch
What is the Witch Hunt?

witch hunt.

and so……

The investigation of the police station is an investigation, and it has half a cent to do with whether they hunt witches or not.

Witches will only bring us plagues, disasters and diseases!

What happened now further proved this point. Even if the witch died, it would bring them bad luck and break their peaceful life.


It has already taken the lives of both of them.

Jim Rhodes lowered his head and fumbled for the badge: "This witch's aura is brand new, a witch from another place?"

The subordinate nodded: "Will it be..."

Jim Lord shook his head.

He knew what his subordinates wanted to say, it was nothing more than that those two people were going to follow and stop Locke and others from coming, but they died, died under the witch's magic.

that carrie

Jim Lord raised his head, squinted his eyes, and thought of the Carrie he wanted to shake hands with but didn't give him a chance at all. After all, Katz's mother also said that it was this Carrie who was very concerned about her daughter's whereabouts. persistent.

None of this would have happened if it wasn't for Carrie.

A witch's friend can only be a witch.


It doesn't matter whether Carrie is a witch or not. It is Locke who came here with Carrie to make Jim Lord fearful.

They are local snakes in New Orleans. In the early days, they could indeed suppress all cross-rival dragons with their strong network.

The premise is that the dragon crossing the river is just an ordinary dragon crossing the river.

Is it Locke?

Locke is a dragon crossing the river with a net worth of hundreds of millions of dollars. Once time goes by, he will be wiped out by the powerful local snake and the dragon crossing the river wielding a money offensive.

"never mind……"

Jim Rowan recovered, shook his head, and pursed his lips: "You can't do that."


"How is Mullen now?"

"...The doctor said that the lung cancer is at an advanced stage."


Marlon, who is also a member of their witch hunting group, was accidentally cursed by the witch with his life when he captured a witch half a month ago. One day, everything was normal in the physical examination report, and suddenly it turned out that he had advanced lung cancer.

"I feel like there's something wrong with this Rock Broughton."


"They must be sent away as soon as possible."

Jim Ron took a deep breath, and looked at the members of the hunting group beside him: "Find Anila Katz's clothes and bring them to Mullen, they want a murderer, give him a murderer."

Everyone was stunned.


"Boss, this..."

"Damn all witches!"

"To shut up!"

Jim Rowan scolded in a low voice: "This matter is weird, don't forget what year it is."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, then bowed their heads in silence.

Just like some people doing dangerous things can be an omen, Jim Rowan is flustered at this moment, as if there is always a feeling of impending disaster.

He believed in his intuition, because he relied on this intuition to survive the terrifying and bloody witch struggles that ordinary people couldn't even see and sent away witches one after another.


This year is very special.

"The visitor is not good!"

Jim Rowan turned around and walked towards the back: "Use Marlen to send them away, they are not our enemies, the witch is, find the witch who killed our brother, and burn her!!!"


Passion seems to be ignited.

As for Mullen?

Anyway, the lung cancer is in the advanced stage, and the medical bills are very expensive. Since the New Orleans Police Department helps them to share, that would be great.


"what happened?"

On the way to the police station, Locke blinked suddenly.

Carrie, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at Locke curiously.

The corner of Locke's mouth rose slightly.

While at Larry Lake, his six senses told him that someone was targeting him and was planning to do something bad to him.

No doubt the idea came from Jim Rohn.

But just now...

The six-sense alarm was lifted.

This is the first spectacle that Locke has seen in his life.

Is it...

Is there finally a living survivor on the way?

Locke thought so.


When passing the court, Copp's police car in front stopped.

get off.

Kopp looked at the car that had been burned to ashes, stepped forward, showed his ID, and asked, "What's going on?"

"Car accident."

The police detective who was a colleague with Kaup laughed: "The witnesses saw that this car was speeding on the road, then derailed, and hit the wall with its head. It was not very lucky, and the fuel tank exploded and exploded."

An unfortunate accident.

No investigation is required.

The colleague said, and then looked at Kaupu: "By the way, how is your case going?"

Kopp came back to his senses and smiled: "It's not bad, just wait for the report from the forensic doctor."

at this time.

Kopp's phone rang.

"Sorry for disturbing you."

"It's okay, see you at the bureau."

Kaupe and his colleagues smiled slightly and connected the phone. Then, their complexions darkened instantly. After a couple of hums, they greeted Kai Nuo and got back into the car.

Carrie watched the expression on Copp's face: "Are you threatening Copp?"

Locke nodded: "That's why the casino is very happy to see the police officer credit."

I'm not afraid that you gamble, but I'm afraid that you don't pay on credit.

Carrie pursed her lips: "He helped us."

Locke glanced at Carrie and restarted the car: "Indeed!"

Although Locke is not without alternatives, Kaup did help him in real terms. After the people in the casino threatened him, he still chose to stand on the side of solving the case.


The gate of the police station.

After Copp got out of the car, he looked at Locke and Carrie who were following him, and looked at the time on his watch: "Let's go, let's have lunch first, if you still have an appetite."

Locke shrugged, "I'm fine."

Carrie beside: "Whatever."

Copp then pointed to a fast food restaurant opposite the police station, and said to Kai Nuo, "Kai Nuo, you sent the clip to the medical examiner's office, and then came to us?"

Kano smiled slightly: "Okay."

Fast food restaurants are really fast food restaurants.

Copp sat down and joked to Locke: "I hope you, a billionaire, can get used to it."

Locke smiled and said, "Thornton..."

"Just call me Kopp."


Locke said kindly: "Cop, maybe George didn't tell me that I was an orphan, and no foster family would want my orphan."

Orphans also have ranks.

For example, acquired orphans are greater than congenital orphans.

And congenital orphans are also graded.

Orphans with foster families are far greater than those without foster families, and even those orphans without foster families have to be subdivided, "obedient orphans" are greater than "disobedient orphans".

Therefore, Locke said that in this life, he relied on himself to transform himself from the lowest level of cattle and horses into Rome.

Copp looked at Locke in surprise, and apologized: "I thought George told me that you have a family fund."

Locke said with a smile: "That was also discovered when I was 15 years old. Believe me, Kopp, I am not the so-called billionaire in your impression."

Kopp nodded: "Okay, so, Locke, do you want to eat anything?"


“Great Burger!”

Locke pointed to the big hamburger with the signature on the menu and said to the waiter who came over, "Give me this, and then, by the way, a Coke."

Carrie said, "I'll have a fruit salad and orange juice."

Locke looked at Carrie.
Carrie blinked: "I lose weight."

Locke laughed.

Kopp handed over the menu: "Same, hamburger, plus a glass of whiskey, with ice!"

Locke looked envious.

Once this year is over, it will be 06, and he is one year older, but it will take three years before he can be served wine by the waiter in the restaurant openly.

at this time.

There was a commotion outside the restaurant.

Locke and Carrie looked and saw a group of Wuyang Wuyang girls passing by the restaurant holding various signs and shouting various mixed slogans.

"Martha, it's still the old rules!"

Detective Kaino also came in at this time, said something to the waiter over there, and then sat in the seat vacated by Kaup, looked at the parade passing outside, and looked at Kaup: "Once in 100 years Is it coven time?"

Copp nodded: "It looks like it."

Locke looked at Kano curiously: "Witches' assembly?"

Kano hummed, and then seemed to think of something: "Forget that you are from New York, this meeting is considered the local culture of New Orleans, do you know about the Salem Witch Trials?"

Locke nodded.

Kano immediately smiled and explained: "There was a witch trial in New Orleans, but it wasn't as sensational as the Salem trial, but the witch coven at the end of [-] was quite a sensation."

In [-], the Salem Witch Trials were held in New Orleans.

It's just that the New Orleans witch trials are not as famous as the Salem witch trials.


In the third year after the New Orleans witch trials, at the end of [-], something happened that did not happen in Salem either.

It is said that at the end of [-], at that time, the witches around the city of New Orleans launched a mighty witch assembly, trying to speak for the scared and oppressed witches at that time.

Carrie was fascinated: "And then? Did you win?"

Kai Nuo shrugged: "I don't know, but it is said that when so many witches got together, the first thing they did was to choose the Supreme Witch!"

Carrie was slightly taken aback: "The Supreme Witch?"

this word...

It seems a little familiar.

She seems to have heard someone say it.


I seem to have heard about it from my mentor, Agatha.


(End of this chapter)

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