Chapter 308 This Is My Site

Listening to Locke's words, Jim Rhode's heart skipped a beat!
how is this possible.

Yesterday, when he knew that someone had found the location of Anila Kaz's body through positioning, he sent someone to strip off Anila Kaz's body, take him away, and then give the clothes to stay in the lake.

Even if the locator is left inside the clothes, it should still be inside Larry Lake.

How could it be possible to run out of Lake Riley?

Could it be that the locator is not in the clothes, but in Anila Katz's body?
how can that be!

Jim Lord brainstorming.

Kopu over there has already leaned over, looking at the small green dot on the radar-like positioning screen: "Where is this?"

Locke pointed to Lake Larry, slightly south: "Over there."

at this time.

A team of police officers from the New Orleans Police Department also arrived at the scene. Originally, these people came here in a diving state, but right now, it seems that there is no need for snow in the winter.

Copp glanced at Jim Lord, and then looked in the direction of Locke's finger: "Go, go!"

"it is good."

Kai Nuo next to him nodded, and waved to a team of police officers who rushed over behind him.

Locke glanced at Jim Lord who started to laugh, and then followed with Carrie.


"To shut up!"

Jim Rhodes regained his senses, looked at a subordinate who was about to say nothing when he approached, and scolded in a low voice, the person in front hadn't gone far yet, if he missed something, it's a poor game.

Although they are known as witch hunters, what they do is stealth and abduction. After all, they are ordinary people. If they are tough with witches, a hundred lives may not be enough.

Naturally, for a witch, they often need a team of them to go out. If this catches up with the police station with abundant firepower, I'm afraid it will be the rhythm of ascending to heaven on the spot.

Five seconds later.

Jim Rhodes looked at the panting subordinate and frowned, "What's wrong?"

"Jack and Martin are dead."


Jack and Martin, the two men following Locke and Carrie in the black Volkswagen.

Panting, his subordinates rushed him to the city, and then they saw the horrific scene that had been extinguished by the fire truck and told them in detail.

and also……

The subordinates took out the black and black badge that had changed, and looked at Jim Rhodes: "There is a magic residue at the scene, and it was done by the damn witch."

Jim Rhodes took the badge, squeezed it tightly, looked up, and looked, Locke, who was already approaching the correct position of Anila Katz's body, narrowed his eyes: "Check this Locke Broughton, New York, come on."

The men nodded, turned and ran.

After all, Jim Rhodes is an ordinary person. If he is extraordinary, he should know that although the voice is very small at such a distance, it is still no less than a loud plot.

Carrie glanced at Locke's expression: "Locke, he wants..."

"Let him check!"


Locke's interpersonal relationship history, even the source of money, is clear and clear, and can withstand any angle and multi-faceted investigation.

If he really had any problems, the FBI, or the Department of Homeland Security, which he put together, probably would have rushed to him long ago.


Copp and others didn't need Locke's reminder at all, they could see that something was wrong.

It snowed yesterday.

The snow in other places is neat and tidy, with no traces of walking, but here, there are people walking, and it seems to be very messy.

The traces of walking spread to 300 meters in the woods, and then stopped at a big tree.

The soil under the big tree is soft, it seems that it has just been refurbished.

Kopp turned his head to look at Jim Lord who was following him.

The latter has a surprised expression, full of confusion.



Several police officers looked at each other, then stepped forward to excavate the area.

It may be that the transfer time was too hasty, and almost, after not digging for a long time, something has already been discovered.

A corner of a pale, blistered, bloated body was found.

Carrie's face suddenly changed: "Anila!"

Copp looked at the corpse and sighed inwardly. Immediately, he took out his phone and contacted the New Orleans Police Department, so that the medical examiner's office and evidence collection experts could arrive at the scene.

After an hour and a half.

The woods were cordoned off.

after awhile.

It was swollen from being soaked underwater, and it was burned and carried afterward. Its appearance was already disfigured, and even the body, which was difficult to complete, was carried onto the white sheet that was laid.

The picture is brutal.

Although he was not driven out of the cordon, Locke, who was still standing outside the cordon, couldn't help frowning when he saw this scene.

Carrie was already covering her mouth, and hurriedly ran aside, retching.

at the same time……

Anger built up in Carrie's heart.

Locke turned to look at Jim Lord who was outside the cordon.

The latter saw the look in Locke's eyes, without the slightest panic, and even smiled and gestured friendly.

Locke also smiled.


He is laughing because he can control the rhythm of the audience, but what is this Jim Lord laughing at?


With the sound of the zipper being pulled, the body has been put into the body bag, and the body will be transported to the medical examiner's office in New Orleans, where it will be autopsied.

Locke suddenly thought of what kind of snakeskin game Jim Lord wanted to play.

the reason is simple.

This corpse has been burned, then soaked in water, and even buried. It has already lost all three senses and five sense organs, and it is still naked.

Whether she was Anila Katz was not up to Locke and Carrie, but to science.

Then if...

The dead body disappeared?

No body.

No case!

This is my line.

"I spoke to George."

Copp walked over, looked at Locke and said: "They will bring Anila Katz's personal belongings as soon as possible, we can..."

Listening to these words, Jim Rhodes smiled inadvertently.

Anila Kaz's personal effects have been disposed of.

after all……

She is a witch and a demon!


Carrie lowered her head, took out a hairpin wrapped in an evidence bag from her pocket, and handed it to Kopp: "This is the hairpin that Anila and her mother gave me when they came to New Orleans. There are only me and Ah on it. Nila's fingerprints."

The corner of Jim Lord's mouth twitched.

Don't panic.

Having fingerprints is one thing, but having fingerprints requires a corpse to match.

Our New Orleans Witch Hunting Squad has been entrenched in this place for many years. In fact, we have earned a bad reputation. If this little difficulty can stump them, they would have been arrested by the police station countless times.


So what if the comparison is successful?
If there is a dead body, a case can be filed.

But without evidence, you cannot arrest people.

Copp took the hairpin from Carrie, handed it to Keno next to him, and then looked at Jim Rhodes: "Mr. Rhodes, do you still insist on what you said before?"

Jim Lord isn't panicking: "Kaz's mom said her daughter went camping, I believe Katz's mom."

This is the art of speaking.

Kopp nodded and shook hands with Jim Rhodes: "Keep in touch, Mr. Rhodes."

Jim Lord: "I will, cooperate with the work of the police department."

After Copp let go of his hand, he waved his hand: "Go back to the police station."

Jim Lord looked at Locke who was also about to leave: "Mr. Broughton."

Locke stopped.

Jim Lord smiled and said, "Go slowly, Mr. Broughton."

Locke froze for a moment, then smiled brightly: "I will, Mr. Rhodes, but I think we will meet again soon."

Jim Lord smiled slightly, looked at Carrie next to Locke, and stretched out his hand: "You are the same, Ms. Chester."

Carrie glanced at the right hand that Jim Lord handed over, expressionless.

shake hands?

She wished she could turn the guy in front of her into a stick!

Locke pulled Carrie, who was almost unable to control himself, smiled mysteriously with Jim Lord, and then led Carrie to follow the large army in front.

After half an hour.

Locke drove the Audi R8 and left here with Kopp and Keno.

That subordinate leaned in front of Jim Rhodes again, and looked at the police convoy that was sprinting away: "Boss, I will let them go."

Jim Rhodes thought slightly, shook his head: "No."


That's not what he said just now.

Jim Lord pulled his eyes away from Locke's Audi R8: "Carjacking, the risk is too great."

According to the procedures of the New Orleans Police Department, the forensic doctor should drive alone and transport the corpses separately. If this is the case, they can snatch the corpses on the road, and there will be no corpses and no cases.

But just now, the car of the forensic doctor left with the car of the police station.

If you don't know how to work around and just go on like this, then there is no doubt that this is a provocative police station in Chiguoguo.

Jim Rhodes said curiously: "Why isn't the forensic doctor Edward here today?"

"He's on leave and has a cold."

"Then he should have recovered from his cold."

"……I see."

Since there is no way to do it during transportation, we can only work hard on the terminal.

There are three forensic doctors in the forensic doctor's office of the police station, and Edward is the largest of the three forensic doctors, and he can be regarded as the director of the forensic doctor's office.

Jim Lord is a native of New Orleans, and he has worked locally for many years. Here, when dragons come across the river, they must kneel!

and also……

Jim Rhodes lowered his head, took out the badge that had turned black due to exposure to magic power, pinched it, and said, "Where is Hank Fox?"

Case to case.

Witches belong to witches.

You can't stop doing business just because something happened.

Isn't that a waste of food because of choking?


(End of this chapter)

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