Chapter 585
Zhou Rong blushed and struggled to get up from the sofa and stood on the ground.


As a result, she hadn't taken two steps before she fell down.

The corners of Xu Damao's eyes twitched, Zhou Rong's acting skills were a little too exaggerated.

Do you suffer from leg pain? At most, you can walk more slowly and with difficulty. The worst thing is that you can’t walk.

This is not when walking, suddenly stepped on the skirt, how could the whole person fall to the ground?
"Your leg hurts, tell me I'll support you, now you've fallen down."

Xu Damao walked to Zhou Rong's side in two steps, and stretched out his hand to help her up.

But how to support this face-down big horse, it is a bit too rough to pull it up directly with one hand, and it is a bit cheap to support it with two hands.

Xu Damao thought for a while, he is a gentleman, let alone helping others now.

There wasn't any cheap behavior between the two, so he lifted Zhou Rong up from the ground with all his strength.

Hmm,...the damn sweater seems to be a little redundant.

"How is Zhou Rongni, did you fall just now?"

"Thank you Teacher Xu, I just fell down suddenly and my leg hurts, and I didn't fall anywhere."

Zhou Rong lowered her head to answer Xu Damao's question, the burning cloud that was originally on her face had spread to her neck.

"Mr. Xu, can you help me to the door of the bathroom?"

The voice of this sentence was even lower, if it weren't for Xu Damao's good ears, he might not be able to hear it.

"No problem, you stand up and I will help you pass."

Zhou Rong lowered her head and put her whole body weight on Xu Damao's arm again, but this time Xu Damao added a hand to support herself.

During this period, Xiong Er's sleep will inevitably be disturbed, and the bathroom is close at hand, so it's time to taste it carefully.

Xu Damao helped her open the door and turn on the light, and then watched Zhou Rong move inside step by step while supporting the wall.

Xu Damao slowly returned to the original sofa, both of them seemed to have forgotten that the bathroom door seemed to be open.


As soon as the whistle sounded, it disappeared quickly. Although Zhou Rong had thoughts in that direction, she didn't expect that she would make such an ugly appearance.

As a result, she has completed the task now, and she hasn't thought about standing up yet.

When my legs were numb, I cleaned up my personal hygiene and fell to the ground together.


The sound of Ding Ling's bang was heard in the bathroom, Xu Damao narrowed his eyes and remembered that straight calf.

Quickly opened Zhou Rong's admiration panel, and found that it has reached 99% now, what did you do?

But now is not the time to think about these things, Xu Damao quickly came to the door of the bathroom.

"Zhou Rong, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine."

Zhou Rong said that she is fine, but the room is small, her legs are hurt, and her legs are numb, she really can't get up from the ground now.

This scene can be imagined, even if Xu Damao's room is very warm, but this is the weather around October in Northeast China after all.

After a while, Zhou Rong figured it out, as long as her goal was achieved, this process could be ignored.

As for the personal image problem, there will be opportunities to make up for it in the future.

"Mr. Xu, I can't move now, can you come in and help me?"

"Oh~ Then tidy up, I'm going in."

"I can't sort it out for now, Teacher Xu, I'm almost freezing."

It was only then that Xu Damao came in from the door in a serious manner, and saw a very strange scene as soon as he entered.

"Zhou Rong, you."

"Teacher Xu, help me, I seem to be almost unconscious in the lower part of my body."

Xu Damao is definitely No.1 for doing good deeds, and only he can face the difficulties at this time.

taboo?Everyone froze under the taboo.

Hmm. It's really cool, no wonder she said she was about to freeze.

Xu Damao picked up Zhou Rong and went to the fireplace in the living room, but when he got there, he found that she didn't let go, and hid her head in her chest and couldn't come out.

"Here we are, come down and tidy up your clothes first, and then you'll recover after a while."

Zhou Rong was still motionless, and the voice from her mouth hidden in her chest was a bit muffled.

"Mr. Xu, you don't think I did it on purpose, do you?"

"How could it be? You hurt yourself by helping me chop wood this morning. How could it be intentional?"

"Then will you look down on me in the future?"

"What did you do? I look down on you? I will never tell the second person what happened today, so just keep your heart in your stomach."

Zhou Rong: "Mr. Xu, you are a good person, but I don't trust you unless we have a common secret."

After she said this, Xu Damao felt that she was being held hostage. This feeling.

"Hey, you're freezing, I'll help you warm up the cold place."


The crackling sound of burning wood came from the fireplace, which was still heard endlessly, as if there was no time to rest.

An hour and a half later, Zhou Rong sat lazily on the sofa with a steaming teacup in her hand.

Under the hazy water vapor, Zhou Rong's face looked quite ruddy.

The eyes are full of obsession, and the whole person seems to have gained a new life.

Seeing Mr. Xu spraying the air freshener in front, and how he refused to change his words just now, Zhou Rong once again fell into that unreal illusion.

She really can't imagine why the gap between people is so big, no matter which aspect is the same.

She seemed to be a little girl just now, but she transformed herself into his appearance in an instant.

But the feeling after that was very different, until now she was still as unreal as if she was in a dream.

But at night, I still have a chance to verify. As for the excuse of not being able to go home, it is absolutely no problem for Mr. Xu to help cover this time.

But he and the savage scalper.Like a charging warrior or a tireless machine.

I was rubbing my still sore body, and I didn't know if I could resist it.

Xu Damao put away the air freshener, threw the toilet paper on the floor into the bathroom, and then sat back beside Zhou Rong.

"You are the first one who asked me to clean the battlefield, and you have something to show off just based on this."

Zhou Rong: "The first one? So you have experienced many people?"

Xu Damao: "I have two wives in Ming Media. As for people like you, you can guess."

Xu Damao saw that Zhou Rong's admiration was already full under the halo, so he didn't shy away from her at all.

Zhou Rong leaned her head on Xu Damao's shoulder and said, "Isn't it embarrassing for me to look like this today?"

Xu Damao: "No, it's a very fresh feeling. It makes me feel like a hero who saves people from danger."

(End of this chapter)

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