Chapter 584
At the beginning, there was no sound at the dinner table, and everyone was eating quietly.

"Ms. Xu eats a piece of mutton. I don't think you have any mutton to eat. I will help you get a piece."

"Thank you."

Did he not want to eat it?It was Zheng Juan who didn't suppress the smell of sheep at all. Relatively speaking, the ribs were better.

This Zhou Rong really didn't have any sharp eyesight, Xu Damao hadn't finished complaining in his heart, Zheng Juan put the mutton soup bowl in front of him.

"I think it might be a little far away from you, but it's much better now, Mr. Xu, please eat more."

Xu Da Mao..

"It's okay, I can get it. You don't need to carry it around. You should eat more."

After Xu Damao finished speaking, he picked up a big spoon and gave each of them a full bowl.

"Zheng Juan has worked hard, Zhou Rong lost a lot of blood today, everyone should eat more."

"In addition, mutton can get rid of the coldness in the human body. It is good for you to eat more, and the effect is not worse than brown sugar."

Xu Damao filled up their bowls with a smile on his face, and there was no way to eat ribs until they finished eating.

"Thank you Teacher Xu, you know a lot."

"Ham, my hobby is reading books. I can see these from books."

There was no moth on the dinner table afterwards, and everyone finished their meal in peace.

"Zheng Juan was clearing the dining table, Zhou Rong tried it over there, and then said pitifully to Xu Damao.

"Ms. Xu, can you give me a hand? My legs will feel tearing pain as long as I exert my strength."

I'm still in graduate school, is tearing pain suitable for you?

Xu Damao complained in his heart, but he still came over to help Zhou Rong.

"Sorry, I forgot you were a wounded person."

As soon as Xu Damao started, Zhou Rong almost put all her weight on her. If she had changed someone, she might have thrown her down.

But Zhou Rong didn't have any self-consciousness at all, instead she leaned towards him even harder.

And he hugged Xu Damao's arm tightly with both hands, and there was a little bit of intentional friction.

Because Zhou Rong took off her coat while eating, she only has a thin sweater on her body now.

Let Xu Damao clearly feel her strong heartbeat and...

"Thank you, Teacher Xu."

"Don't keep saying thank you, I like to drink tea after dinner, would you like a cup?"

"Why don't I ask Zheng Juan to pour it for me soon."

Xu Damao: "She's washing the dishes in the kitchen, I'll pour the tea."

"Today's mutton seems to be a bit salty. Teacher Xu, can you use a bigger cup for me, or you will be embarrassed if you keep troublesome."

Xu Damao picked up the biggest enamel cup and made tea for Zhou Rong. After putting it in front of her, he turned around and made a cup for himself.

In return, I added some wood to the fireplace to make its flames more intense.

At this time, Zheng Juan also came out from the kitchen, and Xu Damao handed over a lot of money, clothing tickets, and cotton clothes tickets to her.

Zhou Rong: "Teacher Xu, you don't need to throw Zheng Juan home and get a set for me."

"As I said just now, Zheng Juan, go on, you two discuss the size, color, etc. I don't understand these things."

After Zheng Juan took it, she wanted to buy it right away, so Xu Damao hurriedly called her to stop.

"You have to take a breath after eating, I'm not Zhou Papi in the old society."

"I'm giving you these now because I'm going upstairs to take a nap for a while, and I'm afraid that I just woke up when you left and I forgot to give you something."

"You guys also take a break. When you go shopping in the street, remember to wake me up, lest something happens to Zhou Rong alone."

After Xu Damao finished speaking, he waved his hand and went upstairs. Zheng Juan sat beside Zhou Rong.

"Sister, I just went to the department store to look at it two days ago, and they have..."

Xu Damao's afternoon nap is usually very regular, basically lasting more than an hour.

When he came down from upstairs, Zheng Juan had just gone shopping.

Only Zhou Rong was alone in front of the fireplace, but she fell asleep with her head tilted over there.

Xu Damao didn't bother her, made himself a cup of tea, sat aside with a book and read it slowly.

It didn't take long for Zhou Rong to wake up, but looking at her expression, she probably didn't wake up naturally. If her neck is uncomfortable, open her eyes and rub it vigorously.

When she turned over, she saw Xu Damao sitting not far away reading a book, her face turned red all of a sudden.

"Teacher Xu, you're already awake."

"Well, I didn't take a long lunch break, how are your legs feeling now?"

"It's much better."

At this time, the phone rang, and Xu Damao came to the side table to answer it.

"Brother Xu, I'm Li Kuiyong, I've already found out what you asked me to inquire about this morning."

"That kid Feng Huacheng is really a lover. I don't know how he gave his ex-wife the ecstasy."

"His ex-wife divorced a few days ago, and transferred her husband to a good job."

"Then told the relevant units that they were in a relationship, and showed Feng Huacheng's divorce certificate."

"This time, it really turned into a major incident and turned it into a minor one, but it was recorded as a major demerit in the file."

"According to the brothers who came back after inquiring about the news, Feng Huacheng and his ex-wife obtained a marriage certificate the day before yesterday, and then they got married quickly."

"However, even her parents didn't come to the wedding scene. Besides, the couple will be transferred to Yunnan and Guizhou to teach in a week's time."

Xu Damao: "Okay, I understand, and you should hurry up and help me with another matter."

The two of them talked about other things before putting down the phone.

Only now did Xu Damao have time to sigh, Feng Huacheng is truly a man of talent, and even at this point, his ex-wife can still defend him so desperately.

If this is placed in the 21st century, he will definitely become a proper Neptune.

Xu Damao hadn't finished expressing his exclamation, but Zhou Rong began to twitch, showing an uncomfortable look.

When this kind of lonely man and widow are in the same room, even if they see Xu Damao, they will treat it as if they didn't see it.

He sat down firmly in his original position, took a sip of tea, picked up the book he was reading just now, and flipped through it.

It didn't take long before Zhou Rong became even more twitchy, her face was as red as a burning cloud, and her eyes were still looking at Xu Damao from time to time.

"Mr. Xu, where is the bathroom at home?"

"The bathroom is the room on the right hand side of the stairs, and the light switch is on the left hand side as soon as you enter the door."

Zhou Rong blushed and struggled to get up from the sofa.


Before she could take two steps, she fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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