American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 90 The Ultimate Black Hand: Thanos

Chapter 90 The Ultimate Black Hand: Thanos

"Stark, you must have guessed something, tell me what you think!"

Nick Fury has seen through Iron Man with one eye, he looked at Iron Man firmly and said.


Iron Man's face was solemn, and he spit out these two words from his mouth.

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene couldn't help but look awe-inspiring.

Who is Thanos, except for Thor, the god of thunder, no one knows, that is the cosmic overlord who launched the final battle against the earth!
"In the final battle, when I finally fought against Thanos, I snatched Thanos' gem and snapped my fingers. At that time, all Thanos' army was wiped out."

"The situation at that time was exactly the same as when Nick Fury and the others were turned into ashes! So Nick Fury and the others should also die from the power of snapping their fingers!"

Coulson, who also saw the video of the final battle, nodded in agreement, "Yes, the situation at that time is indeed the same as the situation now."

Now there is basically no doubt.

After all, the two different methods have produced exactly the same consequences, and the probability of this is actually not too great.

The biggest possibility is that the same method resulted in the same result!
In other words, Nick Fury and the others also died in the same way: snapping their fingers!

"The gem was in the hands of Thanos at the beginning, so whether it was Thanos snapping his fingers, or I snatching the gem and snapping my fingers later, Thanos will definitely come to the earth!"

"The unidentified objects in the sky above Wakanda are good evidence. Those unidentified objects should be Thanos' fleet!"

Iron Man added again.

"I agree with Stark's point of view." Black Widow also nodded solemnly.

"SHIELD is now the world's largest intelligence agency, holding almost all the intelligence on Earth."

"Even S.H.I.E.L.D. still uses words like 'unidentified objects' to describe it, which means that those unknown objects are beyond S.H.I.E.L.D.'s cognition."

"To a certain extent, those unknown objects are things beyond the cognition of conventional technological civilizations, and may indeed be alien civilizations."

The size of S.H.I.E.L.D. is astonishing. Not only do they have their own dedicated analysis department, but they also have a terrifyingly large authority.

If there is something beyond conventional cognition, the analysis department of S.H.I.E.L.D. itself will conduct relevant analysis.

If S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot analyze it by itself, they still have the authority to mobilize the top relevant scientists or any related resources around the world.

In a word, if S.H.I.E.L.D. cannot analyze it, it represents not only S.H.I.E.L.D., but also the top related technological power on earth.

In this case, S.H.I.E.L.D. is still describing it as an "unknown object", which really explains the problem.

"Not only that, Nick Fury also mentioned the energy signs of New York."

Captain America also added a pensive look, "The unknown objects that Nick Friedon appeared in Wakanda are associated with the energy signals of New York, which means that the energy signals of the two are very similar, or exactly the same!"

"That is to say, what happened in Wakanda is related to some things that happened in New York before!"

"So New York, what unusual things happened?"

"Battle of New York." Coulson spat out these four words heavily.

No one at the scene raised any objections, because the only thing everyone can think of right now is the Battle of New York.

After all, this is an era of peace. Although some small frictions and conflicts continue one after another, major wars have not yet occurred.

As one of the most prosperous and important cities in the United States, New York has a pivotal position in the entire United States, and nothing unusual should happen.

In this case, the so-called "energy signal" really doesn't match up.

The Battle of New York is indeed the biggest "suspect".

The energy signatures, probably referring to those energy signatures of the Chitauri fleet.

"Stark was right! The exact same way of death, the energy signal in New York, the unidentified object that appeared in Wakanda...these things are so strongly correlated, confirming and complementing each other, this has constituted a logical chain of evidence!"

Nick Fury nodded heavily, expressing his approval.

"Stark, do you still remember the first time we participated in the quiz?" Coulson remembered something at this moment, and said to Iron Man and everyone.

"One of the battles takes place on an alien planet, and you and Thanos are fighting."

"Another battle should have happened on Earth, but you were killed by the backlash of the infinite stone."

"So... S.H.I.E.L.D. can't find Stark?" Captain America suddenly realized Coulson's meaning.

"It's possible!"

A gleam flashed in Nick Fury's one-eyed.

Coulson's inference suddenly strengthened the connection between the final battle and the invasion of Wakanda.

"Hill said that we monitored all the satellites in the two hemispheres and couldn't contact Stark. This is a bit unreasonable for Stark who has Jarvis!"

"Of course, it's possible that Stark is deliberately avoiding S.H.I.E.L.D., but...if Stark wasn't on Earth at all, but was fighting a purple potato spirit on an alien planet!"

"Or... Stark's life is dying and he is dead... These two scenarios are more logical!"

Everyone has analyzed this point, and more and more evidence has shown one point: the man behind the battle of Wakanda is also Thanos.

"Infinite gems? You keep talking about infinite gems, what's going on?" Thor asked in a daze.

"During the war where Thanos invaded the earth, he used six infinite gems to deal with the earth, but later, the infinite gems were snatched by Stark. He used the infinite gems to kill Thanos, but he also sacrificed himself."

Coulson briefly explained to Thor.

"Thanos actually collected all six infinite gems?"

"Stark took the gem from Thanos?"

Thor became more and more confused, no matter which of these two things was, it was impossible for him to happen.

How could that Thanos be able to collect all six infinite gems?
If the other party really did it, then it must be a cosmic boss. Stark is a mortal, how could he snatch the gems back from such a boss?
Nick Fury ignored Thor and continued to say to everyone, "The man behind the battle of Wakanda is Thanos. There is no doubt about this."

"Before that, we also speculated that the man behind the Battle of New York might be Thanos. Now, we have further confirmed that speculation."

"So in the's Thanos!"

"This person, from the current point of view, is our ultimate enemy!"

The scene was a bit dull for a while. The Battle of New York, the Battle of Wakanda, and the Battle of Endgame may all be the work of Thanos alone.

The name Thanos can be said to have been deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone present.

 Thank you Nankey Yimeng for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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