American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 89 The Truth About Calling Mom Before You Die

Chapter 89 The Truth About Calling Mom Before You Die

on the screen.


Nick Fury murmured looking at Hill, and he just watched Agent Hill completely evaporate in front of him.

There is no way to stop it.

It wasn't just Agent Hill. During the process, other onlookers also encountered the same situation as Agent Hill and were reduced to ashes.

"Get out of the way!"

After being stunned for a while, Nick Fury suddenly remembered something, pushed the pedestrian away, quickly got to the back seat, and took out a device similar to an old-fashioned pager.

But before he could do anything, Nick Fury's hand was reduced to ashes.

"Oh, no!" Nick Fury shook his head again and again, and couldn't help yelling, "Damn it..."

But just in the middle of cursing, even his head was turned into ashes, and the second half of "Fake" was naturally annihilated and never uttered.

The picture of the analysis of this question ended in Nick Fury's affectionate call to his mother before his death, and the picture was frozen.

However, everyone's mood couldn't be calmed down for a while. Although the time of this video is not very long, the message conveyed is very important.

The amount of information is simply overwhelming.

And it's still very important information.

"Mom, Farke, I didn't have time to tell Farke, so it turned out to be like this! So this is the truth about Nick Fury calling his mother before he died!"

Thor glanced at Nick Fury a little speechlessly, thinking it was so fucking.

Thanks to everyone's decent analysis before, the answer must be a person who loves his mother very much, and a very filial person will not be bothered...

In the end, the truth turned out to be this!

It feels like Coulson was tricked by Nick Fury!

"Okay, let's get back to the topic." Feeling that everyone was looking at him with weird eyes, Nick Fury coughed dryly and brought everyone back to the topic.

"This question has conveyed some very important information to us, and it is worth analyzing carefully." Nick Fury said to everyone with a serious face.

"Nick Fury, you have died once before, but now, you have died again." Captain America was the first to speak, and he discovered this important doubt first.

"It's impossible for a person to die twice!" Iron Man said with a face of course, "So there is only one answer, Nick Fury didn't actually die last time."

In this video, Nick Fury was reduced to ashes, he was [-]% dead, and he couldn't die any more.

Among the answers to the original Captain America's arrest, the news of Nick Fury's death was only conveyed through the dialogue between Captain America, Pierce and others.

The video does not show the process of Nick Fury's death.

So comparing the two, it must be that Nick Fury didn't die at all.

Nick Fury's face looked a little better, isn't that right? How could his generation of braised egg heroes be killed by mere means of assassination?

That's an insult to him, the braised egg hero!
Is he Nick Fury that easy to kill?

Like the current power that can be seen as a supernatural existence at a glance, it is in line with his status as a braised egg hero.

"That's right. I must have used some tricks to fake my death." Nick Fury also nodded and said with certainty.

This is obvious.

At that time, not only Captain America, but even Alexander Pierce and everyone else thought he was dead.

Pierce, as the head of S.H.I.E.L.D., since the other party has determined that Nick Fury is dead, it must be the result of confirmation.

After they confirmed it, they decided that Nick Fury, who was not dead, was dead. There was only one possibility, that Nick Fury was feigning death.

"Nick Fury, you are the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., and even you have to resort to suspended animation. No matter who is behind the black hand, their power is too amazing." Captain America looked at Nick Fury with a serious face. Ray said.

Nick Fury thinks so.

"Sir, did you die once in the future? Is this the future that you and Captain Stark predicted when you answered the question last time?"

At this time, the black widow spoke from the side and asked leisurely.

"Nick Fury, didn't you tell Natasha these answerers?" Captain America glanced at Nick Fury with some dissatisfaction.

In the eyes of Captain America, the future predicted by the answering system is too important. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is related to the survival of the world, or even the rise and fall of the universe.

Such important information is naturally shared among the answerers, and Captain America himself did the same.

But now it seems that Nick Fury seems to have more eyes, and he didn't share the information about their answers.

"Sir, the captain is right. Regarding the information about the answering system, I hope you can be as honest with me as I am with you."

Black Widow also said to Nick Fury sternly.

When Nick Fury arranged some things for her, such as investigating a secret base, Black Widow guessed that this must be some information Nick Fury obtained from the answering system.

So act accordingly.

She had been waiting for Nick Fury to tell herself, but it turned out that the braised egg hero didn't mean it at all. She only ordered herself to do things, but never meant to share with herself.

"Fine!" Nick Fury did not insist, but nodded, "Romanov, Coulson, I will share with you all the information I got from the last answer."

"Miss Agent, why don't we find a place to have a good drink, and I can tell you everything slowly, what do you think?"

Iron Man didn't forget to tease Black Widow at this time, he really deserved to be a playboy who slept with magazine cover girls all over.

Captain America couldn't help frowning slightly. Stark was so unruly at such a critical moment, which made him very disliked.

"Okay, let's get back to the topic!" Captain America said seriously to everyone, and of course mainly to Iron Man.

Immediately afterwards, Captain America began to talk about some of his own conclusions.

"At the very least, we can determine the approximate time of this question. It happened after Nick Fury was assassinated by a mysterious force and had to fake his death."

This is also obvious, if Nick Fury is reduced to ashes, how can he fake his death?
There is no doubt that the ashes were after the suspended animation.

"The man behind the scenes used a supernatural method to turn many people into ashes out of thin air, plus the 'unidentified object that appeared in Wakanda', can you think of anything?"

Iron Man looked at everyone at the scene seriously and said.

(End of this chapter)

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