American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 508 Thor's shock: All the gods were slaughtered!

Chapter 508 Thor's shock: All the gods were slaughtered!
"According to me, just like Bruce said, Jane Foster is the choice for this question."

Magneto's voice sounded, and he expressed his opinion, "There is no way to analyze this question at all."

First of all, everyone doesn't know how to become Thor. Lifting the hammer is just one of the methods that everyone thinks of.

It is not known whether there is any other way.

So it is impossible to determine whether one of the candidates in the options really becomes Thor by lifting the hammer.

Secondly, even if the candidate did become Thor by lifting the hammer, what are the conditions for lifting the hammer?
Everyone is also unclear.

I can only guess that it is something about spiritual quality.

Furthermore, everyone doesn't know the candidates in the options at all, so it is impossible to know whether they have the conditions to lift the hammer.

No one is clear about several key issues in succession. How to analyze them?

In the view of Magneto, it is better to directly choose Jane Foster.

"That's right, I'm also going to choose Jane Foster."

Bruce Wayne nodded aside, this "rule" was originally discovered by him.

"OK, Bruce, Clark, anyway, one of you will answer this question." Captain America spread his hands, "How to choose, you decide for yourself."

This question has no value for further analysis.

If you continue, you won't be able to analyze more useful content, and there is no point other than wasting time.

It would be better to stop here.

"Bruce, will you answer or will I answer?"

Clark naturally had no opinion. He looked at Bruce Wayne and asked Bruce Wayne for his opinion.

With Clark Kent's current strength, he basically doesn't care much about rewards. Anyway, most of those rewards are icing on the cake for him.

There are few rewards that can substantially help him like the Patronus Charm.

Without him, too strong.

Therefore, Clark has a lot of Buddhism in answering questions. If others want to answer the question, he can answer it. If others don't answer it, he can answer it again.

"I'll answer it."

After thinking about it for a while, Bruce Wayne made this decision, "I'm still more interested in what the sealing scroll is."

Clark Kent naturally wouldn't have any opinions.

"I choose Jane Foster!" Bruce Wayne immediately faced the big screen and gave his own answer.

【correct answer! 】

Bruce Wayne subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, there is not much analysis process for this question, and it is basically foolish.

But it seems that Bruce Wayne's luck is good, and he is right.

[Congratulations to answerer Bruce Wayne for getting the reward seal scroll*3! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

The system beeped one after another, and several white "sticks" immediately appeared in Bruce Wayne's hands—naturally, they were rolled up scrolls.

Of course, the corresponding information was also instilled into Bruce Wayne's head.

"So, is this the sealing scroll?"

Bruce Wayne said a little unexpectedly, this sealing scroll is still a little different from what he expected.

"Bruce, open it and see?"

Professor X made a proposal with great interest. He had never even heard of scrolls.

The other answerers at the scene also looked over with curious eyes.

Naturally, Bruce Wayne would not spoil everyone's interest at this time, and he wanted to see it himself, so he opened the scroll in front of everyone.

But he saw that it was a scroll similar to a calligraphy work. After opening it, there were black characters on a white background, and dense words that everyone could not understand were written on it.

"So~ this is the so-called scroll? Like some Chinese calligraphy?" Captain America asked curiously.

"No, Rogers, these characters are obviously not Chinese characters." Tony Stark shook his head.

As a super rich man, Tony Stark has been in and out of various high-end places and dealt with various celebrities.

I also know a little bit about some Chinese antique calligraphy and the like. Although I am not proficient, I can still distinguish it from Chinese characters.

"These are not Chinese characters, but some 'spells'. You can understand them as some magical symbols. It is these symbols that make the scroll work."

Bruce Wayne explained it for everyone. When he said this, everyone understood it all at once.

So this so-called scroll can be regarded as a kind of magic item.

"OK, spells, so Bruce, what are these spells used for? What are they used to seal? Like Diana's rice cooker, seal demons or something?"

Tony Stark asked again.

"No, these seal scrolls are not Diana's seals, but..."

Having said that, Bruce Wayne paused, then took out his mobile phone, and put it on the scroll.

Mind a move.

A cloud of blue smoke flashed past, and Bruce Wayne's cell phone disappeared directly.

"...used to seal some items."

Now everyone understands everything.

"So this sealing scroll is actually some space storage props, just like my universal capsule." Tony Stark made a vivid summary.

"It's really a very magical and practical thing." Magneto looked at it in amazement, and couldn't help but said with admiration.

A piece of paper can actually be used to store things, which really opened his eyes and gained knowledge for both him and Professor X.

"Yes, Bruce, a very good reward." Clark Kent was also very satisfied with this reward.

Especially this reward is very useful for Bruce Wayne. After all, Bruce Wayne's strength mainly depends on some equipment and weapons.

The number of weapons that the Batmobile can carry is very limited.

But with these scrolls, the weapons that Bruce Wayne can carry have greatly increased.

[After answering the questions, start playing the answer analysis! 】

While everyone was discussing enthusiastically, the system's notification sounded.

A corresponding video just appeared on the big screen.

What first appeared on the big screen was a flashing digital projection, but various symbols and pictures flashed on it.

At the same time there are a few words: distress signal.

"I'm Groot!"

The tree man Groot looked at the screen with great interest and said.

But for the tree man who can only say "I am Groot", no one in front of the screen can understand what he said.

"Wait a minute, is that thing a tree? A tree talking?"

Magneto looked at Groot, almost popped his eyeballs out, and his three views shattered again.

"Eric, you have to learn to get used to it." Captain America smiled and patted Magneto on the shoulder.

"Okay, let's get started!"

At this time, Xingjue walked to the screen from one side, and tapped the words "distress signal" with his hand, and the screen on the projection immediately changed accordingly.

Search for distress signals appearing in various places throughout the universe.

At this time, the people in front of the projection also began to be revealed in front of the answerers, Mantis Girl, Nebula, Thor and so on.

It's Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy, or the Guardians of Asgard, combined.

"Please help us, the God Slayer is coming! You must help us!"

"He won't answer the phone, it's a warning!"

"Our greatest champion... what a pity!"

One pair after another corresponding picture was displayed on the digital projection, basically it was the picture of the god slayer slaughtering various gods.

"All the gods have been murdered!" Thor looked at those pictures, his face extremely serious.

"This is a terrorist attack!" Thor's good comrade-in-arms, the stone man, couldn't help being speechless.

"Is this the God Slayer? It's crazy!"

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but twitch his eyelids.

Although everyone knew from the literal meaning of the name "God Slayer" that this was a person who slaughtered gods, they were still shocked at this moment.

God Slayer seems to be more powerful than everyone imagined!

The slaughtered gods are not as simple as one or two gods, but many gods!

Who is the God Slayer?

What kind of enmity did he have with the gods, why did he wave the butcher knife at the gods?

All the answerers couldn't help but have such questions in their minds.

On the screen, the picture continued to move.

Xingjue began to click on one distress signal after another, but everyone ignored it at a glance.

But soon, a distress signal attracted Thor's attention.

"Row back, row back!"

Thor pulled the screen that Xingjue had pulled over and back again, and clicked on one of the screens.

But the figure of the female warrior Sif appeared on the screen.

"Where are you? Thor, where are you? We need you here!"

Sif, wearing a helmet and covered in blood, screamed anxiously.

Obviously, the opponent has just experienced a brutal battle.

Considering the background of this topic, everyone made a natural guess.

Most of the people who injured Sif were the God Slayers.

"My friend is in danger, we must go back immediately!"

Thor immediately made this decision, "Start the spaceship, my friends!"

"Perhaps, we should act separately." Xingjue said so, "Look at this man, there are so many people who need to be saved!"

After some discussion, the two parties quickly reached an agreement that Xingjue and the others took the spaceship to deal with other distress signals.

Thor and the stone man went to rescue Sif.

"So this long-haired hippie guy is Thor?"

Professor X's expression became a little weird, he looked at Thor on the big screen, and said very unexpectedly.

It has to be said that Thor, the God of Thunder, successfully broke all his illusions about God.

Originally, in Professor X's heart, gods were all lofty, mysterious and sacred existences, which should be respected by ordinary people.

Can the guy on the screen?
It's really no different from an ordinary person.

Magneto on one side actually feels the same way.

At this moment, they couldn't help but think of the definition of gods given by the respondents. The so-called people are just people with great strength.

Now it seems that maybe it is.

"Storm Axe!"

On the screen, Thor's voice sounded.

However, following his call, a dazzling electric light flashed, and a majestic ax flew directly into Thor's hand.

Thor held the ax and hammered hard on the ground, and the disguise was completed in an instant.

From the original hippie, he became a mighty and domineering Thor in armor.

Professor X and Magneto nodded at this point. This way, it looks like a Thor.

"What should we do, buddy?" The stone man turned his head and looked at Thor at this time and asked.

"Let's go find Sif!"

Thor said without hesitation, and then slammed the ax in his hand.

A ray of colorful light just fell from the sky, transporting Thor and the stone man to another strange and steep iceberg.

That's right, the Storm Ax comes with the function of the Rainbow Bridge.

So now that Thor wants to go anywhere, he doesn't need to rely on other people like he used to rely on Heimdall.

On the iceberg, Thor and the stone man didn't take a few steps before they encountered a huge corpse, probably hundreds of meters in size.

"What it is?"

The stone man couldn't help asking.

It also asked the aspirations of all the answerers, and everyone also wanted to know what the giant monster was.

In the many scenes of asking for help before, the figure of this huge monster appeared, and everyone knew that it was killed by the God Slayer.

Although everyone is not very clear about the strength of this huge monster, it can be imagined that such a huge thing must be very difficult to kill.

God Slayer can even kill such a monster, its strength is evident.

But yes, how can an existence that can kill even gods be weak?

"Managar's god, Managar!"

Thor introduces the Golem, "One of the nicest gods you'll ever meet."

Well, that monster turned out to be a god too!

And beside the god's body lay another person, without a doubt, it was the Asgardian female warrior Sif.

Thor's face changed slightly, and he jumped to Sif's side: "Sif, it's me, Sif!"

Fortunately, Sif didn't die, and Yoyo woke up, and Thor showed a look of relief on his face: "I'll take you home!"

"No!" Sif shook her head, "Leave me here, I want to die like a soldier, on the battlefield, in battle! Then I can have a place in Valhalla."

"Oh, I don't want to spoil your fun, but a warrior who wants to go to Valhalla must die in battle."

Thor said so to Sif.

In this dialogue, everyone can learn a very important message: if the warriors of Asgard die in battle, they will not really die.

Instead, it will go to a place called Valhalla.

So here comes the problem. According to Thor's theory, Odin obviously didn't die in battle, but lived in seclusion on the earth until he died of old age.

So did Odin enter Valhalla?

(End of this chapter)

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