American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 507 The Female Thunder God Appears, and the God Slayer Goes Online

Chapter 507 The Female Thunder God Appears, and the God Slayer Goes Online

In fact, if you think about it, since it is the "Kryptonian Recovery" plan, what if it just creates a group of ordinary people with Kryptonian consciousness?

How could Morgan Aitch accept such a plan.

It must be to create a group of real Kryptonians.

However, how to turn ordinary human beings into real Kryptonians is beyond the imagination of all the respondents.

It seems that you have to find Morgan Edge, or find the Sun Stone of Superman's mother, and ask Superman's mother.

[Please listen to the question: Asgard was invaded by the god-slayer Gir. Thor, the god of thunder wandering in the interstellar, returned to Asgard to rescue him, but he met the female Thor in Asgard. May I ask the identity of the female Thor? yes? 】

【A. Valkyrie Valkyrie】

【B. Female Warrior Sif】

【C、Jane Foster】

[D. Axel, daughter of Heimdall]

[Friendly reminder: Those who answer the question correctly will receive a reward seal scroll*3;

Those who answer incorrectly will randomly deduct one of their own attributes, including but not limited to knowledge, experience, skills, belongings, etc...]

The system beep sounded at this time, attracting everyone's attention.

The latest topic appeared.

"Asgard was invaded again?"

"God Slayer Geer? 'God Slayer', what an arrogant nickname."

"Another female Thor appeared in Asgard?"

There were several surprised voices at the scene.

This topic can be said to be the same as the previous topic, the amount of information contained is very huge, and there are many explosive points.

Although Asgard was once the core of the Nine Realms and a prestigious domain of the gods, according to everyone's understanding, it has not been invaded once or twice.

Even in the end, the whole of Asgard was blasted to pieces.

After everyone was slightly surprised, they didn't continue to pay more attention, but they were still more interested in the God Slayer Geer and the female Thor.

"God Slayer, literally, this is a guy who specializes in killing gods, hiss!" Even a guy like Magneto couldn't help but gasp.

He felt that his three views really and completely shattered at this moment.

"So... Gods really exist in this world? Thor? Isn't this a god in myths and legends?"

"And there are actually people who specialize in slaughtering gods?"

Who is that guy who specializes in massacring people?
Existence above God?
Magneto was really stimulated.

The reaction of Professor X on one side is not much better than that of Magneto.

The existence of gods and god-slayers also had a great impact on him.

After all, before this, the scariest person he came into contact with was Apocalypse.

"The so-called gods are actually just some relatively powerful aliens, nothing at all."

Seeing the appearance of the two Magneto Kings, Tony Stark couldn't help curling his lips, with a look of indifference, "If you look at it from this angle, Clark Kent standing next to you is also a god."

"Moreover, it is still a god above most gods!"

"So, the gods and so on are all people's own imagination. If you think who is a god, it's just that you think he is a god in your heart, that's all."

"But from a materialistic and objective point of view, there is no distinction between gods or people, only strong and weak."

"Is this God?" Magneto murmured.

Tony Stark's words can be said to have subverted Magneto's usual cognition in the past, and gave him a sense of enlightenment.

"It's a very novel insight, but I have to say, it does make sense to a certain extent." Professor X also agreed to a certain extent.

"Okay everyone, let's stop the topic of God for now, let's take a look at this topic first." Captain America spoke on the side, bringing everyone back to the topic.

Everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to the big screen.

"Asgard was invaded by the god-slayer, who is the god-slayer, let's put it aside first, but the Asgard here should be the new Asgard that settled down on the earth?"

Bruce Wayne made a basic judgment, "The topic is right, Thor is wandering among the stars."

According to the related comics of Marvel next door, Thor set foot on the spaceship of the Guardians of the Galaxy after the final battle and began his interstellar wandering journey.

In other words, this question should have happened after the final battle.

At that time, Asgard had already been blasted into scum by the fire giant, and followed Thor to the earth to settle down.

"That's probably the case. If it was the original Asgard, it wouldn't be so easy to invade." Captain America nodded in agreement.

The background of this question is basically determined.

"OK, then let's see who the female Thor is."

Tony Stark took over the topic and began to talk, "However, before that, we need to discuss another issue, that is what kind of conditions are needed to become Thor!"

Only when this condition is clarified, can everyone see which candidate in the option meets the condition, and then make the corresponding screening.

It's just a pity that Thor did not participate in this round of answering questions, otherwise it would be much easier to ask Thor.

"The conditions for becoming a god? Isn't a god born to be a god? Could it be that a 'non-god' can become a god if certain conditions are met?"

Magneto's point of view has been subverted once again.

"Yes, Eric." Clark Kent nodded emphatically, "In the main universe, Stark once asked Thor a question."

"If Stark lifts Thor's hammer, then Stark can become Thor and rule the gods of Asgard."

"And Thor gave an affirmative answer!"

What Clark Kent said here is exactly a plot in the Avengers 2 chapter in the Marvel comics next door.

"So, at least we know one way to become Thor, and that's to lift Thor's hammer!"

Clark Kent continued to speak to Magneto.

"So it turns out that people can really become gods?" Professor X murmured, all of which also had a great impact on him.

"So... besides lifting Thor's Hammer, do we know of any other methods?" Professor X asked, looking at the answerers around him after he collected himself.

"Perhaps, Odin can also be canonized." Captain America thought for a while, and also thought of a possibility.

"When we first met Thor, he was deprived of Thor's power by Odin. Since Odin can deprive him, can he also bestow it?"

"If Odin gave the power of Thor to another person, wouldn't that person also be Thor?"

Captain America's speculation still has a certain degree of logic.

Of course, it is only from the technical level and the operational level.

But in fact, why would Odin casually give his son's divine power to others?
In addition, everyone has preliminarily determined the timeline of the invasion of Asgard by the god-slayer Geer, and Odin is already dead at this time.

Therefore, Captain America's guess is only a possibility for everyone, but it does not have any in-depth analysis value.

So besides raising Thor's hammer and being canonized by Odin, is there any other way to become Thor?

Everyone at the scene started a discussion about this, and the result was beyond doubt, and there was no reason to discuss it at all.

After all, they don't know much about the Asgardian race, and everyone even suspects that even the Asgardians don't know how to become Thor.

After all, if there is such a method, everyone will think about how to become Thor every day, and Asgard will be messed up?

You must know that even the method of lifting the hammer is not always available. It was Odin's temporary idea when he exiled Thor, and temporarily added a spell to the hammer.

But this kind of thing, Odin will spread everywhere?
Will it reach the ears of ordinary Asgardians?

The likelihood of this is considered to be very low.

"So it seems~ so far, we can only analyze it based on the basis of lifting Thor's hammer."

Bruce Wayne spread his hands.

"So, the question becomes who can lift Thor's Hammer?"

Tony Stark couldn't help showing a smile, "Fortunately Thor didn't participate in this topic, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stand it."

Thor and Captain America couldn't help remembering that they had answered such a question before.

At that time, Thor had just been exiled to the world, and he kept saying that Lao Tzu was God Lao Tzu from Brabla, the God Realm, and said that no one in the world except him could afford his hammer.

what's the result?
In that question, there are three people who can pick up Thor's Hammer!

And now, there is another person who can afford Thor's Hammer.

"Wait a minute, something is wrong."

Captain America found a loophole, "Mjolnir has long since ceased to exist in this period of time... Well, it must be the same for raising the Storm Axe, but Thor should have the Tomahawk with him, right?"

So here comes the question, is it possible that the person who raised the Storm Ax was someone who followed Thor on an interstellar wandering?
Isn't that the Guardians of the Galaxy guy?
There is no one from the "Second Force Heavenly Group" in the options.

"Rogers, don't worry about it."

Clark Kent laughed, "We only know the tip of the iceberg of what happened after the endgame, that's all."

"Perhaps that man was the one who raised the battle-axe before Thor left Earth, or the hammer before Rogers sent back the Mjolnir he brought back from the past."

"It's impossible for us to know."

"But it's not too strange for someone to lift a hammer or a tomahawk at some point, is it?"

Captain America thought about it, and it was indeed the case.

It doesn't make any sense to worry about how candidates can lift the hammer now.

What everyone needs to consider now is assuming that everyone has the opportunity to lift the hammer, and who can lift it.

As for how to lift the hammer, this point has actually been discussed in the question of who can't lift Thor's hammer.

Although it is impossible to draw a definite conclusion, one thing is basically certain, that is, the lifting of the hammer does not rely on brute force.

It's something other than brute force, something spiritual.

It is a pity that this condition cannot rule out anyone in the options, even the mortal Jane Foster.

To put it more bluntly, spiritual quality cannot constitute a screening condition, because the four candidates in the options are all good people.

All the answerers on the scene discussed it, and it can be said that they all made some difficulties.

"Valkyrie, Sif, and Jane Foster, these three are people we are more familiar with. Although Axel is not familiar to us, since she is Heimdall's daughter, she is also not an ordinary person."

Bruce Wayne's voice sounded, he stared at the big screen and muttered, as if he had discovered some pattern, "Everyone, have you noticed that the options can actually be divided into two categories."

"Warriors of Asgard, and Jane Foster!"

The eyes of everyone at the scene couldn't help but light up. One of these two categories included three people, but the other only included one person!

This provides a direction for everyone to choose a topic.

Jane Foster in a class alone!
Of course, such a choice does not have obvious logic, it is just a guess, but it is not unreasonable.

After all, people like Asgardian female warriors have many commonalities.

If one of them can lift a hammer, two others of similar height should be able to too.

Even from the point of view of answering the question, why did you choose this one instead of the other three extremely similar people?
It's not easy to filter at all.

In this case, if you have to make a choice, everyone is of course inclined to choose Jane Foster.

"No!" Tony Stark suddenly recalled something, "Option D can be ruled out."

This tone is still very certain.

"Stark, why can D be ruled out? What did you think of?" Magneto couldn't help asking aside.

Others also looked at Tony Stark inquiringly.

If Tony Stark can rule out one of the Asgardian female warriors, can the other two also be ruled out?
"Because I just recalled that Thor seemed to have talked about Heimdall, saying that Heimdall's wife gave birth to a boy, and asked me about the name Axel."

"So, option D is a wrong option, Axel is a man, not a woman!"

Ah this!

All the respondents were speechless for a while.

Unexpectedly, the answering system actually set up such a hidden routine for everyone.

But if this is the case, option D can be ruled out without a doubt, but the other two genuine female fighters cannot be ruled out.

(End of this chapter)

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