American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 379 Doctor Strange Is the Greatest Threat to the Universe

Chapter 379 Doctor Strange Is the Greatest Threat to the Universe

"I choose C!"

After making a decision, Captain America immediately gave his answer to the big screen without any hesitation.

【correct answer! 】

Immediately, the system rang such a notification sound, which was exactly as everyone had expected before, without any deviation.

Frankly speaking, this question is actually not difficult.

[Congratulations to answerer Steve Rogers for receiving a bonus physical attribute enhancement card! 】

[Rewards have been issued, please pay attention to check! 】

Following the series of prompts from the system, a small card that didn't look very eye-catching immediately appeared in Captain America's hand.

There is no doubt that it is the physical attribute enhancement card.

Everyone is familiar with such things as physical attribute enhancement cards, especially for some "senior old people" who answer the questions.

Because this is not the first time that this reward has been issued. Hawkeye Barton and Black Widow have both received this reward before.

This reward divides a person's physical attributes into five aspects: speed, strength, resistance, mental strength, and physical strength.

Users can use enhancement cards to enhance any one of these five attributes, and the enhancement speed is [-]%.

In fact, frankly speaking, this reward is still very, very good.

But this is only for ordinary people, for those who have a low base of the five major physical attributes.

If the base of the five major attributes of the body is too high, the growth rate of the physical attribute enhancement card will decrease accordingly. The higher the base of the five major attributes, the greater the decline.

This is also the reason why the people in Torsesy are not interested in this attribute enhancement card at all, because if they use it, the increase will be very small.

There is hardly even a noticeable increase.

Otherwise, increasing any attribute of the body by [-]% will also greatly increase their strength.

"Wow, is this the physical attribute enhancement card?"

Peter Parker looked at the inconspicuous little card in Captain America's hand, and said somewhat unexpectedly.

Doesn't this little card look too shabby?

If he hadn't known the situation in advance, he would definitely have thought that what Captain America was holding was actually just an ordinary note.

"Rogers, have you thought about which attribute of your body you want to enhance?" Thor couldn't help but looked at Captain America very curiously and asked.

"Of course it increases the speed!"

Peter Parker took it for granted. At this time, he glanced at Captain America's feet, "I noticed that the captain doesn't wear light boots all the time, so when he doesn't have the boots, doesn't the captain's speed slow down?"

The reward of Lightness Boots can enhance the speed of Captain America, which has a great bonus effect on the overall strength of Captain America.

But the shape of the boots is still somewhat different, and it is very eye-catching when walking on the street. Of course, the same is true of the uniform of the circus clown of the US team.

Therefore, Captain America would only wear the boots of lightness when performing tasks, and would not wear these boots at all at ordinary times. Even he couldn't bear the strange eyes of others.

From this perspective, Peter Parker's suggestion is actually very good.

"Do not."

After thinking about it for a while, Captain America shook his head. Compared to increasing his speed, he actually has a better choice.

"Rodgers will definitely choose to enhance his mental power!" Tony Stark said, and he said with certainty on the side.

"That's right, I do intend to increase my spiritual power!" Captain America nodded heavily, "For now, mental power is the most useful to me."

His current Jia Family Imperial Object Art is basically driven by spiritual power. After he is fully familiar with and adapted to this art, the upper limit of this art is determined: that is the upper limit of the US team's spiritual power.

And a person's mental strength is basically fixed, which has caused the US team's imperial object technique to be unable to go any further.

Now, the appearance of the physical attribute enhancement card broke this embarrassing situation.

As a high school student, Peter Parker couldn't think of this question, but with Tony Stark's IQ, he guessed it all at once.

So Captain America didn't have any nonsense, and immediately chose to use the physical attribute enhancement card to enhance his mental strength.

A ray of light flashed across the small card in an instant and rushed into Captain America's body. At that moment, Captain America immediately felt the changes from his own body.

His spiritual power has indeed been greatly increased, and that feeling is great, which makes Captain America feel very satisfied.

He could feel very clearly that his imperial object technique had really strengthened a lot!

This physical attribute enhancement card, in the hands of Captain America, can be said to have exerted its greatest value.

[After answering the questions, start playing the answer analysis! 】

The system beep sounded at this time.

At the same time, a video appeared on the big screen.

"I have the same dream every night!"

Accompanied by this deep, subwoofer-like sound, Doctor Strange opened his eyes.

But he saw that his head was covered with sweat, and he looked surprised. It can be seen that the dream that Doctor Strange has every night is definitely not a good dream.


Doctor Strange's deep voice continued to sound, but a door appeared on the screen.

The door opened with a creak, but a staircase appeared on the opposite side, and that staircase continued upwards, as if it was boundless.

Boom boom boom!
Immediately afterwards, there was a place that looked like an ancient Chinese garden. A battle broke out, and the violent flames exploded into smoke.

Then there was a monster imprisoned in the air, as if his whole body was made of flames, roaring at Doctor Strange.

"...The nightmare is coming!"

Doctor Strange sat up suddenly from the bed, panting heavily, looking extremely frightened.

Obviously, the endless staircase just now and the monster behind it should all be the contents of Doctor Strange's dream.

But everyone in front of the screen knows that this dream of Doctor Strange is definitely not that simple, but very likely, no, [-]%, it is the future that is about to happen!
It may even be said that the reality that has already happened.

It's just that a super magician like Doctor Strange somehow sensed it in advance.

Everyone has analyzed it before, and it is generally believed that this multiverse crisis should include closing the door to the multiverse, rather than simply dealing with certain enemies that come across the universe.

But after seeing the video here, everyone suddenly became uncertain.

Because even through the screen, everyone can feel the horror and power of the "flame monster", which even Doctor Strange feels frightened!

"I did what I should do to protect the world!"

on the screen.

Doctor Strange's voice continued.

At the same time, another picture also flashed, which was the picture of Doctor Strange casting magic in Kama Taj.

But when Doctor Strange waved his hands again and again, blood-red planet phantoms appeared just like that.

However, due to the lack of relevant information before and after, everyone at the scene did not know what Doctor Strange was doing.

And then.

It's a picture of Doctor Strange and the Mage King sitting in Karma Taj.

"You can't control everything!" The Mage King said to Doctor Strange with a serious face.

"You broke the boundary of the multiverse, no one knows what we are about to encounter!"

Following the words of the Mage King, another picture began to appear.

But it was at a wedding scene, and Christine, who was wearing a wedding dress, came out of the hall in shock, as if she had noticed something.

Just staring wide-eyed, looking at the street outside.

But the streets are in chaos, as if the end of the world is coming, the streets are full of panicked and fled people.

Everyone was terrified and rushed forward one by one, as if there was some terrible existence chasing them.

"This time the boundary of the multiverse was opened by Doctor Strange?"

Thor sighed a little speechlessly.

If this multiverse event is the "Spider-Man event", it's okay to say, but if it's not, then Doctor Strange is really poisonous.

They broke the boundaries between multiverses one after another!
And are these two events the same event?
According to the various clues that everyone has so far, everyone thinks that there is a high possibility that it is not.

These two incidents are very likely to be two different incidents!

Thinking about another parallel universe, Doctor Strange suddenly collapsed the entire universe, and everyone's mood became a little complicated.

It seems that Doctor Strange's potential threat to the entire universe is not small!

This is painful, because Doctor Strange is the supreme mage of Kama Taj and the guardian of the earth!

It is a bit too nonsense for a guardian of the earth to have such a great potential threat to the earth.


on the screen.

Doctor Strange's voice continued.

However, she saw the Scarlet Witch sitting in an extremely dark room, just sitting cross-legged, suspended in the air.

And beside the Scarlet Witch, there is a circle surrounded by lit candles, which seems to be some kind of magical ceremony.

Not only that, the scarlet witch's outfit is not the usual clothes, but the "chaos magic awakening state" outfit that defeated Agatha after the battle with Agatha.

Things reveal a kind of difficulty everywhere.

After hearing Doctor Strange's voice, the Scarlet Witch opened her eyes, which had been tightly closed.

However, the image of what happened next was not shown, and then switched to another screen.

The style of this video is a bit different from the previous ones. The stories are all fragmented. It doesn't look like a feature film, but rather like a trailer.

The montage is used a little bit more powerfully.

Fortunately, everyone is not a fool, even if it is just like this, everyone can understand it.

Then another screen began to appear.

But in a place like a paradise, the scarlet witch in casual clothes is pruning branches, but an unexpected visitor suddenly visits.


The figure of Doctor Strange appeared just behind Scarlet Witch.

"I know you will come to me sooner or later." The Scarlet Witch turned around and looked at Doctor Strange. "I made a mistake in West Well Town, and I hurt others."

"I didn't come here because of what happened in Xijing Town." Doctor Strange said so.

These two lines of dialogue clearly explained the time when the incident happened, and it was after the "Xijing Town" incident.

"Then why are you here?" The Scarlet Witch looked at Doctor Strange in surprise, she thought that he was here because of the incident in Westwell Town.

"How much do you know about the multiverse?" Doctor Strange asked.

"Vision has a theory about it," Scarlet Witch replied while "walking" with Doctor Strange. "He thinks the multiverse is dangerous."

"He's right!" Doctor Strange said convincingly.

Following the conversation between the two, the picture on the screen moved again, only to see a group of strange people standing in a place like an ancient Chinese garden.

Among them, there is even a person with a bull's head!

"Thor, you have been in various galaxies for more than 1000 years. Have you ever seen such a race with a tauren?" Tony Stark immediately couldn't help but looked at Thor beside him and asked.

It is very important to figure out this point, because it is an important basis for judging whether the "tauren" are people from the earth or visitors from other universes.

"I've never seen such a race." Thor thought about it carefully, then shook his head.

"So what about you, Circe?" Tony Stark set his sights on Circe again.

Compared with Thor, who is only [-] years old, Circe and other Eternals have been in the universe for too long, and what they have seen and heard should be far better than Thor.

But after thinking about it carefully, Circe also shook her head.

This allows everyone in front of the screen to have a basic judgment, at least a tendency to judge, that tauren is very likely to be from another universe!
At this time, the picture on the screen continued to move.

But I saw Doctor Strange standing on the street, turning his head to look at the world around him, and saw the surrounding high-rise buildings, etc., everything is collapsing!

This scene is exactly the same as that shown in the video of Doctor Strange vs. Blackened Doctor Strange.

"Desecrate the reality, you will be punished!"

Another strange voice sounded immediately.

But I saw a few silver robots escorting the handcuffed Doctor Strange to a court-like place.

It's like being on trial.

(End of this chapter)

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