American comics start with a question of Iron Man

Chapter 378 Which is better, Captain Marvel or Scarlet Witch?

Chapter 378 Which is better, Captain Marvel or Scarlet Witch?

"Multiverse crisis?"

When Captain America saw this question, his complexion immediately wrinkled like an old chrysanthemum blooming in late autumn.

Others also felt some surprises.

Because according to everyone's understanding, the multiverse crisis caused by Doctor Strange and Spider-Man is actually not that serious.

Even calling it a "crisis" is a bit of a self-inflicted scare, and at best it can only be regarded as a "multiverse chaos", nothing more.

After all, guys like Electric Man, Doctor Octopus, and Sandman may seem like a bluff at first glance, but they are actually not difficult to deal with.

In fact, in the end, it was indeed solved by the three Spider-Man teamed up.

Of course, this is not fully shown in the video. After the other "monsters" are dealt with, there is still a green goblin who is still struggling.

But with the three Spider-Man teaming up and a Doctor Strange being present, everyone didn't think the Green Goblin could really make waves.

In everyone's subconscious, this multiverse crisis should be resolved.

However, this topic shows the following message to everyone: things seem to be not that simple.

"This crisis, does it refer to the crisis in which the three Spider-Man are in the same frame, or is it another crisis besides this crisis?"

Tony Stark also had an extremely dignified expression, and he asked such a question.

No matter which of these two possibilities it is, it is actually not good news, because with Doctor Strange's ability, he can't handle this crisis by himself, and needs help from others.

And who was he asking for help?

Although everyone doesn't know it yet, but looking at the four people in the options, each of them is a great god-level figure who can turn the world upside down and "turn the world upside down".

Everyone knows exactly what level this multiverse crisis is.

Thinking of this, everyone at the scene couldn't help but feel very heavy. What is going on with the future of the earth? What kind of multiverse crisis will appear every now and then, and let people live?
"Whether we admit it or not, it seems that we will enter the era of the multiverse in the future, and we must make corresponding preparations before then!"

Thor also opened his mouth solemnly, this time what he said was very rare and directly hit the point.

"Let's analyze this topic carefully!" Captain America couldn't help but make a proposal.

Now they can be said to be at a loss, and the specific relevant information may only be known when the answer analysis is played.

Hearing Captain America's words, everyone also temporarily stopped discussing, and began to focus on the big screen one by one.

"Tony Stark?"

Tony Stark first stared at his options and conducted some analysis.

"I think that before we make a choice, we must first clarify a question, what is the crisis of the 'multiverse', and what crises are included in the 'crisis of the multiverse'. Only when this is clarified can we carry out targeted analysis. "

Tony Stark's words were still very reasonable, and everyone at the scene couldn't help but nodded frequently.

"At least there should be two crises."

Peter Parker said as a matter of course, "First of all, the first one is naturally the enemies from the multiverse such as the Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus. We need to solve those threats."

"Another point is... I don't know if the door of the multiverse can be closed. If the door of the multiverse remains open, then I think we have to find a way to close the door of the multiverse."

Peter Parker's guess is the most basic guess and generalization, and everyone basically agrees with it very much, and no objection has been raised.

And does the multiverse crisis in the title include the first situation, or does it include the two situations mentioned by Peter Parker at the same time?

Aiming at this point, everyone at the scene launched a very heated discussion.

"I think it covers both!"

Thor immediately expressed his opinion, "If it's just to deal with some 'other universe visitors', I think Doctor Strange can solve it, even if he can't solve it, there is Kama Taj behind him!"

And what about Karma Taj?

It has been made clear in the previous images that one of Kama Taj's main "jobs" is to deal with threats from other places.

For example, when Thor was looking for Odin, Doctor Strange invited him to drink tea just after he came to Earth.

For countless years, Kama Taj has prevented the existence of different dimensions like Dormammu from invading the earth.

If there are indeed visitors from other universes breaking into the earth, Karma Taj will not sit idly by, because this is one of their duties.

Doctor Strange finds other people to deal with this crisis, which means that the entire Kama Taj cannot cope with this crisis, so it is a bit unreasonable if this crisis is a person, because Kama Taj even Dormammu Can be prevented.

Can that person be stronger than Dormammu?
If this is the case, it will be useless for Doctor Strange to find anyone, and the earth will definitely not be saved.

So everyone is more inclined that this crisis does not refer to a certain enemy, but to close the entrance to the multiverse!
Karma Taj couldn't cope with such a crisis, and had to turn to other figures other than Karma Taj for help, which was quite acceptable to everyone.

Of course, this is just a guess and inference from everyone, and there is no real evidence.

But for multiple-choice questions, there is no need to pursue [-]% correctness, as long as the probability is large enough, the possibility is large enough.

It is indeed more likely that a multiverse crisis will contain two scenarios than just one.

"If this is the case, I think the answer should most likely not be me."

Based on the previous discussion, Tony Stark once again gave his own analysis, "If it is to deal with the enemy, Doctor Strange may indeed ask me for help, just like when he learned that Thanos was coming, he Be the first to come to me."

"But if it is to close the channel of the multiverse, I think this is not a problem that I can solve."

"Of course, I'm not saying that this is beyond my ability. I believe that as long as I am given enough time, I will be able to study this universe thoroughly, and I may even be able to travel through the multiverse at will like a female Loki. "

"But unfortunately, in the main universe, I was sacrificed during the final battle. Before that, the biggest threat the earth faced was Thanos, right?"

"And Thanos is not the kind of strong man who transcends the level of the universe. That is to say, at that time, I should have not been exposed to the level of the multiverse, so naturally it is impossible to do any research on it."

"And if the 'multiverse crisis' mentioned in the title happened after the final battle, let alone, I'm already gone, how could Doctor Strange find me?"

"It seems that you, the Tin Woodman, are not omnipotent." Loki couldn't help grinning at this moment.

Others also basically agreed with Tony Stark's analysis. Option A was basically ruled out by everyone without any doubts.

Next, everyone began to focus on option B, Scarlet Witch.

"I think the Scarlet Witch is entirely possible!" Peter Parker immediately made such a judgment.

Frankly speaking, the scarlet witch's sense of existence in the early answers was not too strong, and it was not paid much attention by everyone.

Its greatest achievement is nothing more than controlling the consciousness of most of the Avengers, and it was overthrown by a mortal like Hawkeye.

That's how everyone felt about her.

But since the destruction of the Mind Stone and the video of Xijing Town was broadcast, everyone knew how powerful the Scarlet Witch is.

In the past, everyone really underestimated the Scarlet Witch. This person is definitely not inferior to Doctor Strange's super power, the kind of top in the universe.

And compared to the limitations of top scientists like Tony Stark, Scarlet Witch has more infinite possibilities, because magic can do almost anything, but science can't.

So whether it's dealing with the enemy or closing the multiverse passage, it seems that Doctor Strange can go to the Scarlet Witch for help.

"So Scarlet Witch is pending?"

Thor glanced at everyone and couldn't help asking.

"That's right, the Scarlet Witch is to be determined." Captain America nodded emphatically.

No one else at the scene raised any objections, option B, and reached an agreement with almost no controversy.

"And what about Captain America? A private?"

At this time, Loki turned his attention to option C, and a disdainful smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth, "This option can be ruled out without a doubt, right?"

Although Captain America has a very strong record, a very beautiful resume, and even had a hard time with Thanos, in the end he is actually just a super soldier, nothing more!

It's not that everyone looks down on Captain America, but Captain America is really a bit of an option among these options. Whether it's fighting against visitors from another dimension that even Doctor Strange can't fight, or closing the door to the multiverse, which one can Captain America do?
"That's right, my option can indeed be ruled out, and it's not even worth discussing. Let's move on to the next option."

Even Captain America himself expressed his approval, and like Loki, he ruled himself out.

This option is an option that you haven’t seen for a long time since you participated in the answering question. You don’t need to analyze it, and you can directly eliminate it at a glance, and it is also your favorite option.

You don't need to use your brain very much, it's simply an option to send points.

In a blink of an eye, the first three options were all analyzed, leaving only the last option.

"Captain Marvel's words... She herself is also a very powerful ability enhancer, and she may even be stronger than Scarlet Witch!"

Tony Stark's voice sounded, he spoke again, and entered into the analysis, "But Captain Marvel's's really interesting..."

Say that Captain Marvel is not a magician, but Captain Marvel can do things that only magic can do, such as flying into the sky, launching energy shock waves, and so on.

Let’s say that Captain Marvel is a magician, but Captain Marvel looks a little different from traditional magicians. At least everyone has seen Captain Marvel’s battle, but they have never seen this guy use any spells or anything like that.

But then again, for the Scarlet Witch, everyone has never seen her chant spells and use magic shields like a traditional magician, so the situation of Captain Marvel is more difficult.

relatively difficult to define.

Everyone can only use the Scarlet Witch to target Captain Marvel, thinking that Captain Marvel can fight enemies that Doctor Strange can't deal with, and can also help close the door to the universe.

In a word: In terms of ability, there is nothing wrong with Captain Marvel.

"If it looks like this, we now have two candidates." Peter Parker summarized everyone's analysis, "Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel?"

These two people can be said to be indistinguishable.

"Although both of them are likely to help Doctor Strange cope with this multiverse crisis, if I had to choose, I would choose the Scarlet Witch." Captain America gave such an answer after pondering for a while.

"Why Captain? Why did you choose the Scarlet Witch instead of Captain Marvel?" Peter Parker immediately couldn't help asking curiously.

"Well, about this issue." Tony Stark shrugged, "Because Captain Marvel has a fatal weakness, she is not on the earth all the year round, yes, although she is a native of the earth, she has been in the interstellar all the year round, very Don't go back to Earth."

When Tony Stark said this, Peter Parker suddenly realized and recalled.

That’s right, Captain Marvel’s “character traits” have been introduced in the shared information, and even dealing with Thanos is what Captain Marvel took time to return to Earth to do by the way.

In this case, it is indeed more reasonable to exclude Captain Marvel and choose Scarlet Witch.

In this way, after everyone's discussion, the answer to this question came out, which is the Scarlet Witch.

As for who will answer this question, everyone at the scene discussed it, and finally the spot fell to the US team.

There is no other reason, such as physical attribute enhancement cards, Thor, Loki, and Circe are all proper gods, real gods, they don't need such things as physical attribute enhancement cards, let alone Besides, Loki had just finished answering.

And Tony Stark is not interested in this thing at all, leaving only Captain America and Peter Parker.

Peter Parker also prefers some novel and powerful rewards, and he is also not very interested in them, so in the end he can only get Captain America.

(End of this chapter)

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