Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 84 084. Duel Club, in progress

Chapter 84 084. Duel Club, in progress

Seeing that Snape won with one blow, the Slytherins all began to applaud.

The group of "Lockhart girls" covered their mouths and looked at Lockhart on the ground worriedly, and some people scrambled to pick up his wand.

Lockhart stood up tenaciously, his hat missing and his blond curls standing on end.

"Okay, have you all seen it?"

He adjusted his facial expression and stepped back onto the stage with staggering steps.

At the same time, he began to explain out loud what had just happened.

"Professor Snape cast a disarming spell...and lost my wand...oh, thank you, good girl."

He reached out and took his wand from a girl.

Scott watched this scene and had to admire Lockhart——

Top-level expression management skills, a heartfelt love for performances, and the awareness to never step off the stage easily...

If the idol stars in the previous life had the spirit of Lockhart, they would not be complained about their poor business ability.

On stage, Lockhart had turned to look at Snape.

He said in a deliberately sarcastic tone, "Oh, Professor Snape. I have to give you a compliment, it was a good idea to show the spell. But... don't mind me saying that..."

He played several tricks with his wand hand.

"It's obvious that you wanted to do this just now, I mean... I can easily stop you. But I think, in order to increase the students' knowledge, let them see..."

But Snape obviously didn't buy into his boastful performance, and just looked at him coldly.

It wasn't until Lockhart showed his embarrassed expression again that Snape lifted his robes and turned to look at the students again.

"Next, you can give it a try." His eyes roamed the crowd, "Group yourself, of course, I will give advice."

"I'll help, too," Lockhart snapped.

Next, the two professors began to shuttle in the crowd.

Scott looked at his roommates.

However, the three guys turned away from him in an instant, and used the fastest speed to find the training object.


Scott cursed inwardly and continued to look at the others in Ravenclaw.

The others didn't know him as well as his roommates, so he quickly found a practice partner.

Fifth-grade male prefect, Ethan Cooper.

"Are you sure you want to challenge me, Scott?" Ethan asked in surprise, "I mean, I'm in fifth grade."

"Just practice." Scott said calmly.

"Okay." Ethan looked at Rimbaud on Scott's shoulder again, " want to fight with pets?"

Scott turned to look at Rimbaud.

He was not prepared to expose Rimbaud's truth in public.

"Go, Rimbaud, go back to the bedroom," Scott said softly.

Lan Bo clucked twice, rubbed his face, and then spread his wings and flew away.

Ethan nodded in satisfaction.

Neither Snape nor Lockhart commented on Scott and Ethan's group.

Snape had merely forced some Gryffindor choices.

Take Harry and Malfoy, for example, together as bitter enemies.

When everyone was sorted into groups, Snape returned to the stage.

"Now, face your opponent," he ordered. "Bow."

Scott and Ethan did so.

"Raise your wand and get ready," Snape said. "Count to three and start moving."

Scott raised his wand.

"one two Three."

"Except your weapons."

Ethan's wand shot a red light.

Scott took a step back, undid his cloak and threw it in the air, casting a polymorph on it.

Ethan's Disarming Charm hit the cloak with a crisp crashing sound.

The originally soft cloak had become hard, reflecting a metallic sheen under the red light.

Scott cast another Transfiguration while Ethan was stunned.

The cloak that was made of metal changed again.

It flows in the air like water, forming the appearance of a monster, and pounces towards Ethan with its claws and claws.

Ethan, who can become a prefect, is also an excellent student. He quickly put away his stunned emotions and cast an iron armor spell.


But he miscalculated this time.

The "monster" smoothly bypassed the invisible wall formed by the Iron Armor Curse and wrapped around him.

"I did not expect……"

The trapped Ethan looked at Scott in surprise, as if he didn't know him.

"Although I have long heard that you are a transfiguration genius, I didn't expect you to be able to achieve this level."

Scott understood what he meant.

Change the material first, then change the form and action mode.

This is a superimposed application of two transformation spells.

Anyone who understands will understand, it's much harder than a single use of the Transfiguration Spell.

"You were careless."

Scott smiled friendly and waved his wand again.

The "monster" wrapped around Ethan flowed again.

It came back behind Scott from the air like a black stream, and then turned into a cloak and draped over his shoulders.

Scott raised his hand to button his cloak.

At this time, the surrounding Ravenclaw had stopped their duels and were looking at him in surprise.

Scott bowed with a smile.

He straightened up and looked around the auditorium, and found that many places had become a mess.

Especially those Gryffindors and Slytherins who were grouped together, many even threw away their wands and started fighting.

"Merlin! Stop it!"

Lockhart jumped around the crowd anxiously.

"Stand out...oh! Squeeze hard, you need to stop the bleeding..."

But no one listened to him.


The students finally stopped when Snape's voice sounded.

But many people were lying on the ground panting.

"This can't be done, it's too unfriendly!"

Lockhart ran back to the stage and said to Snape, "Severus, we have to stop this...I mean, we can get a group of students on stage to demonstrate."

Snape twitched the corners of his mouth noncommittally.

"How about Potter and Malfoy?" Lockhart suggested.

"Not so much, Professor Lockhart."

Snape stared coldly at the bottom of the stage, where Harry and Malfoy, who had already lost both, were lying on the ground staring at each other.

"They're only second-year students, and they just take turns throwing curses at each other stupidly." Snape commented, "This level can't play an exemplary role."

Having said this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Scott with precision.


Scott instantly had a very bad feeling.

"Mr Trollope."

Scott felt a pang of discomfort listening to Snape say his name in a characteristic tone.

"Ravenclaw's Transfiguration genius?" Snape smiled sarcastically, "Come up and let everyone see if you are worthy of your name."

Scott could sense Snape's malice towards him.

He knew that the last incident was not so easy to pass - Snape obviously knew the inside story about the Slytherin Chamber.

Scott's vicious "message" on the wall, while aimed at Voldemort, would also make the Slytherins uncomfortable, and their Headmaster would certainly hate him.

"Come up," Snape urged. "Or are our geniuses just in name?"

"Go, Scott."

"Let them take a good look."

The surrounding Ravenclaws also began to encourage Scott.

Scott looked at his partner, Ethan.

Ethan looked hesitant.

"No, Mr. Cooper is not very suitable." Snape said from time to time, "I will choose a suitable opponent for the genius Trollope."

Scott sighed helplessly, knowing that he couldn't escape.

"How about picking me! Professor!"

"Or choose me!"

At this moment, Fred and George took the initiative to raise their hands.

But Snape ignored them.


He pointed at someone in Slytherin and made a gesture.

"Come up."

"Yes, Professor."

The other party stood up immediately.

Scott narrowed his eyes.

Idric Strillner, seventh grade.

Scott's impression of him is that he once tried to destroy the "messages" on the wall, as well as publicly questioning Dumbledore at the dinner party after "The Chamber of Secrets".

Also, Eddie has said that he has a very short temper in private.

Stryner strode onto the stage and sneered at Scott.

"Trolope? Genius?"

His tone was disdainful.


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(End of this chapter)

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