Wind and Eagle Wings at Hogwarts

Chapter 83 083. Let's start, dueling club

Chapter 83 083. Let's start, dueling club
Before dinner that night, Scott and his roommates found a new piece of parchment posted on the notice board in front of the auditorium.

"Duel Club?"

Eddie glanced at the content of the notification, and couldn't help laughing with schadenfreude.

"What's the matter, Lockhart must regret it now!"

Roger laughed too, "Oh! I really want to see Professor Lockhart's expression."

Different from what Lockhart expected, judging from the content of the notice in front of him, Dumbledore appointed Snape as the initiator of the Dueling Club instead.

And Lockhart probably only got the position of an assistant because of his "advocacy".

Even though Lockhart's signature on the parchment was several times larger than Snape's, that didn't change that fact.

"I was looking forward to a demonstration duel between the two professors," Scott said.

After he finished speaking, several people laughed out loud.

After so long in school, everyone had already determined that Lockhart was a genuine piece of shit, and he would never be a match for Snape.

Even Rimbaud, who was standing on Scott's shoulders, laughed along with him.

At this time, more and more students gathered around.

They seem to be very interested in the activities of the dueling club.

"If only the promoter wasn't Snape."

Scott heard more than one person say that.

Snape's usual performance made him very unpopular.

In the eyes of students from the other three Houses other than Slytherin, he has always been the least popular professor at Hogwarts.

Even the Ravenclaws felt that Professor Flitwick, who had won the Duel Tournament, was the best candidate.

The Slytherins present clearly supported their dean.

They all showed proud expressions, and glared at those who were not optimistic.

"Oh! This is horrible!"

Scott heard Ron Weasley's voice.

He turned his head and saw that the other party was facing the bulletin board with a horrified expression.

"This is horrible, Harry," said Ron Weasley, staring at Harry next to him. "Snape and Lockhart? It's a disaster! A nightmare!"

Harry had an expression of contempt.

"Don't judge a professor like that!" Hermione Granger glared at the two boys angrily.

Scott looked back and asked his three roommates, "How are you, are you guys going to attend?"

"I will participate!" Eddie said without thinking. "Intuition tells me that there will be fun to watch at night."

Roger and Milton also nodded.

After dinner, they went their separate ways.

Scott came to the Owl Shack at Hogwarts and paid a handful of nuts to hire a school-bred communal owl to deliver letters for him.

Of course, this owl can't fly across the European continent and the Mediterranean to far-flung Egypt.

The school's public owls only provide short-distance mail delivery.

Scott also simply commissioned Owl to deliver the letter and fee to the Owl Post Office in Hogsmeade, where there was a dedicated long-distance mail service.

Before eight o'clock in the evening, Scott came to the auditorium on time.

At this time, the auditorium was already full of people, and it seemed that all the students of the school had come.

Scott stood on tiptoe and looked around.

Gone are the four long tables in the auditorium, replaced by a gilded stage.

Hundreds of candles floating in the sky are still burning, but the ceiling that usually displays the sky has turned into a dark appearance.

"Scott, here!"

In the crowd, Roger raised his hand high and waved.

Scott walked through the crowd.

Only when he got closer did he realize that Roger was standing with his girlfriend.

"Hello, Scott."

The girl standing next to Roger took the initiative to greet him.

"I'm Cacini Strozzi, just call me Cacini."

Caccini with long black hair is a girl who looks intellectual and generous.

"Hello, Caccini."

Scott smiled and nodded.

"Oh, Scott." Eddie leaned in and smiled. "Look at Lockhart's face."

Scott looked up and saw Lockhart in a bright purple robe standing beside the stage with Snape in a black robe.

Snape, as always, said nothing with a cold face, and didn't even look at Lockhart, while Lockhart had an extremely embarrassed smile on his face.

"How are they going to start?" Eddie said. "I'm really looking forward to giving us a demonstration like you said."

At this time, Snape stepped onto the stage as if sliding on the ground.

The auditorium suddenly fell silent.

Snape glanced around the crowd with his dark and hollow eyes, and then said in his characteristic silky tone: "The reason for the dueling club is because Hogwarts has so many troll-like students who even Silly waving of a wand can't do it."

Having said that, he rolled up his upper lip and sneered, "Not to mention understanding the ancient and elegant traditional project of wizard duel."

"Yes Yes!"

Lockhart hurried onto the stage, interrupting loudly at the same time.

"I will fully train everyone in case you one day need to protect yourselves with the methods I have used countless times!"

He grinned brightly, and winked at a group of girls offstage who were looking at him obsessively, causing them to squeal in depression.

"For more details on this, please see my published works," he said playfully.

The girls screamed again.

"They're so brave," Milton said shiveringly.

Scott could see that Snape's face had visibly darkened several degrees.

He suddenly let out a sneer that anyone could hear, and the screams of the "Lockhart girls" came to an abrupt end.

They stared at Snape with wide-eyed horror, like a group of little hens suddenly strangled by their necks.

"Deliberately disturbing the public place, disturbing the professor's speech impolitely." Snape patrolled the group of girls with icy eyes, "Gryffindor and Hufflepuff deduct 30 points each."

Then he turned his head to look at Lockhart with the same look.

The smile on Lockhart's face had completely stiffened.

"Thanks to my assistant, Professor Lockhart, for speaking."

Snape deliberately re-read the word "assistant".

"According to his own words, he is also good at dueling. Now, I want to invite him to join me as a demonstration for everyone."

Eddie said excitedly like a commentator: "Is it finally coming? Will Lockhart agree?"

"If I were him, I would definitely turn around and run away." Milton looked at Snape, who was covered in low air pressure on the stage, from a distance, his face turning pale with fright.

Scott said affirmatively: "I think he will agree."

On stage, Lockhart laughed as naturally as possible.

"Of course, I can accept your invitation, Severus."

Then, he turned his head and said loudly to the stage: "Don't be afraid, I will return your potions professor intact!"

"Oh! Lockhart is really brave, isn't he?" Eddie snickered. "Why isn't he a Gryffindor?"

Everyone around was amused by his words.

"Very good." Snape gave a vague smile, "Let's get started."

Lockhart and Snape turned to face each other, bowing to each other.

Or rather Lockhart bowed, his hands flipping flamboyantly.

And Snape nodded just symbolically.

Then they all raised their wands to their chests.

"As you can see, we hold the wand in a duel position,"

Lockhart spoke to the students again.

"On the next count of three, we will cast the first magic. Of course, neither of us will take the other's life."

Scott felt that Snape at this moment must really want to take Lockhart's life.

"One, two..." Snape called out impatiently.

Lockhart stopped talking quickly and raised his wand over his shoulder.


The two waved their wands almost simultaneously.


A dazzling red light flew from the tip of Snape's wand, hitting Lockhart first.

Lockhart's expression was blank.

His wand came out of his hand in an instant, and his body flew backwards, over the stage, and slammed into the wall.


"...he slid down like a chocolate frog being slapped against a wall, and curled up on the floor like a ferober caterpillar squeezed out of mucus!"

- Live commentary from Eddie.


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(End of this chapter)

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